805 resultados para Sandstone climbing
River bedload surveyed at 50 sites in Westland is dominated by Alpine Schist or Torlesse Greywacke from the Alpine Fault hanging wall, with subordinate Pounamu Ultramafics or footwall-derived Western Province rocks. Tumbling experiments found ultramafics to have the lowest attrition rates, compared with greywacke sandstone and granite (which abrade to produce silt to medium-sand), or incompetent schist (which fragments). Arahura has greater total concentrations (103–105 t/km2) and proportions (5–40%) of ultramafic bedload compared with Hokitika and Taramakau catchments (101–104 t/km2, mostly <10%), matching relative areas of mapped Pounamu Ultramafic bedrock, but enriched relative to absolute areal proportions. Western Province rocks downthrown by the Alpine Fault are under-represented in the bedload. Enriched concentrations of ultramafic bedload decrease rapidly with distance downstream from source rock outcrops, changing near prominent ice-limit moraines. Bedload evolution with transport involves both downstream fining and dilution from tributaries, in a sediment supply regime more strongly influenced by tectonics and the imprint of past glaciation. Treasured New Zealand pounamu (jade) is associated with ultramafic rocks. Chances of discovery vary between catchments, are increased near glacial moraines, and are highest near source-rock outcrops in remote mountain headwaters.
Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1), due to the expansion of a polyglutamine repeat within the ubiquitously expressed Ataxin-1 protein, leads to the premature degeneration of Purkinje cells (PCs), the cause of which is poorly understood. Here, we identified the unique proteomic signature of Sca1(154Q/2Q) PCs at an early stage of disease, highlighting extensive alterations in proteins associated with synaptic functioning, maintenance, and transmission. Focusing on Homer-3, a PC-enriched scaffold protein regulating neuronal activity, revealed an early decline in its expression. Impaired climbing fiber-mediated synaptic transmission diminished mTORC1 signaling, paralleling Homer-3 reduction in Sca1(154Q/2Q) PCs. Ablating mTORC1 within PCs or pharmacological inhibition of mTORC1 identified Homer-3 as its downstream target. mTORC1 knockout in Sca1(154Q/2Q) PCs exacerbated and accelerated pathology. Reinstating Homer-3 expression in Sca1(154Q/2Q) PCs attenuated cellular dysfunctions and improved motor deficits. Our work reveals that impaired mTORC1-Homer-3 activity underlies PC susceptibility in SCA1 and presents a promising therapeutic target.
This work investigates the performance of cardiorespiratory analysis detecting periodic breathing (PB) in chest wall recordings in mountaineers climbing to extreme altitude. The breathing patterns of 34 mountaineers were monitored unobtrusively by inductance plethysmography, ECG and pulse oximetry using a portable recorder during climbs at altitudes between 4497 and 7546 m on Mt. Muztagh Ata. The minute ventilation (VE) and heart rate (HR) signals were studied, to identify visually scored PB, applying time-varying spectral, coherence and entropy analysis. In 411 climbing periods, 30-120 min in duration, high values of mean power (MP(VE)) and slope (MSlope(VE)) of the modulation frequency band of VE, accurately identified PB, with an area under the ROC curve of 88 and 89%, respectively. Prolonged stay at altitude was associated with an increase in PB. During PB episodes, higher peak power of ventilatory (MP(VE)) and cardiac (MP(LF)(HR) ) oscillations and cardiorespiratory coherence (MP(LF)(Coher)), but reduced ventilation entropy (SampEn(VE)), was observed. Therefore, the characterization of cardiorespiratory dynamics by the analysis of VE and HR signals accurately identifies PB and effects of altitude acclimatization, providing promising tools for investigating physiologic effects of environmental exposures and diseases.
The Central gold belt of peninsular Malaysia comprises a number of gold deposits located in the east of the N-S striking Bentong-Raub Suture Zone. The Tersang gold deposit is one of the gold deposits in the gold belt and hosted in sandstone, rhyolite and breccia units. The deposit has an inferred resource of 528,000 ounces of gold. The geochronology of the Tersang deposit has been newly constrained by LA ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating. The maximum depositional age of the host sedimentary rocks ranges from Early Carboniferous to Early Permian (261.5 ± 4.9 Ma to 333.5 ± 2.5 Ma) for the host sandstone and Late Triassic for the rhyolite intrusion (218.8 ± 1.7 Ma). Textural characteristics of pyrite have revealed five types including (1) Euhedral to subhedral pyrite with internal fracturing and porous cores located in the sandstone layers (pyrite 1); (2) Anhedral pyrite overgrowths on pyrite 1 and disseminated in stage 1 vein (pyrite 2); (3) Fracture-filled or vein pyrite located in stages 1 and 2 vein (pyrite 3); (4) Euhedral pyrite with internal fractures also located in stage 2 vein (pyrite 4); and (5) Subhedral clean pyrite located in the rhyolite intrusion (pyrite 5). Based on pyrite mapping and spot analyses, two main stages of gold enrichment are documented from the Tersang gold deposit. Gold in sandstone-hosted pyrite 1 (mean 4.3 ppm) shows best correlation with Bi and Pb (as evidenced on pyrite maps). In addition, gold in pyrite 3 (mean 8 ppm) located in stage 2 vein shows a good correlation with As, Ag, Sb, Cu, Tl, and Pb. In terms of gold exploration, we suggest that elements such as As, Ag, Sb, Cu, Tl, Bi, and Pb associated with Au may serve as vectoring tools in gold exploration. Our new geological, structural, geochemical and isotopic data together with mineral paragenesis, pyrite chemistry and ore fluid characteristics indicate that the Tersang gold deposit is comparable to a sediment-hosted gold deposit. Our new genetic model suggests deposition of the Permo-Carboniferous sediments followed by intrusion of rhyolitic magma in the Late Triassic. At a later stage, gold mineralisation overprinted the rhyolite intrusion and the sandstone.
The Cenozoic Victoria Land Basin (VLB) stratigraphic section penetrated by CRP-3 is mostly of Early Oligocene age. It contains an array of lithofacies comprising fine-grained mudrocks, interlaminated and interbedded mudrocks/sandstones, mud-rich and mud-poor sandstones, conglomerates and diamctites that are together interpreted as the products of shallow marine to possibly non-marine environments of deposition, affected by the periodic advance and retreat of tidewater glaciers. This lithofacies assemblage can be readily rationalised using the facies scheme designed originally for CRP-2/2A, and published previously. The uppermost 330 metres below sea floor (mbsf) shows a cyclical arrangement of lithofacies also similar to that recognised throughout CRP-2/2A, and interpreted to reflect cyclical variations in relative sea-level driven by ice volume fluctuations ('Motif A'). Between 330 and 480 mbsf, a series of less clearly cyclical units, generally fining-upward but nonetheless incorporating a significant subset of the facies assemblage, has been identified and noted in the Initial Report as 'Motif B' Below 480 mbsf, the section is arranged into a repetitive succession of fining-upward units, each of which comprises dolerite clast conglomerate at the base passing upward into relatively thick intervals of sandstones. The cycles present down 480 mbsf are defined as sequences, each interpreted to record cyclical variation of relative sea-level. The thickness distribution of sequences in CRP-3 provides some insights into the geological variables controlling sediment accumulation in the Early Oligocene section. The uppermost part of the section in CRP-3 comprises two or three thick, complete sequences that show a broadly symmetrical arrangement of lithofacies (similar to Sequences 9-11 in CRP-2/2A). This suggests a period of relatively rapid tectonic subsidence, which allowed preservation of the complete facies cycle. Below Sequence 3, however, is a considerable interval of thin, incomplete and erosionally truncated sequences (4-23), which incorporates both the remainder of Motif A sequences and all Motif B sequences recognised. The thinner and more truncated sequences suggest sediment accumulation under conditions of reduced accommodation, and given the lack of evidence for glacial conditions (see Powell et al., this volume) tends to argue for a period of reduced tectonic subsidence. The section below 480 mbsf consists of a series of fining-upward, conglomerate to sandstone intervals which cannot be readily interpreted in terms of relative sea-level change. A relatively mudrock-rich interval above the basal conglomerate/breccia (782-762 mbsf) may record initial flooding of the basin during early rift subsidence. The lithostratigraphy summarised above has been linked to seismic reflection data using depth conversion techniques (Henrys et al., this volume). The three uppermost reflectors ('o', 'p' and 'q') correlate to the package of thick sequences 1-3, and several deeper reflectors can also be correlated to sequence boundaries. The package of thick Sequences 1-3 shows a sheet-like cross-sectional geometry on seismic reflection lines, unlike the similar package recognised in CRP-2/2A.
Cape Roberts Project drill core 3 (CRP-3) was obtained from Roberts ridge, a sea-floor high located at 77°S, 12 km offshore from Cape Roberts in western McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. The recovered core is about 939 m long and comprises strata dated as being early Oligocene (possibly latest Eocene) in age, resting unconformably on ~116 m of basement rocks consisting of Palaeozoic Beacon Supergroup sediments. The core includes ten facies commonly occurring in five major associations that are repeated in particular sequences throughout the core and which are interpreted as representing different depositional environments through time. Depositional systems inferred to be represented in the succession include: outer shelf, inner shelf, nearshore to shoreface each under iceberg influence, deltaic and/or grounding-line fan, and ice proximal-ice marginal-subglacial (mass flow/rainout diamictite/subglacial till) singly or in combination. The record is taken to represent the initial talus/alluvial fan setting of a glaciated rift margin adjacent to the block-uplifted Transantarctic Mountains. Development of a deltaic succession upcore was probably associated with the formation of palaeo-Mackay valley with temperate glaciers in its headwaters. At that stage glaciation was intense enough to support glaciers ending in the sea elsewhere along the coast, but a local glacier was fluctuating down to the sea by the time the youngest part of CRP-3 was being deposited. Changes in palaeoenvironmental interpretations in this youngest part of the core are used to estimate relative glacial proximity to the drillsite through time. These inferred glacial fluctuations are compared with the global d180 and Mg/Ca curves to evaluate the potential of glacial fluctuations on Antarctica for influencing these records of global change. Although the comparisons are tentative at present, the records do have similarities, but there are also some differences that require further evaluation.
Grain-size analyses by sieve and Sedigraph are presented for 115 samples of core from CRP-3, 12 km off the coast of south Victoria Land. The data provide a useful check on visual core descriptions. The geographic setting for the strata sampled, some 790 m of early Oligocene nearshore marine sediments with a persistent glacial influence, is reviewed, and sediment textures interpreted in that context. Sand textures from the CRP-3 samples in the lower part of the core suggest that deposition was initially primarily wave-dominated, but that at times the influence of the waves was over-ridden by episodes of rapid sedimentation. Sedimentary cycles, recognised in the visual description of the core above 485 mbsf, show an increasing proportion of mudstone in the middle of each cycle above 330 mbsf that is interpreted to record periodic sedimentation in deeper water. Sandstone textures in the lower and upper parts of each cycle are interpreted to record departure from and return to shoreface deposition with changes in sea level. Mudstone textures above 176 mbsf indicate sedimentation below wave base. Many of the textures in both sand and mud samples show the coarse 'tail' characteristic of ice-rafted debris, but others do not, indicating ice-free periods. Many sandstones below c. 200 mbsf have virtually no silt, but significant amounts of clay (6 to 17%) that is thought to be of post-depositional origin.
Cape Roberts drillhole CRP-3 in the northern part of McMurdo Sound (Ross Sea, Antarctica) targeted the western margin of the Victoria Land basin to investigate Neogene to Palaeogene climatic and tectonic history by obtaining continuous core and downhole logs (Cape Roberts Science Team, 2000). The CRP-3 drillhole extended to 939.42 mbsf (meters below seafloor) at a water depth of 297 m. The first downhole measurements after drilling were the temperature and salinity logs. Both were measured at the beginning and at the end of each of the three logging phases. Although an equilibrium temperature state may not have been fully reached after drilling, the temperature and salinity profiles seem to be scarcely disturbed. The average overall temperature gradient calculated from all temperature measurements is 28.5 K/km; remarkably lower than the temperature gradients found in other boreholes in the western Ross See and the Transantarctic Mountains. Anomalies in the salinity profiles at the beginning of each logging phase were no longer present at the end of the corresponding logging phase. This pattern indicates that drilling mud invaded the formation during drilling operations and flowed back into the borehole after drilling ceased. Thus, zones of temperature and salinity anomalies identify permeable zones in the formation and may be pathways for fluid flow. Radiogenic heat production, calculated from the radionuclide contents, is relatively low, with average values between 0.5 and 1.0 pW/m3. The highest values (up to 2 µW/m3) were obtained for the lower part of the Beacon Sandstone below 855 mbsf. The heat flow component due to radiogenic heat production integrated over the entire borehole is 0.7 mW/m2. Thermal conductivities range from 1.3 to 3 W/mK with an average value of 2.1 W/mK over the Tertiary section. Together with the average temperature gradient of 28.5 K/km this yields an average heat flow value of 60 mW/m2.
Concentrically ringed manganese nodules, similar in form to many found on modern ocean and sea floors, occur in a very fine grained argillaceous sandstone bed of the Permian Park City Formation near Dillon, Montana. They are enriched in many rare elements and contain us much as 2.5 percent zinc, l.3 percent nickel, and 0.22 percent cobalt. The manganese minerals are chalcophanite and todorokite. The nodules probably formed in a shallow marine oxidizing environment on the western side of the Permian sedimentary basin. The occurrence of an appreciable amount of fluorite in the bed suggests that the water was saline.
Sedimentary rocks of Barremian through early Maestrichtian age recovered on Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 61 had their principal source in the complex of igneous rocks with which they are interlayered in the Nauru Basin. Relict textures and primary sedimentary structures show these Cretaceous sediments to be of hyaloclastic origin, in part reworked and redeposited by slumps and currents. The dominant composition now is smectite, but locally iron, titanium, and manganese oxides, plagioclase, pyroxene, analcime, clinoptilolite, chalcedonic quartz, cristobalite, amphibole, nontronite, celadonite, and pyrite are also present. The mineral assemblages and the geochemistry reflect the original basaltic composition and its subsequent alteration by one or more processes of submarine weathering, authigenesis, hydrothermal circulation, and contact metamorphism. Hyaloclastitic sandstone, siltstone, and breccia within the sheet flows below 729 meters sub-bottom depth have Barremian fossils, thus establishing the age of the lower, or extrusive, complex of post-ridge-crest volcanism. Similar hyaloclastites between 564 and 729 meters are invaded by hypabyssal sills of the upper igneous complex, and fossil ages of Albian or Cenomanian set an older limit to the age of that second post-ridge-crest episode. Cenomanian to early Campanian sedimentary rocks between 490 and 564 meters have a substantial contribution of clays of submarine-weathered-basalt origin, as well as hydrothermal and pelagic components. The interval of reworked hyaloclastitic siltstone, sandstone, and breccias between 450 and 490 meters is of late Campanian and early Maestrichtian age. These sediments probably formed from glassy basalt that fragmented upon eruption nearby, when sills were being emplaced. In addition to pelagic elements, these Upper Cretaceous volcanogenic sediments include redeposited material of shallow-water origin, apparently derived from the Marshall Islands.
Distribution patterns and petrographical and mineral chemistry data are described for the most representative basement lithologies occuring as clast in the c. 824 m thick Tertiary sedimentary sequence at the CRP-3 drillsite. These are granule to bolder grain size clasts of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Within the basement clast assemblage, granitoid pebbles are the predominant lithology. They consist of dominant grey biotic-bearing monzogranite, pink biotite-hornblende monzogranite, and biotite-bearing leucomomonzgranite. Minor lithologies include: actinolite-bearing leucotonalite, microgranite, biotite-hornblende quartz-monzonitic porphyr, and foliated biotic leucomonzogranite. Metamorphic clasts include rocks of both granitic and sedimentary derivation. They include mylonitic biotic orthogneiss, with or without garnet, muscovite-bearing quartzite, sillimanite-biotite paragneiss, biotite meta-sandstone, biotite-spotted schist, biotite-clacite-clinoamphibole meta-feldspathic arenite, biotite-calcite-clinozoisite meta-siltstone, biotite±clinoamphibole meta-marl, and graphite-bearing marble. As in previous CRP drillcores, the ubiquitous occurence of biotite±hornblende monzogranite pebbles is indicative of a local provenance, closely mirroring the dominance of these lithologies in the on-shore basement, where the Cambro-Ordovician Granite Harbour Intrusive Complex forms the most extensively exposed rock unit.
In SW Ethiopia, the moist evergreen Afromontane forest has become extremely fragmented and most of the remnants are intensively managed for coffee cultivation (Coffea arabica), with considerable impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Because epiphytic orchids are potential indicators for forest quality and a proxy for overall forest biodiversity, we assessed the effect of forest management and forest fragmentation on epiphytic orchid diversity. We selected managed forest sites from both large and small forest remnants and compared their epiphytic orchid diversity with the diversity of natural unfragmented forest. We surveyed 339 canopy trees using rope climbing techniques. Orchid richness decreased and community composition changed, from the natural unfragmented forest, over the large managed forest fragments to the small managed forest fragments. This indicates that both forest management and fragmentation contribute to the loss of epiphytic orchids. Both the removal of large canopy trees typical for coffee management, and the occurrence of edge effects accompanying forest fragmentation are likely responsible for species loss and community composition changes. Even though some endangered orchid species persist even in the smallest fragments, large managed forest fragments are better options for the conservation of epiphytic orchids than small managed forests. Our results ultimately show that even though shade coffee cultivation is considered as a close-to-nature practice and is promoted as biodiversity conservation friendly, it cannot compete with the epiphytic orchid conservation benefit generated by unmanaged moist evergreen Afromontane forests.
Clay mineral and bulk chemical (Si, Al, K, Mg, Sr, La, Ce, Nd) analyses of terrigenous surface sediments on the Siberian-Arctic shelf indicate that there are five regions with distinct, or endmember, sedimentary compositions. The formation of these geochemical endmembers is controlled by sediment provenance and grain size sorting. (1) The shale endmember (Al, K and REE rich sediment) is eroded from fine-grained marine sedimentary rocks of the Verkhoyansk Mountains and Kolyma-Omolon superterrain, and discharged to the shelf by the Lena, Yana, Indigirka and Kolyma Rivers. (2) The basalt endmember (Mg rich) originates from NE Siberia's Okhotsk-Chukotsk volcanic belt and Bering Strait inflow, and is prevalent in Chukchi Sea Sediments. Concentrations of the volcanically derived clay mineral smectite are elevated in Chukchi fine-fraction sediments, corroborating the conclusion that Chukchi sediments are volcanic in origin. (3) The mature sandstone endmember (Si rich) is found proximal to Wrangel Island and sections of the Chukchi Sea's Siberian coast and is derived from the sedimentary Chukotka terrain that comprises these landmasses. (4) The immature sandstone endmember (Sr rich) is abundant in the New Siberian Island region and reflects inputs from sedimentary rocks that comprise the islands. (5) The immature sandstone endmember is also prevalent in the western Laptev Sea, where it is eroded from sedimentary deposits blanketing the Siberian platform that are compositionally similar to those on the New Siberian Islands. Western Laptev can be distinguished from New Siberian Island region sediments by their comparatively elevated smectite concentrations and the presence of the basalt endmember, which indicate Siberian platform flood basalts are also a source of western Laptev sediments. In certain locations grain size sorting noticeably affects shelf sediment chemistry. (1) Erosion of fines by currents and sediment ice rafting contributes to the formation of the coarse-grained sandstone endmembers. (2) Bathymetrically controlled grain size sorting, in which fines preferentially accumulate offshore in deeper, less energetic water, helps distribute the fine-grained shale and basalt endmembers. An important implication of these results is that the observed sedimentary geochemical endmembers provide new markers of sediment provenance, which can be used to track sediment transport, ice-rafted debris dispersal or the movement of particle-reactive contaminants.