922 resultados para Rare fishes
The objective of the present work is to study the effect of rare-earth (RE) doping on the superconducting properties of (Bi,Pb)-2212 system and to develop novel superconductors in the system with improved properties, especially, the self- and in-field critical current densities so as to use them for practical applications. This dissertation describes a range of findings in Bi-based superconductor using the cationic substitution of rare earth (RE) elements. Most of the experiments reported here take advantage of the difference in the valency and ionic radii of dopant and doping site.
The metals present in the surface sediments have high demand on a global perspective, and the main reservoir of these elements is believed to be the ocean floor. A lot of studies on metals are going on throughout the world for its quantification and exploitation. Even though, some preliminary attempts have been made in selected areas for the quantitative study of metals in the western continental shelf of India, no comprehensive work has been reported so far. The importance of this study also lies on the fact that there has not been a proper evaluation of the impact of the Great Tsunami of 2004 on the coastal areas of the south India. In View of this, an attempt has been made to address the seasonal distribution, behavior and mechanisms which control the deposition of metals in the sediments of the western continental shelf and Cochin Estuary, an annex to this coastal marine region.Surface sediment samples were collected seasonally from two subenvironemnts of southwest coast of India, (continental shelf of Kerala and Cochin estuarine system), to estimate the seasonal distribution and geochemical behavior of non-transition, transition, rare-earth elements, Th and U. Bottom water samples were also taken from each station, and analysed for temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen, hence the response of redox sensitive elements to oxygen minimum zone can be addressed. In addition, other sedimentary parameters such as sand, silt, clay fractions, CaCO3 and organic carbon content were also estimated to evaluate the control factors on level of metals present in the sediment. The study used different environmental data analysis techniques to evaluate the distribution and behavior of elements during different seasons. This includes environmental parameters such as elemental normalisation, enrichment factor, element excess, cerium and europium anomalies and authigenic uranium.
The thesis attempts to study the changes in oceanographic parameters associated with extreme climatic events,the influence of oceanographic as well as meteorological parameters on fishes.The characteristics of major pelagic fishes of southwest coast of India(Oil sardine and Indian mackerel) have been described here.A description on study area and period of study is also described .The impact of extreme climatic events on the oceanographic variability of Eastern Arabian Sea.The extreme climatic event,the Indian Ocean Dipole associated with EI Nino Southern Oscillation is taken into consideration.The variability in oil sardine and mackerel landings of southwest coast of India during the study period.The trend analysis of the landings has been done and also a prediction model is applied for the landings.The influence of environmental parameters on oil sardine as well as mackerel fishery has been explained .With regression analysis ,the significant relation between environmental parameters and fish landings are also been recognized.The prediction of landings is done with these environmental parameters.
This overall focus of the thesis involves the systematics and biology of fishes of the family hemiramphidae of cochin coast.India is one of the leading fish producing nations in the world with an average annual production of 6.1 million tonnes of fish and shell fish from capture and culture fisheries in 2001 (Ayyappan and Biradar, 2002).Fisheries play a very significant role in the Indian economy by providing employment to nearly 7 million people directly or indirectly, supplying rich protein food and earning valued foreign exchange.Fishes of the family Hemiramphidae are commonly called ‘half beaks‘.In India, studies on hemiramphids commenced with the work of Day (1878,1889) who recorded thirteen species of hemiramphids from the Indian waters.The study area, which is part of Cochin coast is located between Lat.9°28’ and 10° N and Long.76° 13’ and 76° 31 E. Lying parallel to it is an estuary which is commonly called the Cochin backwaters which has a total area of about 200 sq.miles.The study area is subjected to wide variations in salinity from place to place, season and surface to bottom.The Cochin coast and the adjacent back water system of Kerala has a rich and diversified fish fauna. The hemiramphid fishes constitute a minor fishery of this area.The study on the distribution and availability of hemiramphid fishes present in the Cochin coast shows that they evince different patterns of distribution.In the present study it is noticed that fecundity has high correlation with weight than length of the fish.Histological studies revealed that the spermatogenesis in both H. (H) limbatus and H.(H) xanthopterus, consists of spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes secondary, spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa whereas in the oogenesis of both the species.biological study will be useful in implementation of proper measures of conservation and management so that further devastation of the hemiramphids of Cochin Coast can be controlled.
This thesis Entitled distribution ,diversity and biology of deep-sea fishes the indian Eez.Fishing rights and responsibilities it entails in the deep-sea sector has been a vexed issue since the mid-nineties and various stakeholders have different opinion on the modalities of harnessing the marine fisheries wealth, especially from the oceanic and deeper waters. The exploitation and utilization of these esources requires technology development and upgradation in harvest and post-harvest areas; besides shore infrastructure for berthing, handling, storing and processing facilities. At present, although deep-sea fishes don’t have any ready market in our country it can be converted into value added products. Many problems have so far confronted the deep-sea fishing sector not allowing it to reach its full potential. Hence, there should be a sound deep-sea fishing policy revolving round the upgradation of the capabilities of small scale fishermen, who have the inherent skills but do not have adequate support to develop themselves and to acquire vessels having the capability to operate in farther and deeper waters. Prospects for the commercial exploitation and utilization of deep-sea fishes were analyzed using SWOL analysis.
This thesis Entitled Resource abundance and survival of indigenous ornamental fishes of central kerala with emphasis on handling and packing stress in puntius filamentosus (valenciennes).Kerala state is endowed with 41 west flowing and three east flowing rivers originating in the Western Ghats. These rivers and their vast network of tributaries and distributaries harbour rich and diversified fish fauna. Most of the freshwater fishes available in Kerala are highly appreciated as ornamental fishes in the national and international markets.Today the ornamental fish industry is one of the largest industries all over the world. The demand for ornamental fishes has been increasing steadily with the enlargement of the industry, such that the current demand for indigenous ornamental fishes have exceeded the supply. This has led to serious concern about the resources available in the country that can be utilised judiciously for the economic benefit of the state. With an aim to fill up the lacuna, a database of freshwater ornamental fishes of Kerala was created as part of the present study. Ornamental fishes destined for export marketing should thrive well in the aquarium conditions.The study reiterates fishes caught from different environmental conditions and feeding habits have a greater ability to adapt and acclimatise to an entirely new environment and food habits. Marketing studies based on the statistics available with Marine Products Export Development Authority show that these species are not being exported at the required level over the past 6 years, when compared to the availability in the water bodies of Kerala. Sustainable utilisation of these resources from the wild using modern management principles and code of conduct for responsible fishing are advisable until captive breeding technology is popularised.
The selective oxidation of alkylaromatics is one of the main processes since the reaction products are important as intermediates in numerous industrial organic chemicals. Side-chain oxidation of alkyl aromatic compounds catalyzed by heterogeneous catalysts using cleaner peroxide oxidants is an especially attractive goal since classical synthetic laboratory procedures preferably use permanganate or acid dichromate as stoichiometric oxidants. In spite of many studies, there are very few which use hydrogen peroxide as a source of oxygen in the C-H activation of alkanes. Eflective utilization of ethylbenzene, available in the xylene stream of the petrochemical industry to more value added products is a promising one in chemical industry. The oxidation products of ethylbenzene are widely employed as intermediates in organic, steroid and resin synthesis.
In this thesis all these aspects are taken into consideration. Extensive studies were conducted on all aspects of processing of crabs, mussels and clams. The species taken for studies are commercially used ones namely Scylla sereta, perna viridis, and villorita cyprinoids. In Chapter 4.1 with regard to crab) the following aspects on their handling and processing are reported seasonal variation of chemical constituents, changes taking place during ice storage, freezing, canning etc. In Chapter 4._2 with regard to mussel, the relation between age (size) and chemical constituents, changes taking place during ice storage, freezing, canning etc. are reported and in Chapter 4.3 the changes taking place in clam muscle during icing and freezing are reported and the ame rebility of ice stored clams for canning purpose is reported.The interference of high concentration of glycogen in mussel and clam muscles during the colour development of ribose (Me-jbaum's method) is observed and remedial step are taken to minimise the interference.
In order to check the damage caused by the parasites, even though it is difficult in open waters, a proper understanding of the seasonal variation in the distribution of the parasite and other factors like age of the host, sex of the host, which affect distribution of parasite is a must. Although several workers have carried out investigations on the taxonomy of metazoan parasites of marine and brackish water Fishes of India, very little attempt is made to correlate such investigations with the host and the environment. In this thesis such an attempt is made by the researcher. In chapter one the literature related to the prevalence, mean intensity of infection, and histopathological changes caused by the metazoan parasites, in particular by helminths, copepods and isopods, was reviewed. Chapter two contains observations on the distribution pattern of parasites in relation to the season, sex, and size of the host. It was found that the prevalence rate of radiorynchus_indicus infecting the alimentary canal of Tachysurugs mgacuglatus, Ergasilus sp. infecting the gills of T maculatus, and Lernaeeniicus ramosus found on the body surface of Qeimgipteirfugs jagonicus was higher during monsoon season. But agarna malayi found in the opercular chamber and Ehilometra cephalus infecting the gonads of valamugil speiglari showed a higher prevalence rate during the postmonsoon season. This was discussed on the basis of the hydrographical characteristics prevailing in the study area during the three different seasons. It was also observed that the sex of the host did not influence significantly the distribution pattern of the parasites. The reasons for this were also discussed. Invariably, the size of the host was found to influence the parasite distribution pattern. It was observed that the prevalence rate showed an increase with increase in size of the fish. This was discussed on the basis of food habits of the host, along with other aspects An attempt was made in chapter three to study the histopathological effects of‘ the various parasites on their respective sites of attachments on host Fishes. It was found that except Rhadinorhyhchugs indicus, all other parasites produced damages of varying intensity, in the form of hypertrophy, rhyperplasia, haemorrhage, tissue disruption and ulcers. Interestingly, E. indicus, an acantho— cephalid with a powerful proboscis for attachment was found not to cause any serious damage to the intestine of the host Fish. All these aspects are included in the third and final chapter of the thesis.
The main objectives of the present study has been the collection of the larvae of some of the important and less studied demersal fishes of the South, West Coast of India, preparation of their life history series, statistical analysis of the morphometric characters, spatial as well as temporal distribution of the larvae in relation to the chief hydrographic parameters such as temperature, salinity and oxygen, so as to delineate the spawning areas and seasons of these fish populations. The informations regarding the kind and amount of bottom fish resources along the Indian Coast are scanty. Even though the flat fish resources of Indian waters contributes a singificant share in the total marine fish landings the detailed studies on biology and fishery have been conducted only for ‘Malabar Sole‘ (Cynoglossus macrostomus) while the reminder species of this group are inadequately known. Lizard fishes (order Myctophiphormes) are always present in the miscellaneous catch in all seasons but an adequate knowledge of the potential resources of this group is wanting. The Bombay duck, coming under the same order, is one of the most heavily fished species particularly along the Maharashtra Gujarat coasts but its early developmental stages are not studied. Hence the present study will contribute to a better understanding of the demersal fishery resources of the South West Coast of India
The thesis is mainly concerned with the study of the bacteriology of freezing of mackerel(Rastrelliger kanaggrta)and prawn (Metgpggaeus ddbsoni) The thesis in four sections describes the salient features of the observations and inferences on the bacteriology of freezing of fishes and prawns. This includes the evaluation of methodology for the optimum recovery of bacteria, bacteriology of the newly caught fish and prawn, the effect of freezing temperatures on the survival of selected species of isolates from fish and prawn and the bacteriology of freezing, frozen storage and thawing of prawn/fish emphasizing the effect contributed by each.
Based on the adaption of fishes to their habitat, they are divided into three ecological groups - marine, fresh water and estuarine or brackish water forms. Estuarine fishes inhabit the less saline region of the sea, estuaries and other inland waters. These fishes are more subjected to pollution than fresh water fishes or marine fishes as they encounter pollutants present in the outgoing river water and the incoming sea water during low and high tides respectively. So, the study of the biology of the estuarine fishes has become unavoidable to assess their suitability in aquaculture. The development of both capture and culture fisheries related to any brackish water system is dependent on the availability of scientific‘ data on the various biological factors in respect of the different species. Such a study on fishes will be helpful in formulating suitable schemes for the management of brackish water for capture and culture fisheries. It was therefore felt that a study of the biological and biochemical aspects of two estuarine fishes Megalops cyprinoides Broussonet and Scatophargus Bloch which are not fully exploited in aquaculture programmes, was worth undertaking. The present study is expected to advance our knowledge on the biology of the two fishes which are very desirable for brackish water fish farming
The advent of high optical quality transparent nano—structured glasses, the so-called transparent glass ceramics or vitroceramics disclosed the possibility of producing nano-sized photonic devices based on rare-earth doped up—converters. Transparent glass ceramics have been investigated as hosts for lanthanide ions envisioning the production of materials that are easy to shape and with high performance for photonic applications. Rare earth doped glasses have been extensively studied due to their potential applications in optical devices such as solid state lasers and optical fibers. Various photothermal and optical techniques have been successfully applied for the thermal and optical characterization of these rare earth doped materials. In the present thesis, the effective thermal parameters like thermal diffusivity and thermal effusivity of complex materials for various applications have been investigated using photothermal methods along with their optical characterization utilising the common optical absorption as well as fluorescence spectroscopic techniques. These sensitive optical procedures are also essential for exploiting these materials for further photonic applications.
The previous faunistic studies were concentrated.on the taxonomical and zoogeo— graphical aspects. These studies contributed to many new additions to the fish fauna of Kerala meanwhile many species described earlier are reported missing in recent years. Many fish species were collected only once or twice by scientists. Detailed information on distribution, habitat, feeding habits, reproduction, population size, etc. are available only with regard to a very few fish species. A meaningful assessment on the biodiversity status of the majority of freshwater fishes cannot be done for want of sufficient data base and therefore, no suitable conservation and management programmes are forthcoming for the protection and preservation of the unique fish germplasm resources of Kerala. The present study was conceptualised and undertaken mostly aiming at bridging these gaps by generating an authentic data base on the distribution, resource characteristics and bionomics of the threatened fishes inhabiting the rivers of Kerala. Osteobrama bakeri (Day) is an endemic fish having a very highly restricted and fragmented distribution in Periyar, Chalakudy, Kabini, Kallada and Meenachil rivers of Kerala. This belongs to vulnerable category and is locally known as Mullanpaval which is valued as food fish. Besides, due to its vibrant and attractive colouration and easiness for domestication, it has great potential for being propagated as an ornamental fish. Hitherto, no information is available on the bionomics and resource characteristics of this species. Studies on detailed life history traits are indispensable for fishery management, development of captive breeding technique and implementation of various conservation programmes. In the present study, a pioneer attempt is also made to investigate the life history traits, resource characteristics, proximate composition, etc. of O.baken'.