998 resultados para Síndrome Gripal (SG)
Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) forms part of the whole spectrum of autistic disorders. Until recently it has not been studied in early ages. The aim of this study is to determine the AS’s prevalence of symptoms in general preschool, rural and urban population. In addition, the association of the development areas and symptoms of anxiety and the presence of symptoms of AS was analized. The sample ofthis study consisted in 1104 preschool children between 3-6 years old. The presence of AS’s symptoms was evaluated by a screening tool for psychiatric disorders. This tool was applied to both, preschooler’s parents and their teachers The prevalence of symptoms of AS for parents and teachers was 11.7‰ and 8.1‰, respectively. The presence of AS’s symptoms was associated with language compression delays, general and fine motor coordination, self-help skills and impairment in game activities. In addition, our results showed that the AS has a strong association with specific phobia symptoms and tics. We conclude that an early detection of AS’s symptoms is possible since we found similar prevalence described in other recent researches. Given the impairment associated with AS, its detection is highly recommended
The understanding of false belief is one of the most important milestones in the development of social cognition in children. Many studies have been conducted on this kind of cognition in children with a typical development. Despite being a key point for improving their welfare and quality of life, there are few studies in children with Down's syndrome. The aim of the present work is to carry out an in-depth study of social cognition in children with Down's syndrome. For this purpose, we used 6 tasks, with 3 levels of difficulty, in a group of 9 children aged between 4 and 14 years. Six of these children had a genetic diagnosis of Down's syndrome. The results of our research corroborate previous studies suggesting difficulties in the development of social cognition in children with Down's syndrome, and more specifically in tasks involving false beliefs
Esta pesquisa estabelece a incidência de burnout em médicos residentes de um hospital público através do MBI (Malasch Burnout Inventory). Burnout é um estado persistente e negativo, relacionado ao trabalho, relatado por indivíduos normais, caracterizado por exaustão, sentimento de reduzida eficácia, diminuição da motivação e atitudes e comportamentos laborais disfuncionais (Schaufeli & Buunk¹). Foi realizada uma investigação em 120 residentes, que desenvolvem suas atividades em um hospital público. Os resultados principais indicam a incidência de burnout em 20,8% da amostra. A manifestação da síndrome foi caracterizada por apresentar 65,0% de classificação alta na dimensão exaustão emocional (EE), 61,7% de classificação alta na dimensão despersonalização (DE) e 30,0% de classificação baixa na dimensão realização profissional (RP). Burnout esteve presente em 78,4% da amostra e ausente em 0,8% da amostra. A maior freqüência de casos de manifestação da síndrome foi observada nas áreas de Ortopedia, seguida das áreas de Clínica Médica, Cirurgia, Pediatria, Ginecologia e Obstetrícia. É preciso criar programas de prevenção do burnout, para evitar que profissionais, que promovem a saúde, adoeçam. É necessário também dar continuidade a esse tipo de pesquisa e desenvolver modelos mais complexos para o entendimento do burnout neste contexto laboral específico.
A Síndrome da Estafa Profissional constitui um quadro bem definido, caracterizado por exaustão emocional, despersonalização e ineficácia. Este trabalho descreve a prevalência da Síndrome de Burnout, características sociodemográficas e condições de trabalho dos médicos intensivistas de Salvador (BA). Realizou-se um estudo de corte transversal, que avalia os médicos que trabalham em UTI adulto nessa cidade. Foram avaliados 297 plantonistas, sendo 70% homens. A média de idade e de tempo de formado foi de 34,2 e 9,0 anos, respectivamente. Foram encontrados níveis elevados de exaustão emocional (47,5%), despersonalização (24,6%) e ineficácia (28,3%). A prevalência da Síndrome de Burnout, considerada como nível elevado em pelo menos uma dimensão, foi de 63,3% e de 7,4% nas três dimensões. A prevalência da Síndrome de Burnout foi elevada entre os médicos avaliados.
Este estudo objetivou investigar a associação entre a Síndrome de Burnout e o desempenho acadêmico de estudantes da primeira à quarta série de um curso de graduação em Medicina. O comprometimento emocional dos alunos variou conforme a série, com diferenças significativas para os componentes da síndrome entre alunos com notas acima e abaixo da média, sendo o primeiro ano o mais afetado. Isto indica que, no curso estudado, a implantação da reforma curricular não foi um fator de proteção para a Síndrome de Burnout. Constatou-se também associação entre a síndrome e o rendimento acadêmico dos estudantes em disciplinas da primeira e da segunda série. São necessários estudos longitudinais sobre o assunto para confirmar as tendências encontradas e esclarecer a interferência de fatores que não puderam ser abordados neste estudo, considerado preliminar.
Afferent loop obstruction after gastrectomy and Billroth II reconstruction is an uncommon problem. Complete acute obstruction requires emergent laparotomy. We describe a patient who developed acute abdominal pain, hyperamylasemia, and palpable abdominal mass, five years after Billroth II gastrectomy. At laparotomy the patient was found to have a complete stricture of the afferent limb with evidence of strangulation and necrosis. There was no evidence of pancreatitis or pancreatic pseudocyst. The patient underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy plus degastrectomy and died 18 hours after the procedure in the ICU. The mass was initially inte1preted as pancreatic pseudocyst. Ultrasonography may provide enough evidence to differentiate a pancreatic pseudocyst. from an obstructed afferent loop, by the presence of a peripancreatic cystic mass or debris within the mass or the absence of the keyboard sign, suggesting effacement of the valvulae conniventes of the small bowel. Howewer, CT scan of the abdomen has been suggested to be highly characteristic, if not pathognomonic, for an obstructed afferent loop and should be considered first in patients with pancreatitis after Billroth II gastrectomy. A history of previous gastrectomy, recurrent or severe abdominal pain, hyperamylasemia with characteristic tomography, and endoscopic findings will establish the diagnosis and necessitate surgical evaluation and intervention.
Thirty-four years old patient, female, husband died of AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Síndrome). She's confined to Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto, with a positive tesT for AIDS, fever, 10 kg/month of weight loss, diarrhea with gummy faeces, productive cough, yellowish sputum. The therapy was initiated, symptomatic, associated to Epivir, Saquinavir and AZT. The searching exams for Alcohol Ácid Resistant Bacili and fungi in the sputum were negative. At the hemogram was shown a pancytopenia, the esophagogastroduodenunscopy showed light esophago moniliasis. During commitment presented a perforating acute abdomen chart, the abdominal radiography showed hidroair levels, pneumoperitoneum, enlarced bowels with swollen wall. She was undertaken a surgery with diagnosis hypothesis of cytomegalovirus perforation, which accordin to literature is the most frequent cause of intestinal perforation in patients with AIDS.
Chilaiditi syndrome is a rare abnormality, uncommon in children, whith an incidence increasing with the age, ranging from 0.025% to 0.28% in the general population usually affecting males. The patients are usually asymptomatics and the syndrome is incidently discover through radiologic exams. However, abdominal pain and distention, nauseas, vomits and changes in intestinal habits, and even intestinal obstruction can occur. The authors report a case of a patient with Chilaiditi's syndrome associated to megastomach, megaduodenum and megacolon.
The Superior Mesenteric Syndrome is a rare and controversial disease. The compression of the duodenum by the mesenteric artery and aorta causes an intermitent obstruction. Preoperative diagnosis is very difficult.We present one case of this syndrome in a pacient with severe weight loss and signs of high intestinal obstruction. The diagnosis was based on clinical and radiologic findings. A duodenojejunostomy was performed after medical treatment failure.This patient died on the 20th posoperative day due to cardiac complications. This syndrome must be remembered in cases of high obstruction in chronic ill patients.
The authors report a 49 years old, female patient who have been operated on several times (antrectomy with Billroth II reconstruction, partial gastrectomy with troncular vagotomy and total gastrectomy) in the last 5 years for recurrent ulcer disease. Three months ago, an abdomen ultra sound was done showing multiples images that suggested liver metastasis, which was confirmed by CT and RM. Two months ago, one new abdomen CT specifically to pancreas was done showing an expansive process in pancreas. Serial gastrine was 1532 pg/ml at the time (reference - until 115) and among clinical history and images exams Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome was suggested, a rare disease case.
OBJETIVO: Apresentar os resultados iniciais com o uso da técnica de abdominoplastia longitudinal anterior por plicatura parietal descrita por Furness et al (1998) no Hospital Municipal Jesus. MÉTODO: Descrevemos as características e resultados dos primeiros pacientes tratados em nosso serviço, inclusive duas modificações adotadas com relação à técnica descrita, a saber, a exploração retroperitoneal sistemática para cura da criptorquia bilateral simultânea à abdominoplastia e a celiotomia "de segurança" para todos os pacientes operados. RESULTADOS: O seguimento dos pacientes foi de 1,5 ano, 15 meses e 10 meses, respectivamente. Foi possível demonstrar que a técnica adotada foi de fácil execução e pequena morbidade, com resultados estéticos satisfatórios, grande melhora das condições psicológicas e do convívio social para os pacientes desde o pós-operatório imediato, melhora da constipação crônica, capacidade aeróbica e postura. Quanto às repercussões urodinâmicas, aguardamos reavaliação a longo prazo, para conclusões mais efetivas. CONCLUSÃO: A abdominoplastia longitudinal anterior é uma técnica de fácil execução e segura para o tratamento da síndrome de prune belly e melhora a capacidade funcional muscular abdominal. Tem conseqüências urodinâmicas, que necessitam de avaliação após longo prazo.
The authors present a case-report a 43 years old, female patient presenting with an eight-year history of hypertension caused by an adrenal adenoma. Hypokalemia and supressed plasma renina confirmed the diagnosis of primary hyperaldosteronism. An abdominal computed tomography revealed a right adrenal mass. The patient was successfully treated laparoscopically. The histopathological diagnosis was adenoma. The patient had normal blood pressure within three months.
Prune Belly Syndrome is a fetal uropathy of unknown etiology with incidence of 1/35000 to 1/50000 alive been born, characterized by a classical triad: abdominal musculature congenital deficiency, bilateral criptorquidia and urinary tract malformations. The authors present a case of this rare pathology associated with a patent urachus. After complementary exams confirmed urinary tract alterations (bilateral ureterohidronefrosis and vesicoureteral reflux degree 5, besides urinary infection), the surgical approach was vesicostomy to decrease urinary infections and sepsis. Definitve surgery should be accomplished around the 12th month of life. Nowadays, the child is asymptomatic , with follow-up every two months, with return consultation bimonthly.
The authors describe a case of benign superior vena cava syndrome post phlebotomy in childhood, including exams for diagnosis and possible treatment.
Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction or Ogilvie’s Syndrome is characterized by signs and symptoms of large bowel obstruction without evidence of mechanical cause. The authors report two cases of patients with acute obstructive abdomen who were previously submitted to clinical treatment with no sucess. Later on one of them was submitted to laparoscopic cecostomy and the other to colonoscopic cecostomy The results showed that only the interventionist methods were successful.