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O presente estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de compreender a construção da identidade profissional de enfermeiros docentes do curso de graduação em Enfermagem de uma instituição privada localizada na cidade de São Paulo. Para tanto, discute os processos de constituição identitária pautado nos estudos de Vera Placco de Souza, no âmbito nacional, e de Maurice Tardif e Claude Dubar, no âmbito internacional. Em uma etapa exploratória, foi aplicado um questionário semi-estruturado a cinco professoras da pós-graduação em Enfermagem e realizada uma entrevista semi-diretiva com dois desses participantes com o objetivo de refinar os instrumentos de coleta. A pesquisa principal fez uso de entrevista realizada com sete professores do curso de graduação em Enfermagem da mesma instituição. Os dados, tanto do estudo exploratório como da pesquisa principal, foram analisados tendo como referência os pressupostos da análise de conteúdo sistematizados por Laurence Bardin e Maria Laura P. B. Franco. Os resultados indicaram que os enfermeiros se tornam professores impelidos pelo desejo de ensinar e de compartilhar conhecimentos, oportunidade de trabalho, flexibilidade de horário e complementação da renda profissional, e são influenciados por professores de sua trajetória formativa e por familiares. As características valorizadas por eles em um professor foram: o domínio do conteúdo ensinado, sobretudo o saber técnico; a busca contínua do conhecimento; ética; profissionalismo; humanização. Nota-se um predomínio das características que envolvem o conhecimento dos conteúdos em detrimento das questões pedagógicas. A reflexão e preocupação com a Docência estão presentes em suas falas, assim como a busca constante para a superação das dificuldades existentes na profissão. Eles consideram a Docência uma profissão com um papel social de destaque do mesmo modo que a Enfermagem. Outro fator destacado nas respostas foi a forte representação do enfermeiro na carreira profissional dos pesquisados. Em seus relatos, foi possível perceber que sua construção como docentes ocorre de forma contínua ao longo da carreira, o que fica evidenciado em suas falas quando afirmam serem melhores professores agora do que no início de sua trajetória profissional e que, apesar de ser uma caminhada espinhosa inicialmente, tornou-se prazerosa e significativa com o passar do tempo. Ressalta-se aqui a importância de se valorizar os saberes do professor, partindo deles e trabalhando-os teórica e conceitualmente para que o docente amplie a compreensão do processo de ensino em saúde que, no mundo contemporâneo, tornou-se de alta complexidade.


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Alguma forma de atenção está continuamente presente na atividade consciente humana, trazendo implicações e interesses tanto de cunho clínico quanto para a Psicologia da Saúde. A atenção é entendida como um estado seletivo, intensivo e dirigido da percepção. Dentro do contexto esportivo a muito da atenção para ser explorada. O objetivo neste trabalho foi testar a atenção de goleiros de futebol de campo através de duas tarefas experimentais. Nossas hipóteses foram que prática esportiva, especificamente em goleiros, e em função do seu treinamento, melhora seu desempenho em tarefas dissociativas do contexto peculiar ao esporte. E ainda; havendo melhora no desempenho, se é devida a componente perceptivo de discriminação, ao alocamento temporal de atenção, ou à sustentação da mesma por períodos prolongados, isto é, uma maior capacidade de concentração ou menos fadigabilidade. Comparamos 27 goleiros de futebol de campo, com idades entre 15 e 27 anos; separados por tempo de treino. Utilizamos neste estudo um programa comercial de computador, configurado para a criação de testes de atenção (Stim, Neurosoft. Inc); que controla todos os aspectos da tarefa. Correlacionamos tempo de reação e porcentagem de acertos com duração do treinamento dos goleiros em meses (e com a idade). Dividimos o grupo de goleiros em dois subgrupos, pela mediana de tempo de treinamento. Apesar da alta correlação entre tempo de treinamento e idade, inevitavelmente em nossa amostra, não houve correlação significativa entre idade e desempenho em ambas as tarefas. A correlação entre desempenho e tempo de treinamento foi altamente significativa na tarefa I. Não verificamos a correlação entre desempenho e tempo de treinamento na tarefa II, apesar da correlação significativa entre desempenhos nas duas tarefas. Foram feitas análises de correlações entre tempo de treinamento e desempenho nas tarefas separadas por blocos. Na tarefa I, a correlação entre tempo de treino e desempenho em cada bloco foi sempre significativa; tanto em teste paramétrico quanto em teste não paramétrico. Já na tarefa II não houve correlação significativa em tempo de treinamento e desempenho em qualquer dos blocos. Na análise categórica, ou seja, dos grupos divididos em dois subgrupos pela mediana de tempo de treinamento; a diferença de desempenho entre os subgrupos foi significativa apenas na tarefa I, no total de acertos (T- test de amostras independentes; F=4.36, p=0.037) e em acertos nos últimos dois blocos (bloco 3 p=0.048; bloco 4 p=0.026). Com o tempo de treinamento, a melhora no que diferenciar e o aumento na condição da fadigabilidade, tende a refinar e a diminuir. A prática esportiva pode de fato melhorar a capacidade perceptiva e a sustentação da atenção, que é à base da disciplina humana para realização de qualquer tarefa. Conseqüentemente, uma melhora afetiva e somática, além disso, uma melhora cognitiva e intelectual traz consigo uma aplicabilidade real na qualidade de vida das pessoas


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A asma é a doença crônica mais freqüente na infância e o stress é considerado um dos agentes desencadeantes e agravantes do broncoespasmo nesses pacientes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a influência do stress na expressão clínica da asma e sua associação com as crises em crianças. Para verificar a presença de stress, utilizou-se a Escala de Stress Infantil (LIPP E LUCARELLI, 1998) e por meio de um questionário aplicado aos pais, observou-se freqüência de sintomas e crises de asma, as alterações do sono, o absenteísmo escolar, as limitações à prática de atividade física, a freqüência de uso de broncodilatador, as condutas dos pais durante as crises de asma, os fatores associados ao desencadeamento das crises, o poder aquisitivo e o grau de instrução do chefe da família. Observou-se que as crianças com asma estavam mais estressadas que as crianças do grupo controle, principalmente aquelas com maior gravidade da doença. Os resultados indicam que a presença de stress pode intensificar a freqüência de sintomas da asma, a limitação à atividade física, o absenteísmo escolar e as interrupções do sono. O maior tempo de diagnóstico de asma implicou em menor ocorrência de stress, sugerindo a existência de um fator de adaptação à doença. Conclui-se que o stress é um fator importante no desencadeamento e agravamento das crises de asma nas crianças e observa-se a necessidade de maiores pesquisas na aérea para aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre esse assunto.


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The current paper examines the dissimilarities that have occurred in news framing by state-sponsored news outlets in their different language versions. The comparative framing analysis is conducted on the news coverage of the Russian intervention in Syria (2016) in RT and Radio Liberty in Russian and English languages. The certain discrepancies in framing of this event are found in both news outlets. The strongest distinction between Russian and English versions occurred in framing of responsibility and humanitarian crisis in Syria. The study attempts to explain the identified differences in a framework of public diplomacy and propaganda studies. The existing theories explain that political ideology and foreign policy orientation influences principles of state propaganda and state-sponsored international broadcasting. However, the current findings suggest that other influence factors may exist in the field – such as the local news discourse and the journalistic principles. This conclusion is preliminary, as there are not many studies with the comparable research design, which could support the current discussion. The studies of localized strategies of the international media (whether private networks or state-funded channels) can refine the current conclusions and bring a new perspective to global media studies.


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We present in this paper ideas to tackle the problem of analysing and forecasting nonstationary time series within the financial domain. Accepting the stochastic nature of the underlying data generator we assume that the evolution of the generator's parameters is restricted on a deterministic manifold. Therefore we propose methods for determining the characteristics of the time-localised distribution. Starting with the assumption of a static normal distribution we refine this hypothesis according to the empirical results obtained with the methods anc conclude with the indication of a dynamic non-Gaussian behaviour with varying dependency for the time series under consideration.


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A sieve plate distillation column has been constructed and interfaced to a minicomputer with the necessary instrumentation for dynamic, estimation and control studies with special bearing on low-cost and noise-free instrumentation. A dynamic simulation of the column with a binary liquid system has been compiled using deterministic models that include fluid dynamics via Brambilla's equation for tray liquid holdup calculations. The simulation predictions have been tested experimentally under steady-state and transient conditions. The simulator's predictions of the tray temperatures have shown reasonably close agreement with the measured values under steady-state conditions and in the face of a step change in the feed rate. A method of extending linear filtering theory to highly nonlinear systems with very nonlinear measurement functional relationships has been proposed and tested by simulation on binary distillation. The simulation results have proved that the proposed methodology can overcome the typical instability problems associated with the Kalman filters. Three extended Kalman filters have been formulated and tested by simulation. The filters have been used to refine a much simplified model sequentially and to estimate parameters such as the unmeasured feed composition using information from the column simulation. It is first assumed that corrupted tray composition measurements are made available to the filter and then corrupted tray temperature measurements are accessed instead. The simulation results have demonstrated the powerful capability of the Kalman filters to overcome the typical hardware problems associated with the operation of on-line analyzers in relation to distillation dynamics and control by, in effect, replacirig them. A method of implementing estimator-aided feedforward (EAFF) control schemes has been proposed and tested by simulation on binary distillation. The results have shown that the EAFF scheme provides much better control and energy conservation than the conventional feedback temperature control in the face of a sustained step change in the feed rate or multiple changes in the feed rate, composition and temperature. Further extensions of this work are recommended as regards simulation, estimation and EAFF control.


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This multi-modal investigation aimed to refine analytic tools including proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) and fatty acid gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis, for use with adult and paediatric populations, to investigate potential biochemical underpinnings of cognition (Chapter 1). Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are vital for the normal development and function of neural cells. There is increasing evidence of behavioural impairments arising from dietary deprivation of EFAs and their long-chain fatty acid metabolites (Chapter 2). Paediatric liver disease was used as a deficiency model to examine the relationships between EFA status and cognitive outcomes. Age-appropriate Wechsler assessments measured Full-scale IQ (FSIQ) and Information Processing Speed (IPS) in clinical and healthy cohorts; GC-MS quantified surrogate markers of EFA status in erythrocyte membranes; and 1H-MRS quantified neurometabolite markers of neuronal viability and function in cortical tissue (Chapter 3). Post-transplant children with early-onset liver disease demonstrated specific deficits in IPS compared to age-matched acute liver failure transplant patients and sibling controls, suggesting that the time-course of the illness is a key factor (Chapter 4). No signs of EFA deficiency were observed in the clinical cohort, suggesting that EFA metabolism was not significantly impacted by liver disease. A strong, negative correlation was observed between omega-6 fatty acids and FSIQ, independent of disease diagnosis (Chapter 5). In a study of healthy adults, effect sizes for the relationship between 1H-MRS- detectable neurometabolites and cognition fell within the range of previous work, but were not statistically significant. Based on these findings, recommendations are made emphasising the need for hypothesis-driven enquiry and greater subtlety of data analysis (Chapter 6). Consistency of metabolite values between paediatric clinical cohorts and controls indicate normal neurodevelopment, but the lack of normative, age-matched data makes it difficult to assess the true strength of liver disease-associated metabolite changes (Chapter 7). Converging methods offer a challenging but promising and novel approach to exploring brain-behaviour relationships from micro- to macroscopic levels of analysis (Chapter 8).


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Physical distribution plays an imporant role in contemporary logistics management. Both satisfaction level of of customer and competitiveness of company can be enhanced if the distribution problem is solved optimally. The multi-depot vehicle routing problem (MDVRP) belongs to a practical logistics distribution problem, which consists of three critical issues: customer assignment, customer routing, and vehicle sequencing. According to the literatures, the solution approaches for the MDVRP are not satisfactory because some unrealistic assumptions were made on the first sub-problem of the MDVRP, ot the customer assignment problem. To refine the approaches, the focus of this paper is confined to this problem only. This paper formulates the customer assignment problem as a minimax-type integer linear programming model with the objective of minimizing the cycle time of the depots where setup times are explicitly considered. Since the model is proven to be MP-complete, a genetic algorithm is developed for solving the problem. The efficiency and effectiveness of the genetic algorithm are illustrated by a numerical example.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyze the way in which the knowledge competitiveness of regions is measured and further introduces the World Knowledge Competitiveness Index (WKCI) benchmarking tool. Design/methodology/approach – The methodology consists of an econometric analysis of key indicators relating to the concept of knowledge competitiveness for 125 regions from across the globe consisting of 55 representatives from North America, 45 from Europe and 25 from Asia and Oceania. Findings – The key to winning the super competitive race in the knowledge-based economy is investment in the future: research and development, and education and training. It is found that the majority of the high-performing regional economies in the USA have a knowledge competitive edge over their counterparts in Europe and Asia. Research limitations/implications – To an extent, the research is limited by the availability of comparable indicators and metrics at the regional level that extend across the globe. Whilst comparative data are often accessible at the national level, regional data sources remain underdeveloped. Practical implications – The WKCI has become internationally recognized as an important instrument for economic development policymakers and regional investment promotion agents as they create and refine their strategies and targets. In particular, it has provided a benchmark that allows regions to compare their knowledge competitiveness with other regions for around the world and not only their own nation or continent. Originality/value – The WKCI is the first composite and relative measure of the knowledge competitiveness of the globe's best performing regions.


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Onset asynchrony is an important cue for segregating sound mixtures. A harmonic of a vowel that begins before the other components contributes less to vowel quality. This asynchrony effect can be partly reversed by accompanying the leading portion of the harmonic with an octave-higher captor tone. The original interpretation was that the captor and leading portion formed a perceptual group, but it has recently been shown that the captor effect depends on neither a common onset time nor harmonic relations with the leading portion. Instead, it has been proposed that the captor effect depends on wideband inhibition in the central auditory system. Physiological evidence suggests that such inhibition occurs both within and across ears. Experiment 1 compared the efficacy of a pure-tone captor presented in the same or opposite ear to the vowel and leading harmonic. Contralateral presentation was at least as effective as ipsilateral presentation. Experiment 2 used multicomponent captors in a more comprehensive evaluation of harmonic influences on captor efficacy. Three captors with different fundamental frequencies were used, one of which formed a consecutive harmonic series with the leading harmonic. All captors were equally effective, irrespective of the harmonic relationship. These findings support and refine the inhibitory account. © 2007 Acoustical Society of America.


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A harmonic that begins before the other harmonics contributes less than they do to vowel quality. This reduction can be partly reversed by accompanying the leading portion with a captor tone. This effect is usually interpreted as reflecting perceptual grouping of the captor with the leading portion. Instead, it has recently been proposed that the captor effect depends on broadband inhibition within the central auditory system. A test of psychophysical predictions based on this proposal showed that captor efficacy is (a) maintained for noise-band captors, (b) absent when a captor accompanies a harmonic that continues after the vowel, and (c) maintained for 80 ms or more over a gap between captor offset and vowel onset. These findings support and refine the inhibitory account. PsycINFO Database Record © 2006 APA, all rights reserved.


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Linear typing schemes can be used to guarantee non-interference and so the soundness of in-place update with respect to a functional semantics. But linear schemes are restrictive in practice, and more restrictive than necessary to guarantee soundness of in-place update. This limitation has prompted research into static analysis and more sophisticated typing disciplines to determine when in-place update may be safely used, or to combine linear and non-linear schemes. Here we contribute to this direction by defining a new typing scheme that better approximates the semantic property of soundness of in-place update for a functional semantics. We begin from the observation that some data are used only in a read-only context, after which it may be safely re-used before being destroyed. Formalising the in-place update interpretation in a machine model semantics allows us to refine this observation, motivating three usage aspects apparent from the semantics that are used to annotate function argument types. The aspects are (1) used destructively, (2), used read-only but shared with result, and (3) used read-only and not shared with the result. The main novelty is aspect (2), which allows a linear value to be safely read and even aliased with a result of a function without being consumed. This novelty makes our type system more expressive than previous systems for functional languages in the literature. The system remains simple and intuitive, but it enjoys a strong soundness property whose proof is non-trivial. Moreover, our analysis features principal types and feasible type reconstruction, as shown in M. Konen'y (In TYPES 2002 workshop, Nijmegen, Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, 2003).


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The chromium chalcogenide spinels, MCr2X4 (M = Zn, Cd, Hg; X = O, S, Se), have been the subject of considerable interest in recent years. In each case the crystal structure is that of a normal spinel with the chromium ions exclusively occupying the octahedral (B) sites, so that when diamagnetic ions are located at the tetrahedral (A) sites the only magnetic interactions present are those between B-site ions. Despite such apparently simple circumstances a rich variety of magnetic behaviour is exhibited. For the oxides the ground state spin configurations are antiferromagnetic whilst for the selenides ferromagnetic interactions dominate and several authors have drawn attention to the fact that the nature of the dominant interaction is a function of the nearest neighbour chromium - chromium separation. However, at least two of the compounds exhibit spiral structures and it has been proved difficult to account for the various spin configurations within a unified theory of the magnetic interactions involved. More recently, the possibility of formulating a simplified interpretation of the magnetic interactions has been provided by the discovery that the crystal struture of spinels does not always conform to the centrosymmetrical symmetry Fd3m that has been conventionally assumed. The deviation from this symmetry is associated with small < 111> displacements of the octahedrally coordinated metal ions and the structures so obtained are more correctly referred to the non-centrosymmetrical space group F43m. In the present study, therefore, extensive X-ray diffraction data have been collected from four chromium chalcogenide specimens and used to refine the corresponding structural parameters assuming F43m symmetry and also with conventional symmetry. The diffracted intensities from three of the compounds concerned cannot be satisfactorily accounted for on the basis of conventional symmetry and new locations have been found for the chromium ions in these cases. It is shown, however, that these displacements in chromium positions only partially resolve the difficulties in interpreting the magnetic behaviour. A re-examination of the magnetic data from different authors indicates much greater uncertainty in their measurements than they had claimed. By taking this into consideration it is shown that a unified theory of magnetic behaviour for the chromium chalcogenide spinels is a real possibility.


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Recent advances in technology have produced a significant increase in the availability of free sensor data over the Internet. With affordable weather monitoring stations now available to individual meteorology enthusiasts a reservoir of real time data such as temperature, rainfall and wind speed can now be obtained for most of the United States and Europe. Despite the abundance of available data, obtaining useable information about the weather in your local neighbourhood requires complex processing that poses several challenges. This paper discusses a collection of technologies and applications that harvest, refine and process this data, culminating in information that has been tailored toward the user. In this case we are particularly interested in allowing a user to make direct queries about the weather at any location, even when this is not directly instrumented, using interpolation methods. We also consider how the uncertainty that the interpolation introduces can then be communicated to the user of the system, using UncertML, a developing standard for uncertainty representation.


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This thesis presents a study of interlanguage variability in the use of three tense/aspect forms: the simple present, simple past, and the present perfect. The need for research in this area comes from the problems encountered in the classroom. Language performance in one task sometimes does not reflect that in another. How and why this ocurrs is what this thesis aims to discover. A preliminary study explores the viability of using the Labovian variable model to elicit and explain variability. Difficulties highlight problems which help refine the methodology used in the main study. A review of past research point the direction in which this study should go. Armed with a sample of 17 Chinese Singaporean university students, whose first language is Chinese or a dialect of Chinese, the investigation began with the elicitation of variability to be found in four tasks. Using the attention-to-speech framework, these four tasks are designed to reflect varying degrees of required attention to language form. The results show that there is variability in the use of tense/aspect in all the tasks. However, the framework on which the tasks are based cannot explain the variability pattern. Further analyses of contextual factors, primarily pragmatic ones, point to a complex interplay of factors affecting the variability found in the results.