967 resultados para Real systems


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Factors influencing apoptosis of vertebrate eggs and early embryos have been studied in cell-free systems and in intact embryos by analyzing individual apoptotic regulators or caspase activation in static samples. A novel method for monitoring caspase activity in living Xenopus oocytes and early embryos is described here. The approach, using microinjection of a near-infrared caspase substrate that emits fluorescence only after its proteolytic cleavage by active effector caspases, has enabled the elucidation of otherwise cryptic aspects of apoptotic regulation. In particular, we show that brief caspase activity (10 min) is sufficient to cause apoptotic death in this system. We illustrate a cytochrome c dose threshold in the oocyte, which is lowered by Smac, a protein that binds thereby neutralizing the inhibitor of apoptosis proteins. We show that meiotic oocytes develop resistance to cytochrome c, and that the eventual death of oocytes arrested in meiosis is caspase-independent. Finally, data acquired through imaging caspase activity in the Xenopus embryo suggest that apoptosis in very early development is not cell-autonomous. These studies both validate this assay as a useful tool for apoptosis research and reveal subtleties in the cell death program during early development. Moreover, this method offers a potentially valuable screening modality for identifying novel apoptotic regulators.


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Gemstone Team Future Firefighting Advancements


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The availability of a very accurate dependence graph for a scalar code is the basis for the automatic generation of an efficient parallel implementation. The strategy for this task which is encapsulated in a comprehensive data partitioning code generation algorithm is described. This algorithm involves the data partition, calculation of assignment ranges for partitioned arrays, addition of a comprehensive set of execution control masks, altering loop limits, addition and optimisation of communications for all data. In this context, the development and implementation of strategies to merge communications wherever possible has proved an important feature in producing efficient parallel implementations for numerical mesh based codes. The code generation strategies described here are embedded within the Computer Aided Parallelisation tools (CAPTools) software as a key part of a toolkit for automating as much as possible of the parallelisation process for mesh based numerical codes. The algorithms used enables parallelisation of real computational mechanics codes with only minor user interaction and without any prior manual customisation of the serial code to suit the parallelisation tool.


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The parallelization of real-world compute intensive Fortran application codes is generally not a trivial task. If the time to complete the parallelization is to be significantly reduced then an environment is needed that will assist the programmer in the various tasks of code parallelization. In this paper the authors present a code parallelization environment where a number of tools that address the main tasks such as code parallelization, debugging and optimization are available. The ParaWise and CAPO parallelization tools are discussed which enable the near automatic parallelization of real-world scientific application codes for shared and distributed memory-based parallel systems. As user involvement in the parallelization process can introduce errors, a relative debugging tool (P2d2) is also available and can be used to perform nearly automatic relative debugging of a program that has been parallelized using the tools. A high quality interprocedural dependence analysis as well as user-tool interaction are also highlighted and are vital to the generation of efficient parallel code and in the optimization of the backtracking and speculation process used in relative debugging. Results of benchmark and real-world application codes parallelized are presented and show the benefits of using the environment


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This paper describes work towards the deployment of flexible self-management into real-time embedded systems. A challenging project which focuses specifically on the development of a dynamic, adaptive automotive middleware is described, and the specific self-management requirements of this project are discussed. These requirements have been identified through the refinement of a wide-ranging set of use cases requiring context-sensitive behaviours. A sample of these use-cases is presented to illustrate the extent of the demands for self-management. The strategy that has been adopted to achieve self-management, based on the use of policies is presented. The embedded and real-time nature of the target system brings the constraints that dynamic adaptation capabilities must not require changes to the run-time code (except during hot update of complete binary modules), adaptation decisions must have low latency, and because the target platforms are resource-constrained the self-management mechanism have low resource requirements (especially in terms of processing and memory). Policy-based computing is thus and ideal candidate for achieving the self-management because the policy itself is loaded at run-time and can be replaced or changed in the future in the same way that a data file is loaded. Policies represent a relatively low complexity and low risk means of achieving self-management, with low run-time costs. Policies can be stored internally in ROM (such as default policies) as well as externally to the system. The architecture of a designed-for-purpose powerful yet lightweight policy library is described. A suitable evaluation platform, supporting the whole life-cycle of feasibility analysis, concept evaluation, development, rigorous testing and behavioural validation has been devised and is described.


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Embedded electronic systems in vehicles are of rapidly increasing commercial importance for the automotive industry. While current vehicular embedded systems are extremely limited and static, a more dynamic configurable system would greatly simplify the integration work and increase quality of vehicular systems. This brings in features like separation of concerns, customised software configuration for individual vehicles, seamless connectivity, and plug-and-play capability. Furthermore, such a system can also contribute to increased dependability and resource optimization due to its inherent ability to adjust itself dynamically to changes in software, hardware resources, and environment condition. This paper describes the architectural approach to achieving the goals of dynamically self-configuring automotive embedded electronic systems by the EU research project DySCAS. The architecture solution outlined in this paper captures the application and operational contexts, expected features, middleware services, functions and behaviours, as well as the basic mechanisms and technologies. The paper also covers the architecture conceptualization by presenting the rationale, concerning the architecture structuring, control principles, and deployment concept. In this paper, we also present the adopted architecture V&V strategy and discuss some open issues in regards to the industrial acceptance.


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The growth of magnetron sputtered Co/Au and Pd/Co/Au superlattices on Au and Pd buffer layers, deposited onto glass substrates, has been monitored optically and magneto-optically in real time, using rotating analyser ellipsometry and Kerr polarimetry, at a wavelength of 633 nm. The magneto-optical traces, combined with ex situ and in situ hysteresis loops, provide a detailed and informative fingerprint of the optical and magnetic properties of the films as they evolve during growth. For Co/Au, oscillations in the polar magneto-optical effect developed during the deposition of An overlayers on Co and these may be attributed to quantum well states. However, the hysteresis measurements show that the magnetic field required to maintain saturation magnetization throughout the experiment was larger than available in situ, introducing a degree of confusion concerning the interpretation of the data. This problem was overcome by the incorporation of Pd layers into the Co/Au structure, thereby eliminating variation in magnetic orientation during growth of the Au layers as a contributory factor to the observations.


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This paper presents the results of feasibility study of a novel concept of power system on-line collaborative voltage stability control. The proposal of the on-line collaboration between power system controllers is to enhance their overall performance and efficiency to cope with the increasing operational uncertainty of modern power systems. In the paper, the framework of proposed on-line collaborative voltage stability control is firstly presented, which is based on the deployment of multi-agent systems and real-time communication for on-line collaborative control. Then two of the most important issues in implementing the proposed on-line collaborative voltage stability control are addressed: (1) Error-tolerant communication protocol for fast information exchange among multiple intelligent agents; (2) Deployment of multi-agent systems by using graph theory to implement power system post-emergency control. In the paper, the proposed on-line collaborative voltage stability control is tested in the example 10-machine 39-node New England power system. Results of feasibility study from simulation are given considering the low-probability power system cascading faults.


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The future convergence of voice, video and data applications on the Internet requires that next generation technology provides bandwidth and delay guarantees. Current technology trends are moving towards scalable aggregate-based systems where applications are grouped together and guarantees are provided at the aggregate level only. This solution alone is not enough for interactive video applications with sub-second delay bounds. This paper introduces a novel packet marking scheme that controls the end-to-end delay of an individual flow as it traverses a network enabled to supply aggregate- granularity Quality of Service (QoS). IPv6 Hop-by-Hop extension header fields are used to track the packet delay encountered at each network node and autonomous decisions are made on the best queuing strategy to employ. The results of network simulations are presented and it is shown that when the proposed mechanism is employed the requested delay bound is met with a 20% reduction in resource reservation and no packet loss in the network.


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The prediction of the effects of disturbances in natural systems is limited by the general lack of knowledge on the strength of species interactions, i.e., the effect of one species on the population growth rate of another, and by the uncertainty of the effects that may be manifested via indirect pathways within the food web. Here we explored the consequences of changes in species populations for the remaining species within nine exceptionally well-characterized empirical food webs, for which, unlike the vast majority of other published webs, feeding links have been fully quantied. Using the inverse of the Jacobian matrix, we found that perturbations to species with few connections have larger net effects (considering both direct and indirect pathways between two species) on the rest of the food web than do disturbances to species that are highly connected. For 40% of predator-prey links, predators had positive net effects on prey populations, due to the predominance of indirect interactions. Our results highlight the fundamental, but often counterintuitive, role of indirect effects for the maintenance of food web complexity and biodiversity.


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Modern Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) communication systems place huge demands on embedded processing resources in terms of throughput, latency and resource utilization. State-of-the-art MIMO detector algorithms, such as Fixed-Complexity Sphere Decoding (FSD), rely on efficient channel preprocessing involving numerous calculations of the pseudo-inverse of the channel matrix by QR Decomposition (QRD) and ordering. These highly complicated operations can quickly become the critical prerequisite for real-time MIMO detection, exaggerated as the number of antennas in a MIMO detector increases. This paper describes a sorted QR decomposition (SQRD) algorithm extended for FSD, which significantly reduces the complexity and latency
of this preprocessing step and increases the throughput of MIMO detection. It merges the calculations of the QRD and ordering operations to avoid multiple iterations of QRD. Specifically, it shows that SQRD reduces the computational complexity by over 60-70% when compared to conventional
MIMO preprocessing algorithms. In 4x4 to 7x7 MIMO cases, the approach suffers merely 0.16-0.2 dB reduction in Bit Error Rate (BER) performance.


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Adaptive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems achieve a much higher information rate than conventional fixed schemes due to their ability to adapt their configurations according to the wireless communications environment. However, current adaptive MIMO detection schemes exhibit either low performance (and hence low spectral efficiency) or huge computational
complexity. In particular, whilst deterministic Sphere Decoder (SD) detection schemes are well established for static MIMO systems, exhibiting deterministic parallel structure, low computational complexity and quasi-ML detection performance, there are no corresponding adaptive schemes. This paper solves
this problem, describing a hybrid tree based adaptive modulation detection scheme. Fixed Complexity Sphere Decoding (FSD) and Real-Values FSD (RFSD) are modified and combined into a hybrid scheme exploited at low and medium SNR to provide the highest possible information rate with quasi-ML Bit Error
Rate (BER) performance, while Reduced Complexity RFSD, BChase and Decision Feedback (DFE) schemes are exploited in the high SNR regions. This algorithm provides the facility to balance the detection complexity with BER performance with compatible information rate in dynamic, adaptive MIMO communications


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To date, the usefulness of stereoscopic visual displays in research on manual interceptive actions has never been examined. In this study, we compared the catching movements of 8 right-handed participants (6 men, 2 women) in a real environment (with suspended balls swinging past the participant, requiring lateral hand movements for interception) with those in a situation in which similar virtual ball trajectories were displayed stereoscopically in a virtual reality system (Cave Automated Virtual Environment [CAVE]; Cruz-Neira, Sandin, DeFranti, Kenyon, & Hart, 1992) with the head fixated. Catching the virtual ball involved grasping a lightweight ball attached to the palm of the hand. The results showed that, compared to real catching, hand movements in the CAVE were (a) initiated later, (b) less accurate, (c) smoother, and (d) aimed more directly at the interception point. Although the latter 3 observations might be attributable to the delayed movement initiation observed in the CAVE, this delayed initiation might have resulted from the use of visual displays. This suggests that stereoscopic visual displays such as present in many virtual reality systems should be used circumspectly in the experimental study of catching and should be used only to address research questions requiring no detailed analysis of the information-based online control of the catching movements.