940 resultados para Recurrent infections
The Northern Ireland Prevalence Survey of Healthcare-Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Use in Long Term Care Facilities, also known as the 'HALT' survey was conducted as part of the 2013 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) European HALT survey.In May 2013, 42 Northern Ireland long-term care facilities (nursing and residential homes) participated in a European point prevalence survey of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use. Thirty-one privately owned nursing homes and 11 HSC Trust-controlled residential homes took part.The report and results have highlighted priority areas for future interventions to prevent and control HCAI, antimicrobial stewardship and future local and national prevalence surveys in long-term care facilities. The 2013 European report was published on 5th May 2014.
Information for patients and visitors on the prevention of healthcare associated infections.
The following suite of nine leaflets for patients and visitors to healthcare settings include information on healthcare associated infections, C. difficile, MRSA, norovirus, scabies, ESBL resistant bacteria, multi-drug resistant bacteria and laundry and hand hygiene guidance.
The Public Health Agency (PHA)�has a lead role in protecting the population from infection and environmental hazards through a range of core functions including communicable disease surveillance and monitoring, operational support & advice, and education, training and research.�The effective management of infectious disease depends on high quality surveillance. �Surveillance of communicable gastrointestinal infectious disease provides timely information so that public health action can result.�
Healthcare associated infections are infections that someone has developed,as a direct result of receiving healthcare.Occasionally, carers or others providing healthcare may develop HCAIs.
The Public Health Agency (PHA)�has a lead role in protecting the population from infection and environmental hazards through a range of core functions including communicable disease surveillance and monitoring, operational support & advice, and education, training and research.�
During a 6-year period, we isolated three Abiotrophia defectiva, six Granulicatella adiacens and two G. 'para-adiacens' strains from clinical specimens. All A. defectiva strains were isolated from immunocompetent patients with endovascular infections, whereas the Granulicatella spp. strains were isolated from immunosuppressed patients with primary bacteremia. As the capacity of bacteria to adhere to the host extracellular matrix (ECM) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of endovascular infection, we investigated the ability of A. defectiva and Granulicatella spp. isolates to bind different ECM components immobilized in microtiter plates. Adherence tests showed a strong attachment of A. defectiva strains to fibronectin, whereas Granulicatella spp. strains were not adherent. The poor adherence of Granulicatella spp. strains to the ECM could be correlated with a lower propensity to induce endocarditis.
Background: Psoriasis is accepted as a multisystemic disease with several important systemic manifestations. Thus, underlying comorbidities have to be taken into account in the choice of treatment. Objective: To explore the role of anti-TNF therapy in the treatment of psoriasis in a patient with acute-on-chronic pancreatitis. Methods: Here, we present the case of a 75-year-old patient with severe psoriasis also suffering from chronic alcohol-induced pancreatitis with recurrent acute flares. A recent life-threatening episode of acute pancreatitis and ischemic liver precluded the reintroduction of methotrexate. Cyclosporine was also excluded as it has been reported to induce acute pancreatitis. Thus, an anti-TNF treatment was initiated in close collaboration with a gastroenterologist. Results: A year after starting anti-TNF therapy the patient continues to show complete clinical remission of his psoriasis. No side effects, particularly no bacterial infections, were reported. No relapses of the patient's underlying chronic pancreatitis were observed throughout the entire treatment with regular clinical and laboratory monitoring, suggesting that chronic pancreatitis is not per se a contraindication for anti-TNF therapy. Conclusion: This case study opens the way for further questioning on the role of TNF in the pathogenesis of chronic and acute pancreatitis and the use of anti-TNF therapy in its treatment. © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel.
We report the clinical findings of a 40-year-old woman with recurrent migraine presenting with Wernicke's aphasia in accordance with the results of a standardized battery for language assessment (Boston Aphasia Diagnostic Examination). The patient had no evidence of parenchymal or vascular lesions on MRI and showed delta and theta slowing over the left posterior temporal leads on the EEG. Although the acute onset of a fluent aphasia suggested stroke as a likely etiology, the recurrence of aphasia as the initial symptom of migraine was related to cortical spreading depression and not to stroke.
In Western Amazon areas with perennial malaria transmission, long term residents frequently develop partial immunity to malarial infection caused either by Plasmodium falciparum or P. vivax, resulting in a considerable number of non-symptomatically infected individuals. For yet unknown reasons, these individuals sporadically develop symptomatic malaria. In order to identify if determined parasite genotypes, defined by a combination of eleven microsatellite markers, were associated to different outcomes - symptomatic or asymptomatic malaria - we analyzed infecting P. falciparum parasites in a suburban riverine population. Despite of detecting a high degree of diversity in the analyzed samples, several microsatellite marker alleles appeared accumulated in parasites from non-symptomatic infections. This result may be interpreted that a number of microsatellites, which are not directly related to antigenic features, could be associated to the outcome of malarial infection. The result may also point to a low frequency of recombinatorial events which otherwise would dissociate genes under strong immune pressure from the relatively neutral microsatellite loci.
Population-based data on sexually transmitted infections (STI), bacterial vaginosis (BV), and candidiasis reflect the epidemiological situation more accurately than studies performed in specific populations, but such data are scarce. To determine the prevalence of STI, BV, and candidiasis among women of reproductive age from a resource-poor community in Northeast Brazil, a population-based cross sectional study was undertaken. All women from seven hamlets and the centre of Pacoti municipality in the state of Ceará, aged 12 to 49 years, were invited to participate. The women were asked about socio-demographic characteristics and genital symptoms, and thereafter examined gynaecologically. Laboratory testing included polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for human papillomavirus (HPV), ligase chain reaction (LCR) for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ELISA for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) and fluorescent treponema antibody absorption test (FTA-ABS) for syphilis, and analysis of wet mounts, gram stains and Pap smears for trichomoniasis, candidiasis, and BV. Only women who had initiated sexual life were included in the analysis (n = 592). The prevalences of STI were: HPV 11.7% (95% confidence interval: 9.3-14.7), chlamydia 4.5% (3.0-6.6), trichomoniasis 4.1% (2.7-6.1), gonorrhoea 1.2% (0.5-2.6), syphilis 0.2% (0.0-1.1), and HIV 0%. The prevalence of BV and candidiasis was 20% (16.9-23.6) and 12.5% (10.0-15.5), respectively. The most common gynaecological complaint was lower abdominal pain. STI are common in women in rural Brazil and represent an important health threat in view of the HIV pandemic.
From January to December 1998, nasopharyngeal aspirates were obtained from 482 children with acute respiratory infections attended in emergence department and wards of a teaching hospital in the city of Salvador, Brazil. The samples were tested for the presence of adenovirus by isolation in tissue culture and indirect immunofluorescence assay. Eleven adenoviruses were detected by both methods in the same clinical samples. Infections by adenovirus were observed during seven months of the year without association with rainy season. Genome analysis was performed on these 11 isolates. Species C was represented by serotypes 1, 2 and 5. Within species B, only serotype 7 (Ad7) was detected. Two genomic variants of Ad1, two variants of Ad2, one of Ad5, and one of Ad7 (7h) were identified. This is the first study of molecular epidemiology of adenovirus associated to acute respiratory infections in children living in Northeast Brazil, and contributes to a better understanding of adenovirus infections in the country.
BACKGROUND: The strength of the association between intensive care unit (ICU)-acquired nosocomial infections (NIs) and mortality might differ according to the methodological approach taken. OBJECTIVE: To assess the association between ICU-acquired NIs and mortality using the concept of population-attributable fraction (PAF) for patient deaths caused by ICU-acquired NIs in a large cohort of critically ill patients. SETTING: Eleven ICUs of a French university hospital. DESIGN: We analyzed surveillance data on ICU-acquired NIs collected prospectively during the period from 1995 through 2003. The primary outcome was mortality from ICU-acquired NI stratified by site of infection. A matched-pair, case-control study was performed. Each patient who died before ICU discharge was defined as a case patient, and each patient who survived to ICU discharge was defined as a control patient. The PAF was calculated after adjustment for confounders by use of conditional logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Among 8,068 ICU patients, a total of 1,725 deceased patients were successfully matched with 1,725 control patients. The adjusted PAF due to ICU-acquired NI for patients who died before ICU discharge was 14.6% (95% confidence interval [CI], 14.4%-14.8%). Stratified by the type of infection, the PAF was 6.1% (95% CI, 5.7%-6.5%) for pulmonary infection, 3.2% (95% CI, 2.8%-3.5%) for central venous catheter infection, 1.7% (95% CI, 0.9%-2.5%) for bloodstream infection, and 0.0% (95% CI, -0.4% to 0.4%) for urinary tract infection. CONCLUSIONS: ICU-acquired NI had an important effect on mortality. However, the statistical association between ICU-acquired NI and mortality tended to be less pronounced in findings based on the PAF than in study findings based on estimates of relative risk. Therefore, the choice of methods does matter when the burden of NI needs to be assessed.
Characteristics of primary and recrudescent Plasmodium falciparum infections were evaluated in 25 children who did not recover after amodiaquine (AQ) treatment. Recrudescence was detected by a thick blood smear and confirmed by polymerase chain reaction. Over half of recrudescent events occurred after 14 days of initiation of treatment and were associated with relatively low asexual parasitaemia. We examined the gametocyte sex ratio (GSR) in these children and in age and gender-matched controls that had AQ-sensitive (AQ-S) infections (n = 50). In both AQ-S and AQ-resistant (AQ-R) infections, the GSR was female-biased pre-treatment and became male-biased by the third day after treatment initiation. However, gametocyte males persisted after this period in children with AQ-R infections. AQ-recrudescent infections are relatively low (25 of 612.4%) in children from this endemic area.