992 resultados para Redox reactions,


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To make stable and reproducible contacts to GaAs, metals which react with GaAs in the solid-phase should be favored. In this study, contacts formed employing Pd/TiN/Pd/Ag, Pd:Mg/TiN/Pd:Mg/Ag and Ru/TiN/Ru/Ag are studied. The TiN layer is included to investigate its application as diffusion barrier in these metallizations. Contacts to n-GaAs are rectifying and the value of barrier height is modified upon annealing. Contacts to p-GaAs are initially rectifying but exhibit ohmic behaviour after annealing. The modifications in the electrical properties are attributed to the solid-phase reaction of metal and GaAs. The integrity of the contacts relies critically on the success of TiN to prevent the intermixing of Ag overlayer and the underlying layers. At elevated annealing temperatures (450°C), TiN fails to function as a diffusion barrier. As a result, the properties of the contact deteriorates.


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The creation of novel enzyme activity is a great challenge to protein engineers, but nature has done so repeatedly throughout the process of natural selection. I begin by outlining the multitude of distinct reactions catalyzed by a single enzyme class, cytochrome P450 monooxygenases. I discuss the ability of cytochrome P450 to generate reactive intermediates capable of diverse reactivity, suggesting this enzyme can also be used to generate novel reactive intermediates in the form of metal-carbenoid and nitrenoid species. I then show that cytochrome P450 from Bacillus megaterium (P450BM3) and its isolated cofactor can catalyze metal-nitrenoid transfer in the form of intramolecular C–H bond amination. Mutations to the protein sequence can enhance the reactivity and selectivity of this transformation significantly beyond that of the free cofactor. Next, I demonstrate an intermolecular nitrene transfer reaction catalyzed by P450BM3 in the form of sulfide imidation. Understanding that sulfur heteroatoms are strong nucleophiles, I show that increasing the sulfide nucleophilicity through substituents on the aryl sulfide ring can dramatically increase reaction productivity. To explore engineering nitrenoid transfer in P450BM3, active site mutagenesis is employed to tune the regioselectivity intramolecular C–H amination catalysts. The solution of the crystal structure of a highly selective variant demonstrates that hydrophobic residues in the active site strongly modulate reactivity and regioselectivity. Finally, I use a similar strategy to develop P450-based catalysts for intermolecular olefin aziridination, demonstrating that active site mutagenesis can greatly enhance this nitrene transfer reaction. The resulting variant can catalyze intermolecular aziridination with more than 1000 total turnovers and enantioselectivity of up to 99% ee.


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Zirconocene aldehyde and ketone complexes were synthesized in high yield by treatment of zirconocene acyl complexes with trimethylaluminum or diisobutylaluminum hydride. These complexes, which are activated by dialkylaluminum chloride ligands, inserted unsaturated substrates such as alkynes, allenes, ethylene, nitriles, ketenes, aldehydes, ketones, lactones, and acid chlorides with moderate to high conversion. Insertion of aldehyde substrates yielded zirconocene diolate complexes with up to 20:1 (anti:syn) diastereoselectivity. The zirconocene diolates were hydrolyzed to afford unsymmetrical 1,2-diols in 40-80% isolated yield. Unsymmetrical ketones gave similar insertion yields with little or no diastereoselectivity. A high yielding one-pot method was developed that coupled carbonyl substrates with zirconocene aldehyde complexes that were derived from olefins by hydrozirconation and carbonylation. The zirconocene aldehyde complexes also inserted carbon monoxide and gave acyloins in 50% yield after hydrolysis.

The insertion reaction of aryl epoxides with the trimethylphoshine adduct of titanocene methylidene was examined. The resulting oxytitanacyclopentanes were carbonylated and oxidatively cleaved with dioxygen to afford y-lactones in moderate yields. Due to the instability and difficult isolation of titanocene methylidene trimethylphoshine adducts, a one-pot method involving the addition of catalytic amounts of trimethylphosphine to β,β-dimethyltitanacyclobutane was developed. A series of disubstituted aryl epoxides were examined which gave mixtures of diastereomeric insertion products. Based on these results, as well as earlier Hammett studies and labeling experiments, a biradical transition state intermediate is proposed. The method is limited to aryl substituted epoxide substrates with aliphatic examples showing no insertion reactivity.

The third study involved the use of magnesium chloride supported titanium catalysts for the Lewis acid catalyzed silyl group transfer condensation of enol silanes with aldehydes. The reaction resulted in silylated aldol products with as many as 140 catalytic turnovers before catalyst inactivation. Low diastereoselectivities favoring the anti-isomer were consistent with an open transition state involving a titanium atom bound to the catalyst surface. The catalysts were also used for the aldol group transfer polymerization of t-butyldimethylsilyloxy-1-ethene resulting in polymers with molecular weights of 5000-31,000 and molar mass dispersities of 1.5-2.8. Attempts to polymerize methylmethacrylate using GTP proved unsuccessful with these catalysts.


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DNA charge transport (CT) involves the efficient transfer of electrons or electron holes through the DNA π-stack over long molecular distances of at least 100 base-pairs. Despite this shallow distance dependence, DNA CT is sensitive to mismatches or lesions that disrupt π-stacking and is critically dependent on proper electronic coupling of the donor and acceptor moieties into the base stack. Favorable DNA CT is very rapid, occurring on the picosecond timescale. Because of this speed, electron holes equilibrate along the DNA π-stack, forming a characteristic pattern of DNA damage at low oxidation potential guanine multiplets. Furthermore, DNA CT may be used in a biological context. DNA processing enzymes with 4Fe4S clusters can perform DNA-mediated electron transfer (ET) self-exchange reactions with other 4Fe4S cluster proteins, even if the proteins are quite dissimilar, as long as the DNA-bound [4Fe4S]3+/2+ redox potentials are conserved. This mechanism would allow low copy number DNA repair proteins to find their lesions efficiently within the cell. DNA CT may also be used biologically for the long-range, selective activation of redox-active transcription factors. Within this work, we pursue other proteins that may utilize DNA CT within the cell and further elucidate aspects of the DNA-mediated ET self-exchange reaction of 4Fe4S cluster proteins.

Dps proteins, bacterial mini-ferritins that protect DNA from oxidative stress, are implicated in the survival and virulence of pathogenic bacteria. One aspect of their protection involves ferroxidase activity, whereby ferrous iron is bound and oxidized selectively by hydrogen peroxide, thereby preventing formation of damaging hydroxyl radicals via Fenton chemistry. Understanding the specific mechanism by which Dps proteins protect the bacterial genome could inform the development of new antibiotics. We investigate whether DNA-binding E. coli Dps can utilize DNA CT to protect the genome from a distance. An intercalating ruthenium photooxidant was employed to generate oxidative DNA damage via the flash-quench technique, which localizes to a low potential guanine triplet. We find that Dps loaded with ferrous iron, in contrast to Apo-Dps and ferric iron-loaded Dps which lack available reducing equivalents, significantly attenuates the yield of oxidative DNA damage at the guanine triplet. These data demonstrate that ferrous iron-loaded Dps is selectively oxidized to fill guanine radical holes, thereby restoring the integrity of the DNA. Luminescence studies indicate no direct interaction between the ruthenium photooxidant and Dps, supporting the DNA-mediated oxidation of ferrous iron-loaded Dps. Thus DNA CT may be a mechanism by which Dps efficiently protects the genome of pathogenic bacteria from a distance.

Further work focused on spectroscopic characterization of the DNA-mediated oxidation of ferrous iron-loaded Dps. X-band EPR was used to monitor the oxidation of DNA-bound Dps after DNA photooxidation via the flash-quench technique. Upon irradiation with poly(dGdC)2, a signal arises with g = 4.3, consistent with the formation of mononuclear high-spin Fe(III) sites of low symmetry, the expected oxidation product of Dps with one iron bound at each ferroxidase site. When poly(dGdC)2 is substituted with poly(dAdT)2, the yield of Dps oxidation is decreased significantly, indicating that guanine radicals facilitate Dps oxidation. The more favorable oxidation of Dps by guanine radicals supports the feasibility of a long-distance protection mechanism via DNA CT where Dps is oxidized to fill guanine radical holes in the bacterial genome produced by reactive oxygen species.

We have also explored possible electron transfer intermediates in the DNA-mediated oxidation of ferrous iron-loaded Dps. Dps proteins contain a conserved tryptophan residue in close proximity to the ferroxidase site (W52 in E. coli Dps). In comparison to WT Dps, in EPR studies of the oxidation of ferrous iron-loaded Dps following DNA photooxidation, W52Y and W52A mutants were deficient in forming the characteristic EPR signal at g = 4.3, with a larger deficiency for W52A compared to W52Y. In addition to EPR, we also probed the role of W52 Dps in cells using a hydrogen peroxide survival assay. Bacteria containing W52Y Dps survived the hydrogen peroxide challenge more similarly to those containing WT Dps, whereas cells with W52A Dps died off as quickly as cells without Dps. Overall, these results suggest the possibility of W52 as a CT hopping intermediate.

DNA-modified electrodes have become an essential tool for the study of the redox chemistry of DNA processing enzymes with 4Fe4S clusters. In many cases, it is necessary to investigate different complex samples and substrates in parallel in order to elucidate this chemistry. Therefore, we optimized and characterized a multiplexed electrochemical platform with the 4Fe4S cluster base excision repair glycosylase Endonuclease III (EndoIII). Closely packed DNA films, where the protein has limited surface accessibility, produce EndoIII electrochemical signals sensitive to an intervening mismatch, indicating a DNA-mediated process. Multiplexed analysis allowed more robust characterization of the CT-deficient Y82A EndoIII mutant, as well as comparison of a new family of mutations altering the electrostatics surrounding the 4Fe4S cluster in an effort to shift the reduction potential of the cluster. While little change in the DNA-bound midpoint potential was found for this family of mutants, likely indicating the dominant effect of DNA-binding on establishing the protein redox potential, significant variations in the efficiency of DNA-mediated electron transfer were apparent. On the basis of the stability of these proteins, examined by circular dichroism, we proposed that the electron transfer pathway in EndoIII can be perturbed not only by the removal of aromatic residues but also through changes in solvation near the cluster.

While the 4Fe4S cluster of EndoIII is relatively insensitive to oxidation and reduction in solution, we have found that upon DNA binding, the reduction potential of the [4Fe4S]3+/2+ couple shifts negatively by approximately 200 mV, bringing this couple into a physiologically relevant range. Demonstrated using electrochemistry experiments in the presence and absence of DNA, these studies do not provide direct molecular evidence for the species being observed. Sulfur K-edge X-ray absorbance spectroscopy (XAS) can be used to probe directly the covalency of iron-sulfur clusters, which is correlated to their reduction potential. We have shown that the Fe-S covalency of the 4Fe4S cluster of EndoIII increases upon DNA binding, stabilizing the oxidized [4Fe4S]3+ cluster, consistent with a negative shift in reduction potential. The 7% increase in Fe-S covalency corresponds to an approximately 150 mV shift, remarkably similar to DNA electrochemistry results. Therefore we have obtained direct molecular evidence for the shift in 4Fe4S reduction potential of EndoIII upon DNA binding, supporting the feasibility of our model whereby these proteins can utilize DNA CT to cooperate in order to efficiently find DNA lesions inside cells.

In conclusion, in this work we have explored the biological applications of DNA CT. We discovered that the DNA-binding bacterial ferritin Dps can protect the bacterial genome from a distance via DNA CT, perhaps contributing to pathogen survival and virulence. Furthermore, we optimized a multiplexed electrochemical platform for the study of the redox chemistry of DNA-bound 4Fe4S cluster proteins. Finally, we have used sulfur K-edge XAS to obtain direct molecular evidence for the negative shift in 4Fe4S cluster reduction potential of EndoIII upon DNA binding. These studies contribute to the understanding of DNA-mediated protein oxidation within cells.


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DNA possesses the curious ability to conduct charge longitudinally through the π-stacked base pairs that reside within the interior of the double helix. The rate of charge transport (CT) through DNA has a shallow distance dependence. DNA CT can occur over at least 34 nm, a very long molecular distance. Lastly, DNA CT is exquisitely sensitive to disruptions, such as DNA damage, that affect the dynamics of base-pair stacking. Many DNA repair and DNA-processing enzymes are being found to contain 4Fe-4S clusters. These co-factors have been found in glycosylases, helicases, helicase-nucleases, and even enzymes such as DNA polymerase, RNA polymerase, and primase across the phylogeny. The role of these clusters in these enzymes has remained elusive. Generally, iron-sulfur clusters serve redox roles in nature since, formally, the cluster can exist in multiple oxidation states that can be accessed within a biological context. Taken together, these facts were used as a foundation for the hypothesis that DNA-binding proteins with 4Fe-4S clusters utilize DNA-mediated CT as a means to signal one another to scan the genome as a first step in locating the subtle damage that occurs within a sea of undamaged bases within cells.

Herein we describe a role for 4Fe-4S clusters in DNA-mediated charge transport signaling among EndoIII, MutY, and DinG, which are from distinct repair pathways in E. coli. The DinG helicase is an ATP-dependent helicase that contains a 4Fe-4S cluster. To study the DNA-bound redox properties of DinG, DNA-modified electrochemistry was used to show that the 4Fe-4S cluster of DNA-bound DinG is redox-active at cellular potentials, and shares the 80 mV vs. NHE redox potential of EndoIII and MutY. ATP hydrolysis by DinG increases the DNA-mediated redox signal observed electrochemically, likely reflecting better coupling of the 4Fe-4S cluster to DNA while DinG unwinds DNA, which could have interesting biological implications. Atomic force microscopy experiments demonstrate that DinG and EndoIII cooperate at long range using DNA charge transport to redistribute to regions of DNA damage. Genetics experiments, moreover, reveal that this DNA-mediated signaling among proteins also occurs within the cell and, remarkably, is required for cellular viability under conditions of stress. Knocking out DinG in CC104 cells leads to a decrease in MutY activity that is rescued by EndoIII D138A, but not EndoIII Y82A. DinG, thus, appears to help MutY find its substrate using DNA-mediated CT, but do MutY or EndoIII aid DinG in a similar way? The InvA strain of bacteria was used to observe DinG activity, since DinG activity is required within InvA to maintain normal growth. Silencing the gene encoding EndoIII in InvA results in a significant growth defect that is rescued by the overexpression of RNAseH, a protein that dismantles the substrate of DinG, R-loops. This establishes signaling between DinG and EndoIII. Furthermore, rescue of this growth defect by the expression of EndoIII D138A, the catalytically inactive but CT-proficient mutant of EndoIII, is also observed, but expression of EndoIII Y82A, which is CT-deficient but enzymatically active, does not rescue growth. These results provide strong evidence that DinG and EndoIII utilize DNA-mediated signaling to process DNA damage. This work thus expands the scope of DNA-mediated signaling within the cell, as it indicates that DNA-mediated signaling facilitates the activities of DNA repair enzymes across the genome, even for proteins from distinct repair pathways.

In separate work presented here, it is shown that the UvrC protein from E. coli contains a hitherto undiscovered 4Fe-4S cluster. A broad shoulder at 410 nm, characteristic of 4Fe-4S clusters, is observed in the UV-visible absorbance spectrum of UvrC. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy of UvrC incubated with sodium dithionite, reveals a spectrum with the signature features of a reduced, [4Fe-4S]+1, cluster. DNA-modified electrodes were used to show that UvrC has the same DNA-bound redox potential, of ~80 mV vs. NHE, as EndoIII, DinG, and MutY. Again, this means that these proteins are capable of performing inter-protein electron transfer reactions. Does UvrC use DNA-mediated signaling to facilitate the repair of its substrates?

UvrC is part of the nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway in E. coli and is the protein within the pathway that performs the chemistry required to repair bulky DNA lesions, such as cyclopyrimidine dimers, that form as a product of UV irradiation. We tested if UvrC utilizes DNA-mediated signaling to facilitate the efficient repair of UV-induced DNA damage products by helping UvrC locate DNA damage. The UV sensitivity of E. coli cells lacking DinG, a putative signaling partner of UvrC, was examined. Knocking out DinG in E. coli leads to a sensitivity of the cells to UV irradiation. A 5-10 fold reduction in the amount of cells that survive after irradiation with 90 J/m2 of UV light is observed. This is consistent with the hypothesis that UvrC and DinG are signaling partners, but is this signaling due to DNA-mediated CT? Complementing the knockout cells with EndoIII D138A, which can also serve as a DNA CT signaling partner, rescues cells lacking DinG from UV irradiation, while complementing the cells with EndoIII Y82A shows no rescue of viability. These results indicate that there is cross-talk between the NER pathway and DinG via DNA-mediated signaling. Perhaps more importantly, this work also establishes that DinG, EndoIII, MutY, and UvrC comprise a signaling network that seems to be unified by the ability of these proteins to perform long range DNA-mediated CT signaling via their 4Fe-4S clusters.


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The energy spectra of tritons and Helium-3 nuclei from the reactions 3He(d,t)2p, 3H(d,3He)2n, 3He(d,3He)pn, and 3H(d,t)pn were measured between 6° and 20° at a bombarding energy of 10.9 MeV. An upper limit of 5 μb/sr. was obtained for producing a bound di-neutron at 6° and 7.5°. The 3He(d,t)2p and 3H(d,3He)2n data, together with previous measurements at higher energies, have been used to investigate whether one can unambiguously extract information on the two-nucleon system from these three-body final state reactions. As an aid to these theoretical investigations, Born approximation calculations were made employing realistic nucleon-nucleon potentials and an antisymmetrized final state wave function for the five-particle system. These calculations reproduce many of the features observed in the experimental data and indicate that the role of exchange processes cannot be ignored. The results show that previous attempts to obtain information on the neutron-neutron scattering length from the 3H(d,3He)2n reaction may have seriously overestimated the precision that could be attained.


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In view of recent interest in the Cl37 (ʋ solar’e-)Ar37 reaction cross section, information on some aspects of mass 37 nuclei has been obtained using the K39 (d, ∝) Ar37 and Cl35 (He3, p) Ar37 reactions. Ar37 levels have been found at 0, 1.41, 1.62, 2.22, 2.50, 2.80, 3.17, 3.27, 3.53, 3.61, 3.71, (3.75), (3.90), 3.94, 4.02, (4.21), 4.28, 4.32, 4.40, 4.45, 4.58, 4.63, 4.74, 4.89, 4.98, 5.05, 5.10, 5.13, 5.21, 5.35, 5.41, 5.44, 5.54, 5.58, 5.67, 5.77, and 5.85 MeV (the underlined values correspond to previously tabulated levels). The nuclear temperature calculated from the Ar37 level density is 1.4 MeV. Angular distributions of the lowest six levels with the K39 (d, ∝) Ar37 reaction at Ed = 10 MeV indicate a dominant direct interaction mechanism and the inapplicability of the 2I + 1 rule of the statistical model. Comparison of the spectra obtained with the K39 (d, ∝) Ar37 and Cl35 (He3, p) Ar37 reactions leads to the suggestion that the 5.13-MeV level is the T = 3/2 Cl37 ground state analog. The ground state Q-value of the Ca40 (p, ∝) K37 reaction has been measured: -5179 ± 9 keV. This value implies a K37 mass excess of -24804 ± 10 keV. Description of a NMR magnetometer and a sixteen-detector array used in conjunction with a 61-cm double-focusing magnetic spectrometer are included in appendices.


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The (He3, n) reactions on B11, N15, O16, and O18 targets have been studied using a pulsed-beam time-of-flight spectrometer. Special emphasis was placed upon the determination of the excitation energies and properties of states with T = 1 (in Ne18), T = 3/2 (in N13 and F17) and T = 2 (in Ne20). The identification of the T = 3/2 and T = 2 levels is based on the structure of these states as revealed by intensities and shapes of angular distributions. The reactions are interpreted in terms of double stripping theory. Angular distributions have been compared with plane and distorted wave stripping theories. Results for the four reactions are summarized below:

1) O16 (He3, n). The reaction has been studied at incident energies up to 13.5 MeV and two previously unreported levels in Ne18 were observed at Ex = 4.55 ± .015 MeV (Γ = 70 ± 30 keV) and Ex = 5.14 ± .018 MeV (Γ = 100 ± 40 keV).

2) B11 (He3, n). The reaction has been studied at incident energies up to 13.5 MeV. Three T = 3/2 levels in N13 have been identified at Ex = 15.068 ± .008 MeV (Γ ˂ 15 keV), Ex = 18.44 ± .04, and Ex 18.98 ± .02 MeV (Γ = 40 ± 20 keV).

3) N15 (He3, n). The reaction has been studied at incident energies up to 11.88 MeV. T = 3/2 levels in F17 have been identified at Ex = 11.195 ± .007 MeV (Γ ˂ 20 keV), Ex = 12.540 ± .010 MeV (Γ ˂ 25 keV), and Ex = 13.095 ± .009 MeV (Γ ˂ 25 keV).

4) O18 (He3, n). The reaction has been studied at incident energies up to 9.0 MeV. The excitation energy of the lowest T = 2 level in Ne20 has been found to be 16.730 ± .006 MeV (Γ ˂ 20 keV).

Angular distributions of the transitions leading to the above higher isospin states are well described by double stripping theory. Analog correspondences are established by comparing the present results with recent studies (t, p) and (He3, p) reactions on the same targets.


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Recent theoretical developments in the reggeization of inelastic processes involving particles with high spin are incorporated into a model of vector meson production. A number of features of experimental differential cross sections and density matrices are interpreted in terms of this model.

The method chosen for reggeization of helicity amplitudes first separates kinematic zeros and singularities from the parity-conserving amplitudes and then applies results of Freedman and Wang on daughter trajectories to the remaining factors. Kinematic constraints on helicity amplitudes at t = 0 and t = (M – MΔ)2 are also considered.

It is found that data for reactions of types πN→VN and πN→VΔ are consistent with a model of this type in which all kinematic constraints at t = 0 are satisfied by evasion (vanishing of residue functions). As a quantitative test of the parametrization, experimental differential cross sections of vector meson production reactions dominated by pion trajectory exchange are compared with the theory. It is found that reduced residue functions are approximately constant, once the kinematic behavior near t = (M – MΔ)2 has been removed.

The alternative possibility of conspiracy between amplitudes is also discussed; and it is shown that unless conspiracy is present, some amplitudes allowed by angular momentum conservation will not contribute with full strength in the forward direction. An example, γp→π+n in which the data for dσ/dt indicate conspiracy, is studied in detail.


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The overall goal of the joint research project is to relate the chemical reactions involved in the formation of organo-aluminium complexes under acid conditions to their toxic effects on the physiology of aquatic organisms. Finally, this research is intended to predict toxic effects arising from acidity and aluminium under varying environmental conditions. This interim report examines the chemical modelling of ion-binding by humic substances where a computer model has been developed and is being tested using field data, and conditions required for the precipitation of aluminium in surface waters.


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Part I

Present experimental data on nucleon-antinucleon scattering allow a study of the possibility of a phase transition in a nucleon-antinucleon gas at high temperature. Estimates can be made of the general behavior of the elastic phase shifts without resorting to theoretical derivation. A phase transition which separates nucleons from antinucleons is found at about 280 MeV in the approximation of the second virial coefficient to the free energy of the gas.

Part II

The parton model is used to derive scaling laws for the hadrons observed in deep inelastic electron-nucleon scattering which lie in the fragmentation region of the virtual photon. Scaling relations are obtained in the Bjorken and Regge regions. It is proposed that the distribution functions become independent of both q2 and ν where the Bjorken and Regge regions overlap. The quark density functions are discussed in the limit x→1 for the nucleon octet and the pseudoscalar mesons. Under certain plausible assumptions it is found that only one or two quarks of the six types of quarks and antiquarks have an appreciable density function in the limit x→1. This has implications for the quark fragmentation functions near the large momentum boundary of their fragmentation region. These results are used to propose a method of measuring the proton and neutron quark density functions for all x by making measurements on inclusively produced hadrons in electroproduction only. Implications are also discussed for the hadrons produced in electron-positron annihilation.


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Part I.

The stoichiometry and kinetics of the reaction between Co(CN5H3- and HgX2 (X = CN, OH) have been investigated. The products of the reaction are two new complexes, [(NC)5Co-HgX]3- and [(NC)5Co-Hg-Co(CN)5]6-, whose spectra are reported. The kinetic measurements produced a value for the forward rate constant of the reaction Co(CN)5H3- + OH- k1/k-1 Co(CN)54- +H2O, k1 = (9.7 ± 0.8) x 10-2 M-1 sec-1 at 24°C, and an equilibrium constant for the reaction K = 10-6 M-1.

Part II.

Unusually large and sharp "adsorption waves" appear in cyclic voltammograms of Co(CN)53- and several cobalt(III) pentacyano complexes at stationary mercury electrodes. The nature of the adsorbed species and the reasons for the absence of the adsorption waves in polarograms taken with a d.m.e. have been examined. The data are compatible with the adsorption, in all cases, of a coordinatively unsaturated cobalt(II) complex, Co(CN)42-, by means of a cobalt-mercury bond. When the resulting adsorbed complex is reduced, a series of subsequent chemical and electrode reactions is initiated in which three faradays of charge are consumed for each mole of adsorbed complex. The adsorption of the anionic complex strongly retards the reduction of other negatively charged complexes.

Part III.

A number of formal redox potentials for RuIII (NH3)5L + e = RuII (NH3)5L and RuIII(NH3)4L2 + e = RuII (NH3)4L2 (where L is various ligands) has been measured by cyclic voltammetry, potentiometry, and polarography and are discussed in terms of the properties of the ligands, such as π-accepting capability. Reduction of coordinated pyrazine in the complexes, Ru(NH3)5 Pz2+, cis- and trans-Ru(NH3)4Pz22+, on a mercury electrode has been observed. The behavior of this reduction in various acidity of the solution as well as the reoxidation of the reduction products are discussed.


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A number of recent experiments have suggested the possibility of a highly inelastic resonance in K+p scattering. To study the inelastic K+p reactions, a 400 K exposure has been taken at the L.R.L. 25 inch bubble chamber. The data are spread over seven K+ momenta between 1.37 and 2.17 GeV/c.

Cross-sections have been measured for the reaction K+p → pK°π+ which is dominated by the quasi-two body channels K∆ and K*N. Both these channels are strongly peripheral, as at other momenta. The decay of the ∆ is in good agreement with the predictions of the rho-photon analogy of Stodolsky and Sakurai. The data on the K*p channel show evidence of both pseudo scalar and vector exchange.

Cross-sections for the final state pK+π+π- shows a strong contribution from the quasi-two body channel K*∆. This reaction is also very peripheral even at threshold. The decay angular distributions indicate the reaction is dominated as at higher momenta by a pion exchange mechanism. The data are also in good agreement with the quark model predictions of Bialas and Zalewski for the K* and ∆ decay.


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O desenvolvimento de fibrose pulmonar (FP) induzida por bleomicina tem sido associado com as características genéticas e estresse oxidativo. Nosso objetivo foi investigar a influência do equilíbrio redox sobre a resistência a fibrose pulmonar induzida por bleomicina em diferentes linhagens de camundongos. Uma única dose de bleomicina (0,1 U/camundongo) ou salina (50 mL) foi administrada por via intratraqueal (i.t.) em camundongos C57BL/6, DBA/2 e camundongos BALB/c. Vinte e um dias após a administração de bleomicina, a taxa de mortalidade foi acima de 50% em camundongos C57BL/6 e 20% em DBA/2, enquanto não foi observada em BALB/c. Houve um aumento na elastância (p<0.001), ΔP2 (p<0.05), ΔPtot (p<0.01) e DE,l (p<0.05) em camundongos C57BL/6. O volume dos septos aumentaram em camundongos C57BL/6 (p<0.05) e DBA/2 (p<0.001). Os níveis de INF-γ foram reduzidas em camundongos C57BL/6 (p<0.01). Níveis OH-prolina foram aumentados em camundongos C57BL/6 e DBA/2 (p<0.05). Atividade e expressão de SOD foram reduzidas em camundongos C57BL/6 e DBA/2 (p<0.001 e p<0.001, respectivamente), enquanto que a atividade de CAT reduziu em todas as linhagens (C57BL/6: p<0.05; DBA/2: p<0.01, BALB/c: p<0.01). A atividade da GPx e expressão GPx 1/2 diminuiram em camundongos C57BL/6 (p<0.001). Nós concluímos que a resistência da FP pode também estar relacionada com a atividade e expressão de SOD em camundongos BALB/c