980 resultados para Sacred Heart - Devotion to Jesus Christ Prayer-books and devotion
OBJETIVO: Comparar através de infusão contínua de xilazina ou medetomidina associada à metotrimeprazina e buprenorfina, cetamina e midazolam, o grau de hipnose, miorrelaxamento e qualidade anestésica e a viabilidade cirúrgica, avaliando eventuais alterações paramétricas e qualidade de recuperação. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 20 cães fêmeas, adultas, hígidas (3 a 5 anos de idade) com peso corporal entre 7 e 15 quilos, escolhidas e distribuídas aleatoriamente de forma homogênea em 2 grupos de 10 animais cada, (n=10) sendo estes designados por Grupo 1 (G1), e Grupo 2 (G 2). em G1, os animais foram submetidos a um pré-tratamento com metotrimeprazina na dose de 1,0 mg/kg e buprenorfina na dose de 0,003mg/kg ou 3 µg/kg intravenoso. Decorridos 15 minutos, administrou-se cetamina na dose de 5,0 mg/kg e midazolam na dose de 0,2 mg/kg intravenoso. Imediatamente após a indução iniciou-se administração contínua, por um período de 30 minutos, da associação anestésica de midazolam 0,4 mg/kg/h, cetamina 20mg/kg/h e xilazina 1,0 mg/kg/h IV. em G 2 utilizou-se a mesma técnica empregada em G1 substituindo-se, a xilazina pela medetomidina na dose de 30µg/kg/h. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se em G1 bloqueio átrio-ventricular de primeiro e segundo grau, período de recuperação mais longo além de menor qualidade. em G 2 observou-se bloqueio átrio-ventricular de primeiro grau isolado e de ação fugaz. CONCLUSÕES: Ao se aplicar o método de infusão contínua, além da redução dos fármacos aplicados, evitaram-se efeitos colaterais permitindo uma recuperação mais tranqüila e isenta de excitações, ambos os protocolos permitiram a realização do ato cirúrgico (ovário-salpingo-histerectomia), causando uma redução da hipnose e um miorrelaxamento acentuado. A xilazina e a medetomidina apresentam um comportamento farmacodinâmico semelhante, porém com aspectos clínicos diferentes, as alterações eletrocardiográficas observadas em G 2 e em menor grau em G1 devem ser melhor estudadas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The literature indicated that the fractal analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) is related to the chaos theory. However, it is not clear if the both short and long-term fractal scaling exponents of HRV are reliable for short period analysis in women. We evaluated the association of the fractal exponents of HRV with the time and frequency domain and geometric indices of HRV. We evaluated 65 healthy women between 18 and 30 years old. HRV was analyzed with a minimal number of 256 RR intervals in the time (SDNN, RMSSD, NN50 and pNN50) and frequency (LF, HF and LF/HF ratio) domains, the geometric index were also analyzed (triangular indexRRtri, triangular interpolation of RR intervals-TINN and Poincaré plot-SD1, SD2 and SD1/SD2) as well as short and long-term fractal exponents (alpha-1 and alpha-2) of the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA). No significant correlation was observed for alpha-2 exponent with all indices. There was significant correlation of the alpha-1 exponent with RMSSD, pNN50, SDNN/RMSSD, LF (nu), HF (nu and ms2 ), LF/HF ratio, SD1 and SD1/SD2 ratio. Our data does not indicate the alpha-2 exponent to be used for 256 RR intervals and we support the alpha-1 exponent to be used for HRV analysis in this condition.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Increasing age is associated with a reduction in overall heart rate variability as well as changes in complexity of physiologic dynamics. The aim of this study was to verify if the alterations in autonomic modulation of heart rate caused by the aging process could be detected by Shannon entropy (SE), conditional entropy (CE) and symbolic analysis (SA). Complexity analysis was carried out in 44 healthy subjects divided into two groups: old (n = 23, 63 +/- A 3 years) and young group (n = 21, 23 +/- A 2). It was analyzed SE, CE [complexity index (CI) and normalized CI (NCI)] and SA (0V, 1V, 2LV and 2ULV patterns) during short heart period series (200 cardiac beats) derived from ECG recordings during 15 min of rest in a supine position. The sequences characterized by three heart periods with no significant variations (0V), and that with two significant unlike variations (2ULV) reflect changes in sympathetic and vagal modulation, respectively. The unpaired t test (or Mann-Whitney rank sum test when appropriate) was used in the statistical analysis. In the aging process, the distributions of patterns (SE) remain similar to young subjects. However, the regularity is significantly different; the patterns are more repetitive in the old group (a decrease of CI and NCI). The amounts of pattern types are different: 0V is increased and 2LV and 2ULV are reduced in the old group. These differences indicate marked change of autonomic regulation. The CE and SA are feasible techniques to detect alteration in autonomic control of heart rate in the old group.
Il lavoro ripercorre le tracce che gli ebrei portoghesi, esuli dopo il biennio 1496-97, lasciarono nel loro cammino attraverso l'Europa. In particolare, l'interesse si concentra sulla breve parentesi italiana, che grazie all'apertura e alla disponibilità di alcuni Signori, come i Gonzaga di Mantova, i Medici, i Dogi della Serenissima e gli Este, risulta ricchissima di avvenimenti e personaggi, decisivi anche per la storia culturale del Portogallo. L'analisi parte evidenziando l'importanza che ebbe la tipografia ebraica in Portogallo all'epoca della sua introduzione nel Paese; in secondo luogo ripercorre la strada che, dal biennio del primo decreto di espulsione e del conseguente battesimo di massa, porta alla nascita dell'Inquisizione in Portogallo. Il secondo capitolo tenta di fare una ricostruzione, il più possibile completa e coerente, dei movimenti degli esuli, bollati come marrani e legati alle due maggiori famiglie, i Mendes e i Bemveniste, delineando poi il primo nucleo di quella che diventerà nel Seicento la comunità sefardita portoghese di Amsterdam, dove nasceranno le personalità dissidenti di Uriel da Costa e del suo allievo Spinoza. Il terzo capitolo introduce il tema delle opere letterarie, effettuando una rassegna dei maggiori volumi editi dalle officine tipografiche ebraiche stanziatesi in Italia fra il 1551 e il 1558, in modo particolare concentrando l'attenzione sull'attività della tipografia Usque, da cui usciranno numerosi testi di precettistica in lingua ebraica, ma soprattutto opere cruciali come la famosa «Bibbia Ferrarese» in castigliano, la «Consolação às Tribulações de Israel», di Samuel Usque e la raccolta composta dal romanzo cavalleresco «Menina e Moça» di Bernardim Ribeiro e dall'ecloga «Crisfal», di un autore ancora non accertato. L'ultimo capitolo, infine, si propone di operare una disamina di queste ultime tre opere, ritenute fondamentali per ricostruire il contesto letterario e culturale in cui la comunità giudaica in esilio agiva e proiettava le proprie speranze di futuro. Per quanto le opere appartengano a generi diversi e mostrino diverso carattere, l'ipotesi è che siano parte di un unicum filosofico e spirituale, che intendeva sostanzialmente indicare ai confratelli sparsi per l'Europa la direzione da prendere, fornendo un sostegno teoretico, psicologico ed emotivo nelle difficili condizioni di sopravvivenza, soprattutto dell'integrità religiosa, di ciascun membro della comunità.
Periodontitis is a multi-factorial disease and in most cases also a disease with a chronic progression. Exposure to factors which contribute to periodontitis occurs over a long period, so that at the time of diagnosis it may be difficult to identify and evaluate what co-factors have contributed to its development. These include exposure to bacteria and viruses, inflammation, genetic factors, health behaviours and a variety of social factors, socio-economic status, behavioural and nutritional habits, the ability to cope with stress and the ability of the immune system to fight infections. Many patients in their 50s also experience other conditions such as heart disease, diabetes mellitus, or rheumatoid arthritis and recent reports on the associations and potential biological mechanisms by which periodontitis can be linked to other systemic diseases suggest that the patient with periodontitis is a challenged individual. Neither individuals nor their oral health care providers are currently prepared for the challenges in oral health care as the expectation of successful ageing with remaining and aesthetically functional teeth is increasing. The scientific evidence is, however, growing, and while the opportunities to prepare for successful ageing exist they must be included in the educational process of both current and future oral health care providers and their patients.
The purpose of our study was to assess physical and emotional factors in heart transplant patients. A prospective design was used to compare patients' physical symptoms, emotional complaints, and restrictions at admission to the waiting list, immediately after, and 1 and 5 years after heart transplantation. Thirty-three patients were included (30 male, 3 female) in the study. Their mean age at admission was 48 +/- 10.2 years. Of these, 23 suffered from cardiomyopathy, 8 from coronary heart disease, and 2 from valvular insufficiency. At admission, the patients suffered from symptoms of cardiac insufficiency, and were restricted in sports, gardening, hobbies, sexual life, job, food-intake, and mobility. More than three-fourths rated their physical and emotional status as moderate to poor. Emotionally, they suffered from irritability, restlessness, depression, psychic lability, lowered drive, lack of social contact, low self-esteem, and anxiety. At the end of rehabilitation (4-8 weeks after the operation), all physical and emotional complaints, as well as restrictions had significantly decreased (p < 0.0001 to p < 0.001), except for trembling, numbness of hands/feet, and food-intake. One year postoperatively, patients reported even fewer physical complaints (p < 0.01). Three-fourths rated their physical and emotional status good or excellent. Five years postoperatively--in contrast to physical status, restrictions, and physical complaints--the emotional complaints had increased significantly (p < 0.0001). Patients reported excellent physical performance up to 5 years postoperatively. On the other hand, the study revealed that their emotional well-being had significantly deteriorated from 1 to 5 years postoperatively. Attention should, therefore, not only be paid to the good physical health of the survivors, but also to the worsening of their emotional status.
Metzincins, such as matrix metalloproteases (MMP), and extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins are differentially regulated in inflammation. We hypothesised that metzincins are also dysregulated in experimental acute cardiac allograft rejection. We investigated the Dark Agouti-to-Lewis (DA-to-Lew) rat model of acute cardiac allograft rejection. Cyclosporine (CsA) (7.5 mg/kg/d) was given from transplantation to sacrifice (day +5). At that time, mRNA levels were analysed by Affymetrix genechip and quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRTPCR). MMP protein and activities were analysed by immunohistology, fluorometry, zymography and Western blots. In untreated rejected DA allografts, mRNA levels of MMP-2/-7/-9/-/12-/14, a disintegrin and metalloprotease (ADAM)-17, tissue inhibitor of metalloprotease (TIMP)-1/-3 were increased, whereas MMP-11/-16/-24 and TIMP-2/-4 were lowered compared to native DA hearts. With respect to these untreated allografts, CsA lowered mRNA levels of MMP-7, TIMP-1/-3 (TIMP-2/-4 remained relatively low) and ADAM17, but augmented mRNA levels of MMP-11/-16/-23 and of many ECM genes. Immunohistology showed increased staining of MMP-2 in acute rejection (AR). Overall MMP activity was augmented in both transplanted groups, but CsA reduced MMP-9 activity and MMP-14 production. Taken together, MMP and TIMP were upregulated during acute AR. CsA ameliorated histology of rejection but showed potential pro-fibrotic effects. Thus, MMP and TIMP may play a role in acute cardiac allograft rejection, and beneficial modification of the MMP-ECM balance requires interventions beyond CsA.
On 14 November 2013, the US District Court of the Southern District of New York issued a major ruling in favour of the Google Books project, concluding that Google’s unauthorized scanning and indexing of millions of copyrighted books in the collections of participating libraries and subsequently making snippets of these works available online through the “Google Books” search tool qualifies as a fair use under section 107 USCA. After assuming that Google’s actions constitute a prima facie case of copyright infringement, Judge Chin examined the four factors in section 107 USCA and concluded in favour of fair use on the grounds that the project provides “significant public benefits,” that the unauthorized use of copyrighted works (a search tool of scanned full-text books) is “highly transformative” and that it does not supersede or supplant these works. The fair use defence also excluded Google’s liability for making copies of scanned books available to the libraries (as well as under secondary liability since library actions were also found to be protected by fair use): it is aimed at enhancing lawful uses of the digitized books by the libraries for the advancement of the arts and sciences. A previous ruling by the same court of 22 March 2011 had rejected a settlement agreement proposed by the parties, on the grounds that it was “not fair, adequate, and reasonable”. The Authors Guild has appealed the ruling.
INTRODUCTION Rhythm disturbances in children with structurally normal hearts are usually associated with abnormalities in cardiac ion channels. The phenotypic expression of these abnormalities ("channelopathies") includes: long and short QT syndromes, Brugada syndrome, congenital sick sinus syndrome, catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, Lènegre-Lev disease, and/or different degrees of cardiac conduction disease. METHODS The study group consisted of three male patients with sick sinus syndrome, intraventricular conduction disease, and monomorphic sustained ventricular tachycardia. Clinical data and results of electrocardiography, Holter monitoring, electrophysiology, and echocardiography are described. RESULTS In all patients, the ECG during sinus rhythm showed right bundle branch block and long QT intervals. First-degree AV block was documented in two subjects, and J point elevation in one. A pacemaker was implanted in all cases due to symptomatic bradycardia (sick sinus syndrome). Atrial tachyarryhthmias were observed in two patients. The common characteristic ventricular arrhythmia was a monomorphic sustained ventricular tachycardia, inducible with ventricular stimulation and sensitive to lidocaine. In one patient, radiofrequency catheter ablation was successfully performed. No structural abnormalities were found in echocardiography in the study group. CONCLUSION Common clinical and ECG features suggest a common pathophysiology in this group of patients with congenital severe electrical disease.
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is a novel therapy, which has transformed the management of inoperable patients presenting with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis (AS). It is also a proven and less invasive alternative therapeutic option for high-risk symptomatic patients presenting with severe AS who are otherwise eligible for surgical aortic valve replacement. Patient age is not strictly a limitation for TAVI but since this procedure is currently restricted to high-risk and inoperable patients, it follows that most patients selected for TAVI are at an advanced age. Patient frailty and co-morbidities need to be assessed and a clinical judgment made on whether the patient will gain a measureable improvement in their quality of life. Risk stratification has assumed a central role in selecting suitable patients and surgical risk algorithms have proven helpful in this regard. However, limitations exist with these risk models, which must be understood in the context of TAVI. When making final treatment decisions, it is essential that a collaborative multidisciplinary "heart team" be involved and this is stressed in the most recent guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology. Choosing the best procedure is contingent upon anatomical feasibility, and multimodality imaging has emerged as an integral component of the pre-interventional screening process in this regard. The transfemoral route is now considered the default approach although vascular complications remain a concern. A minimal vessel diameter of 6 mm is required for currently commercial available vascular introducer sheaths. Several alternative access routes are available to choose from when confronted with difficult iliofemoral anatomy such as severe peripheral vascular disease or diffuse circumferential vessel calcification. The degree of aortic valve leaflet and annular calcification also needs to be assessed as the latter is a risk factor for post-procedural paravalvular aortic regurgitation. The ultimate goal of patient selection is to achieve the highest procedural success rate while minimizing complications and to choose patients most likely to derive tangible benefit from this procedure.
The number of adults with congenital heart disease (CHD) has increased markedly over the past few decades as a result of astounding successes in pediatric cardiac care. Nevertheless, it is now well understood that CHD is not cured but palliated, such that life-long expert care is required to optimize outcomes. All countries in the world that experience improved survival in CHD must face new challenges inherent to the emergence of a growing and aging CHD population with changing needs and medical and psychosocial issues. Founded in 1992, the International Society for Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ISACHD) is the leading global organization of professionals dedicated to pursuing excellence in the care of adults with CHD worldwide. Recognizing the unique and varied issues involved in caring for adults with CHD, ISACHD established a task force to assess the current status of care for adults with CHD across the globe, highlight major challenges and priorities, and provide future direction. The writing committee consisted of experts from North America, South America, Europe, South Asia, East Asia, and Oceania. The committee was divided into subgroups to review key aspects of adult CHD (ACHD) care. Regional representatives were tasked with investigating and reporting on relevant local issues as accurately as possible, within the constraints of available data. The resulting ISACHD position statement addresses changing patterns of worldwide epidemiology, models of care and organization of care, education and training, and the global research landscape in ACHD.
BACKGROUND Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia (ARVC/D) is mainly an autosomal dominant disease characterized by fibrofatty infiltration of the right ventricle, leading to ventricular arrhythmias. Mutations in desmosomal proteins can be identified in about half of the patients. The pathogenic mechanisms leading to disease expression remain unclear. OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to investigate myocardial expression profiles of candidate molecules involved in the pathogenesis of ARVC/D. METHODS Myocardial messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of 62 junctional molecules, 5 cardiac ion channel molecules, 8 structural molecules, 4 apoptotic molecules, and 6 adipogenic molecules was studied. The averaged expression of candidate mRNAs was compared between ARVC/D samples (n = 10), nonfamilial dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) samples (n = 10), and healthy control samples (n = 8). Immunohistochemistry and quantitative protein expression analysis were performed. Genetic analysis using next generation sequencing was performed in all patients with ARVC/D. RESULTS Following mRNA levels were significantly increased in patients with ARVC/D compared to those with DCM and healthy controls: phospholamban (P ≤ .001 vs DCM; P ≤ .001 vs controls), healthy tumor protein 53 apoptosis effector (P = .001 vs DCM; P ≤ .001 vs controls), and carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1β (P ≤ .001 vs DCM; P = 0.008 vs controls). Plakophillin-2 (PKP-2) mRNA was downregulated in patients with ARVC/D with PKP-2 mutations compared with patients with ARVC/D without PKP-2 mutations (P = .04). Immunohistochemistry revealed significantly increased protein expression of phospholamban, tumor protein 53 apoptosis effector, and carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1β in patients with ARVC/D and decreased PKP-2 expression in patients with ARVC/D carrying a PKP-2 mutation. CONCLUSION Changes in the expression profiles of sarcolemmal calcium channel regulation, apoptosis, and adipogenesis suggest that these molecular pathways may play a critical role in the pathogenesis of ARVC/D, independent of the underlying genetic mutations.