977 resultados para Rothengatter, Werner


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Nimiösivulla myös: Raamatun kertomuksilla varustettu painos.


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Tekijä kannesta: E. N. Setälä.


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This article shows that abundant resources and blind faith in an optimistic future cannot result in sustainable growth in Brazil. There are great deficiencies in various areas which make sustained high growth rates almost impossible to achieve, such as the low investment ratio, deficiencies in creating human capital, high interest rates leading to an uncompetitive exchange rate and a lack of infrastructural development.


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Este texto veio a constituir, modificado, o primeiro capítulo de nossa tese de mestrado - A Fênix tropical: nota crítica sobre o dualismo e a teoria da dependência, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade de São Paulo. Trata dos seguintes temas: I - A "filosofia da história", o marxismo e a "objetividade"; II - O pensamento social brasileiro: as teorias do/sobre o desenvolvimento e o marxismo apologético: 1.º Werner Baer: a "objetividade" conservadora contra as "paixões" reformistas; 2.º Carlos Lessa: Industrialização como "decisão"; 3.º ISEB: objetividade reformista contra paixões socialistas; 4.º Maturidade política contra aventuras socialistas; III - Os pressupostos comuns.


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The following translation is a reduced and revised version of the paper Schicksal Nietzsche? Zu Nietzsches Selbsteinschätzung als Schicksal der Philosophie und der Menschheit (Ecce Homo, Warum ich ein Schicksal bin §1)" - originally published in Nietzsche-Studien 37 (2008) - which was specially prepared to be presented in lecture organized by the Grupo de Pesquisa Spinoza & Nietzsche (Spinoza & Nietzsche research group - SpiN), in the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro's Federal University), on September 14, 2009. In the text, the autor employs his own philological-hermeneutical methodology, which is called contextual interpretation, in the purpose to clarify the concepts of the first aphorism from "Why I am a destiny", from Ecce Homo, in its own context, in the context of Ecce Homo and in the context of the entire work from Nietzsche.


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A tradução que se segue é uma versão resumida e revisada do artigo "Schicksal Nietzsche? Zu Nietzsches Selbsteinschätzung als Schicksal der Philosophie und der Menschheit (Ecce Homo, Warum ich ein Schicksal bin §1)" - publicado originalmente em Nietzsche-Studien 37 (2008) - que foi especialmente preparada para ser apresentada em palestra organizada pelo Grupo de Pesquisa Spinoza & Nietzsche (SpiN), na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, em 14/09/2009. No texto, o autor faz uso de sua própria metodologia filológico-hermenêutica, denominada interpretação contextual, com vistas a esclarecer os conceitos do primeiro aforismo de "por que sou um destino", de Ecce Homo no seu contexto próprio, no contexto de Ecce Homo e no contexto da obra de Nietzsche como um todo.


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La sténose valvulaire aortique (SVA) est une pathologie associée au vieillissement et aux facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire. Afin d’étudier la SVA et d’explorer de nouvelles thérapies, plusieurs modèles animaux ont été récemment développés, mais la plupart de ces modèles ciblent les mécanismes de développement de la SVA reliés à l’hypercholestérolémie. Le syndrome de Werner (WS) est une maladie caractérisée par un vieillissement prématuré. Récemment, il a été découvert que des souris mutantes ayant une délétion du domaine hélicase du gène Werner, responsable du WS, démontraient un profile hémodynamique typique de la SVA. De ce fait, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que ces souris pourraient développer une SVA plus rapidement que des souris de type sauvage. Nous avons donc étudié les effets cette mutation chez des souris WrnΔhel/Δhel, en comparant le taux de progression d’une SVA entre des souris WrnΔhel/Δhel (WrnΔhel) et des souris de type sauvage comme groupe contrôle. À la suite d’une diète riche en sucre et en gras sur une période de 24 semaines, les souris WrnΔhel ont démontré une diminution plus prononcée de leur aire de valve aortique (mesures échocardiographiques) que les souris contrôles, supportée par les analyses histologiques concernant la fibrose des valves aortiques. Les souris n’ont toutefois développé aucun signe évident d’athérosclérose comme l’infiltration de lipides ou l’inflammation, bien que certaines caractéristiques liées à la dysfonction endothéliale semblent être augmentées chez les souris WrnΔhel. D’autres mesures échocardiographiques indiquant une SVA, comme une hypertrophie du ventricule gauche dans le groupe WrnΔhel, ont été obtenues. Nous avons aussi observé des indices de vieillissement plus marqués quant aux analyses sanguines et de la moelle osseuse des souris WrnΔhel en comparaison avec les souris contrôles. Par conséquent, ce modèle expérimental de vieillissement pourrait être utilisé pour les études futures sur la SVA sans les principaux effets athérogéniques des autres modèles expérimentaux.


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Metallo-organic chemistry,incorporating the frontiers of both inorganic and organic chemical aspects,is a topic of utility concern.The first exploration of coordinated metal complexes dates back to the ninettenth century,during the days of Alfred Werner.Thereafter,inorganic chemistry witnessed a great outflow of coordination compounds,with unique structural characteristics and diverse applicatons.The diversity in structures exhibited by the coordination complexes of multidentate ligands have led to their usage as sensors,models for enzyme mimetic centers,medicines etc.The liganda chosen are of prime importance in determining the properties of coordination compounds.Schiff bases are compounds obtained by the condensation of an aidehyde or ketone with an amine.The chemical properties of Schiff bases and their complexes are widely explored in recent years owing to their pharmacological activity,their catalytic activities and so on.On the other hand pseudohalides like azide and thiocyanate are versatile candidates for the construction of dimeric or polymeric complexes having excellent properties and diverse applications.So a combination of the Schiff bases and the pseudohalogens for the synthesis of metal complexes can bring about interesting results.An attempt into this area is the besis of this Ph.D theis.


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Aqua complex ions of metals must have existed since the appearance of water on the earth, and the subsequent appearance of life depended on, and may even have resulted from the interaction of metal ions with organic molecules. Studies on the coordinating ability of metal ions with other molecules and anions culminated in the theories of/\lfred Werner. Thereon the progress in the studies of metal complex chemistry was rapid. Many factors, like the utility and economic importance of metal chemistry, the intrinsic interest _in many of the compounds and the intellectual challenge of the structural problems to be solved, have contributed to this rapid progress. X—ray diffraction studies further accelerated the progress. The work cited in this thesis was carried out by the author in the Department of Applied Chemistry during 2001-2004. The primary aim of these investigations was to synthesise and characterize some transition metal complexes of 2-benzoylpyridine N(4)-substituted thiosemicarbazones and to study the antimicrobial activities of the ligands and their metal complexes. The work is divided into eight chapters