999 resultados para Requisitos técnicos
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O presente trabalho tem o caráter de estudar as mudanças ocorridas nos parâmetros técnicos, durante o período compreendido entre 1994 a 2004. Este período foi analisado em dois momentos distintos: o primeiro entre os anos de 1994 a 1999, que coincide com a predominância da EMATER na elaboração dos projetos e, o segundo a partir de 2000, com a maior participação das prestadoras de serviço na elaboração de projetos para agricultores familiares assentados. Este segundo momento coincide com a participação das prestadoras de serviço do Projeto Lumiar. A análise privilegia o segundo momento de mudanças nos parâmetros técnicos, que envolveu a participação dos agricultores familiares e de diversas instituições vinculadas ao crédito rural para assentamentos. As discussões sobre os projetos foram realizadas nos fóruns de discussão técnica (seminários e reuniões ou oficinas) promovidos pela câmara técnica. Através da melhoria no diálogo entre os atores nos fóruns de discussão técnica, a construção dos parâmetros técnicos no Sudeste do Pará vem proporcionando uma melhoria na aplicação do crédito, apesar de faltar uma análise mais sistematizada sobre a adaptação dos projetos, nos estabelecimentos agrícolas. A ausência de índices técnicos regionais pode colocar em risco alguns projetos, como o financiamento do PRONAF Florestal. O principal avanço técnico nas discussões do crédito para a agricultura familiar foi a incorporação das atividades de pequenos e médios animais e dos sistemas agroforestry (SAF’s), como itens financiáveis que permitiu uma maior adaptabilidade do crédito a realidade dos agricultores familiares.
As discussões sobre criatividade indicam uma dificuldade tanto na definição do que seria um padrão “original” ou “criativo” quanto de identificar que variáveis o controlariam. Dentre as interpretações deste fenômeno encontra-se a chamada “interconexão espontânea de repertórios”, quando dois ou mais repertórios diferentes, aprendidos em separado, podem se juntar em novas situações produzindo sequências originais de comportamento. A resolução de um problema de forma súbita através desta interconexão foi denominada de “Insight”. Um dos processos que participariam dessa interconexão seria a “Generalização Funcional”. O presente estudo replicou com algumas mudanças, utilizando três ratos (Rattus norvegicus) como sujeitos (S1, S2 e S3), o trabalho original de Epstein (1985b) e investigou o papel da “Generalização Funcional” na interconexão dos repertórios. Ao S1 e ao S2 foram ensinados separadamente três repertórios distintos. O S1 aprendeu a (1) empurrar um cubo de maneira direcionada, (2) a subir e se erguer sobre cubo e (3) a puxar uma corrente. O S2 aprendeu a (1) empurrar um cubo de maneira não direcionada, (2) a subir e se erguer sobre cubo e a (3) puxar uma corrente. O S3 aprendeu apenas a (1) subir e se erguer sobre cubo e (2) a puxar uma corrente. Após o treino foram colocados numa situaçãoproblema que exigiria a interconexão das habilidades aprendidas para que a resolução ocorresse. O S1 e o S2 resolveram o problema de maneiras distintas: o S1 resolveu de forma aleatória e o S2 resolveu após um treino adicional de subir e puxar a corrente que estabeleceu elos importantes para a resolução. O S3 não resolveu o problema. Os dados indicaram que a generalização funcional poderia ser explicada como generalização simples e que esta não seria um requisito fundamental para a resolução súbita do problema.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Através deste estudo, avaliou-se o nível de conhecimento e conduta dos farmacêuticos, responsáveis técnicos (RT) em drogarias, quanto a alguns aspectos da legislação farmacêutica e sanitária. Foram entrevistados 45 RT em 2007, sendo que 19 desconheciam a definição dos medicamentos de referência, 21 do genérico e 25 do similar. Todos sabiam da permissão de aplicação de medicamentos injetáveis. Porém, apenas dois sabiam da permissão da aplicação de penicilínicos, metade desconhecia que é permitido fracionar medicamentos fracionáveis em drogaria, 18 não sabiam dispensar corretamente uma prescrição pelo princípio ativo e 37 acreditavam que o farmacêutico pode intercambiar qualquer medicamento de marca pelo genérico. A maioria dos RT apresentou nível regular e insatisfatório de conduta e de conhecimento sobre a legislação profissional e sanitária, o que sinaliza um problema na formação acadêmica e de atualização permanente, podendo comprometer as diretrizes da política nacional de medicamentos. Palavras-chave: Legislação de Medicamentos. Legislação Farmacêutica. Legislação Sanitária, Conhecimentos. Condutas e Prática em Saúde. Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde. ABSTRACT Assessment of knowledge and behavior of pharmacists with technical responsibility for drugstores This paper is a study of the level of knowledge and conduct of the legally responsible pharmacist-in-charge (PIC) at drugstores, regarding certain aspects of pharmaceutical and health legislation. In 2007, 45 PICs were interviewed, of whom 19 did not know the definition of original (innovative) branded drugs, 21 of generic drugs and 25 of similar branded drugs. All PICs knew that it is permitted to administer injectable drugs in the drugstore. However, only two knew that penicillins can be injected, half of them did not know that certain medicines can be fractionated in drugstores, 18 did not know how to dispense correctly a prescription for an active ingredient and 37 believed that the pharmacist can swap any brand name drug with its generic counterpart. Most PICs showed an unsatisfactory level of conduct and knowledge of the professional and health legislation, which points to problems in the undergraduate and in-service training of pharmacists, that could jeopardize the national drug policy guidelines. Keywords: Legislation, Drug. Legislation, Pharmacy. Legislation, Health. Health Knowledge. Attitudes, Practice. Attitude of Health Personnel.
Preservação digital nas instituições de ensino superior: aspectos organizacionais, legais e técnicos
This article analyzes the main aspects related to digital preservation in Higher Education Institution (HEI). Discusses the problems and challenges to be facing in this context and presents the main aspects and strategies involving digital preservation in this institution type, focusing on three: the organizational aspects, the legal aspects and the technical aspects. The methodological procedures involved the literature analysis on the subject area. As a result shows a digital preservation policy that includes 15 (fifteen) essential elements, distributed in three segments (aspects), and the importance of each element to the deployment of a digital preservation policy.
The Information Technology and Communication (ICT) made possible to adapt bibliographic catalogs to the digital environment, giving them more speed, flexibility and efficiency in the information retrieval. The FRBR, as a conceptual model for the bibliographic universe based on entity-relationship modeling, brought to the Librarianship area the possibility of making more efficient operation catalogs. The FRBR model was the first initiative caring about how to accomplish the conceptual modeling of bibliographic catalogs, to do not spend more efforts in individual developments of distinct and inconsistent modeling.However, even many years after its publication, there were few real implementation initiatives. The aim of this study is to present the model, based on its main features and structure, and bring to the discussion some considerations and inconsistencies that, according to the literature, may be the cause of its failure so far. It s based on the national and international literature about conceptual modeling and about the FRBR model.
The challenge of coexistence in a socio-economic development with the recuperation and maintenance of environmental quality drove the control instruments implementation and planning of capable activities to cause the environment degradation which detaches the environmental license. However, the expressive number of applicable norms and the fragmented form whose are formulated injure its comprehension and its application. Therefore, the objectives of this present work was raise and discuss in a systematic and integrated form the main lawful directives and its co accounts technical procedures to the environmental license in the State of São Paulo.
Energy efficiency has gained significant importance in recent years, mainly due to cyclical climatic conditions and current supply of natural resources. The present work deals with the procedures and requirements necessary to evaluate a building to a level of efficiency corresponding to your project and the actual implemented. To perform this analysis, we adopted the technical regulation efficiency prepared by Procel along with other agencies of the sector. The Regulation aims to create a model for the technical evaluation of the efficiency of buildings, popularize and expand the theme specification of conditions drawn up today. The building analyzed in this study was the library of UNESP, Guaratinguetá. Still, after the completion of the final efficiency analysis, are presented proposals for intervention that can improve and enhance the present situation of the building. The interventions are based on many technical factors and local conditions of climate and supply of resource. The issue of sustainability was explained in order to serve as a tool to expand the options available to upgrade a building in front of their impact on the environment
The discussions about the energy rationalization are gaining more and more space on the everyday of engineers and other professionals in the field of energy. A greater focus is being tied to commercial buildings, because they are one of the biggest responsible for the high energetic expenditure according to the National Energetic Balance, especially by the use of air conditioners for the people’s thermal comfort. Such finding made INMETRO to develop a building labeling procedure through th National Program of Electric Energy Conservation in Buildings; by means of this systematic, the built areas are classified by levels that go from A(the best) to E(the worst), taking into account envelopment, illumination system and air conditioning. A bonus process based on water rationalization, use of renewable energy sources, cogeneration systems or technical innovations, allows the classification to be changed up to one level. A study made exactly on a commercial building, the building of Foundation for Technological and Scientific Development located inside of the College of Engineering of Guaratinguetá, sought to identify technical/economic alternatives for the building certification and appealed to the bonus based on water rationalization. The present study is based on analysis of deploying a cogeneration system formed by internal combustion engine and an absorption refrigeration system as bonus alternative, so that the costs are analyzed regarding energy consumption and use of the motor. With the calculations and results, the viability of the building to receive a bonus from INMETRO through its National Program for Energy Conservation in Buildings is studied and concluded from this study whether or not you can get a better level of energy efficiency for the building in question... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The study aims to analyze the mechanization of the main coffee growing region in the south of Minas Gerais, in force, especially from the 1970s. But you get new content from the1990s, with the introduction of new information technologies. The use of machines in production processes appear as one of the great transformations of coffee in the period modern after globalization, requiring a labor more specialized, although resulting in unemployment in rural areas. So in the period of globalization new technologies gradually replace manual work. In the coffee farm, the old ways of the production (that handed down from father to son) aren't accepted by the global scientific agriculture (Santos, 2000:88). They are considered inefficient and low quality, but not attendant of patterns the international market. The national companies producing agricultural machines for coffee with emphasis on the company Pinhalense Agricultural Machinery SA believe that the producers of the region are its biggest customers in the country, considering the degree of mechanization more pronounced compared to other coffee growing regions. Analyze the importance of the coffee region with a contribution in the indicators of export and trade surplus in the Brazil and State of Minas Gerais
Currently, due to the highly competitive search among industries are becoming more tools for managing product that provides higher availability and therefore profitability. Maintenance as a strategic sector and of fundamental importance in business, it seeks to maximize availability and available resources, minimizing costs and waste, which directly impacts the company's results. The present work has as main objective the review of contracts for maintenance services for companies contracted by a chemical company in the Paraíba Valley, since most of its maintenance services are outsourced, and raise these contracts which are more critical and higher risk to the company's success, thus creating a tool for decision-making by maintenance managers in the act of seeking renewals or new contracts to provide services. As a result after drawing up a standard procedure for contracting of services and a better structuring of the same, we developed a method for the calculation of the criticality of the contracts and based on these calculations, charts were prepared which showed that the current scenario of maintenance contracts the company studied. Thus it is possible to evaluate the contracts which are most critical to the success or failure of the company studied, and also pave the way for further studies on how this criticality of a contract can affect the relationship, the contractor x contracted
Com a busca do corpo perfeito sempre em alta e com diversas matérias em jornais, telejornais e revistas sobre a saúde humana, houve um grande destaque para as academias, para ambos objetivos. De academias voltadas para o público infantil, com ênfase na recreação até as especializadas no público idoso, passando pelas que objetivam estéticas e as que oferecem treinamentos para reabilitação física, este mercado vem crescendo anualmente por todo o território nacional. A retenção de um aluno na academia tornou-se um desafio a mais para os proprietários e funcionários da empresa. Existem inúmeras opções de academias de lutas e musculação por aí. Então o que fazer para que o aluno escolha a sua e não a concorrente? O presente estudo possui como objetivos, através de uma revisão de literatura da área de formação profissional em educação física e administração em recursos humanos para o mercado de trabalho do profissional especializado, responder esta questão, mostrar a relação de profissionais de educação física com a área administrativa de uma empresa e apresentar métodos de organização e planejamento das atividades dentro de academias
Currently in the sports world, one of the prerequisites imposed by the organizers of sports sieves (selection of athletes) is the height, it becomes increasingly essential to play in clubs and teams worldwide. We noticed that teams base categories also suffer greatly from this height limitation. The objective of this research is to investigate the opinion of coaches, former coaches, players and former players and basketball players and volleyball on that possibility, or what to think about creating sub 1.80 m championships in men's tournaments. . This is a study of the qualitative and descriptive conducted with athletes and coaches volleyball and basketball courts, 6 volleyball players, six basketball players, volleyball players and a coach second technical basketball. We had the result of this work three main parameters: If athletes and coaches are in favor or not the creation of leagues, if there is any form of prejudice with the low in basketball and volleyball and opinions about the players lower in basketball and volleyball. Small players adhered to the idea of creating the league, high players were divided in high response and the coaches agreed saying that it grows with the Sports. Next step is the implementation, planning for these championships to assess the real possibilities of success of this initiative.