971 resultados para ROTATION CURVES


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Long-term conservation tillage can modify vertical distribution of nutrients in soil profiles and alter nutrient availability and yields of crops.


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The purpose of this study was to compare a number of state-of-the-art methods in airborne laser scan- ning (ALS) remote sensing with regards to their capacity to describe tree size inequality and other indi- cators related to forest structure. The indicators chosen were based on the analysis of the Lorenz curve: Gini coefficient ( GC ), Lorenz asymmetry ( LA ), the proportions of basal area ( BALM ) and stem density ( NSLM ) stocked above the mean quadratic diameter. Each method belonged to one of these estimation strategies: (A) estimating indicators directly; (B) estimating the whole Lorenz curve; or (C) estimating a complete tree list. Across these strategies, the most popular statistical methods for area-based approach (ABA) were used: regression, random forest (RF), and nearest neighbour imputation. The latter included distance metrics based on either RF (NN–RF) or most similar neighbour (MSN). In the case of tree list esti- mation, methods based on individual tree detection (ITD) and semi-ITD, both combined with MSN impu- tation, were also studied. The most accurate method was direct estimation by best subset regression, which obtained the lowest cross-validated coefficients of variation of their root mean squared error CV(RMSE) for most indicators: GC (16.80%), LA (8.76%), BALM (8.80%) and NSLM (14.60%). Similar figures [CV(RMSE) 16.09%, 10.49%, 10.93% and 14.07%, respectively] were obtained by MSN imputation of tree lists by ABA, a method that also showed a number of additional advantages, such as better distributing the residual variance along the predictive range. In light of our results, ITD approaches may be clearly inferior to ABA with regards to describing the structural properties related to tree size inequality in for- ested areas.


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When applying computational mathematics in practical applications, even though one may be dealing with a problem that can be solved algorithmically, and even though one has good algorithms to approach the solution, it can happen, and often it is the case, that the problem has to be reformulated and analyzed from a different computational point of view. This is the case of the development of approximate algorithms. This paper frames in the research area of approximate algebraic geometry and commutative algebra and, more precisely, on the problem of the approximate parametrization.


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Data of diverse crop rotations from five locations across Europe were distributed to modelers to investigate the capability of models to handle complex crop rotations and management interactions.


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The ballast pick-up (or ballast train-induced-wind erosion (BTE)) phenomenon is a limiting factor for the maximum allowed operational train speed. The determination of the conditions for the initiation of the motion of the ballast stones due to the wind gust created by high-speed trains is critical to predict the start of ballast pick-up because, once the motion is initiated, a saltation-like chain reaction can take place. The aim of this paper is to present a model to evaluate the effect of a random aerodynamic impulse on stone motion initiation, and an experimental study performed to check the capability of the proposed model to classify trains by their effect on the ballast due to the flow generated by the trains. A measurement study has been performed at kp 69 + 500 on the Madrid – Barcelona High Speed Line. The obtained results show the feasibility of the proposed method, and contribute to a technique for BTE characterization, which can be relevant for the development of train interoperability standards


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We report evidence for proton-driven subunit rotation in membrane-bound FoF1–ATP synthase during oxidative phosphorylation. A βD380C/γC87 crosslinked hybrid F1 having epitope-tagged βD380C subunits (βflag) exclusively in the two noncrosslinked positions was bound to Fo in F1-depleted membranes. After reduction of the β–γ crosslink, a brief exposure to conditions for ATP synthesis followed by reoxidation resulted in a significant amount of βflag appearing in the β–γ crosslinked product. Such a reorientation of γC87 relative to the three β subunits can only occur through subunit rotation. Rotation was inhibited when proton transport through Fo was blocked or when ADP and Pi were omitted. These results establish FoF1 as the second example in nature where proton transport is coupled to subunit rotation.


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A cell of the bacterium Escherichia coli was tethered covalently to a glass coverslip by a single flagellum, and its rotation was stopped by using optical tweezers. The tweezers acted directly on the cell body or indirectly, via a trapped polystyrene bead. The torque generated by the flagellar motor was determined by measuring the displacement of the laser beam on a quadrant photodiode. The coverslip was mounted on a computer-controlled piezo-electric stage that moved the tether point in a circle around the center of the trap so that the speed of rotation of the motor could be varied. The motor generated ≈4500 pN nm of torque at all angles, regardless of whether it was stalled, allowed to rotate very slowly forwards, or driven very slowly backwards. This argues against models of motor function in which rotation is tightly coupled to proton transit and back-transport of protons is severely limited.


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Unilateral intrahippocampal injections of tetrodotoxin were used to temporarily inactivate one hippocampus during specific phases of training in an active allothetic place avoidance task. The rat was required to use landmarks in the room to avoid a room-defined sector of a slowly rotating circular arena. The continuous rotation dissociated room cues from arena cues and moved the arena surface through a part of the room in which foot-shock was delivered. The rat had to move away from the shock zone to prevent being transported there by the rotation. Unilateral hippocampal inactivations profoundly impaired acquisition and retrieval of the allothetic place avoidance. Posttraining unilateral hippocampal inactivation also impaired performance in subsequent sessions. This allothetic place avoidance task seems more sensitive to hippocampal disruption than the standard water maze task because the same unilateral hippocampal inactivation does not impair performance of the variable-start, fixed hidden goal task after procedural training. The results suggest that the hippocampus not only encodes allothetic relationships amongst landmarks, it also organizes perceived allothetic stimuli into systems of mutually stable coordinates. The latter function apparently requires greater hippocampal integrity.


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Let E be a modular elliptic curve over ℚ, without complex multiplication; let p be a prime number where E has good ordinary reduction; and let F∞ be the field obtained by adjoining to ℚ all p-power division points on E. Write G∞ for the Galois group of F∞ over ℚ. Assume that the complex L-series of E over ℚ does not vanish at s = 1. If p ⩾ 5, we make a precise conjecture about the value of the G∞-Euler characteristic of the Selmer group of E over F∞. If one makes a standard conjecture about the behavior of this Selmer group as a module over the Iwasawa algebra, we are able to prove our conjecture. The crucial local calculations in the proof depend on recent joint work of the first author with R. Greenberg.


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Subunit rotation within the F1 catalytic sector of the ATP synthase has been well documented, identifying the synthase as the smallest known rotary motor. In the membrane-embedded FO sector, it is thought that proton transport occurs at a rotor/stator interface between the oligomeric ring of c subunits (rotor) and the single-copy a subunit (stator). Here we report evidence for an energy-dependent rotation at this interface. FOF1 was expressed with a pair of substituted cysteines positioned to allow an intersubunit disulfide crosslink between subunit a and a c subunit [aN214C/cM65C; Jiang, W. & Fillingame, R. H. (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95, 6607–6612]. Membranes were treated with N,N′-dicyclohexyl-[14C]carbodiimide to radiolabel the D61 residue on less than 20% of the c subunits. After oxidation to form an a–c crosslink, the c subunit properly aligned to crosslink to subunit a was found to contain very little 14C label relative to other members of the c ring. However, exposure to MgATP before oxidation significantly increased the radiolabel in the a–c crosslink, indicating that a different c subunit was now aligned with subunit a. This increase was not induced by exposure to MgADP/Pi. Furthermore, preincubation with MgADP and azide to inhibit F1 or with high concentrations of N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide to label most c subunits prevented the ATP effect. These results provide evidence for an energy-dependent rotation of the c ring relative to subunit a.


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To provide a more general method for comparing survival experience, we propose a model that independently scales both hazard and time dimensions. To test the curve shape similarity of two time-dependent hazards, h1(t) and h2(t), we apply the proposed hazard relationship, h12(tKt)/ h1(t) = Kh, to h1. This relationship doubly scales h1 by the constant hazard and time scale factors, Kh and Kt, producing a transformed hazard, h12, with the same underlying curve shape as h1. We optimize the match of h12 to h2 by adjusting Kh and Kt. The corresponding survival relationship S12(tKt) = [S1(t)]KtKh transforms S1 into a new curve S12 of the same underlying shape that can be matched to the original S2. We apply this model to the curves for regional and local breast cancer contained in the National Cancer Institute's End Results Registry (1950-1973). Scaling the original regional curves, h1 and S1 with Kt = 1.769 and Kh = 0.263 produces transformed curves h12 and S12 that display congruence with the respective local curves, h2 and S2. This similarity of curve shapes suggests the application of the more complete curve shapes for regional disease as templates to predict the long-term survival pattern for local disease. By extension, this similarity raises the possibility of scaling early data for clinical trial curves according to templates of registry or previous trial curves, projecting long-term outcomes and reducing costs. The proposed model includes as special cases the widely used proportional hazards (Kt = 1) and accelerated life (KtKh = 1) models.


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During oxidative and photo-phosphorylation, F0F1-ATP synthases couple the movement of protons down an electrochemical gradient to the synthesis of ATP. One proposed mechanistic feature that has remained speculative is that this coupling process requires the rotation of subunits within F0F1. Guided by a recent, high-resolution structure for bovine F1 [Abrahams, J. P., Leslie, A. G., Lutter, R. & Walker, J. E. (1994) Nature (London) 370, 621-628], we have developed a critical test for rotation of the central gamma subunit relative to the three catalytic beta subunits in soluble F1 from Escherichia coli. In the bovine F1 structure, a specific point of contact between the gamma subunit and one of the three catalytic beta subunits includes positioning of the homolog of E. coli gamma-subunit C87 (gamma C87) close to the beta-subunit 380DELSEED386 sequence. A beta D380C mutation allowed us to induce formation of a specific disulfide bond between beta and gamma C87 in soluble E. coli F1. Formation of the crosslink inactivated beta D380C-F1, and reduction restored full activity. Using a dissociation/reassembly approach with crosslinked beta D380C-F1, we incorporated radiolabeled beta subunits into the two noncrosslinked beta-subunit positions of F1. After reduction of the initial nonradioactive beta-gamma crosslink, only exposure to conditions for catalytic turnover results in similar reactivities of unlabeled and radiolabeled beta subunits with gamma C87 upon reoxidation. The results demonstrate that gamma subunit rotates relative to the beta subunits during catalysis.


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The use of computer programs to predict drug absorption in humans and to simulate dissolution profiles has become a valuable tool in the pharmaceutical area. The objective of this study was to use in silico methods through software GastroPlusTM and DDDPlusTM to simulate drug absorption curves and dissolution profiles, and to establish in vitro-in vivo correlations (IVIVCs). The work presented herein is divided into five chapters and includes the drugs ketoprofen, pyrimethamine, metronidazole, fluconazole, carvedilol and doxazosin. In Chapter 1, simulated plasma curves for ketoprofen matrix tablets are presented and IVIVC was established. The use of simulated intrinsic dissolution tests for pyrimethamine and metronidazole as a tool for biopharmaceutics classification is detailed in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3, simulation of plasma curves for fluconazole capsules with different dissolution profiles is demonstrated as a tool for biowaiver. IVIVC studies were also conducted for carvedilol immediate-release tablets from dissolution profiles in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 covers the application of simulated dissolution tests for development of doxazosin extended-release formulations. Simulation of plasma curves and IVIVC using the software GastroPlusTM as well as intrinsic dissolution tests and dissolution profiles using the software DDDPlusTM proved to be a tool of wide application in predicting biopharmaceutical characteristics of drugs and formulations, allowing the reduction of time and costs of experimental laboratory work.