997 resultados para Rocks -- Catalonia -- Forallac
Postcruise X-ray diffraction (XRD) data for 95 whole-rock samples from Holes 1188A, 1188F, 1189A, and 1189B are presented. The samples represent alteration types recovered during Leg 193. The data set is incorporated into the shipboard XRD data set. Based on the newly obtained XRD data, distribution of alteration phases were redrawn for Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1188 and 1189.
Hess Rise, a major structural feature in the northern Pacific, is one of several oceanic plateaus which apparently possess anomalous seismic structures (Sutton et al., 1971). Hence, Laboratory measurements of compressional- and shear-wave velocities in rocks from oceanic plateau regions are of considerable interest. Several questions come to mind: (1) Are compressional - wave velocities of volcanic rocks from oceanic plateaus similar to basalts of equivalent age from normal oceanic crust? (2) Do velocity-density relations for plateau rocks fit the well-established trends for Layer 2 basalts? (3) How do Poisson's ratios, determined from compressional- and shear-wave velocities, of oceanic plateau rocks compare with those of normal sea-floor basalts? To answer these questions, we have selected for velocity measurements five volcanic samples from different depths from Hole 465A, on southern Hess Rise. It is particularly significant that all the rocks are vesicular and have been highly altered, which significantly affects their elastic properties.
Prehnite-pumpellyite facies metamorphism is described in the oceanic-arc basement rocks of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 126, Site 791 in the Sumisu Rift, western Pacific. Chemical variations of pumpellyite, epidote, chlorite, and prehnite are examined and paragenetic relations discussed. The metamorphism took place during the pre-rifting stage of an intraoceanic arc. During the backarc rifting stage, the geothermal gradient of the area was not as high as that of a spreading mid-oceanic ridge.
We present results of a microprobe investigation of fresh and least-deformed and metamorphosed gabbroic rocks from Leg 118, Hole 735B, drilled on the east side of the Atlantis II Fracture Zone, Southwest Indian Ridge. This rock collection comprises cumulates ranging from troctolites to olivine-gabbro and olivine-gabbronorite to ilmenite-rich ferrogabbros and ferrogabbronorites. As expected, the mineral chemistry is variable and considerably expands the usual oceanic reference spectrum. Olivine, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene are present in all the studied samples. Orthopyroxene and ilmenite, although not rare, are not ubiquitous. Olivine compositions range from Fo85 to Fo30, while plagioclase compositions vary from An70 to An27. Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) of clinopyroxene (mostly diopside to augite) varies from 0.88 to 0.54. Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) of orthopyroxene varies from 0.84 to 0.50. These minerals are not significantly zoned. All mineralogical data indicate that fractional crystallization is an important factor for the formation of cumulates. However, sharp contacts, interpreted as layering boundaries or intrusion margins, suggest polycyclic fractionation of several magma batches of limited volumes. Calculated compositions of magmas in equilibrium with the most magnesian mineral samples at the bottom of the hole represent fractionated liquids through separation of olivine, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene at moderate to low pressures (less than 9 kb). Crystallization of orthopyroxene and ilmenite occurs in the most differentiated liquids. Mixing of magmas having various compositions before entering the cumulate zone is another mechanism necessary to explain extremely differentiated iron-rich gabbros formed in this slow-spreading ridge environment.
The paper presents materials on composition and texture of weakly serpentinized ultrabasic rocks from the western and eastern walls of the Markov Deep (5°30.6'-5°32.4'N) in the rift valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Predominant harzburgites with protogranular and porphyroclastic textures contain two major generations of minerals: the first generation composes the bulk of rocks and consists of Ol_89.8-90.4 + En_90.2-90.8 + Di_91.8 + Chr (Cr#32.3-36.6, Mg#67.2-70.0), while the second generation composes very thin branching veinlets and consists of PlAn_32-47 + Ol_74.3-77.1 + Opx_55.7-71.9 + Cpx_67.5 + Amph_53.7-74.2 + Ilm. Syndeformational olivine neoblasts in recrystallization zones are highly magnesian. Concentrations and covariations of major elements in harzburgites indicate that these rocks are depleted in mantle residues (high Mg# of minerals and whole-rock samples and low in CaO, Al2O3, and TiO2) that are significantly enriched in trace HFSE and REE (Zr, Hf, Y, LREE, and all REE). Mineralogy and geochemistry of harzburgites were formed by interaction of mantle residues with hydrous, strongly fractionated melts that impregnated them. Mineral composition of veinlets in harzburgites and mineralogical-geochemical characteristics of related plagiogranites and gabbronorites suggest that these plagiogranites were produced by melt residuals after crystallization of gabbronorites. Modern characteristics of harzburgites were shaped by the following processes: (i) partial melting of mantle material simultaneously with its subsolidus deformations, (ii) brittle-plastic deformations associated with cataclastic flow and recrystallization, and (iii) melt percolation along zones of maximal stress relief and interaction of this melt with magnesian mantle residue.