988 resultados para Scatter plot


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The hydrolysis of cupric ion has been studied at various ionic strengths (0·01, 0·05, 0·1 and 0·5 M). The results are analyzed employing 'core + links' theory, log-log plot, normalization plot, and extrapolation method for obtaining the pure mononuclear curve. The stability constants of Cu2(OH)2++, Cu3(OH)4++, Cu(OH)+ and Cu(OH)2 have been reported.


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A hybrid computer for structure factor calculations in X-ray crystallography is described. The computer can calculate three-dimensional structure factors of up to 24 atoms in a single run and can generate the scatter functions of well over 100 atoms using Vand et al., or Forsyth and Wells approximations. The computer is essentially a digital computer with analog function generators, thus combining to advantage the economic data storage of digital systems and simple computing circuitry of analog systems. The digital part serially selects the data, computes and feeds the arguments into specially developed high precision digital-analog function generators, the outputs of which being d.c. voltages, are further processed by analog circuits and finally the sequential adder, which employs a novel digital voltmeter circuit, converts them back into digital form and accumulates them in a dekatron counter which displays the final result. The computer is also capable of carrying out 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional Fourier summation, although in this case, the lack of sufficient storage space for the large number of coefficients involved, is a serious limitation at present.


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Leaf and needle biomasses are key factors in forest health. Insects that feed on needles cause growth losses and tree mortality. Insect outbreaks in Finnish forests have increased rapidly during the last decade and due to climate change the damages are expected to become more serious. There is a need for cost-efficient methods for inventorying these outbreaks. Remote sensing is a promising means for estimating forests and damages. The purpose of this study is to investigate the usability of airborne laser scanning in estimating Scots pine defoliation caused by the common pine sawfly (Diprion pini L.). The study area is situated in Ilomantsi district, eastern Finland. Study materials included high-pulse airborne laser scannings from July and October 2008. Reference data consisted of 90 circular field plots measured in May-June 2009. Defoliation percentage on these field plots was estimated visually. The study was made on plot-level and methods used were linear regression, unsupervised classification, Maximum likelihood method, and stepwise linear regression. Field plots were divided in defoliation classes in two different ways: When divided in two classes the defoliation percentages used were 0–20 % and 20–100 % and when divided in four classes 0–10 %, 10–20 %, 20–30 % and 30–100 %. The results varied depending on method and laser scanning. In the first laser scanning the best results were obtained with stepwise linear regression. The kappa value was 0,47 when using two classes and 0,37 when divided in four classes. In the second laser scanning the best results were obtained with Maximum likelihood. The kappa values were 0,42 and 0,37, correspondingly. The feature that explained defoliation best was vegetation index (pulses reflected from height > 2m / all pulses). There was no significant difference in the results between the two laser scannings so the seasonal change in defoliation could not be detected in this study.


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Magnetic susceptibility measurements were performed on freshly fallen Almahata Sitta meteorites. Most recovered samples are polymict ureilites. Those found in the first four months since impact, before the meteorites were exposed to rain, have a magnetic susceptibility in the narrow range of 4.92 ± 0.08 log 10-9 Am2/kg close to the range of other ureilite falls 4.95 ± 0.14 log 10-9 Am2/kg reported by Rochette et al. (2009). The Almahata Sitta samples collected one year after the fall have similar values (4.90 ± 0.06 log 10-9 Am2/kg), revealing that the effect of one-year of terrestrial weathering was not severe yet. However, our reported values are higher than derived from polymict (brecciated) ureilites 4.38 ± 0.47 log 10-9 Am2/kg (Rochette et al. 2009) containing both falls and finds confirming that these are significantly weathered. Additionally other fresh-looking meteorites of non-ureilitic compositions were collected in the Almahata Sitta strewn field. Magnetic susceptibility measurements proved to be a convenient non-destructive method for identifying non-ureilitic meteorites among those collected in the Almahata Sitta strewn field, even among fully crusted. Three such meteorites, no. 16, 25, and 41, were analyzed and their composition determined as EH6, H5 and EL6 respectively (Zolensky et al., 2010). A high scatter of magnetic susceptibility values among small (< 5 g) samples revealed high inhomogeneity within the 2008 TC3 material at scales below 1-2 cm.


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The magnetic susceptibilities of certain vanadium pentoxide systems supported by kieselgur have been determined in the temperature interval 30° to 400° C. The plot of reciprocal susceptibility against temperature for all the systems studied indicates sudden deflections at temperatures which are about 150° lower than those of optimum catalytic activity. It has been suggested that these points may mark the temperatures of commencement of structural changes which may be responsible for the activity of these catalysts.


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Describes a simple triggered vacuum gap developed for initiating electric arcs in vacuum which uses the property that the voltage required to breakdown a gap in vacuum in the presence of a solid insulating material is considerably less than the voltage required in the absence of such material. In this triggered vacuum gap a solid insulating material is used in the angular space between the main cathode and the concentric trigger electrode forming the auxiliary gap. Different materials like epoxy resin, Teflon (PTFE) and mica have been used. The trigger voltage was found to vary in the range 560-1840 V. The results with epoxy and Teflon were unsatisfactory because the trigger voltages showed wide scatter and the auxiliary gap was soon bridged by metal particles eroded from the electrodes. Though the trigger voltages required with mica were relatively high, consistent triggering could be obtained for a large number of trials before the auxiliary gap was bridged. This was probably due to better thermal stability of mica as compared with either epoxy or Teflon.


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The performance-based liquefaction potential analysis was carried out in the present study to estimate the liquefaction return period for Bangalore, India, through a probabilistic approach. In this approach, the entire range of peak ground acceleration (PGA) and earthquake magnitudes was used in the evaluation of liquefaction return period. The seismic hazard analysis for the study area was done using probabilistic approach to evaluate the peak horizontal acceleration at bed rock level. Based on the results of the multichannel analysis of surface wave, it was found that the study area belonged to site class D. The PGA values for the study area were evaluated for site class D by considering the local site effects. The soil resistance for the study area was characterized using the standard penetration test (SPT) values obtained from 450 boreholes. These SPT data along with the PGA values obtained from the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis were used to evaluate the liquefaction return period for the study area. The contour plot showing the spatial variation of factor of safety against liquefaction and the corrected SPT values required for preventing liquefaction for a return period of 475 years at depths of 3 and 6 m are presented in this paper. The entire process of liquefaction potential evaluation, starting from collection of earthquake data, identifying the seismic sources, evaluation of seismic hazard and the assessment of liquefaction return period were carried out, and the entire analysis was done based on the probabilistic approach.


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We have investigated the impact of dissipationless minor galaxy mergers on the angular momentum of the remnant. Our simulations cover a range of initial orbital characteristics, and the system consists of a massive galaxy with a bulge and disk merging with a much less massive (one-tenth or one-twentieth) gasless companion that has a variety of morphologies (disk-or elliptical-like) and central baryonic mass concentrations. During the process of merging, the orbital angular momentum is redistributed into the internal angular momentum of the final system; the internal angular momentum of the primary galaxy can increase or decrease depending on the relative orientation of the orbital spin vectors (direct or retrograde), while the initially nonrotating dark matter halo always gains angular momentum. The specific angular momentum of the stellar component always decreases independently of the orbital parameters or morphology of the satellite, the decrease in the rotation velocity of the primary galaxy is accompanied by a change in the anisotropy of the orbits, and the ratio of rotation speed to velocity dispersion of the merger remnant is lower than the initial value, not only because of an increase in the dispersion but also of the slowing-down of the disk rotation. We briefly discuss several astrophysical implications of these results, suggesting that minor mergers do not cause a "random walk" process of the angular momentum of the stellar disk component of galaxies, but rather a steady decrease. Minor mergers may play a role in producing the large scatter observed in the Tully-Fisher relation for S0 galaxies, as well as in the increase of the velocity dispersion and the decrease in upsilon/sigma at large radii as observed in S0 galaxies.


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This paper presents a study of kinematic and force singularities in parallel manipulators and closed-loop mechanisms and their relationship to accessibility and controllability of such manipulators and closed-loop mechanisms, Parallel manipulators and closed-loop mechanisms are classified according to their degrees of freedom, number of output Cartesian variables used to describe their motion and the number of actuated joint inputs. The singularities in the workspace are obtained by considering the force transformation matrix which maps the forces and torques in joint space to output forces and torques ill Cartesian space. The regions in the workspace which violate the small time local controllability (STLC) and small time local accessibility (STLA) condition are obtained by deriving the equations of motion in terms of Cartesian variables and by using techniques from Lie algebra.We show that for fully actuated manipulators when the number ofactuated joint inputs is equal to the number of output Cartesian variables, and the force transformation matrix loses rank, the parallel manipulator does not meet the STLC requirement. For the case where the number of joint inputs is less than the number of output Cartesian variables, if the constraint forces and torques (represented by the Lagrange multipliers) become infinite, the force transformation matrix loses rank. Finally, we show that the singular and non-STLC regions in the workspace of a parallel manipulator and closed-loop mechanism can be reduced by adding redundant joint actuators and links. The results are illustrated with the help of numerical examples where we plot the singular and non-STLC/non-STLA regions of parallel manipulators and closed-loop mechanisms belonging to the above mentioned classes. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The evolution of microstructure and texture during deformation of two-phase (alpha + beta) brass was studied for different initial microstructure and texture. The deformation processing involved unidirectional and multi-step cross-rolling. The bulk textures were determined by measuring the pole figures and calculating the orientation distribution function ODF for both alpha (fcc) and beta (bcc) phases, while the microstructure and other microstructural parameters were measured through optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy with electron back scatter diffraction (SEM-EBSD). Results indicate that textures developed after unidirectional rolling and multi-step cross-rolling are significantly different. The variation in initial texture had a pronounced effect on the development of texture in the alpha phase during subsequent deformation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The deterioration of the mechanical properties of bone with age is related to several factors including the structure, organization and chemistry of the constituent phases; however, the relative contribution of each of these factors is not well understood. In this study, we have investigated the effect of chemistry (calcium deficiency) on the mechanical properties of single crystals of hydroxyapatite. Single crystals of stoichiometric crystals grown by the flux method and calcium-deficient platelet crystals grown using wet chemical methods were used as model systems. Using nanoindentation, we show that calcium deficiency leads to an 80% reduction in the hardness and elastic modulus and at least a 75% reduction in toughness in plate-shaped hydroxyapatite crystals. Measurement of local mechanical properties using nanoindentation and nanoscale chemistry through elemental mapping in a transmission electron microscope points to a direct correlation between the observed spatial variation in composition and the large scatter in the measured hardness and modulus values. (C) 2010 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The dielectric response of pulsed laser ablated barium strontium titanate thin films were studied as a function of frequency and ambient temperature (from room temperature to 320 degrees C) by employing impedance spectroscopy. Combined modulus and impedance spectroscopic plots were used to study the response of the film, which in general may contain the grain, grain boundary, and the electrode/film interface as capacitive elements. The spectroscopic plots revealed that the major response was due to the grains, while contributions from the grain boundary or the electrode/film interface was negligible. Further observation from the complex impedance plot showed data points lying on a single semicircle, implying the response originated from a single capacitive element corresponding to the bulk grains. Conductivity plots against frequency at different temperatures suggested a response obeying the 'universal power law'. The value of the activation energies computed from the Arrhenius plots of both ac and dc conductivities with 1000/T were 0.97 and 1.04 eV, respectively. This was found to be in excellent agreement with published literature, and was attributed to the motion of oxygen vacancies within the bulk. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(00)02801-2].


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This article explains how Nono's Il canto sospeso (1956), for solo voices, choir and orchestra, is structured in a logic of counterbalances for each musical action, overlapping a harmonic or ‘intuitive’ geometry, with a contrasting or ‘anti-intuitive’ plot. Unlike the typical relationships with the golden ratio, found in many musical examples in which it appears ‘naturally’ (see Tatlow 2001), intervals in the prime numbers series here are perceived as ‘counter-rhythm’; as a form of a counterintuitive distribution, or, as Jameson (2003:vii) suggests, as “a very irregular way” of apparent distribution.


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A fully self-consistent formulation is described here for the analysis and generation of base-pairs in non-uniform DNA structures, in terms of various local parameters. It is shown that the internal "wedge parameters" are mathematically related to the parameters describing the base-pair orientation with respect to an external helix axis. Hence any one set of three translation and three rotation parameters are necessary and sufficient to completely describe the relative orientation of the base-pairs comprising a step (or doublet). A general procedure is outlined for obtaining an average or global helix axis from the local helix axes for each step. A graphical representation of the local helix axes in the form of a polar plot is also shown and its application for estimating the curvature of oligonucleotide structures is illustrated, with examples of both A and B type structures.


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In this paper, we introduce the three-user cognitive radio channels with asymmetric transmitter cooperation, and derive achievable rate regions under several scenarios depending on the type of cooperation and decoding capability at the receivers. Two of the most natural cooperation mechanisms for the three-user channel are considered here: cumulative message sharing (CMS) and primary-only message sharing (PMS). In addition to the message sharing mechanism, the achievable rate region is critically dependent on the decoding capability at the receivers. Here, we consider two scenarios for the decoding capability, and derive an achievable rate region for each one of them by employing a combination of superposition and Gel'fand-Pinsker coding techniques. Finally, to provide a numerical example, we consider the Gaussian channel model to plot the rate regions. In terms of achievable rates, CMS turns out to be a better scheme than PMS. However, the practical aspects of implementing such message-sharing schemes remain to be investigated.