617 resultados para Rowley Rex J
Dinoflagellate cysts are useful for reconstructing upper water conditions. For adequate reconstructions detailed information is required about the relationship between modern day environmental conditions and the geographic distribution of cysts in sediments. This Atlas summarises the modern global distribution of 71 organicwalled dinoflagellate cyst species. The synthesis is based on the integration of literature sources together with data of 2405 globally distributed surface sediment samples that have been preparedwith a comparable methodology and taxonomy. The distribution patterns of individual cyst species are being comparedwith environmental factors that are knownto influence dinoflagellate growth, gamete production, encystment, excystment and preservation of their organic-walled cysts: surface water temperature, salinity, nitrate, phosphate, chlorophyll-a concentrations and bottom water oxygen concentrations. Graphs are provided for every species depicting the relationship between seasonal and annual variations of these parameters and the relative abundance of the species. Results have been compared with previously published records; an overview of the ecological significance as well as information about the seasonal production of each individual species is presented. The relationship between the cyst distribution and variation in the aforementioned environmental parameters was analysed by performing a canonical correspondence analysis. All tested variables showed a positive relationship on the 99% confidence level. Sea-surface temperature represents the parameter corresponding to the largest amount of variance within the dataset (40%) followed by nitrate, salinity, phosphate and bottom-water oxygen concentration, which correspond to 34%, 33%, 25% and 24% of the variance, respectively. Characterisations of selected environments as well as a discussion about how these factors could have influenced the final cyst yield in sediments are included.
Back Row: coaches Jerry Hanlon, Chuck Stobart, Gary Moeller, Tom Reed, Jack Harbaugh, Elliott Uzelac, Dennis Brown, Bill McCartney, Jed Hughes, Tirrell Burton
8th Row: *Woody Brown, Jeff Golombiskey, Mike Smith, Rob Carian, Roger Bettis, *Kerry Bankus, Rex Mackall, Bill Cargile, *Bob Snyder, Greg Bartnick, Dave Harding, Dennis Richardson, Max Richardson, *Chuck Palanca
7th Row: Jim Pickens, Andy Jackson, Steve Nauta, Kevin King, Shaun Szenderski, Mike Kenn, *Mike Pawlowicz, Bill Dufek, Walt Downing, Mark Donahue, Paul Moore, Dominic Tedesco, Scott Corbin, John Anderson
6th Row: Derek Howard, Ken Bush, Al Canaday, Phil Brown, Curt Stephenson, Jim Hackett, Terry Stefan, Jack Heffernan, *Steve Nault, Roger Szafranski, Bill Heneveld, Aubrey Miller, Alex Johnson, Joe Holland, Dwight Hicks
5th Row: Jim Bolden, Darrell Truitt, Jerry Zuver, Steve Anderson, Pete Traber, Phil Andrews, Jim Hall, *Gary Zolciak, *Mike Boik, Jerry Vogele, Gerry Szara, Bob Lang, Steve Graves, Eric Phelps, John Ceddia
4th Row: Bob Wood, Rob Lytle, John Hennessey, Jerry Collins, Mike Strabley, *Alan Wheeler, *Matt Caputo, Chuck Randolph, Greg Strinko, Rick Koschalk, Mike Holmes, Mike Coyne, Frank Moore, Jim Smith, Phil Brumbaugh
3rd Row: Dave Whiteford, *Eduardo Gonzales, Gordon Bell, Dave Devich, Les Miles, Dan Jilek, Calvin O'Neal, Kirk Lewis, Jim Czirr, Greg Morton, Tim Davis, Keith Johnson, George Przygodski, Mark Elzinga, Jack Fairbanks
2nd Row: *Glen Franklin, Jeff Perlinger, Mike Lantry, Jim Armour, Pat Tumpane, Carl Russ, Greg DenBoer, Dave Metz, Steve Strinko, Dennis Franks, Bill Hoban, Steve King, Tom Jensen, Don Dufek, coach Bo Schembechler
Front Row: Mark Jacoby, Kurt Kampe, *Kevin Casey, Larry Johnson, Dave Elliott, Tom Drake, co-captain Dave Brown, Chuck Heater, co-captain Dennis Franklin, Gil Chapman, Geoff Steger, Harry Banks, Larry Banks, Jeff Spahn, Doug McKenzie
* did not remain with team for the season
Back Row: Chris Grieves, Bob Franks, Gregg Willner, Dave Goldwaithe, Mark Slaughter, John Mandich, Pat Watts, James Blue, Nick Labun, Tony Woodford, C. Newhof, Jeff Lawley
9th Row: Steve Knickerbocker, Kyron Williams, Stacy Johnson, John Weisenburger, Bob Hollway, Chip Pederson, Dale Keitz, Tim Malinak, Leon Richardson, Rock Lindsay, Lewis Smith, Woody Brown
8th Row: Scott Smith, Mark Braman, Bob Patek, Jon Giesler, Mark Torzy, Curtis Greer, William Jackson, Jerry Meter, Rick Leach, Dave Stavale, Tom Melita
7th Row: Mike Smith, Tom Seabron, Mark DeSantis, Frank Bell, Harlan Huckleby, Gene Johnson, Mark Schmerge, Russell Davis, John Arbeznik, Andy Jackson, Dennis Richardson
6th Row: Joe Holland, Steve Nauta, Kevin King, Max Richardson, Dave Harding, Mike Kenn, Dominic Tedesco, Jim Pickens, Ray Johnson, Phil Brown, Ken Bush, Roger Bettis
5th Row: Roger Szafranski, Dwight Hicks, Scott Corbin, Mark Donahue, Bill Dufek, Rex Mackall, John Anderson, Derek Howard, Greg Bartnick, Walt Downing, Terry Stefan, Asst. Coach Bill McCartney
4th Row: Asst. Coach Paul Schudel, Curt Stephenson, Rob Carian, Phil Andrews, Eric Phelps, Steve Graves, Gerry Szara, Jim Hackett, Pete Traber, Steve Anderson, Bob Wood, Darrell Truitt, Phil Brumbaugh, Asst. Coach Jack Harbaugh
3rd Row: Asst. Coach Gary Moeller, Asst. Coach Tom Reed, Asst. Coach Jed Hughes, Jerry Zuver, Rick White, Jim Hall, Mike Strabley, Jerry Vogele, Jim Smith, Rob Lytle, John Hennessy, Bob Lang, Jim Bolden, John Ceddia, A. Miller, Asst. Coach Dennis Brown
2nd Row: Asst. Coach Tirrel Burton, Asst. Coach Jerry Hanlon, Greg Morton, Tom Jensen, George Przygodski, Mike Holmes, Co-Captain Kirk Lewis, Jeff Perlinger, Steve King, Dan Jilek, Jim Czirr, Bill Hoban, Calvin O'Neal, Chuck Randolph, Asst. Coach Chuck Stobart
Front Row: Mark Elzinga, Jerry Collins, Kurt Kampe, Rick Koschalk, Dave Devich, Co-captain Gordon Bell, Co-Captain Don Dufek, Tim Davis, Keith Johnson, Les Miles, Dave Whiteford, Greg Strinko, Head Coach Bo Schembechler
Back Row: Assistant Coaches: Larry Gustafson, Bob Thornbladh, Jerry Hanlon, Tirrel Burton, Dennis Brown, Chuck Stobart, Paul Schudel, Gary Moeller, Bill McCartney, Jack Harbaugh, Tom Reed, Dave Elliott, Tim Davis, Lou Angelo, Eqp. Mgr. Jon Falk, Trainer Lindsy McLean
8th Row: Roger Gaudette, Jim Kozlowski, Virgil Williams, Chris Godfrey, Ron Pratl, Dick Novak, Doug Marsh, Irvin Johnson, Keith Gilmore, Jim Humphries, * , Dan Murray, * , Dave Angood
7th Row: Mike Harden, Mel Owens, Michael Davis, George Lilja, Mark Kochanski, John Powers, Chuck Hetts, Bob Taylor, Garrett Quinn, Mike Jolly, Ralph Clayton, John Wangler, David Payne
6th Row: Gerald Diggs, Gary Weber, Lawrence Reid, Gene Bell, Ron Simpkins, Roosevelt Smith, Lewis Smith, William Jackson, Stacy Johnson, Jeff Bednarek, Mike Leoni, Tony Leoni, Jay Allen, Larry Crockett
5th Row: Woody Brown, Gregg Willner, Chris Grieves, Tim Malinak, Mark Braman, * , Jon Giesler, Dave Kadela, Kyron Williams, * , * , Nick Labun, Tom Keller, * .
4th Row: Mgr. Bob Brown, Chip Pederson, Bob Patek, Dale Keitz, Curtis Greer, Tom Seabron, Jerry Meter, John Arbeznik, Mark DeSantis, Bob Hollway, Tom Melita, Mark Torzy, Rock Lindsay, Ed Kasparek
3rd Row: Roger Bettis, * , Dave Harding, Kevin King, Steve Nauta, Max Richardson, Dom Tedesco, Mark Schmerge, Gene Johnson, Russell Davis, Rick Leach, Greg Bartnick, Harlan Huckleby, Mike Smith, Ray Johnson, * .
2nd Row: Roger Szafranski, Jim Pickens, Dwight Hicks, Mark Donahue, Walt Downing, Steve Anderson, Eric Phelps, Rick White, Curt Stephenson, Phil Andrews, Steve Graves, John Anderson, Bill Dufek, Mike Kenn, Derek Howard, Rex Mackall
Front Row: Jim Hackett, Gerry Szara, Jerry Zuver, John Hennessy, Greg Morton, Co-Capt. Calvin O'Neal, Co-Capt. Kirk Lewis, Co-Capt. Rob Lytle, Jim Smith, Bob Wood, Jim Bolden, Bob Lang, Jerry Vogele, John Ceddia, Head Coach Bo Schembechler
* = left the team
Back Row: Asst. coaches Bob Thornbladh, Tom Reed, Jerry Hanlon, Tirrel Burton, Tim Davis, Bill McCartney, Jack Harbaugh, Paul Schudel, Dennis Brown, Don Nehlen, Barry Pierson, Jerry Zuver, Eqp. Mgr. Jon Falk, Trainer Lindsy McLean
8th Row: Marcus Bond, Chuck Christian, Greg Wunderli, Kurt Becker, Tony Osbun, Dan Kwiatkowski, Tom Wandersleben, Fred Motley, Andy Cannavino, Mike Kligis, Jim Breaugh, Oliver Johnson
7th Row: Kirk Yearian, B.J. Dickey, Alan Mitchell, Rodney Feaster, Stanley Edwards, Mike Trgovac, Dave Nicolau, Jeff Jackson, Neal Ginley, Kelley Keough, John Prepolec, Ben Needham, Stuart Harris, Rick Jones
6th Row: Derek Williams, Tony Woodford, Jay Allen, James Humphries, David Payne, Tom Keller, Ron Pratl, Rich Novak, David Angood, Craig Page, Dan Murray, Thomas Moss, Larry Jones, Brian Virgil
5th Row: Roger Gaudette, Virgil Williams, Gerald Diggs, Gene Bell, Dave Kadela, Gary Quinn, Ralph Clayton, Chuck Hetts, Mel Owens, Gary Weber, John Wangler, Keith Gilmore, Irvin Johnson, Tony Leoni, Jim Kozlowski
4th Row: Sr. Mgr. Don DiPaolo, Nick Labun, Mike Harden, Michael Davis, Lawrence Reid, Mike Jolly, John Powers, Chris Godfrey, Jeff Bednarek, George Lilja, Mike Leoni, Doug Marsh, Ron Simpkins, Roosevelt Smith, Gregg Willner, Tim Malinak
3rd Row: Ed Kasparek, Mark Braman, Bob Patek, Stacy Johnson, Dale Keitz, John Arbeznik, Curtis Greer, Jon Giesler, Chip Pederson, Mark DeSantis, Mark Torzy, Rock Lindsay, William Jackson, Bob Hollway, Tom Melita
2nd Row: Max Richardson, Curt Stephenson, Derek Howard, Steve Graves, John Anderson, Bill Dufek, Mark Donahue, Co-captain Walt Downing, Garry Szara, Mike Kenn, Rick White, Dominic Tedesco, Jim Pickens, Kevin King, Co-captain Dwight Hicks, Head Coach Bo Schembechler
Front Row: Raymond Johnson, Roger Bettis, Mike Smith, Russell Davis, Tom Seabron, Gene Johnson, Steve Nauta, Rex Mackall, Greg Bartnick, Dave Harding, Mark Schmerge, Jerry Meter, Rick Leach, Harlan Huckleby, Woody Brown
Back Row: Mgr. Keith Webster, Video Coordinator Dave Garlow, Head Trainer Russ Miller, g.a.'s: Paul Alexander, Bill Sheridan, Jim Herrmann, John Johnson, Randy Fichtner, Kevin Kalinich, Tr. Paul Schmidt, Tr. Rex Thompson, Equipment Mgr. Jon Falk, Assistant Denny Morgan, Graduate Assistant John Ferens
11th Row: Assistant coaches: Alex Agase, Cam Cameron, Jerry Meter, Tom Reed, Elliott Uzelac, Gary Moeller, Lloyd Carr, Bill Harris, Jerry Hanlon, Tirrel Burton, Mike Gittleson, Recruiting Coord. Fritz Seyferth, Admin. Ass't. Cliff Dochterman
10th Row: Geoff Bissell, Mark Gutzwiller, Steve Woroniecki, Dave Knight, Steve Zacharias, Todd Plate, Matt McCoy, Greg Zeigler, Byron Lawson, Sean Eastman, Scott Harrala, Joel Boyden, Doug Matton
9th Row: Chris Calloway, Chris Horn, Scott Smykowski, Trey Walker, Jeff Tubo, Curtis Feaster, Mike Kerr, Marc Ramirez, T.J. Osman, Mike Teeter, Doug Daugherty, Huemartin Robinson
8th Row: John Milligan, Tony Boles, Jarrod Bunch, Greg McMurtry, Marc Spencer, Tom Dohring, Warde Manuel, Timothy Williams, Leroy Hoard, Allen Jefferson, Tracy Williams, David Key
7th Row: Olatide Ogunfiditimi, Keith Cooper, Scott Crawford, Joe Holland, Frank Petroff, Pat Olszewski, John Plantz, Sean LaFountaine, Mike Edwards, Rick Hassel, Ted Harris, Gulam Khan
6th Row: Kyle Anderson, Mark Erhardt, Brian Reid, Keith Mitchell, John Herrmann, Brent White, Dave Weil, Derrick Walker, Michael Taylor, Anthony Mitchell, Pat Fitzgerald, Mike DeBoer, Vince Washington
5th Row: Rick Stites, Ernie Bock, Mike Gillette, Scott Mandel, Mike Kovak, John Willingham, Dave Mandel, John Duerr, J.J. Grant, Don Lessner, Bob Stites
4th Row: Ken Mouton, Ernie Holloway, David Arnold, Jeffrey Brown, Dave Dever, Dave Herrick, Michael Dames, Dave Chester, Bob Cernak, Rick Sutkiewicz, John Kolesar, Allen Bishop
3rd Row: Erik Campbell, Mike Husar, Mark Messner, Jack Walker, Steve Thibert, Andree McIntyre, Andy Borowski, Dave Folkertsma, Tim Schulte, John Vitale, Phil Webb, Phil Logas
2nd Row: Jamie Morris, Monte Robbins, Todd Schulte, Billy Harris, Mark Hammerstein, Paul Jokisch, Bob Perryman, Mike Reinhold, John Elliott, Jerry Quaerna, Carlitos Bostic, Chris Zurbrugg, Head Coach Bo Schembechler
Front Row: Ken Higgins, Pat Moons, Garland Rivers, Ivan Hicks, Andy Moeller, Tony Gant, Jim Harbaugh, Gerald White, Thomas Wilcher, Dieter Heren, Doug Mallory, Russell Rein
Top Row: stud. mngr. Charlie Peck, Dave Stober, Chris Sabo, Greg Schulte, Jim Bartlett, Chuck Froning, Dan Sygar, Rich Stoll, Jim Price, stud. mngr. Chris Jaksa
Middle Row: asst. coach Danny Hall, asst. coach Terry Hunter, Bill Shuta, Gary Wayne, Dave Knopf, Scot Elam, Rich Bair, Jeff Jacobson, Tony Evans, Steve Ontiveros, coach Bud Middaugh
Front Row: equip. mngr. Adam White, Jim Paciorek, Vic Ray, Mark Clinton, Tim Miller, Gerry Hool, Randy Wroten, Joe Wissing, John Young, Fred Erdman, trainer Rex Thompson,
Top Row: Mike Dadabbo, Jim Price, Matt Ruud, Mike McClear, Chuck Froning, Scott Young, C.J. Beske, Jeff Minick, Rich Stoll, Chris Jaksa
Middle Row: asst. coach Danny Hall, Chris Sabo, Bill Shuta, Rich Bair, John Clem, Dave Knopf, Ken Hayward, Jaime Vela, grad asst. Gary Murphy, coach Bud Middaugh
Front Row: equip. mngr. Adam White, Dan Sygar, Steve Ontiveros, Tim Karazin, Dave Stober, Greg Schulte, Jim Paciorek, John Young, Jeff Jacobson, Tony Evans, Fred Erdman, trainer Rex Thompson,
Top Row: trainer Rex Thompson, C.J. Beshke, Christopher Gust, Eric Sanders, Barry Larkin, John Codere, Derek Kerr, Dale Sklar, Jeff Minick, Mark Dadabbo, asst. trainer Bill Quinn
Middle Row: coach Bud Middaugh, grad. asst. Gary Murphy, groundskeeper Willis Parrott, Dan Disher, Casey Close, Jamie Piper, Kenneth Hayward, Michael Watters, Scott Kamienicki, Kurt Zimmerman, grad asst. John Young, asst. coach Danny Hall, equip. mngr. Tom Sears
Front Row: mngr. Chris Jaksa, Richard Bair, Gary Wayne, David Knopf, Daniel Sygar, Frederick Erdman, Jeffrey Jacobson, Timothy Karazim, Richard Stoll, Charles Froning, William Shuta, Chris Sabo
Top Row: Dave Karasinski, Paul Wenson, Mike Betz, Jon Wood, Jerry Wolf, Paul Kasper, Kevin Gilles, Hal Morris, John Grettenberger, Buddy Dodge, Rob Huffman, Matt Siuda
Middle Row: equip. mngr. Jim Neidert, asst. coach Gary Murphy, Chris Gust, Barry Larkin, Eric Sanders, Casey Close, Mike Watters, Dan Disher, Kurt Zimmerman, Scott Kamieniecki, Derek Kerr, grad. Asst. John Young, trainer Rex Thompson
Front Row: asst. coach Danny Hall, Randy Wolfe, Jeff Minick, Bill Shuta, Rick Bair, Chuck Froning, Gary Wayne, Ken Hayward, C.J. Beshke, coach Bud Middaugh
Top Row: Jim Agemy, Chuck Froning, Ross Powell, Rich Samplinski, Ron Wolf, Chris Starr, Rick Hassel, Doug Kaiser, Jim Durham, Chris Gagin, trainer Rex Thompson?
Middle Row: ass't coach John Young, Kourtney Thompson, Kevin Gilles, Mike Grimes, Dave Peralta, ass't coach Terry Hunter, John Ansted, Greg McMurtry, Tim Lata, Rick Leonard, Sean LaFountaine, Phil Price, ass't coach Danny Hall, head coach Bud Middaugh
Front Row: Chris Lutz, Mike Gillette, Mike Ignasiak, Eddie Woolwine, John Grettenberger, Greg Everson, Steve Finken, Tom Brock, Bill St. Peter, Darrin Campbell, Jim Abbott
Top Row: ?, John Ansted, Chris Gagin, Doug Kaiser, Ross Powell, ?, Dan Ruff, Stacy Katlin, Matt Morse, Ass't coach Ted Mahan, trainer Rex Thompson, ?
Middle Row: ?, ass't coach John Young, Kourtney Thompson, Mike Grimes, Greg Haeger, Jeff Tanderys, John Locker?, Tim Lata, Chris Starr, Phil Price, Rich Samplinski, ass't coach Chuck Froning, head coach Bud Middaugh
Front Row: Dave Peralta, Chris Lutz, Mike Gillette, Rick Leonard, Tom Brock, Steve Finken, Mike Ignasiak, Eddie Woolwine, Bill St. Peter, Darrin Campbell, Jim Abbott, Jim Durham
Top Row: groundskeeper Erich Keil, John Ellison, Kevin Crociata, Bubba Wyngarden, Chris Newton, Matt Copp, Scott Winterlee, Scott Timmerman, Brian Feldman, trainer Rex Thompson
Middle Row: grad. asst. Ed Turek, asst. coach Ted Mahan, Bryan Santo, Terry Woods, Toby Brzoznowski, Eric Persinger, Nate Holdren, Matt Idoni, Dennis Konuszewski, Eric Heintschel, Pat Maloney, asst. coach Ace Adams
Front Row: Andy Fairman, Russell Brock, Jason Pfaff, Tim Flannelly, Joe Mooney, Dan Ruff, coach Bill Freehan, Mike Matheny, Jeff Tanderys, Dave Everly, Steve Buerkel, Todd Winston, Todd Marion
Back Row: Student Manager Adam Rosen, Groundskeeper Erich Keil, Tony Agosta, Billy Hardy, Kevin Crociata, Ryan Van0everen, Jason Mahoney, Dan Weeks, Matt Humbles, Scott Niemiec, Todd Fracassi, Jasen Livingston, Rodney Goble, Trainer Rex Thompson.
Middle Row: Grad Assistant Ed Turek, Assistant Coach Dan O'Brien, Bubba Wyngarden, Aaron Toth, Heath Murray, Nate Holdren, Matt Idoni, Chad Chapman, Ron Hollis, Matt Copp, Chris Newton, Volunteer Coach Ernie Savas, Assistant Coach Ace Adams.
Front Row: (from left): Bryan Santo, Eric Heintschel, Chris Michalek, Terry Woods, Toby Brzoznowski, Todd Marion, Head Coach Bill Freehan, Steve Buerkel, Eric Persinger, Pat Maloney, Scott Winterlee, Scott Timmerman, Dennis Konuszewski.