615 resultados para Rubrica Android
In questa tesi ci si pone l'obiettivo di sviluppare sistemi distribuiti composti da device mobile che si scambiano informazioni tramite comunicazioni opportunistiche wireless peer-to-peer. Vengono inizialmente analizzate le principali tecnologie di comunicazione wireless adatte allo scopo, soffermandosi sulle reti Wifi ad hoc, delle quali vengono studiate le performance in sistemi di larga scala tramite il simulatore di reti ns-3. Successivamente viene esposto lo sviluppo di componenti software, basati su Akka Stream, per la costruzione di campi computazionali tramite comunicazioni opportunistiche tra device Android, effettuate tramite reti Wifi ad hoc.
Il mondo degli smartphone, in particolare grazie all’avvento delle app, costituisce un settore che ha avuto negli ultimi anni una crescita tale, da richiedere l’introduzione di un nuovo termine in ambito finanziario: app economy. La crescente richiesta da parte del mercato di nuove opportunitá derivanti dal mondo delle applicazioni, ha aumentato sensibilmente il carico di lavoro richiesto alle software house specializzate,che hanno pertanto avuto la necessitá di adeguarsi a tale cambiamento. Per ovviare alle suddette problematiche, sono iniziati ad emergere due tool che consentono lo sviluppo di applicazioni multipiattaforma utilizzando un linguaggio ed un ambiente di sviluppo comuni. Tali sistemi consentono un risparmio in termini di tempi e costi, ma non sono in grado di competere con i tool nativi in termini di qualità del prodotto realizzato, in particolare per quanto concerne l'interfaccia grafica. Si propone pertanto un approccio che tenta di combinare i vantaggi di entrambe le soluzioni, al fine di ottimizzare la fluidità della UI, consentendo allo stesso tempo il riuso della logica applicativa.
La tesi consiste nello studiare e sviluppare servizi multimediali in sistemi di CrowdSensing, nello specifico si vuole sviluppare un sistema che permetta il trasferimento da client a server di file multimediali come il video nel sistema Participact dell'universita di Bologna.
Sviluppare e manutenere applicativi destinati a differenti piattaforme è un’opzione esclusiva di quelle entità capaci di sostenere costi molto alti per la realizzazione di queste applicazioni. Questo esclude gli sviluppatori indipendenti, che spesso realizzano prodotti in totale autonomia; le start-up, che hanno l’esigenza di sviluppare un’idea di business avendo a disposizione budget estremamente ridotti; le piccole aziende, alle quali viene così preclusa la possibilità di competere con player più importanti. Questo tipo di emergenze rende lo sviluppo cross-platform una soluzione interessante per la realizzazione delle applicazioni mobili, abbattendo i costi di sviluppo e permettendo di raggiungere più velocemente un pubblico più ampio. C'è quindi sempre maggiore interesse, da parte degli sviluppatori, per gli strumenti di sviluppo cross-platform. Per catturare l’attenzione degli sviluppatori è necessario che lo strumento sia dotato di buona stabilità, che offra un ambiente di sviluppo confortevole, una buona user experience, facilità di aggiornamento, tempi di sviluppo contenuti e possibilità di immissione delle applicazioni su diversi ecosistemi software. L’idea alla base di questa Tesi di laurea è valutare i pro e i contro di uno di questi framework cross-platform e compararlo con le tecnologie native. Il framework scelto è Ionic per via della sua popolarità tra gli sviluppatori e della ridotta bibliografia scientifica a riguardo. Molte ricerche scientifiche valutano le prestazioni di uno o più framework cross-platform rispetto ad una soluzione nativa, tuttavia è raro un confronto tra un framework e più soluzioni native. Per questo, oltre a valutare i pro e i contro del framework, verrà anche effettuata una comparazione tra gli applicativi nativi per Android e iOS e le controparti sviluppate attraverso Ionic, permettendo di identificare eventuali differenze di performance e aiutare gli sviluppatori nelle scelte tecnologiche.
Mit der Idee eines generischen, an vielfältige Hochschulanforderungen anpassbaren Studierenden-App-Frameworks haben sich innerhalb des Arbeitskreises Web der ZKI ca. 30 Hochschulen zu einem Entwicklungsverbund zusammengefunden. Ziel ist es, an den beteiligten Einrichtungen eine umfassende Zusammenstellung aller elektronischen Studienservices zu evaluieren, übergreifende Daten- und Metadatenmodelle für die Beschreibung dieser Dienste zu erstellen und Schnittstellen zu den gängigen Campusmanagementsystemen sowie zu Infrastrukturen der elektronischen Lehre (LMS, Druckdienste, elektronischen Katalogen usw.) zu entwickeln. In einem abschließenden Schritt werden auf dieser Middleware aufsetzende Studienmanagement-Apps für Studierende erstellt, die die verschiedenen Daten- und Kommunikationsströme der standardisierten Dienste und Kommunikationskanäle bündeln und in eine für den Studierenden leicht zu durchschauende, navigationsfreundliche Aufbereitung kanalisiert. Mit der Konzeption eines dezentralen, über eine Vielzahl von Hochschulen verteilten Entwicklungsprojektes unter einer zentralen Projektleitung wird sichergestellt, dass redundante Entwicklungen vermieden, bundesweit standardisierte Serviceangebote angeboten und Wissenstransferprozesse zwischen einer Vielzahl von Hochschulen zur Nutzung mobiler Devices (Smartphones, Tablets und entsprechende Apps) angeregt werden können. Die Unterstützung der Realisierung klarer Schnittstellenspezifikationen zu Campusmanagementsystemen durch deren Anbieter kann durch diese breite Interessensgemeinschaft ebenfalls gestärkt werden. Weiterhin zentraler Planungsinhalt ist ein Angebot für den App-Nutzer zum Aufbau eines datenschutzrechtlich integeren, persönlichen E-Portfolios. Details finden sich im Kapitel Projektziele weiter unten.
In this paper, we describe agent-based content retrieval for opportunistic networks, where requesters can delegate content retrieval to agents, which retrieve the content on their behalf. The approach has been implemented in CCNx, the open source CCN framework, and evaluated on Android smart phones. Evaluations have shown that the overhead of agent delegation is only noticeable for very small content. For content larger than 4MB, agent-based content retrieval can even result in a throughput increase of 20% compared to standard CCN download applications. The requester asks every probe interval for agents that have retrieved the desired content. Evaluations have shown that a probe interval of 30s delivers the best overall performance in our scenario because the number of transmitted notification messages can be decreased by up to 80% without significantly increasing the download time.
In this paper, we present a revolutionary vision of 5G networks, in which SDN programs wireless network functions, and where Mobile Network Operators (MNO), Enterprises, and Over-The-Top (OTT) third parties are provided with NFV-ready Network Store. The proposed Network Store serves as a digital distribution platform of programmable Virtualized Network Functions (VNFs) that enable 5G application use-cases. Currently existing application stores, such as Apple's App Store for iOS applications, Google's Play Store for Android, or Ubuntu's Software Center, deliver applications to user specific software platforms. Our vision is to provide a digital marketplace, gathering 5G enabling Network Applications and Network Functions, written to run on top of commodity cloud infrastructures, connected to remote radio heads (RRH). The 5G Network Store will be the same to the cloud as the application store is currently to a software platform.
Spurred by the consumer market, companies increasingly deploy smartphones or tablet computers in their operations. However, unlike private users, companies typically struggle to cover their needs with existing applications, and therefore expand mobile software platforms through customized applications from multiple software vendors. Companies thereby combine the concepts of multi-sourcing and software platform ecosystems in a novel platform-based multi-sourcing setting. This implies, however, the clash of two different approaches towards the coordination of the underlying one-to-many inter-organizational relationships. So far, however, little is known about impacts of merging coordination approaches. Relying on convention theory, we addresses this gap by analyzing a platform-based multi-sourcing project between a client and six software vendors, that develop twenty-three custom-made applications on a common platform (Android). In doing so, we aim to understand how unequal coordination approaches merge, and whether and for what reason particular coordination mechanisms, design decisions, or practices disappear, while new ones emerge.
BACKGROUND The European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS) guidelines are intended for all clinicians involved in the care of HIV-positive persons, and are available in print, online, and as a free App for download for iPhone and Android. GUIDELINE HIGHLIGHTS The 2015 version of the EACS guidelines contains major revisions in all sections; antiretroviral treatment (ART), comorbidities, coinfections and opportunistic diseases. Among the key revisions is the recommendation of ART for all HIV-positive persons, irrespectively of CD4 count, based on the Strategic Timing of AntiRetroviral Treatment (START) study results. The recommendations for the preferred and the alternative ART options have also been revised, and a new section on the use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has been added. A number of new antiretroviral drugs/drug combinations have been added to the updated tables on drug-drug interactions, adverse drug effects, dose adjustment for renal/liver insufficiency and for ART administration in persons with swallowing difficulties. The revisions of the coinfection section reflect the major advances in anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) treatment with direct-acting antivirals with earlier start of treatment in individuals at increased risk of liver disease progression, and a phasing out of interferon-containing treatment regimens. The section on opportunistic diseases has been restructured according to individual pathogens/diseases and a new overview table has been added on CD4 count thresholds for different primary prophylaxes. CONCLUSIONS The diagnosis and management of HIV infection and related coinfections, opportunistic diseases and comorbidities continue to require a multidisciplinary effort for which the 2015 version of the EACS guidelines provides an easily accessable and updated overview.
During the last decade wireless mobile communications have progressively become part of the people’s daily lives, leading users to expect to be “alwaysbest-connected” to the Internet, regardless of their location or time of day. This is indeed motivated by the fact that wireless access networks are increasingly ubiquitous, through different types of service providers, together with an outburst of thoroughly portable devices, namely laptops, tablets, mobile phones, among others. The “anytime and anywhere” connectivity criterion raises new challenges regarding the devices’ battery lifetime management, as energy becomes the most noteworthy restriction of the end-users’ satisfaction. This wireless access context has also stimulated the development of novel multimedia applications with high network demands, although lacking in energy-aware design. Therefore, the relationship between energy consumption and the quality of the multimedia applications perceived by end-users should be carefully investigated. This dissertation addresses energy-efficient multimedia communications in the IEEE 802.11 standard, which is the most widely used wireless access technology. It advances the literature by proposing a unique empirical assessment methodology and new power-saving algorithms, always bearing in mind the end-users’ feedback and evaluating quality perception. The new EViTEQ framework proposed in this thesis, for measuring video transmission quality and energy consumption simultaneously, in an integrated way, reveals the importance of having an empirical and high-accuracy methodology to assess the trade-off between quality and energy consumption, raised by the new end-users’ requirements. Extensive evaluations conducted with the EViTEQ framework revealed its flexibility and capability to accurately report both video transmission quality and energy consumption, as well as to be employed in rigorous investigations of network interface energy consumption patterns, regardless of the wireless access technology. Following the need to enhance the trade-off between energy consumption and application quality, this thesis proposes the Optimized Power save Algorithm for continuous Media Applications (OPAMA). By using the end-users’ feedback to establish a proper trade-off between energy consumption and application performance, OPAMA aims at enhancing the energy efficiency of end-users’ devices accessing the network through IEEE 802.11. OPAMA performance has been thoroughly analyzed within different scenarios and application types, including a simulation study and a real deployment in an Android testbed. When compared with the most popular standard power-saving mechanisms defined in the IEEE 802.11 standard, the obtained results revealed OPAMA’s capability to enhance energy efficiency, while keeping end-users’ Quality of Experience within the defined bounds. Furthermore, OPAMA was optimized to enable superior energy savings in multiple station environments, resulting in a new proposal called Enhanced Power Saving Mechanism for Multiple station Environments (OPAMA-EPS4ME). The results of this thesis highlight the relevance of having a highly accurate methodology to assess energy consumption and application quality when aiming to optimize the trade-off between energy and quality. Additionally, the obtained results based both on simulation and testbed evaluations, show clear benefits from employing userdriven power-saving techniques, such as OPAMA, instead of IEEE 802.11 standard power-saving approaches.
La ponencia tiene como objetivo reconstruir el ideario autopoético elaborado por Francisco Brines (Oliva, 1932) y la intervención de su figura de escritor en el campo intelectual, en dos operatorias discursivas interrelacionadas: 1. la operatoria autorreferencial, elaborada sesgadamente en su obra hasta el momento publicada, desde Las brasas (1960) hasta La última costa (1995), un largo trayecto que dispone las variaciones de su concepción de la palabra poética en consonancia con los interrogantes comunes a otros poetas del medio siglo; 2. la operatoria crítica y autopoética, delineada en sus ensayos, prólogos y entrevistas, donde el poeta lector (de sí mismo y de los otros) elabora un mapa de inclusiones y exclusiones e interpreta tensiones entre actores del campo (precedentes y coetáneos). De este modo, rubrica la conformación de su ideario en complementación y/o distancia con su propia producción poética desde un rol doxológico privilegiado: el de 'maestro' de poetas, en tanto autor consagrado del grupo del 50, varias veces premiado y miembro emérito de la RAE
La ponencia tiene como objetivo reconstruir el ideario autopoético elaborado por Francisco Brines (Oliva, 1932) y la intervención de su figura de escritor en el campo intelectual, en dos operatorias discursivas interrelacionadas: 1. la operatoria autorreferencial, elaborada sesgadamente en su obra hasta el momento publicada, desde Las brasas (1960) hasta La última costa (1995), un largo trayecto que dispone las variaciones de su concepción de la palabra poética en consonancia con los interrogantes comunes a otros poetas del medio siglo; 2. la operatoria crítica y autopoética, delineada en sus ensayos, prólogos y entrevistas, donde el poeta lector (de sí mismo y de los otros) elabora un mapa de inclusiones y exclusiones e interpreta tensiones entre actores del campo (precedentes y coetáneos). De este modo, rubrica la conformación de su ideario en complementación y/o distancia con su propia producción poética desde un rol doxológico privilegiado: el de 'maestro' de poetas, en tanto autor consagrado del grupo del 50, varias veces premiado y miembro emérito de la RAE
La ponencia tiene como objetivo reconstruir el ideario autopoético elaborado por Francisco Brines (Oliva, 1932) y la intervención de su figura de escritor en el campo intelectual, en dos operatorias discursivas interrelacionadas: 1. la operatoria autorreferencial, elaborada sesgadamente en su obra hasta el momento publicada, desde Las brasas (1960) hasta La última costa (1995), un largo trayecto que dispone las variaciones de su concepción de la palabra poética en consonancia con los interrogantes comunes a otros poetas del medio siglo; 2. la operatoria crítica y autopoética, delineada en sus ensayos, prólogos y entrevistas, donde el poeta lector (de sí mismo y de los otros) elabora un mapa de inclusiones y exclusiones e interpreta tensiones entre actores del campo (precedentes y coetáneos). De este modo, rubrica la conformación de su ideario en complementación y/o distancia con su propia producción poética desde un rol doxológico privilegiado: el de 'maestro' de poetas, en tanto autor consagrado del grupo del 50, varias veces premiado y miembro emérito de la RAE
En un ejercicio no extenuante la frecuencia cardíaca (FC) guarda una relación lineal con el consumo máximo de oxígeno (V O2max) y se suele usar como uno de los parámetros de referencia para cuantificar la capacidad del sistema cardiovascular. Normalmente la frecuencia cardíaca puede remplazar el porcentaje de V O2max en las prescripciones básicas de ejercicio para la mejora de la resistencia aeróbica. Para obtener los mejores resultados en la mejora de la resistencia aeróbica, el entrenamiento de los individuos se debe hacer a una frecuencia cardíaca suficientemente alta, para que el trabajo sea de predominio dinámico con la fosforilación oxidativa como fuente energética primaria, pero no tan elevada que pueda suponer un riesgo de infarto de miocardio para el sujeto que se está entrenando. Los programas de entrenamiento de base mínima y de base óptima, con ejercicios de estiramientos para prevenir lesiones, son algunos de los programas más adecuados para el entrenamiento de la resistencia aeróbica porque maximizan los beneficios y minimizan los riesgos para el sistema cardiovascular durante las sesiones de entrenamiento. En esta tesis, se ha definido un modelo funcional para sistemas de inteligencia ambiental capaz de monitorizar, evaluar y entrenar las cualidades físicas que ha sido validado cuando la cualidad física es la resistencia aeróbica. El modelo se ha implementado en una aplicación Android utilizando la camiseta inteligente “GOW running” de la empresa Weartech. El sistema se ha comparado en el Laboratorio de Fisiología del Esfuerzo (LFE) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) durante la realización de pruebas de esfuerzo. Además se ha evaluado un sistema de guiado con voz para los entrenamientos de base mínima y de base óptima. También el desarrollo del software ha sido validado. Con el uso de cuestionarios sobre las experiencias de los usuarios utilizando la aplicación se ha evaluado el atractivo de la misma. Por otro lado se ha definido una nueva metodología y nuevos tipos de cuestionarios diseñados para evaluar la utilidad que los usuarios asignan al uso de un sistema de guiado por voz. Los resultados obtenidos confirman la validez del modelo. Se ha obtenido una alta concordancia entre las medidas de FC hecha por la aplicación Android y el LFE. También ha resultado que los métodos de estimación del VO2max de los dos sistemas pueden ser intercambiables. Todos los usuarios que utilizaron el sistema de guiado por voz para entrenamientos de 10 base mínima y de base óptimas de la resistencia aeróbica consiguieron llevar a cabo las sesiones de entrenamientos con un 95% de éxito considerando unos márgenes de error de un 10% de la frecuencia cardíaca máxima teórica. La aplicación fue atractiva para los usuarios y hubo también una aceptación del sistema de guiado por voz. Se ha obtenido una evaluación psicológica positiva de la satisfacción de los usuarios que interactuaron con el sistema. En conclusión, se ha demostrado que es posible desarrollar sistemas de Inteligencia Ambiental en dispositivos móviles para la mejora de la salud. El modelo definido en la tesis es el primero modelo funcional teórico de referencia para el desarrollo de este tipo de aplicaciones. Posteriores estudios se realizarán con el objetivo de extender dicho modelo para las demás cualidades físicas que suponen modelos fisiológicos más complejos como por ejemplo la flexibilidad. Abstract In a non-strenuous exercise, the heart rate (HR) shows a linear relationship with the maximum volume of oxygen consumption (V O2max) and serves as an indicator of performance of the cardiovascular system. The heart rate replaces the %V O2max in exercise program prescription to improve aerobic endurance. In order to achieve an optimal effect during endurance training, the athlete needs to work out at a heart rate high enough to trigger the aerobic metabolism, while avoiding the high heart rates that bring along significant risks of myocardial infarction. The minimal and optimal base training programs, followed by stretching exercises to prevent injuries, are adequate programs to maximize benefits and minimize health risks for the cardiovascular system during single session training. In this thesis, we have defined an ambient intelligence system functional model that monitors, evaluates and trains physical qualities, and it has been validated for aerobic endurance. It is based on the Android System and the “GOW Running” smart shirt. The system has been evaluated during functional assessment stress testing of aerobic endurance in the Stress Physiology Laboratory (SPL) of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM). Furthermore, a voice system, designed to guide the user through minimal and optimal base training programs, has been evaluated. Also the software development has been evaluated. By means of user experience questionnaires, we have rated the attractiveness of the android application. Moreover, we have defined a methodology and a new kind of questionnaires in order to assess the user experience with the audio exercise guide system. The results obtained confirm the model. We have a high similarity between HR measurements made of our system and the one used by SPL. We have also a high correlation between the VO2max estimations of our system and the SPL system. All users, that tried the voice guidance system for minimal and optimal base training programs, were able to perform the 95% of the training session with an error lower than the 10% of theoretical maximum heart rate. The application appeared attractive to the users, and it has also been proven that the voice guidance system was useful. As result we obtained a positive evaluation of the users' satisfaction while they interacted with the system. In conclusion, it has been demonstrated that is possible to develop mobile Ambient Intelligence applications for the improvement of healthy lifestyle. AmIRTEM model is the first theoretical reference functional model for the design of this kind of applications. Further studies will be realized in order to extend the AmIRTEM model to other physical qualities whose physiological models are more complex than the aerobic endurance.
Nowadays, a wide offer of mobile augmented reality (mAR) applications is available at the market, and the user base of mobile AR-capable devices -smartphones- is rapidly increasing. Nevertheless, likewise to what happens in other mobile segments, business models to put mAR in value are not clearly defined yet. In this paper, we focus on sketching the big picture of the commercial offer of mAR applications, in order to inspire a posterior analysis of business models that may successfully support the evolution of mAR. We have gathered more than 400 mAR applications from Android Market, and analyzed the offer as a whole, taking into account some technology aspects, pricing schemes and user adoption factors. Results show, for example, that application providers are not expecting to generate revenues per direct download, although they are producing high-quality applications, well rated by the users.