976 resultados para Rose Bowl, Pasadena, Calif. (Football game)


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Back Row: Fred Mushinski, Jerry Hanlon, Lloyd Carr, Fritz Seyferth, Jerry Meter, Ron Vanderlinden, Milan Wooletich, Mike Gittleson, Les Miles, Paul Schudel, Bob Thornbladh, Bill McCartney, Tim Davis, Tirrel Burton

8th Row: Dennis Hammond, Jon Falk, Brad Maxon, Mike Melnyk, Fritz Burgess, Roger Joseph, John Lanman, Rolie Zagnoli, John Ferens, Larry Cerasi, Jeff Nate, Cedric Smith, Russ Miller

7th Row: Evan Cooper, Vincent Bean, Tom Dixon, Glen Dwyer, Nate Rodgers, Jeff Shaw, Mike Wilson, Larry Sweeney, Ron Prusa, Doug James, Bob Dana, Mike Boren, Carlton Rose, Tim Anderson

6th Row: Don Bracken, Greg Armstrong, Kerry Smith, Steve Smith, Dave Hall, Vince DeFelice, Stefan Humphries, Milt Carthens, Rod Lyles, Jerry DiOrio, Dave Meredith, Harry Gosier, Tom Hassel, Greg Powell

5th Row: Ali Haji-Sheikh, Nate Davis, Ricky Davis, John Lott, Duke Haynes, Jim Herrmann, Dan Yarano, Todd Triplett, Joe Mosketti, Scott Roberts, Marshall Parks, Kevin Smith, Bill Jacoby, Frank Raiford

4th Row: Anthony Carter, Larry Ricks, Rich Hewlett, Jerry Burgei, Keith Bostic, Jerald Ingram, Winfred Carraway, Craig Dunaway, Tom Neal, Vincent Shaw, Jeff Cohen, Don Ryan, Brad Fischer, Paul Girgash, Kenny Gear

3rd Row: Mike Czarnota, Fred Brockington, Robert Thompson, Jeff Felten, Tom Garrity, Bubba Paris, Ed Muransky, Rich Strenger, Mike Lemirande, Mark Warth*, Zeke Wallace, Cedric Coles, Sanford Washington, Tony Kelsie

2nd Row: Oliver Johnson, Brian Carpenter, Tony Jackson, Butch Woolfolk, Jim Breaugh, Fred Motley, Chuck Christian, Kelly Keough, Tom Wandersleben, Brad Bates, Norm Betts, Jeff Reeves, Marion Body, Karl Tech

Front Row: Alan Mitchell, Tony Osbun, Kurt Becker, Mike Trgovac, John Wangler, George Lilja, Mel Owens, John Powers, Gerald Diggs, Andy Cannavino, Dave Nicolau, Stan Edwards, Rod Feaster, Stu Harris, Coach Bo Schembechler

* = left the team


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Back Row: Fritz Seyferth, Bob Chmiel, Alex Agase, Jerry Meter, Elliot Uzelac, Paul Schudel, Jerry Hanlon, Gary Moeller, Tirrell Burton, Milan Vooletich, Lloyd Carr, Bob Thornbladh, Dennis Doornbos, Mike Gittleson

9th Row: Chuck Ritter, Jon Falk, Ken Gear, Bob Kimball, Ed Hood, Camp Fellin, Marc Shevrin, Joe Mosketti, Charlie Fromm, Russ Miller

8th Row: Pat Moons, Derek Woodmore, Greg Randall, Triando Markray, Andy Moeller, Mike Krauss, Dan Decker, Jerry Quaerna, Rick Frazer, Dieter Heren, Ben Logue, Keith Cowan, Robert Harris

7th Row: Tony Gant, Steve Johnson, Thomas Wilcher, Eddie Garrett, Paul Schmerge, Mike Reinhold, Marty Shimko, John Mihic, Mark Hammerstein, Jim Harbaugh, Dan Rice, Bob Perryman, Gilvanni Johnson, Ivan Hicks

6th Row: Joe English, Todd Schlopy, Mike Melnyk, John Ferens, Mike Sessa, John Ghindia, Sim Nelson, Gil Zimmerman, Eric Kempthorn, Bruce Brown, Dave Simon, Sylvester Ogletree, John Paciorek, Bob Bergeron

5th Row: Tom Knoebel, Mike Odioso, Phil Lewandowski, Bob Popowski, Clay Miller, Jeff Akers, Kevin Brooks, Art Balourdos, Mike Hammerstein, Brian Mercer, Bob Tabachino, Joe Gray, Jim Scarcelli, Riley McPhee

4th Row: Greg Powell, Brad Cochran, Al Sincinch, Mike Mallory, Eric Kattus, Vince DeFelice, Tim Anderson, Dave Meredith, Larry Sweeney, Mike Wilson, Nate Rodgers, Robert Dana, Rick Rogers, Fritz Burgess

3rd Row: Evan Cooper, Greg Armstrong, Don Bracken, Carlton Rose, Tom Hassell, Kerry Smith, Dave Hall, Jerry Diorio, Ron Prusa, Milt Carthens, Doug James, Rodney Lyles, Mickey Hanlon, Lou Kovacs

2nd Row: Vince Bean, Stefan Humphries, Nate Davis, Ricky Davis, John Lott, Scott Roberts, Todd Triplett, Dan Yarano, Rich Hewlett, Jeff Cohen, Jim Herrman, Steve Smith, Mike Boren, Tom Dixon

Front Row: Marion Body, Jerald Ingram, Mike Lemirande, Winfred Carraway, Craig Dunaway, Keith Bostic, Rich Strenger, Robert Thompson, Anthony Carter, Lawrence Ricks, Paul Girgash, Tom Garrity, Jerry Burgei, Ali Haji-Sheikh, Bo Schembechler


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Back Row: Bill Giarmo, Alex Agase, Jerry Hanlon, Bob Thornbladh, Elliott Uzelac, Gary Moeller, Lloyd Carr, Jerry Meter, Milan Vooletich, Tirrel Burton, Bob Chmiel, Jim Herrmann, Dave Magazu

9th Row: Doug Ham (Mgr.), Mike Gittleson, Lou Kovacs, Joe English, Joe Mosketti, James Rott, Garrett Smith, Phil Logas, John Whitledge, Andy Samosiuk, Dave Garlow, Russ Miller, Fritz Seyferth, Jon Falk

8th Row: Tim Schulte, Mike O'Connor, Billy Harris, Carlitos Bostic, Gene Cecchini, Steve Thibert, Jack Walker, John Balourdos, Pete Wentworth, Todd Schulte, Brandon Johns, Monte Robbins, John Zingales

7th Row: Billy Dawson, Doug Mallory, Gerald White, Garland Rivers, Dave Folkertsma, Andrew Borowski, Glenn Mogle, John Elliott, Andree McIntyre, Dwayne Freeman, Phil Webb, Chris Zurbrugg, Ken Higgins, Russell Rein

6th Row: Gene Lawson, Camp Fellin, Marc Shevrin, Dieter Heren, John Mihic, Jerry Quaerna, Rick Frazer, Marty Shimko, Triando Markray, Dan Decker, Keith Cowan, Pat Moons, Ed Hood, Al Bishop

5th Row: Steve Johnson, Tony Gant, Greg Randall, Ben Logue, Gilvanni Johnson, Paul Schmerge, Mark Hammerstein, Mike Reinhold, Jim Harbaugh, Bob Perryman, Andy Moeller, Mike Krauss, Ivan Hicks

4th Row: Mike Melnyk, Todd Schlopy, John Paciorek, Dave Simon, John Ghindia, Phil Lewandowski, Jim Scarcelli, Brad Cochran, Tom Knoebel, Mike Sessa, Eddie Garrett, Dan Rice, John Ferens, Bob Bergeron, Tom Wilcher

3rd Row: Joe Gray, Mike Mallory, Clay Miller, Eric Kattus, Art Balourdos, Al Sincich, Kevin Brooks, Mike Hammerstein, Sim Nelson, Jeff Akers, Rick Rogers, Bob Popowski, Bob Tabachino, Brian Mercer

2nd Row: Fritz Burgess, Tim Anderson, Mike Wilson, Nate Rogers, Dave Meredith, Vince DeFelice, Greg Armstrong, Milt Carthens, Rodney Lyles, Larry Sweeney, Dan Yarano, Gerald Ingram, Don Bracken, Kerry Smith

Front Row: Jeff Cohen, Jerry Diorio, Dave Hall, Carlton Rose, Steve Smith, Tom Dixon, Stefan Humphries, Mike Boren, Doug James, Evan Cooper, Tom Hassel, John Lott, Vince Bean, Rich Hewlett, Coach Bo Schembechler


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Back Row: Todd Jager, Kevin Lynch, Paul Schmidt, Mike Gittleson, Rick Clark, Vance Bedford, Brady Hoke, Jim Herrmann, Mike DeBord, Fred Jackson, Bobby Morrison, Stan Parrish, Erik Campbell, Terry Malone, Harold Goodwin, Scott Draper, Jon Falk, Phil Bromley, Mike Elston, Chris Kurpeikis

8th Row: Eddie Davis, Eric Dean, Eddie Magnus, Ethan Perkins, Toni Grant, Brodie Killian, Jake Malacos, Jeremy Miller, Gary Rose, Rudy Smith, Jamie Young, Bob Bland, Rick Brandt, Steve Connelly, Kelly Cox, Peter Clifford, Matt Hamilton, Scott Loeffler

7th Row: Patrick McCall, James Whitley, DeWayne Patmon, Anthony Jordan, Eric Brackins, Ray Jackson, Adam Adkins, Bob Fraumann, Shawn Thompson, Todd Mossa, Bill Seymour, Eric Rosel, Demetrius Smith, Anthony Thomas, William Peterson, Johathan West, P.J. Cwayna

6th Row: David Downs, Chad Henman, Jeff Del Verne, Ryan Parini, Mark Bergin, Eric Wilson, Eric Warner, Jake Frysinger, Kurt Anderson, Maurice Williams, Ben Mast, Jason Brooks, Andy Sechler, Dan Williams, Chris Roth, Matt Johnson

5th Row: LeAundre Brown, Ian Gold, Grady Brooks, Cory Sargent, Kevin Brandt, Steve Hutchinson, Jason Kapsner, Jeff Backus, Paul Tannous, Chad Carpenter, Jerry Johnson, Tommy Hendricks, Dhani Jones, Marcus Knight, Aaron Wright

4th Row: J.R. Ford, Kenneth Jackson, Tate Schanski, Jason Cummings, Rob Renes, Jeff Holtry, Pat Kratus, Lance Ostram, Jason Clyne, Jared Chandler, Kevin Bryant, Jeff Smokevitch, Chad Stock, Brandon Kornblue, Manus Edwards

3rd Row: Clarence Williams, DaydrionTaylor, Charles Woodson, DiAllo Johnson, James Hall, Steve Frazier, Tom Brady, Jeff Potts, Chris Ziemann, Tai Streets, Aaron Shea, Josh Williams, Jason Vinson, Brent Washington, Darren Petterson

2nd Row: Jay Feely, Todd Brooks, Marcus Ray, Kraig Baker, Sam Sword, Nate Miller, Juaquin Feazell, Mark Campbell, JerameTuman, Clint Copenhaver, Noah Parker, Mike Singletary, Scott Parachek, Andre Weathers, Russell Shaw

Front Row: Dr. Gerald O'Connor, Brian Griese, Colby Keefer, Eric Mayes, Rob Swett, Zach Adami, Glen Steele, Head Coach Lloyd Carr, Ben Huff, Chris Howard, Chris Floyd, David Crispin, Jon Jansen, Scott Dreisbach, Terrence Quinn


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Back Row: Paul Schmidt, Mike Gittleson, Rick Clark, Vance Bedford, Brady Hoke, Jim Herrmann, Mike DeBord, Fred Jackson, Bobby Morrison, Stan Parrish, Erik Campbell, Terry Malone, Scot Loeffler, Jon Falk, Phil Bromley, Mike Elston

8th Row: Tim Murphy, Dave Dean, Dr. Edward Wojtys, Dr. C. Daniel Hendrickson, Danielle Tiernan, Steve Connelly, Dwight Mosely, Scott Panique, Kirk Moundros, Tad Van Pelt, Mike Sajdak, Pete Clifford, Rob Abin, Rick Brandt, Mark Ouimet, Kelly Cox, Eric Dean, Buster Stanley, Jim Schneider

7th Row: Daydrion Taylor, Todd Howard, Walter Cross, Evan Coleman, Julius Curry, Justin Fargas, Hayden Epstein, Larry Foote, Shawn Lazarus, Victor Hobson, Dave Armstrong, Deitan Dubuc, Jonathan Goodwin, John Wood, Dennis Baker, Jason Ptak, Kyle Froelich, Paul Tannous

6th Row: Aaron Richards, Cyle Young, P.J. Cwayna, Jeremy Miller, Michael Manning, Jake Malacos, Brodie Killian, Gary Rose, Rudy Smith, Joe Denay, Bennie Joppru, Dan Rumishek, Dave Petruziello, Drew Henson, Dave Terrell, Marquise Walker, Cato June

5th Row: Patrick McCall, James Whitley, William Peterson, Anthony Thomas, Ray Jackson, Bill Seymour, Shawn Thompson, Kurt Anderson, Jason Brooks, Ben Mast, Adam Adkins, Todd Mossa, Bob Fraumann, Eric Brackins, Eric Rosel, DeWayne Patmon, Anthony Jordan

4th Row: Manus Edwards, Chris Roth, Dan Williams, LeAundre Brown, Eric Wilson, Chad Carpenter, Ian Gold, Marcus Knight, Eric Warner, Maurice Williams, Jake Frysinger, Grady Brooks, Cory Sargent, Ryan Parini, Andy Sechler, Jeff Del Verne

3rd Row: Brent Washington, Kevin Bryant, Jeff Smokevich, Mark Bergin, Kenneth Jackson, Jeff Holtry, David Brandt, Steve Hutchinson, Jeff Backus, Jason Kapsner, Tommy Hendricks, Dhani Jones, Jared Chandler, Tate Schanski, Brandon Kornblue, Matt Johnson

2nd Row: Jay Feely, Darren Petterson, Jason Vinson, Noah Parker, Aaron Shea, James Hall, Steve Frazier, Chris Ziemann, Jeff Potts, Tom Brady, Josh Williams, Patrick Kratus, DiAllo Johnson, Rob Renes, Kraig Baker

Front Row: Head Coach Lloyd Carr, Marcus Ray, Andre Weathers, Nate Miller, Sam Sword, Juaquin Feazell, Mark Campbell, Jon Jansen, Jerame Tuman, Clint Copenhaver, Tai Streets, Scott Dreisbach, Chris Singletary, Clarence Williams


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Back Row: Paul Schmidt, Mike Gittleson, Mike Elston, Teryl Austin, Brady Hoke, Jim Herrmann, Mike DeBord, Fred Jackson, Bobby Morrison, Stan Parrish, Erik Campbell, Terry Malone, Scot Loeffler, Jon Falk, Scott Draper, Phil Bromley, Jim Schneider

8th Row: Tim Murphy, Dr. Edward Wojtys, Dr. C. Daniel Hendrickson, Kevin Undeen, Mark Borgman, Brian Smalls, Michael Kaselitz, Joe Ghannam, Tommy Huff, Dave Eklund, Rick Brandt, Bob Bland, Mark Ouimet, Kelly Cox, Dennis Coyle, Zach Adami

7th Row: Jason Clyne, Brandon Williams, Greg Brooks, Shantee Orr, Jeremy LeSueur, Carl Biggs, Dave Pearson, Ronald Bellamy, Tyrece Butler, John Navarre, Andy Mignery, Andy Brown, Grant Bowman, Courtney Morgan, Phil Brabbs*, Kyle Blerlein, Chris Roth

6th Row: P.J. Cwayna, TommyJones, Tad Van Pelt, Dwight Mosley, Scott Panique, Stephen Baker, Blake Nasif, Joe Sgroi, Tony Pape, Demeterius Soloman, Norman Boebert, John Spytek, Phil Brackins, B.J. Askew, Charles Drake, Brent Cummings, Ryan Beard, Jon Shaw

5th Row: Aaron Richards, Jason Ptak, Todd Howard, Walter Cross, Julius Curry, Justin Fargas, Bennie Joppru, Dan Rumishek, Dave Petruziello, Shawn Lazarus, Victor Hobson, Dave Armstrong, Deitan Dubuc, Cato June, John Wood, Kyle Froelich, Kirk Moundros

4th Row: Mark Bergin, Cyle Young, Bob Fraumann, Kurt Anderson, Todd Mossa, Rudy Smith, Evan Coleman, Hayden Epstein, Larry Foote, Joe Denay, Drew Henson, Dave Terrell, Marquise Walker, Gary Rose, Michael Manning, Jeremy Miller

3rd Row: Matt Johnson, Ryan Parini, James Whitley, Bill Seymour, Anthony Thomas, Shawn Thompson, Adam Adkins, Jake Frysinger, Ben Mast, Eric Brackins, Eric Rosel, DeWayne Patmon, Dan Williams, Cory Sargent, Brandon Kornblue

2nd Row: Tate Schanski, Jeff Smokevitch, Kevin Bryant, Eric Wilson, Grady Brooks, David Brandt, Steve Frazier, Steve Hutchinson, Jeff Backus, Jason Kapsner, Andy Sechler, Eric Warner, Ken Jackson, Jeff Del Verne

Front Row: Chris Ziemann, Josh Williams, Tom Brady, Patrick Kratus, DiAllo Johnson, Rob Renes, Head Coach Lloyd Carr, Dhani Jones, Ian Gold, Marcus Knight, Tommy Hendricks, Aaron Shea, James Hall


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[cropped from Ivory photo print ( neg 11163-1) 1946 Illinois game]


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QB John Wangler over center in OSU game


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[this is after his first touchdown of the game]


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[Marty Huff makes ono of his three interceptions in the 1970 Purdue game.]


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[cropped from team captains photo , coin toss of Iowa game.]


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[Zachary cropped from a 4x5 game action negative]


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[Harmon cropped from game action photo]