933 resultados para Range-of-motion


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L'épaule est un complexe articulaire formé par le thorax, la clavicule, la scapula et l'humérus. Alors que les orientation et position de ces derniers la rendent difficile à étudier, la compréhension approfondie de l'interrelation de ces segments demeure cliniquement importante. Ainsi, un nouveau modèle du membre supérieur est développé et présenté. La cinématique articulaire de 15 sujets sains est collectée et reconstruite à l'aide du modèle. Celle-ci s'avère être généralement moins variable et plus facilement interprétable que le modèle de référence. Parallèlement, l'utilisation de simplifications, issues de la 2D, sur le calcul d'amplitude de mouvement en 3D est critiquée. Cependant, des cas d'exception où ces simplifications s'appliquent sont dégagés et prouvés. Ainsi, ils sont une éventuelle avenue d'amélioration supplémentaire des modèles sans compromission de leur validé.


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L’instrument le plus fréquemment utilisé pour la mesure de l’amplitude de mouvement du coude est le goniomètre universel. Or celui-ci ne fait pas l’unanimité : plusieurs auteurs remettent en question sa fiabilité et validité. Cette étude détaille donc, en trois étapes, une alternative beaucoup plus précise et exacte : une méthode radiographique de mesure. Une étude de modélisation a d’abord permis de repérer les sources d’erreur potentielles de cette méthode radiographique, à ce jour jamais utilisée pour le coude. La méthode a ensuite servi à évaluer la validité du goniomètre. À cette fin, 51 volontaires ont participé à une étude clinique où les deux méthodes ont été confrontées. Finalement, la mesure radiographique a permis de lever le voile sur l’influence que peuvent avoir différents facteurs démographiques sur l’amplitude de mouvement du coude. La méthode radiographique s’est montrée robuste et certaines sources d’erreurs facilement évitables ont été identifiées. En ce qui concerne l’étude clinique, l’erreur de mesure attribuable au goniomètre était de ±10,3° lors de la mesure du coude en extension et de ±7,0° en flexion. L’étude a également révélé une association entre l’amplitude de mouvement et différents facteurs, dont les plus importants sont l’âge, le sexe, l’IMC et la circonférence du bras et de l’avant-bras. En conclusion, l’erreur du goniomètre peut être tolérée en clinique, mais son utilisation est cependant déconseillée en recherche, où une erreur de mesure de l’ordre de 10° est inacceptable. La méthode radiographique, étant plus précise et exacte, représente alors une bien meilleure alternative.


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Différents dessins d’implants de prothèse totale de genou (PTG) sont utilisés en pratique clinique et chacun présente des caractéristiques biomécaniques spécifiques. Aucun implant n’a réussi à ce jour à reproduire parfaitement la biomécanique du genou naturel. Les objectifs de cette étude sont de comparer les résultats cliniques et biomécaniques tridimensionnels (3D) de deux types de PTG chez le même patient, puis de comparer la cinématique des PTG à celle d’un groupe de genoux asymptomatiques. Une cohorte de quinze patients avec un implant traditionnel dans un genou et un implant de nouvelle génération permettant un pivot dans le genou contralatéral a été étudiée. Le groupe contrôle était composé de trente-cinq genoux asymptomatiques. L’analyse de la cinématique 3D a été réalisée avec l’outil KneeKG (Emovi Inc. Canada) lors de la marche sur tapis roulant. L’évaluation clinique comprenait l’amplitude de mouvement ainsi que les questionnaires de perception articulaire, KOOS, Womac et SF-12. La comparaison de la cinématique des deux types de PTG a démontré quelques différences statistiquement significatives dans les plans sagittal et frontal alors que la comparaison des PTG et des genoux asymptomatiques a révélé plusieurs différences significatives dans les trois plans. Les scores cliniques des deux PTG ne comportaient pas de différence significative. Dans notre cohorte de patients, le design de l’implant a eu peu d’influence sur les résultats biomécaniques et cliniques. Les PTG n’ont pas reproduit une cinématique normale de genou. Beaucoup de travail et de recherche dans le développement de nouveaux implants sont encore nécessaires afin d’améliorer les résultats cliniques et de mieux reproduire la cinématique du genou naturel.


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Introducción: El trasplante de mano es una opción en el tratamiento de pacientes amputados. Su recuperación funcional determina, junto con el manejo de la inmunosupresión, el éxito del trasplante. Este estudio buscó identificar y describir los resultados funcionales, sensibilidad y recuperación motora, en pacientes trasplantados. Metodología: Búsqueda sistemática de la literatura incluyendo estudios prospectivos, retrospectivos y reportes de caso en tres bases de datos primarias y una base de datos de revisiones sistemáticas, bajo criterios de búsqueda específicos. Resultados: Once artículos cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. La discriminación de dos puntos, la estrognosis, el signo de Tinel, la temperatura, el tacto superficial y profundo y el dolor fueron evaluados. Seis pacientes recuperaron los tres últimos durante los primeros 12 meses, tres más lograron discriminación de dos puntos en los pulpejos entre 1.5 y 3 años. De los restantes uno tiene reporte de normalidad a los seis años y en el otro refieren disminución de la sensibilidad protectiva en el mismo plazo. El rango total de movilidad de los dedos sirvió como evaluación de la función motora en cinco pacientes, tres tuvieron reportes por debajo del 50% de lo normal al año del trasplante, el cuarto logró cerca de un 60%, el último fue artodesado. El tiempo mostró ser un factor para la mejoría en la valoración global de la extremidad superior mediante el uso del DASH. Discusión, conclusiones: es necesaria la estadarización y su publicación, de la medición de los resultados funcionales en los pacientes de trasplante de mano.


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Introducción Las rupturas agudas del tendón de Aquiles se presentan en pacientes entre 40 y 50 años. Las causas más comunes son actividades deportivas. Se han descrito técnicas mínimamente invasivas, con complicaciones como infección del sitio operatorio, adherencias y la lesión del nervio sural. El propósito de este estudio es determinar el desenlace clínico y funcional, de los pacientes con rupturas agudas del tendón de Aquiles llevados a reparación quirúrgica mínimamente invasiva entre 2011 y 2013 en nuestra institución. Materiales y métodos. Estudio tipo Serie de casos. Se realizó evaluación de fuerza muscular, fatiga muscular, arcos de movilidad con respecto a la extremidad contralateral, la escala AOFAS y se describieron las complicaciones. Resultados. Se evaluaron 21 pacientes de 31 elegibles, diecisiete hombres y cuatro mujeres. Edad promedio de 42,7 años, duración promedio de seguimiento de 17,47 meses. Como complicación hubo una dehiscencia de sutura treinta días después del procedimiento. Los pacientes regresaron a actividades laborales 48 días después de cirugía. El tiempo promedio de retorno a actividades deportivas fue de 8.47 meses. El puntaje promedio en la escala AOFAS fue 90. Los arcos de movilidad del tobillo fueron en promedio de 52° para el lado afectado y 56° en el no intervenido. El número de repeticiones de elevación de talón de la extremidad afectada fue de 58 en promedio. Discusión. Estos resultados sugieren que la técnica mínimamente invasiva para reparación del tendón de Aquiles provee resultados funcionales satisfactorios a corto y mediano plazo con bajas tasas de complicación.


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Avaliaram-se oito articulações metacarpofalangeanas (MCF) de eqüinos adultos pelos exames radiográfico e ultra-sonográfico após indução cirúrgica de uma instabilidade articular, para mimetizar as alterações iniciais da osteoartrite (OA) naturalmente adquirida. Foram mensurados a circunferência articular, a amplitude do movimento articular e o grau de claudicação dos membros torácicos (avaliação clínica). Dez dias após a intervenção cirúrgica os animais foram exercitados em um andador por um período de 60 dias. Os exames radiográfico e ultra-sonográfico foram realizados antes da intervenção cirúrgica e após 25, 40 e 70 dias, e a avaliação clínica, semanalmente, durante todo o período experimental. Observaram-se alterações ultra-sonográficas aos 25 dias após a instabilidade articular, enquanto as alterações radiográficas somente foram visualizadas aos 40 dias. Houve aumento significativo (P<0,05) da circunferência articular da articulação MCF operada (25,75cm± 1,1) a partir do sétimo dia, em relação à articulação controle (24,88cm± 1,0) e diminuição da amplitude do movimento da articulação operada (96,38º± 10,7) a partir do 25º dia, em relação ao seu valor basal (109,24º± 10,3) e em relação ao controle (108,75º± 8,3). O grau de claudicação aumentou significativamente (P<0,05) durante o período do estudo, com valor médio do escore de 1,5 para o membro operado em relação ao membro contralateral. em conclusão, os sinais iniciais da OA cirurgicamente induzida foram melhor e mais precocemente detectados pela ultra-sonografia quando comparado ao exame radiografico. As mensurações da circunferência articular e da amplitude do movimento articular são úteis na avaliação das doenças articulares.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: To examine the effects of treadmill inclinations on the walking of hemiparetic chronic subjects. Design: Observational descriptive study. Location: Laboratory of human movement analysis. Participants: Eighteen subjects, 10 men and 8 women were evaluated, with a mean age of 55.3 ± 9.3 years and the time since the injury of about 36 ± 22.8 months. Intervention: Not applicable. Main Outcome Measures: All subjects were evaluated for functional independence (Functional Independence Measure - FIM) and balance (Berg Balance Scale). Angular variations of the hips, knees and ankles in the sagittal plane were observed, as well as the speed of the movement (m/s), cadence (steps/min), stride length (m), cycle time (s), step time on the paretic leg and on the non-paretic leg (s), support phase time and balance phase time on the paretic leg (s) and the ratio of symmetry inter-limb as subjects walked on a treadmill at three conditions of inclination (0%, 5% and 10% ). Results: There were angular increases in the initial contact of the hip, knee and ankle, amplitude increase in the hip between 0% and 10% (37.83 ± 5.23 versus 41.12 ± 5.63, p < 0,001) and 5% and 10% (38.80 ± 5.96 versus 41.12 ± 5.63, p = 0,002), amplitude increases in the knee between 0% and 10% (47.51 ± 15.07 versus 50, 30 ± 12.82, p = 0,040), extension decreases in the hip, dorsiflexion increases in the balance phase and in the time of support phase from 0% to 5% (0.83 ± 0.21 versus 0.87 ± 0, 20, p = 0,011) and 0% and 10% (0.83 ± 0.21 versus 0.88 ± 0.23, p = 0,021). Conclusion: The treadmill inclination promoted angle changes as such as the increase of the angle of the hip, knee and ankle during the initial contact and the balance phase and the increase of the range of motion of the hip and knee; furthermore, it also promoted the increase of the support time of the paretic lower limb


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The purpose of the study was to compare hemiparetic gait overground and on the treadmill. Seventeen chronic stroke patients were included in the study. They walked overground and on a treadmill level at the same speed. The Qualisys Medical AB motion analysis system was used to quantify the joint kinematic of the paretic lower limb and the spatio-temporal parameters on the two conditions: overground walking and treadmill walking on three samples of 5-minutes. During the first sample, the subjects walked on the treadmill with greater cadence, shorter stride length, shorter step time on the lower paretic limb, greater range of motion in the hip and knee, greater knee flexion at the initial contact, more extension of the knee and lower dorsiflexion of the ankle at the stance phase. It is important to emphasize that the maximal knee flexion and ankle dorsiflexion just occurred later on the treadmill. Comparisons between each walking sample on the treadmill hadn t revealed any changes on the gait parameters over time. Nonetheless, when analyzing the third walking sample on the treadmill and overground, some variables showed equivalence as such as the total range of motion of the hip, the knee angle at the initial contact and its maximal extension at the stance phase. In summary, walking on a treadmill, even thought having some influence on the familiarization process, haven t demonstrated a complete change in its characteristics of hemiparetic chronic patients


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BACKGROUND: Treadmill training with partial body weight support (BWS) has shown many benefits for patients after a stroke. But their findings are not well known when combined with biofeedback. OBJETIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the immediate effects of biofeedback, visual and auditory, combined with treadmill training with BWS on on walking functions of hemiplegic subjects. METHODS: We conducted a clinical trial, randomized controlled trial with 30 subjects in the chronic stage of stroke, underwent treadmill training with BWS (control), combined with visual biofeedback, given by the monitor of the treadmill through the symbolic appearance of feet as the subject gave the step; or auditory biofeedback, using a metronome with a frequency of 115% of the cadence of the individual. The subjects were evaluated by kinematics, and the data obtained by the Motion Analysis System Qualisys. To assess differences between groups and within each group after training was applied to ANOVA 3 x 2 repeated measures. RESULTS: There were no statistical differences between groups in any variable spatio-temporal and angular motion, but within each group there was an increase in walking speed and stride length after the training. The group of visual biofeedback increased the stance period and reduced the swing period and reason of symmetry, and the group auditory biofeedback reduced the double stance period. The range of motion of the knee and ankle and the plantar flexion increased in the visual biofeedback group. CONCLUSION: There are no differences between the immediate effects of gait training on a treadmill with BWS performed with and without visual or auditory biofeedback. However, the visual biofeedback can promote changes in a larger number of variables spatiotemporal and angular gait


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Objective: To evaluate the acute effects of static stretching before and after isokinetic exercise, neuromuscular and biomechanical properties of muscles Biceps Femoris (BF) and semitendinosus (ST). Methods: Eighty-nine volunteers of both genders, healthy and physically active, with a mean age of 22.52 ± 2.6 years and mean BMI 23.86 ± 3.2 kg/m² were randomized into 4 groups: Control Group (CG) made only one Protocol Exercise (PE) without performing the stretching, the Experimental Group 1 (EG1) did stretching before PE; EG2 did the stretching after PE and EG3 did stretching before and after PE. The volunteers were evaluated on the following variables: Range of motion (ROM), soreness, dynamometric variables concentric and eccentric, Neuromuscular Latency Time (NLT) and electromyographic. In the data analysis was assigned a significance level of 5%. Results: ADM and TLNM reported significant reduction in CG, but remained unchanged in GE with p<0,05 and p<0,01, respectively. As for the soreness, no differences between the groups. The electromyographic activity of the BF and ST, in the concentric phase, showed a significant decrease in all groups (p<0,01). However, in the eccentric phase, ST revealed reduction in all groups (p <0.01), except for the CG, while the BF remained unchanged in all groups. The PT showed significant reduction in both conditions (concentric and eccentric) for all groups, with no difference between them (p<0,01). Conclusion: The results of this study do not favor the use of static stretching, even of short duration, before physical activity. However, after exercise or at times unrelated to the sport, he should be given with the aim of avoiding muscle shortening


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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INTRODUÇÃO: A hemiparesia após o acidente vascular encefálico (AVE) é a sequela mais frequente, prejudicando a velocidade de execução dos movimentos automáticos, diminuindo a autonomia do indivíduo e gerando incapacidade. OBJETIVOS: Analisar o efeito da espasticidade nos padrões lineares de marcha (PLM) em indivíduos hemiparéticos. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados dois grupos: 20 indivíduos com AVE (G1) e 20 indivíduos sadios, destros, sem sequela neurológica (G2), com média de idade de 54,2 e 52,6 anos respectivamente. Foram avaliados os PLM pelo protocolo de Nagazaki, o tônus muscular pela escala de Ashworth modificada e o arco de movimento por goniometria. Foi feita comparação dos parâmetros nos dois grupos pelo teste t de Student e correlação de Spearman com nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: A média da distância foi de 14,52 m e 32,16 m, e o tempo foi de 23,75 s e 19,02 s no G1 e G2 respectivamente (p < 0,0001). Na comparação entre os grupos, a amplitude média de passo e a velocidade média foram estatisticamente significantes (p < 0,05) e a cadência não mostrou significância (p = 0,1936). Quando os PLM foram comparados com o grau de espasticidade dos músculos gastrocnêmio e sóleo, mostraram associação negativa com distância, amplitude de passo e velocidade e associação positiva com o tempo (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Quanto maior o grau de espasticidade dos músculos gastrocnêmio e sóleo, menores serão os parâmetros lineares de marcha do indivíduo com sequela de hemiparesia pós-AVE.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)