549 resultados para Robôs Cooperativos
In recent years, the growth of the microfinance sector has been significant. Either as a cause or as a consequence, some governments have decided to make it part of the financial system adapting regulatory frameworks to allow the sector to continue to expand as the number of formal institutions increases. It is the case in Peru where many NGOs have decided not to become regulated, arguing that this change could leave them to move away from the social aims for which they were created. In an increasingly competitive marketplace, where the legal framework encourages the regulation of microfinance institutions, there appears to be a need to study the potential future role of NGOs in the sector. In consideration of this question, this paper attempts to analyse the social role of those NGOs that have decided not to become regulated institutions. In this study a number of social indicators are analysed; these include the number of female clients, average loan amount and how loans are used, among others. These indicators will be used to attempt to evaluate the social role of unregulated NGOs and their prospects in this new context.
Act 44/2015, on 14th October, of labour and investee companies, aims to accommodate the different instruments, limits and requirements with which the legal regime of the labour companies is set, to the current economic and legal context where they must develop their economic activity. The purpose of the law is to preserve their special status, while it seeks to modernize its legal structure to ensure the economic solvency of the business plan, without weakening the social profile that is required. The new law includes two organisational figures, ‘labour companies’ and the calling ‘investee companies’, of the last one, only leaving evidence of what is to be understood by them referring its regulation to a subsequent regulatory development. Until the publication of the regulation, our work has focused on the corporate aspect of the labour companies by analysing the modifications made on the typological elements and legal regime of these organisational figures to determine whether the law is the necessary and sufficient instrument to achieve the challenge proposed.
The aim of this paper is to carry out an economic and financial study of the Special Employment Centres in Castile and León based on a classification of these entities’ registered legal personalities in order to view how the economic crisis that began at the end of 2007 may have affected them. Various items from the Centres’ financial statements are analysed and the results are compared to those from the period 2007-2013 as to provide a broader perspective of their size, development, growth and behaviour. The following economic figures were used: total assets, turnover and revenue. The variable “employment” is compared with the subsidies received by the Centres, showing that the crisis does affect the Centres depending on their registered legal personalities. Associations and physical persons are the most affected personalities, to the point of possible extinction. An account reversal for the Centres is also included in this article, which measures the percentage of public aid received by the Centres that is returned to society.
The tourism industry globally has grown steadily in recent decades, showing a progressive interest oriented toward rural areas due to characteristics of tranquility, nature, biodiversity, traditions and culture. Therefore, such aspects should be preserved and can be leveraged through adequate strategic orientation. Within the framework of global tourism trends community tourism is among the options that arise in the tourism market, and is one that is more likely to grow in the future. In the case of Ecuador, community tourism has become more dynamic over the years since many of the natural reserves in the country are in the hands of indigenous communities. Sustainable tourism in this sense is concerned with the maintenance of ethnic, cultural and biological diversity of the country, and current projects and regulatory laws support its development. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to present a strategy for the integrated management of community tourism following the principles of cooperation and collaboration between stakeholders, this study focuses on the Amazon region of Ecuador, specifically the province of Pastaza, in respect to how community tourism contributes to local development
En Portugal, como en otros países, las cooperativas agrícolas tienen un papel económico importante en el sistema alimentario. Similar a otras organizaciones económicas, las cooperativas agrícolas han sido testigos de cambios estructurales en las últimas décadas en términos de modelos de gobernación y gestión. Las cooperativas agrícolas portuguesas se han visto constreñidas por su contexto a adoptar un modelo tradicional de propiedad y control. El objetivo principal de este estudio era analizar cuestiones relacionadas con la estructura de gestión y desempeño financiero de las cooperativas, basada en los datos recogidos de cooperativas de aceite de oliva situadas en la región interior norte de Portugal. La combinación de un análisis cualitativo de la estructura y toma de decisiones, una evaluación financiera y la aplicación de un enfoque en varios criterios (PROMETHEE II), los resultados están en línea con expectativas (por ejemplo, bajos niveles de participación de los miembros, gestión no profesional, ratios de rentabilidad bajos, bajo apalancamiento y una capacidad para cumplir compromisos financieros), excepto la relación entre la gestión profesional y el desempeño financiero. La existencia de gestión profesional no conduce a mejores resultados financieros. Este resultado refuerza la creencia de que las cooperativas que están estructuradas de diferente manera tienen intereses diferentes y contradictorios a las partes interesadas.
Esta investigación analiza las tesis doctorales sobre tutoría defendidas en las universidades españolas en el periodo 1980-2014 a partir de la revisión de tres bases de datos (Teseo, Dialnet y TDR). Tras desarrollar una búsqueda exhaustiva se encontraron un total de 67 tesis doctorales que fueron analizadas considerando, por un lado, parámetros bibliométricos como producción por años, sexo del doctorando, universidades de lectura, directores y miembros de tribunales evaluadores; y, por otro lado, tendencias temáticas de las investigaciones doctorales sobre tutoría desde un análisis de descriptores, etapas educativas y tópicos desarrollados. El estudio concluye con algunas reflexiones en torno a la heterogeneidad de los atributos bibliométricos constatados en las tesis doctorales sobre tutoría, a la vez que se presentan las tendencias temáticas patentes en la construcción científica del campo de la tutoría desde las tesis doctorales.
Auciomar C. T. Cerqueira;Filipe C. A. Lins ; Adelardo A. D. Medeiros ; Pablo J. Alsina1. A versao 2006 da Equipe POTI de futebol de robos. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE AUTOMÁTICA,2. Campo Grande, RS, 2006. Anais... Campo Grande: JRI, 2006.
This study investigated how the types of confidence based on competence and good will act in the formation and maintenance of cooperation relationships between the Camanor and its partners (Aquatec, Purina, Caçuá, Uvifrios and Malta / Cleyton). It used organizational approaches on networks based primarily on studies of Powell (1987, 1990), Das and Teng (2000, 2001), Child (2001) and Contractor and Lorange (2004) which have described the advantages that cooperative relationships can provide, as well as their limits as alternative governance structures. Confidence has been considered an important factor affecting the actions and development of organizations involved in networks or in strategic alliances (ZAHEER; HARRIS, 2006) and is the most appropriate control mechanism in these situations (SYDOW, 1998). Confidence is seen from two different approaches: the economic and the sociological (ZAHEER; HARRIS, 2006). To facilitate the understanding of confidence some typologies have been created, as proposed by Barney and Hansen (1994), Lane (1998), Das and Teng (2000), Child (2001) and Wever, Martens and Vandenbempt (2005). This study made use of the case study as proposition of Yin (2005). Semi-structured interviews were held with pre-determined routes, in a single stage performed in early 2008. The research subjects were owners and / or responsible for Camanor and its business partners (Aquatec, Purina, Caçuá, Uvifrios and Malta / Cleyton). Also secondary data were collected in several sites related to the industry and enterprises studied, in addition to data collected by previous studies conducted by CARCINEREDES (2006). The primary data were analyzed using the analysing technique of the content proposed by Bardin (1994). Regarding the secondary data, they were qualitatively analyzed according to documentary analysis technique (BARDIN, 1994). Thus, through the data collected, could be concluded that although there is confidence based on good faith in relationships(UZZI, 1998; OF; TENG, 2001), their presence does not determine the formation and / or maintenance of a partnership, serves only in order to facilitate the relationship, making them more flexible. The confidence based on competence (DAS; TENG, 2001) influenced the formation and maintenance of relations studied. Because whether or not to form a relationship with another organization it is used the perception of the partner acts, namely the reputation (image) as decision basis. And it is through the verification of the performance of the partner activities that will determine the continuation of the partnership
El objetivo del trabajo es analizar los diferentes modelos de gestión que pueden presentar las sociedades cooperativas. Tras una descripción de los modelos monista y dualista, así como de las distintas variantes que puede presentar este último modelo, se analizan los factores determinantes de su elección. Los factores analizados son: el tamaño, la edad y la actividad de la cooperativa. El análisis empírico ha sido realizado a partir de una muestra de empresas cooperativas españolas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el modelo dualista se utiliza, fundamentalmente en empresas grandes, de mayor edad y cuya actividad es la industria o los servicios.
Auciomar C. T. Cerqueira;Filipe C. A. Lins ; Adelardo A. D. Medeiros ; Pablo J. Alsina1. A versao 2006 da Equipe POTI de futebol de robos. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE AUTOMÁTICA,2. Campo Grande, RS, 2006. Anais... Campo Grande: JRI, 2006.
O estudo apresenta as perceções dos docentes do ensino regular (DER) e de educação especial (DEE) face ao uso de robôs em salas de aula por crianças com limitações na manipulação e comunicação, no âmbito do projeto Using Assistive Robots to Promote Inclusive Education (UARPIE). Foram desenvolvidos dois sistemas robóticos: um físico e outro virtual, cujos comandos foram integrados no sistema de comunicação utilizados pelas crianças participantes no estudo. Os sistemas usados permitiram às crianças a manipulação de objetos de aprendizagem e a comunicação enquanto realizavam atividades de português, matemática e estudo do meio. Cada criança participou em três sessões orientadas pelos respetivos docentes. A recolha de dados implicou, entre outros, a realização de entrevistas iniciais e finais aos docentes. Os docentes consideraram positivo o uso deste recurso, mas não se sentiam totalmente preparados para o utilizarem sem apoio externo.
This work presents a study about a the Baars-Franklin architecture, which defines a model of computational consciousness, and use it in a mobile robot navigation task. The insertion of mobile robots in dynamic environments carries a high complexity in navigation tasks, in order to deal with the constant environment changes, it is essential that the robot can adapt to this dynamism. The approach utilized in this work is to make the execution of these tasks closer to how human beings react to the same conditions by means of a model of computational consci-ousness. The LIDA architecture (Learning Intelligent Distribution Agent) is a cognitive system that seeks tomodel some of the human cognitive aspects, from low-level perceptions to decision making, as well as attention mechanism and episodic memory. In the present work, a computa-tional implementation of the LIDA architecture was evaluated by means of a case study, aiming to evaluate the capabilities of a cognitive approach to navigation of a mobile robot in dynamic and unknown environments, using experiments both with virtual environments (simulation) and a real robot in a realistic environment. This study concluded that it is possible to obtain benefits by using conscious cognitive models in mobile robot navigation tasks, presenting the positive and negative aspects of this approach.
Este trabajo de grado es el resultado del an?lisis de un proceso de intervenci?n mediado por la recreaci?n dirigida, realizado durante el periodo de pr?ctica profesional en la Corporaci?n para la recreaci?n popular CRP, en el marco del proceso de formaci?n con estudiantes del Servicio Social Estudiantil Obligatorio SSEO que prestaron su servicio en ?las vacaciones recreativas calidosas 2012?. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar c?mo influye la recreaci?n dirigida en un proceso de formaci?n con estudiantes del SSEO en el desarrollo y promoci?n de habilidades sociales, contenidos que se abordan en todo el trabajo de grado por su incidencia y transformaci?n en los estudiantes protagonistas de este proceso. As? mismo, toma el modelo de la influencia educativa de la recreaci?n, como la ruta a desarrollar en todo el trabajo, analizando el tri?ngulo de interactividad, los contenidos conceptuales, procedimentales y actitudinales, se reflexiona sobre el papel de la recreaci?n en el fomento de las habilidades sociales, la importancia de los juegos cooperativos y los lenguajes l?dico-creativos y el v?nculo afectivo como resultado de las interacciones con los estudiantes en el contexto de la recreaci?n.
Robotics is an emergent branch of engineering that involves the conception, manufacture, and control of robots. It is a multidisciplinary field that combines electronics, design, computer science, artificial intelligence, mechanics and nanotechnology. Its evolution results in machines that are able to perform tasks with some level of complexity. Multi-agent systems is a researching topic within robotics, thus they allow the solving of higher complexity problems, through the execution of simple routines. Robotic soccer allows the study and development of robotics and multiagent systems, as the agents have to work together as a team, having in consideration most problems found in our quotidian, as for example adaptation to a highly dynamic environment as it is the one of a soccer game. CAMBADA is the robotic soccer team belonging to the group of research IRIS from IEETA, composed by teachers, researchers and students of the University of Aveiro, which annually has as main objective the participation in the RoboCup, in the Middle Size League. The purpose of this work is to improve the coordination in set pieces situations. This thesis introduces a new behavior and the adaptation of the already existing ones in the offensive situation, as well as the proposal of a new positioning method in defensive situations. The developed work was incorporated within the competition software of the robots. Which allows the presentation, in this dissertation, of the experimental results obtained, through simulation software as well as through the physical robots on the laboratory.
For a robot be autonomous and mobile, it requires being attached with a set of sensors that helps it to have a better perception of the surrounding world, to manage to localize itself and the surrounding objects. CAMBADA is the robotic soccer team of the IRIS research group, from IEETA, University of Aveiro, that competes in the Middle-Size League of RoboCup. In competition, in order to win, the main objective of the game it's to score more goals than the conceded, so not conceding goals, and score as much as possible it's desirable, thus, this thesis focus on adapt an agent with a better localization capacity in defensive and offensive moments. It was introduced a laser range finder to the CAMBADA robots, making them capable of detecting their own and the opponent goal, and to detect the opponents in specific game situations. With the new information and adapting the Goalie and Penalty behaviors, the CAMBADA goalkeeper is now able to detect and track its own goal and the CAMBADA striker has a better performance in a penalty situation. The developed work was incorporated within the competition software of the robots, which allows the presentation, in this thesis, of the experimental results obtained with physical robots on the laboratory field.