949 resultados para SIMPLEX-VIRUS-INFECTION
West Nile virus (WNV) is a neurotropic flavivirus that is maintained in an enzootic cycle between mosquitoes and birds, but can also infect and cause disease in humans and other vertebrate species. Most of WNV infections in humans are asymptomatic, but approximately 20% of infected people develop clinical symptoms, although severe neurological diseases are observed in less than 1% of them. WNV is the most widely distributed arbovirus in the world and has been recently associated with outbreaks of meningo-encephalitis in Europe, including Italy, caused by different viral strains belonging to distinct lineages 1 and 2. The hypothesis is that genetic divergence among viral strains currently circulating in Italy might reflect on their pathogenic potential and that the rapid spread of WNV with increased pathogenicity within naïve population suggest that epidemic forms of the virus may encode mechanisms to evade host immunity. Infection with WNV triggers a delayed host response that includes a delay in the production of interferon-α (IFN-α). IFNs are a family of immuno-modulatory cytokines that are produced in response to virus infection and serve as integral signal initiators of host intracellular defenses. The increased number of human cases and the lack of data about virulence of European WNV isolates highlight the importance to achieve a better knowledge on this emerging viral infection. In the present study, we investigate the phenotypic and IFN-α-regulatory properties of different WNV lineage 1 and 2 strains that are circulating in Europe/Italy in two cell lines: Vero and 1321N1. We demonstrate that: Vero and 1321N1 cells are capable of supporting WNV replication where different WNV strains show similar growth kinetics; WNV lineage 2 strain replicated in Vero and 1321N1 cells as efficiently as WNV lineage 1 strains; and both lineages 1 and 2 were highly susceptible to the antiviral actions of IFN-α.
Dengue-Fieber ist eine durch Stechmücken der Gattungen Aedes aegypti und Aedes albopticus übertragene, virale Infektionskrankheit des Menschen, welche eine zunehmende Bedrohung für die Weltbevölkerung darstellt; das Infektionsrisiko betrifft vorwiegend Menschen, die in tropischen und subtropischen Gebieten der Erde (Asien, Afrika, Amerika) leben. Bei dem Erreger handelt es sich um ein Flavivirus, bestehend aus einer positiv polarisierten Einzelstrang-RNA, welches in vier verschiedenen Serotypen existiert. Eine Infektion mit Dengue-Viren zeigt sich durch drei mögliche Krankheitsbilder: Klassisches Dengue-Fieber (DF), hämorrhagisches Dengue-Fieber (DHF) oder Dengue-Schock-Syndrom (DSS). Das Dengue-Virus-Genom codiert eine Serin-Protease mit einer klassischen katalytischen Triade, bestehend aus den Aminosäuren His51, Asp75 und Ser135. Die Funktion der Dengue-Virus-Protease besteht in der post-translationalen, proteolytischen Prozessierung des viralen Polyprotein-Vorläufers, womit sie essentiell für die Virus-Replikation ist und damit einen wichtigen therapeutischen Ansatz für die Entwicklung neuer Wirkstoffe gegen Dengue-Fieber darstellt. Die Ziele der vorliegenden Arbeit bestanden darin, neue potentielle Inhibitoren der Dengue-Virus Typ 2 NS2B-NS3 Protease (DEN-2 NS2B-NS3pro) zu synthetisieren, deren Hemmwirkung sowie den Inhibitionstyp mithilfe fluorimetrischer Enzym-Assays zu bestimmen, Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehungen (u.a. mithilfe von Molecular Docking-Rechnungen) zu analysieren und die erhaltenen Leitstrukturen zu optimieren. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden zwei Substanzklassen und damit zwei Teilprojekte behandelt: Phenylacrylsäureamide im ersten Teilprojekt, Benzothiazole und Diarylthioether zusammen im zweiten Teilprojekt. Im ersten Teilprojekt zeigten einige Phenylacrylsäureamide eine schwache Hemmung der DEN-2 NS2B-NS3pro zwischen ca. 50 und 61 % bei einer Inhibitorkonzentration von 50 µM sowie eine nicht-kompetitive Hemmung, welche jedoch durch vielfältige Derivatisierung kaum verändert oder verbessert werden konnte. Darüber hinaus wurden die endogenen Serin-Proteasen alpha-Chymotrypsin und Trypsin durch einige Phenylacrylsäureamide erheblich stärker gehemmt als die DEN-2 NS2B-NS3pro. Das zweite Teilprojekt befasste sich mit der Synthese und Testung von Diarylthioethern mit hydroxy-substituierten Benzothiazol-Bausteinen sowie der Testung einiger methoxy-substituierter Synthese-Vorstufen der Endverbindungen, um die Relevanz und den Einfluss der einzelnen Bausteine auf die Hemmung der DEN-2 NS2B-NS3pro zu untersuchen. Der in der vorliegenden Arbeit synthetisierte, potenteste Inhibitor der DEN-2 NS2B-NS3pro (Hemmung: 90 % [50 µM]; IC50 = 3.6 +/- 0.11 µM) und der DEN-3 NS2B-NS3pro (Hemmung: >99 % [100 µM]; IC50 = 9.1 +/- 1.02 µM), SH65, ein Diarylthioether-Benzothiazol-Derivat, entstand aufgrund der Vorhersage zweier möglicher Bindungsmodi (kompetitiv und nicht-kompetitiv) mithilfe von Molecular Docking-Experimenten an der Röntgen-Kristall-struktur der DEN-3 NS2B-NS3pro (PDB-Code: 3U1I). Nach experimenteller Bestimmung der IC50-Werte bei unterschiedlichen Substratkonzentrationen erwies sich SH65 jedoch als nicht-kompetitiver Inhibitor der DEN-2 NS2B-NS3pro. Trypsin wurde von SH65 vergleichbar stark gehemmt (96% [50 µM]; IC50 = 6.27 +/- 0.68 µM) wie die beiden getesteten Dengue-Virus-Proteasen, nicht jedoch alpha-Chymotrypsin (nur 21% Hemmung bei 50 µM), wodurch diesem Inhibitor zumindest eine relative Selektivität gegenüber Serin-Proteasen zugeschrieben werden kann. SH65 zeigte lediglich Protease-Hemmung in den Enzym-Assays, jedoch keine antivirale Aktivität bei der Testung an Dengue-Virus-infizierten Zellen, was aber wiederum bei der synthetisierten Vorstufe von SH65, welche anstelle der beiden Hydroxy-Gruppen über Methoxy-Gruppen verfügt, der Fall war. Diarylthioether mit mehrfach hydroxy-substituiertem Benzothiazol-Baustein stellen hiermit eine neue, vielversprechende Wirkstoffgruppe zur Hemmung sowohl der Dengue-Virus Typ 2- als auch der Dengue-Virus Typ 3 NS2B-NS3 Protease dar.
We describe the largest outbreak of hepatitis B virus infection reported to date in the UK. Between July 2001 and December 2005, 237 cases were identified in Avon, South West England. The likely route of transmission was injecting drug use in 44% (104/237) and heterosexual intercourse in 30% (71/237) of cases. A case-control study in injectors showed that injecting crack cocaine [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 23·8, 95% confidence interval (CI) 3·04-186, P<0·001] and sharing injecting paraphernalia in the year before diagnosis (aOR 16·67, 95% CI 1·78-100, P=0·010) were strongly associated with acute hepatitis B. In non-IDUs number of sexual partners and lack of consistent condom use were high compared to a national sample. We describe the control measures implemented in response to the outbreak. This outbreak has highlighted the problems associated with the low uptake from the national hepatitis B vaccination policy which targets high-risk groups, the difficulties of identifying those at risk of acquiring hepatitis B infection through heterosexual sex, and injecting crack cocaine as a risk factor for hepatitis B.
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) are the major producers of type I IFN in response to viral infection and have been shown to direct both innate and adaptive immune responses in vitro. However, in vivo evidence for their role in viral infection is lacking. We evaluated the contribution of pDCs to acute and chronic virus infection using the feeble mouse model of pDC functional deficiency. We have previously demonstrated that feeble mice have a defect in TLR ligand sensing. Although pDCs were found to influence early cytokine secretion, they were not required for control of viremia in the acute phase of the infection. However, T cell priming was deficient in the absence of functional pDCs and the virus-specific immune response was hampered. Ultimately, infection persisted in feeble mice. We conclude that pDCs are likely required for efficient T cell priming and subsequent viral clearance. Our data suggest that reduced pDC functionality may lead to chronic infection.
OBJECTIVES: Fever is one of the most commonly seen symptoms in the pediatric emergency department. The objective of this study was to observe how the rapid testing for influenza virus impacts on the management of children with fever. METHODS: We performed a review of our pediatric emergency department records during the 2008/2009 annual influenza season. The BinaxNow Influenza A+B test was performed on patients with the following criteria: age 1.0 to 16.0 years, fever greater than 38.5 °C, fever of less than 96 hours' duration after the onset of clinical illness, clinical signs compatible with acute influenza, and nontoxic appearance. Additional laboratory tests were performed at the treating physician's discretion. RESULTS: The influenza rapid antigen test was performed in 192 children. One hundred nine (57%) were influenza positive, with the largest fraction (101 patients) positive for influenza A. The age distribution did not differ between children with negative and positive test results (mean, 5.3 vs. 5.1 years, not statistically significant). A larger number of diagnostic tests were performed in the group of influenza-negative patients. Twice as many complete blood counts, C-reactive protein determinations, lumbar punctures, and urinalyses were ordered in the latter group. CONCLUSIONS: Rapid diagnosis of influenza in the pediatric emergency department affects the management of febrile children as the confirmation of influenza virus infection decreases additional diagnostic tests ordered.
Signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM) or CD150 can function as a receptor for the canine distemper virus (CDV) in vitro. The expression of SLAM was studied using immunohistochemistry in order to evaluate the presence and distribution of the receptor in dogs in vivo. Additionally, receptor expression was assessed after experimental infection of dogs with CDV. In 7 control dogs without distemper virus, the receptor was found in various tissues, mostly on cells morphologically identified as lymphocytes and macrophages. In 7 dogs with early distemper lesions characterized by presence of the virus, higher numbers of SLAM-expressing cells were found in multiple tissues recognized as targets of CDV compared with those in control dogs. These findings suggest that SLAM, a putative distemper receptor, is expressed in dogs in vivo. Additionally, virus infection is associated with up-regulation of SLAM, potentially causing an amplification of virus in the host.
As oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathogenesis of certain viral diseases we determined antioxidant and prooxidant parameters in lungs and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of mice infected with a lethal dose of influenza A/PR8/34 virus. Viral infection was characterized by massive infiltration of leukocytes, mainly polymorphonuclear leukocytes, into the alveolar space. The total number of BALF cells increased up to 8-fold (day 3 post-infection) and these cells appeared activated as judged by their increased rates of superoxide anion radical (O2-.) generation upon stimulation. Maximal rates of radical generation by BALF cells during the early stages of infection were 15- or 70-fold higher than those of cells from control animals when expressed per cell or total BALF cells, respectively. At the terminal stages of infection the total capacity of BALF cells to release O2-. declined to approximately 35-fold the control values. Infection also resulted in increased in vivo formation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) within the lungs at a time that coincided with the maximal capacity of BALF cells to release O2-.. Whereas pulmonary activities of glutathione peroxidase and reductase remained unaltered, levels of ascorbate in the cell-free BALF decreased significantly during the early stages of the infection and then returned to normal levels and above, late in infection. The oxidation state of the dehydroascorbic acid/ascorbate couple increased concomitantly with the decrease in ascorbate concentrations early in infection and remained elevated throughout the infection. As assessed by the prevention of peroxyl radical-induced loss of phycoerythrin fluorescence, the total antioxidant capacity present in lung tissue homogenate from terminally ill animals was not diminished when compared to that prepared from lungs of control mice. We conclude that although early stages of influenza infection are associated with the presence of oxidative stress in the lung tissue and alveolar fluid lining the epithelial cells, this stress does not appear to overwhelm local antioxidant defenses. The results therefore do not support a direct causative role of oxidative tissue damage in the pathogenesis of influenza virus infection.
Primate immunodeficiency viruses, or lentiviruses (HIV-1, HIV-2, and SIV), and hepatitis delta virus (HDV) are RNA viruses characterized by rapid evolution. Infection by primate immunodeficiency viruses usually results in the development of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in humans and AIDS-like illnesses in Asian macaques. Similarly, hepatitis delta virus infection causes hepatitis and liver cancer in humans. These viruses are heterogeneous within an infected patient and among individuals. Substitution rates in the virus genomes are high and vary in different lineages and among sites. Methods of phylogenetic analysis were applied to study the evolution of primate lentiviruses and the hepatitis delta virus. The following results have been obtained: (1) The substitution rate varies among sites of primate lentivirus genes according to the two parameter gamma distribution, with the shape parameter $\alpha$ being close to 1. (2) Primate immunodeficiency viruses fall into species-specific lineages. Therefore, viral transmissions across primate species are not as frequent as suggested by previous authors. (3) Primate lentiviruses have acquired or lost their pathogenicity several times in the course of evolution. (4) Evidence was provided for multiple infections of a North American patient by distinct HIV-1 strains of the B subtype. (5) Computer simulations indicate that the probability of committing an error in testing HIV transmission depends on the number of virus sequences and their length, the divergence times among sequences, and the model of nucleotide substitution. (6) For future investigations of HIV-1 transmissions, using longer virus sequences and avoiding the use of distant outgroups is recommended. (7) Hepatitis delta virus strains are usually related according to the geographic region of isolation. (8) Evolution of HDV is characterized by the rate of synonymous substitution being lower than the nonsynonymous substitution rate and the rate of evolution of the noncoding region. (9) There is a strong preference for G and C nucleotides at the third codon positions of the HDV coding region. ^
In addition to classically defined immune mechanisms, cell-intrinsic processes can restrict virus infection and have shaped virus evolution. The details of this virus-host interaction are still emerging. Following a genome-wide siRNA screen for host factors affecting replication of Semliki Forest virus (SFV), a positive-strand RNA (+RNA) virus, we found that depletion of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway components Upf1, Smg5, and Smg7 led to increased levels of viral proteins and RNA and higher titers of released virus. The inhibitory effect of NMD was stronger when virus replication efficiency was impaired by mutations or deletions in the replicase proteins. Consequently, depletion of NMD components resulted in a more than 20-fold increase in production of these attenuated viruses. These findings indicate that a cellular mRNA quality control mechanism serves as an intrinsic barrier to the translation of early viral proteins and the amplification of +RNA viruses in animal cells.
BACKGROUND Observational studies of a putative association between hormonal contraception (HC) and HIV acquisition have produced conflicting results. We conducted an individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis of studies from sub-Saharan Africa to compare the incidence of HIV infection in women using combined oral contraceptives (COCs) or the injectable progestins depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) or norethisterone enanthate (NET-EN) with women not using HC. METHODS AND FINDINGS Eligible studies measured HC exposure and incident HIV infection prospectively using standardized measures, enrolled women aged 15-49 y, recorded ≥15 incident HIV infections, and measured prespecified covariates. Our primary analysis estimated the adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) using two-stage random effects meta-analysis, controlling for region, marital status, age, number of sex partners, and condom use. We included 18 studies, including 37,124 women (43,613 woman-years) and 1,830 incident HIV infections. Relative to no HC use, the aHR for HIV acquisition was 1.50 (95% CI 1.24-1.83) for DMPA use, 1.24 (95% CI 0.84-1.82) for NET-EN use, and 1.03 (95% CI 0.88-1.20) for COC use. Between-study heterogeneity was mild (I2 < 50%). DMPA use was associated with increased HIV acquisition compared with COC use (aHR 1.43, 95% CI 1.23-1.67) and NET-EN use (aHR 1.32, 95% CI 1.08-1.61). Effect estimates were attenuated for studies at lower risk of methodological bias (compared with no HC use, aHR for DMPA use 1.22, 95% CI 0.99-1.50; for NET-EN use 0.67, 95% CI 0.47-0.96; and for COC use 0.91, 95% CI 0.73-1.41) compared to those at higher risk of bias (pinteraction = 0.003). Neither age nor herpes simplex virus type 2 infection status modified the HC-HIV relationship. CONCLUSIONS This IPD meta-analysis found no evidence that COC or NET-EN use increases women's risk of HIV but adds to the evidence that DMPA may increase HIV risk, underscoring the need for additional safe and effective contraceptive options for women at high HIV risk. A randomized controlled trial would provide more definitive evidence about the effects of hormonal contraception, particularly DMPA, on HIV risk.
Classical swine fever virus infection of pigs causes disease courses from life-threatening to asymptomatic, depending on the virulence of the virus strain and the immunocompetence of the host. The virus targets immune cells, which are central in orchestrating innate and adaptive immune responses such as macrophages and conventional and plasmacytoid dendritic cells. Here, we review current knowledge and concepts aiming to explain the immunopathogenesis of the disease at both the host and the cellular level. We propose that the interferon type I system and in particular the interaction of the virus with plasmacytoid dendritic cells and macrophages is crucial to understand elements governing the induction of protective rather than pathogenic immune responses. The review also concludes that despite the knowledge available many aspects of classical swine fever immunopathogenesis are still puzzling.
Noro virus, a positive single stranded RNA virus has been identified as a major etiologic agent in food borne gastroenteritis and diarrheal diseases. The emergence of this organism as a major non-bacterial cause in such outbreaks is partly due to the improved diagnostic tools like Reverse Transcription Polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR) that enable its detection. Noro virus accounts for nearly 96% of non-bacterial gastroenteritis outbreaks in US (1). Travelers' Diarrhea (TD) has remained a constant public health risk in the developed nations for decades and bacteria like Entero toxigenic Escherichia coli, Entero aggregative Escherichia coli have been described as the main etiologic agents for TD (2-4). A possible viral contribution to TD has been discovered in two studies (5, 6). The current study was designed to determine the prevalence of Noro virus in a population of 107 US students with TD acquired in Mexico in 2005 and to compare the prevalence to the prevalence of Noro virus in a similar study done in 2004. This study involved the testing of clinical stool specimens from 107 subjects in 2005 for the presence of Noro virus using RTPCR. The prevalence of Noro virus in 2004 used for comparison to 2005 data was obtained from published data (5). All subjects were recruited as TD subjects in a randomized, double-blinded clinical trial comparing a standard three day dosing of Rifaximin with and without an anti motility drug Loperamide. The prevalence of Noro virus geno group I was similar in both years, but geno group II prevalence differed across the two years (p = 0.003). This study finding suggests that the prevalence of Noro virus geno groups varies with time even within a specific geographic location. This study emphasizes the need for further systematic epidemiologic studies to determine the molecular epidemiology and the prevalence patterns of different geno groups of this virus. These are essential to planning and implementation of public health measures to lessen the burden of TD due to Noro virus infection among US travelers. ^
Globally, dengue is an emerging disease resulting in an estimated 50 million new cases and 22, 000 deaths each year. Anecdotally, depression has been reported as a possible sequelae of dengue virus infection. To test the association, we performed a cross-sectional analysis in a selected sub-set of participants from the Cameron County Hispanic Cohort (CCHC) in South Texas. All study subjects in the analysis had Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression scale (CES-D) scores and were tested for dengue antibodies using stored plasma. We found that 5.0% of participants tested either positive or equivocal for anti-dengue IgG antibodies using the capture antibody test, which detects acute secondary infections. Logistic regression identified that evidence of acute secondary dengue infection was not associated with depression (Odds Ratio [OR] = 0.97, 95%Confidence Interval [CI] 0.47-1.98); however, both being female (OR = 1.53, 95%CI 1.09-2.15) and obese body mass index (BMI > 30) (OR = 1.84, 95%CI 1.19-2.84) were associated with depression. ^
Zika during pregnancy has been associated with birth defects, specifically significant microcephaly. Transmission of Zika to the fetus has been documented in all trimesters; Zika virus RNA has been detected in fetal tissue from early missed abortions, amniotic fluid, term neonates and the placenta. However, much is not yet known about Zika virus in pregnancy. Uncertainties include the incidence of Zika virus infection among pregnant women in areas of Zika virus transmission, the rate of vertical transmission and the rate with which infected fetuses manifest complications such as microcephaly or demise. The absence of this important information makes management and decision making in the setting of potential Zika virus exposure (i.e. travel to endemic areas) or maternal infection, difficult. Currently, there is no vaccine or treatment for this infection.
BACKGROUND Pyogenic tonsillitis may often be observed in the general Western population. In severe cases, it may require antibiotic treatment or even hospitalization and often a prompt clinical response will be noted. Here we present an unusual case of progressive multiple organ failure including fulminant liver failure following acute tonsillitis initially mistaken for "classic" pyogenic (that is bacterial) tonsillitis. CASE PRESENTATION A 68-year-old previously healthy white man was referred with suspicion of pyogenic angina. After tonsillectomy, he developed acute liver failure and consecutive multiple organ failure including acute hemodynamic, pulmonary and dialysis-dependent renal failure. Immunohistopathological analysis of his tonsils and liver as well as serum polymerase chain reaction analyses revealed herpes simplex virus-2 to be the causative pathogen. Treatment included high-dose acyclovir and multiorgan supportive intensive care therapy. His final outcome was favorable. CONCLUSIONS Fulminant herpes simplex virus-2-induced multiple organ failure is rarely observed in the Western hemisphere and should be considered a potential diagnosis in patients with tonsillitis and multiple organ failure including acute liver failure. From a clinical perspective, it seems important to note that fulminant herpes simplex virus-2 infection may masquerade as "routine" bacterial severe sepsis/septic shock. This persevering condition should be diagnosed early and treated goal-oriented in order to gain control of this life-threatening condition.