859 resultados para Recognition and reward
Para se conhecer a prática profissional de farmacêuticos que atuam em farmácias e drogarias, seus conhecimentos e percepções acerca da Atenção Farmacêutica (AF), realizou-se estudo descritivo com 91 farmacêuticos do município de Jundiaí-SP. A maioria era jovem (62,6% entre 20 e 29 anos), do sexo feminino (63,7%), graduada em instituições privadas (90,1%) e não proprietária do estabelecimento (87,9%). Desenvolviam atividades administrativas, técnicas e de atenção ao usuário, principalmente dispensação de medicamentos e orientação; 67,0% acompanhavam o tratamento farmacoterapêutico dos usuários, mas sem registrar informações. Para 62,7%, AF relacionava-se apenas à orientação e atendimento dispensados, mas tais atividades não eram realizadas de forma sistemática e organizada, como preconizado. Muitos (91,2%) consideravam necessário realizar trabalho mais intenso com os usuários, porém apontaram dificuldades como falta de tempo e de apoio dos proprietários e desinteresse dos usuários. Várias dessas dificuldades têm sido verificadas também em outros países, sugerindo que a prática da AF: (a) requer uma mudança estrutural e rearranjo de funções, uma vez que, atualmente, a estrutura e as atividades são adequadas à atividade comercial; (b) reflete uma crise de identidade profissional e, em consequência, falta de reconhecimento social e pouca inserção na equipe multiprofissional de saúde. O conhecimento sobre AF mostrou-se limitado, mas a situação pode vir a alterar-se à medida que as mudanças curriculares em curso surtam efeito na formação dos novos farmacêuticos.
It is well known that carbohydrate (CHO) supplementation can improve performance in endurance exercises through several mechanisms such as maintenance of glycemia and sparing endogenous glycogen as well as the possibility of a central nervous-system action. Some studies have emerged in recent years in order to test the hypothesis of ergogenic action via central nervous system. Recent studies have demonstrated that CHO mouth rinse can lead to improved performance of cyclists, and this may be associated with the activation of brain areas linked to motivation and reward. These findings have already been replicated in other endurance modalities, such as running. This alternative seems to be an attractive nutritional tool to improve endurance exercise performance.
This book provides a comprehensive and critical overview of the immunological aspects of autoimmune neurological disease. These diseases include common conditions such as multiple sclerosis, the Guillain–Barré syndrome and myasthenia gravis. The introductory chapters on antigen recognition and self–non-self discrimination, and on neuroimmunology, are followed by chapters on specific diseases. These are presented in a standardized format with sections on clinical features, genetics, neuropathology, pathophysiology, immunology and therapy. Each chapter has a concluding section which summarizes key points and suggests directions for future research. Animal models of autoimmune neurological disease are also covered in detail because of their importance in understanding the human diseases. The book is suitable for clinicians and neurologists managing patients with these diseases, and for immunologists, neuroscientists and neurologists investigating the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of these disorders.
“Closing the gap in curriculum development leadership” is a Carrick-funded University of Queensland project which is designed to address two related gaps in current knowledge and in existing professional development programs for academic staff. The first gap is in our knowledge of curriculum and pedagogical issues as they arise in relation to multi-year sequences of study, such as majors in generalist degrees, or core programs in more structured degrees. While there is considerable knowledge of curriculum and pedagogy at the course or individual unit of study level (e.g. Philosophy I), there is very little properly conceptualised, empirically informed knowledge about student learning (and teaching) over, say, a three-year major sequence in a traditional Arts or Sciences subject. The Carrick-funded project aims to (begin to) fill this gap through bottom-up curriculum development projects across the range of UQ’s offerings. The second gap is in our professional development programs and, indeed, in our recognition and support for the people who are in charge of such multi-year sequences of study. The major convener or program coordinator is not as well supported, in Australian and overseas professional development programs, as the lecturer in charge of a single course (or unit of study). Nor is her work likely to be taken account of in workload calculations or for the purposes of promotion and career advancement more generally. The Carrick-funded project aims to fill this gap by developing, in consultation with crucial stakeholders, amendments to existing university policies and practices. The attached documents provide a useful introduction to the project. For more information, please contact Fred D’Agostino at f.dagostino@uq.edu.au.
Importin alpha is the nuclear import receptor that recognizes classical monopartite and bipartite nuclear localization signals (NLSs). The structure of mouse importin alpha has been determined at 2.5 Angstrom resolution. The structure shows a large C-terminal domain containing armadillo repeats, and a less structured N-terminal importin beta-binding domain containing an internal NLS bound to the NLS-binding site. The structure explains the regulatory switch between the cytoplasmic, high-affinity form, and the nuclear, low-affinity form for NLS binding of the nuclear import receptor predicted by the current models of nuclear import. Importin beta conceivably converts the low- to high-affinity form by binding to a site overlapping the autoinhibitory sequence. The structure also has implications for understanding NLS recognition, and the structures of armadillo and HEAT repeats.
Complex glycoprotein biopharmaceuticals, such as follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), erythropoietin and tissue plasminogen activator consist of a range of charge isoforms due to the extent of sialic acid capping of the glycoprotein glycans. Sialic acid occupies the terminal position on the oligosaccharide chain, masking the penultimate sugar residue, galactose from recognition and uptake by the hepatocyte asialoglycoprotein receptor. It is therefore well established that the more acidic charge isoforms of glycoprotein biopharmaceuticals have higher in vivo potencies than those of less acidic isoforms due to their longer serum half-life. Current strategies for manipulating glycoprotein charge isoform profile involve cell engineering or altering bioprocesss parameters to optimise expression of more acidic or basic isoforms, rather than downstream separation of isoforms. A method for the purification of a discrete range of bioactive recombinant human FSH (rhFSH) charge isoforms based on Gradiflow(TM) preparative electrophoresis technology is described. Gradiflow(TM) electrophoresis is scaleable, and incorporation into glycoprotein biopharmaceutical production bioprocesses as a potential final step facilitates the production of biopharmaceutical preparations of improved in vivo potency. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objectives The subgenual prefrontal cortex (SGPFC) is an important brain region involved in emotional regulation and reward mechanisms Volumetric abnormalities in this region have been identified in adults with bipolar disorder but thus far not in pediatric cases We examined the volume of this brain region in subjects with pediatric bipolar disorder (PBD) and compared them to healthy controls Methods Fifty one children and adolescents (mean age +/- SD 13 2 +/- 2 9 y) with DSM-IV PBD and 41 (mean age +/- SD 13 7 +/- 2 7 y) healthy comparison subjects (HC) underwent 1 5 T structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scans We traced the SGPFC manually and compared SGPFC gray matter volumes using analysis of covariance with age gender and intracranial volume as covariates We also examined the relationship of family history of affective disorders and medication status to SGPFC volumes Results SGPFC volumes were not significantly different in PBD and HC subjects However exploratory analysis showed PBD subjects who had one or more first degree relatives with mood disorders (n = 33) had significantly smaller left hemisphere SGPFC compared to HC (p = 003 Sidak corrected) Current usage of a mood stabilizer was significantly associated with larger right SGPFC volume in PBD (F = 4 82 df = 1/41 p = 0 03) Conclusion Subjects with PBD and a close family history of mood disorders may have smaller left SGPFC volumes than HC Mood stabilizing medication may also impact SGPFC size and could have masked more subtle abnormalities overall (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved
Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a highly prevalent condition even though its recognition and diagnosis are underestimated by both patients and clinicians. In view of the importance of assessment scales for systematic diagnosis in psychiatry, the objective of this investigation was to present studies of validation for the Brazilian population of three instruments for the assessment of different aspects of SAD. The following psychometric studies were carried out: a) discriminative validity of the Mini Social Phobia Inventory (Mini-SPIN-MS), a reduced instrument for the screening of SAD; b) reliability and discriminative validity of the Brief Social Phobia Scale (BSPS), a hetero-applied instrument for the assessment of different aspects of SAD, and c) discriminative validity of the items and subscales of the Self-Statements during Public Speaking Scale (SSPS), an instrument for the assessment of cognitive aspects related to public speaking. All instruments showed excellent psychometric qualities, especially indicators of discrimination between persons with and without SAD, with diagnostic confirmation by the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID-IV). It was concluded that this set of instruments, with specificity regarding their objectives, could be of great clinical usefulness, especially for the Brazilian population that, until recently, had no such resources for the measurement and assessment of the different aspects of SAD. New multicenter and intercultural studies may provide further information about cultural influences on SAD.
Background and Purpose-Stroke is the leading cause of death in Brazil. This community-based study assessed lay knowledge about stroke recognition and treatment and risk factors for cerebrovascular diseases and activation of emergency medical services in Brazil. Methods-The study was conducted between July 2004 and December 2005. Subjects were selected from the urban population in transit about public places of 4 major Brazilian cities: S (a) over tildeo Paulo, Salvador, Fortaleza, and Ribeir (a) over tildeo Preto. Trained medical students, residents, and neurologists interviewed subjects using a structured, open-ended questionnaire in Portuguese based on a case presentation of a typical patient with acute stroke at home. Results-Eight hundred fourteen subjects were interviewed during the study period (53.9% women; mean age, 39.2 years; age range, 18 to 80 years). There were 28 different Portuguese terms to name stroke. Twenty-two percent did not recognize any warning signs of stroke. Only 34.6% of subjects answered the correct nationwide emergency telephone number in Brazil (# 192). Only 51.4% of subjects would call emergency medical services for a relative with symptoms of stroke. In a multivariate analysis, individuals with higher education called emergency medical services (P=0.038, OR=1.5, 95%, CI: 1.02 to 2.2) and knew at least one risk factor for stroke (P<0.05, OR=2.0, 95% CI: 1.2 to 3.2) more often than those with lower education. Conclusions-Our study discloses alarming lack of knowledge about activation of emergency medical services and availability of acute stroke treatment in Brazil. These findings have implications for public health initiatives in the treatment of stroke and other cardiovascular emergencies.
There is evidence that ATM plays a wider role in intracellular signalling in addition to DNA damage recognition and cell cycle control, In this report we show that activation of the EGF receptor is defective in ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) cells and that sustained stimulation of cells with EGF downregulates ATM protein in control cells but not in A-T cells expressing mutant protein, Concomitant with the downregulation of ATM, DNA-binding activity of the transcription factor Spl decreased in controls after EGF treatment but increased from a lower basal level in A-T cells to that in untreated control cells, Mutation in two Spl consensus sequences in the ATM promoter reduced markedly the capacity of the promoter to support luciferase activity in a reporter assay. Overexpression of anti-sense ATM cDNA in control cells decreased the;basal level of Spl, which in turn was increased by subsequent treatment of cells with EGF, similar to that observed in,A-T cells. On the other hand full-length ATM cDNA increased the basal level of Spl binding in A-T cells, and in response to EGF Spl binding decreased, confirming that this is an ATR I-dependent process. Contrary to that observed in control cells there was no radiation-induced change in ATM protein in EGF-treated A-T cells and likewise no alteration in Spl binding activity. The results demonstrate that EGF-induced downregulation of ATM (mutant) protein in A-T cells is defective and this appears to be due to less efficient EGFR activation and abnormal Spl regulation.
Transthyretin is an essential protein responsible for the transport of thyroid hormones and retinol in human serum and is also implicated in the amyloid diseases familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy and senile systemic amyloidosis. Its folding properties and stabilization by ligands are of current interest due to their importance in understanding and combating these diseases, Here we report the solid phase synthesis of the monomeric unit of a transthyretin analog (equivalent to 127 amino acids) using t-Boc chemistry and peptide ligation and its folding to form a functional 54-kDa tetramer, The monomeric unit of the protein was chemically synthesized in three parts (positions 1-51, 54-99, and 102-127) and ligated using a chemoselective thioether ligation chemistry. The synthetic protein was folded and assembled to a tetrameric structure in the presence of transthyretin's native ligand, thyroxine, as shown by gel filtration chromatography, native gel electrophoresis, transthyretin antibody recognition, and thyroid hormone binding. Other folding products included a high molecular weight aggregate as well as a transient dimeric species. This represents one of the largest macromolecules chemically synthesized to date and demonstrates the potential of protein chemical synthesis for investigations of protein-ligand interactions.
University students spelled low-frequency words to dictation and subsequently made lexical decisions to them. In Experiment I, lexical decisions were slower on words students had spelled incorrectly relative to words they had spelled correctly, and there A as a larger repetition benefit 101 incorrectly spelled words. In experiment 2, the latency advantage for items spelled correctly was replicated when words were presented for only 200 ms and also in a spelling recognition task, In Experiment 3. masked identity and form priming effects were similar for words that had been spelled correctly and incorrectly, Item spelling accuracy tracked word frequency effects in the way chat it combined with repetition and priming effects. we inter that an individuals learning with a word's orthography underlies word frequency and item spelling accuracy effects and that a single orthographic lexicon serves visual word recognition and spelling. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science (USA).
Chemotherapy is central to the control of many parasite infections of both medical and veterinary importance. However, control has been compromised by the emergence of drug resistance in several important parasite species. Such parasites cover a broad phylogenetic range and include protozoa, helminths and arthropods. In order to achieve effective parasite control in the future, the recognition and diagnosis of resistance will be crucial. This demand for early, accurate diagnosis of resistance to specific drugs in different parasite species can potentially be met by modern molecular techniques. This paper summarises the resistance status of a range of important parasites and reviews the available molecular techniques for resistance diagnosis. Opportunities for applying successes in some species to other species where resistance is less well understood are explored. The practical application of molecular techniques and the impact of the technology on improving parasite control are discussed. (C) 2002 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Three confirmed cases of acute iron tablet-induced necrosis due to a fulminant chemical burn injury to the tracheobronchial tree as a result of accidental inhalation and/or aspiration of iron tablets are described. Although histological confirmation has been relied upon for diagnosis, the distinctive bronchoscopic features may allow prompt recognition and treatment by bronchoscopists to prevent this potentially fatal condition.
The branching structure of neurones is thought to influence patterns of connectivity and how inputs are integrated within the arbor. Recent studies have revealed a remarkable degree of variation in the branching structure of pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex of diurnal primates, suggesting regional specialization in neuronal function. Such specialization in pyramidal cell structure may be important for various aspects of visual function, such as object recognition and color processing. To better understand the functional role of regional variation in the pyramidal cell phenotype in visual processing, we determined the complexity of the dendritic branching pattern of pyramidal cells in visual cortex of the nocturnal New World owl monkey. We used the fractal dilation method to quantify the branching structure of pyramidal cells in the primary visual area (V1), the second visual area (V2) and the caudal and rostral subdivisions of inferotemporal cortex (ITc and ITr, respectively), which are often associated with color processing. We found that, as in diurnal monkeys, there was a trend for cells of increasing fractal dimension with progression through these cortical areas. The increasing complexity paralleled a trend for increasing symmetry. That we found a similar trend in both diurnal and nocturnal monkeys suggests that it was a feature of a common anthropoid ancestor.