689 resultados para Pulverizador torre
Primera guia de materials lapidis hispànics explotats en època romana a la península Ibèrica. El treball recull 16 varietats, i té especial interès en la descripció de la geologia dels entorns de les explotacions. Entre els materials lapidis figuren, per exemple, marbres de la zona d’Estremoz (Portugal), broccatello (també anomanat jaspi de la Cinta, procedent de Tortosa), marbres de la zona de Macael (Andalusia) i la pedra de Buixcarró (València). També s'hi estudien amb detall els punts d’explotació (pedreres) i les diverses aplicacions donades a cada tipus de pedra. El llibre és trilingüe (anglès, català i castellà), està molt ben il·lustrat (en color) i s'ha publicat com a catàleg ampliat d'una exposició amb el mateix títol muntada en el marc de la IX Asmosia Internacional Conference (Tarragona, juny del 2009).
El Pla de ses Figueres és un jaciment que es troba a la riba del port de Cabrera, una petita illa de 1.836 ha. situada en el sud de les illes Balears. Diversos treballs de prospecció i d’excavació han donat a conèixer una important ocupació humana del lloc centrada en els segles V a VII dC. A les zones intervingudes s’han identificat una factoria de salaons, un possible taller de producció de porpra i una necròpoli. En el present treball s’exposaran set peces de marbre localitzades en dit jaciment dintre del projecte “Recuperació, consolidació i museïtzació del monestir bizantí de l’illa de Cabrera”, el qual ja fa dotze anys que finança ininterrompudament l’Ajuntament de Palma.
A partir del análisis metrológico realizado en 4 asentamientos ibéricos del tramo final del Ebro, en la región ilercavona planteamos la utilización de una unidad de medida basada en un pie de 0,32 m. Su primera aplicación probable se identifica en la torre bipartita del Castellot de la Roca Roja de Benifallet (final del siglo v a.C.), pero será entre los siglos iii y ii a.C. cuando tendrá una mayor adaptación, como se puede apreciar en su uso en la trama urbana de El Castellet de Banyoles de Tivissa, el sistema defensivo de Sant Miquel de Vinebre y probablemente en el edificio singular del Perengil de Vinaròs. Su mayor difusión durante el siglo iii a.C. se relaciona con el momento de concentración de poblamiento en el territorio ilercavón en grandes núcleos, como El Castellet de Banyoles, dentro de un fenómeno de jerarquización del territorio que muestra un sistema económico centralizado de tipo protoestatal.
Background There is no evidence to date on whether transcriptional regulators are able to shift the balance between mitochondrial fusion and fission events through selective control of gene expression. Methodology/Principal Findings Here, we demonstrate that reduced mitochondrial size observed in knock-out mice for the transcriptional regulator PGC-1β is associated with a selective reduction in Mitofusin 2 (Mfn2) expression, a mitochondrial fusion protein. This decrease in Mfn2 is specific since expression of the remaining components of mitochondrial fusion and fission machinery were not affected. Furthermore, PGC-1β increases mitochondrial fusion and elongates mitochondrial tubules. This PGC-1β-induced elongation specifically requires Mfn2 as this process is absent in Mfn2-ablated cells. Finally, we show that PGC-1β increases Mfn2 promoter activity and transcription by coactivating the nuclear receptor Estrogen Related Receptor α (ERRα). Conclusions/Significance Taken together, our data reveal a novel mechanism by which mammalian cells control mitochondrial fusion. In addition, we describe a novel role of PGC-1β in mitochondrial physiology, namely the control of mitochondrial fusion mainly through Mfn2.
Host resistance to Leishmania major is highly dependent on the development of a Th1 immune response. The TLR adaptator myeloid differentiation protein 88 (MyD88) has been implicated in the Th1 immune response associated with the resistant phenotype observed in C57BL/6 mice after infection with L. major. To investigate whether the MyD88 pathway is differentially used by distinct substrains of parasites, MyD88(-/-) C57BL/6 mice were infected with two substrains of L. major, namely L. major LV39 and L. major IR75. MyD88(-/-) mice were susceptible to both substrains of L. major, although with different kinetics of infection. The mechanisms involved during the immune response associated with susceptibility of MyD88(-/-) mice to L. major is however, parasite substrain-dependent. Susceptibility of MyD88(-/-) mice infected with L. major IR75 is a consequence of Th2 immune-deviation, whereas susceptibility of MyD88(-/-) mice to infection with L. major LV39 resulted from an impaired Th1 response. Depletion of regulatory T cells (Treg) partially restored IFN-gamma secretion and the Th1 immune response in MyD88(-/-) mice infected with L. major LV39, demonstrating a role of Treg activity in the development of an impaired Th1 response in these mice.
Traditionally, Live High-Train High (LHTH) interventions were adopted when athletes trained and lived at altitude to try maximising the benefits offered by hypoxic exposure and improving sea level performance. Nevertheless, scientific research has proposed that the possible benefits of hypoxia would be offset by the inability to maintain high training intensity at altitude. However, elite athletes have been rarely recruited as an experimental sample, and training intensity has almost never been monitored during altitude research. This case study is an attempt to provide a practical example of successful LHTH interventions in two Olympic gold medal athletes. Training diaries were collected and total training volumes, volumes at different intensities, and sea level performance recorded before, during and after a 3-week LHTH camp. Both athletes successfully completed the LHTH camp (2090 m) maintaining similar absolute training intensity and training volume at high-intensity (> 91% of race pace) compared to sea level. After the LHTH intervention both athletes obtained enhancements in performance and they won an Olympic gold medal. In our opinion, LHTH interventions can be used as a simple, yet effective, method to maintain absolute, and improve relative training intensity in elite endurance athletes. Key PointsElite endurance athletes, with extensive altitude training experience, can maintain similar absolute intensity during LHTH compared to sea level.LHTH may be considered as an effective method to increase relative training intensity while maintaining the same running/walking pace, with possible beneficial effects on sea level performance.Training intensity could be the key factor for successful high-level LHTH camp.
AIMS: Recent evidence suggests that cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) may improve cardiac function after injury. The underlying mechanisms are indirect, but their mediators remain unidentified. Exosomes and other secreted membrane vesicles, hereafter collectively referred to as extracellular vesicles (EVs), act as paracrine signalling mediators. Here, we report that EVs secreted by human CPCs are crucial cardioprotective agents. METHODS AND RESULTS: CPCs were derived from atrial appendage explants from patients who underwent heart valve surgery. CPC-conditioned medium (CM) inhibited apoptosis in mouse HL-1 cardiomyocytic cells, while enhancing tube formation in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. These effects were abrogated by depleting CM of EVs. They were reproduced by EVs secreted by CPCs, but not by those secreted by human dermal fibroblasts. Transmission electron microscopy and nanoparticle tracking analysis showed most EVs to be 30-90 nm in diameter, the size of exosomes, although smaller and larger vesicles were also present. MicroRNAs most highly enriched in EVs secreted by CPCs compared with fibroblasts included miR-210, miR-132, and miR-146a-3p. miR-210 down-regulated its known targets, ephrin A3 and PTP1b, inhibiting apoptosis in cardiomyocytic cells. miR-132 down-regulated its target, RasGAP-p120, enhancing tube formation in endothelial cells. Infarcted hearts injected with EVs from CPCs, but not from fibroblasts, exhibited less cardiomyocyte apoptosis, enhanced angiogenesis, and improved LV ejection fraction (0.8 ± 6.8 vs. -21.3 ± 4.5%; P < 0.05) compared with those injected with control medium. CONCLUSION: EVs are the active component of the paracrine secretion by human CPCs. As a cell-free approach, EVs could circumvent many of the limitations of cell transplantation.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a seletividade de inseticidas recentemente lançados no mercado para o controle de pragas na cultura dos citros, em adultos de Chrysoperla externa e Ceraeochrysa cubana. Os produtos utilizados e as respectivas dosagens em g L-1 de i.a. foram: tiametoxam 200 WG, 0,05; imidacloprido 700 WG, 0,07; milbemectina 50 CE, 0,008; piriproxifem 100 CE, 0,075; e espirodiclofeno 240 SC, 0,06. Em cada tratamento, 11 casais de C. externa e 13 de C. cubana, com idade de até 24 horas, foram submetidos à aplicação dos inseticidas e de água (testemunha), por meio de torre de Potter. A mortalidade dos adultos, a capacidade de oviposição num período de oito semanas e a viabilidade dos ovos foram avaliadas. O tiametoxam foi classificado como nocivo a C. externa; o imidacloprido como moderadamente nocivo e os demais inseticidas como inócuos. Para C. cubana, o tiametoxam foi considerado nocivo, o espirodiclofeno foi levemente nocivo e os demais produtos foram inócuos. Os produtos milbemectina, piriproxifem e espirodiclofeno podem ser recomendados em programas de manejo integrado de pragas visando à manutenção dessas espécies de artrópodes benéficos em áreas de citricultura.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: The prognostic value of the different causes of renal failure in cirrhosis is not well established. This study investigated the predictive value of the cause of renal failure in cirrhosis. METHODS: Five hundred sixty-two consecutive patients with cirrhosis and renal failure (as defined by serum creatinine 1.5 mg/dL on 2 successive determinations within 48 hours) hospitalized over a 6-year period in a single institution were included in a prospective study. The cause of renal failure was classified into 4 groups: renal failure associated with bacterial infections, renal failure associated with volume depletion, hepatorenal syndrome (HRS), and parenchymal nephropathy. The primary end point was survival at 3 months. RESULTS: Four hundred sixty-three patients (82.4%) had renal failure that could be classified in 1 of 4 groups. The most frequent was renal failure associated with infections (213 cases; 46%), followed by hypovolemia-associated renal failure (149; 32%), HRS (60; 13%), and parenchymal nephropathy (41; 9%). The remaining patients had a combination of causes or miscellaneous conditions. Prognosis was markedly different according to cause of renal failure, 3-month probability of survival being 73% for parenchymal nephropathy, 46% for hypovolemia-associated renal failure, 31% for renal failure associated with infections, and 15% for HRS (P .0005). In a multivariate analysis adjusted for potentially confounding variables, cause of renal failure was independently associated with prognosis, together with MELD score, serum sodium, and hepatic encephalopathy at time of diagnosis of renal failure. CONCLUSIONS: A simple classification of patients with cirrhosis according to cause of renal failure is useful in assessment of prognosis and may help in decision making in liver transplantation.
Infection with Leishmania braziliensis causes cutaneous or mucocutaneous leismaniasis in humans. Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) expression has been found in granulomas of lesions in L. braziliensis-infected individuals. L. braziliensis inoculation in mice induces very small lesions that are self-healing, whereas deficiency in the TLR adaptor molecule, MyD88, renders mice susceptible to infection. The TLR involved has not been identified, prompting us to investigate if TLR9 triggering by the parasite contributes to the strong resistance to infection observed in L. braziliensis-inoculated mice. The parasites activated wild-type (WT) dendritic cells (DCs) in vitro but not DCs derived from TLR9(-/-) mice. TLR9(-/-) mice inoculated with L. braziliensis exhibited a transient susceptibility characterized by increased lesion size and parasite burden compared to those of WT mice. Surprisingly, elevated levels of gamma interferon (IFN-γ) were measured at the site of infection and in draining lymph node T cells of TLR9(-/-) mice at the peak of susceptibility, suggesting that unlike observations in vitro, the parasite could induce DC activation leading to the development of Th1 cells in the absence of TLR9 expression. Taken together, these data show that TLR9 signaling is important for the early control of lesion development and parasite burden but is dispensable for the differentiation of Th1 cells secreting IFN-γ, and the high levels of this cytokine are not sufficient to control early parasite replication following L. braziliensis infection.
Descripció del projecte. S’han de destacar les innovacions i aportacions a l’avanç del coneixement que incorpora el projecte. Es poden incorporar memòries, plànols, fotografies, esbossos, etc. També l’adreça web si s’ha penjat més informació sobre el projecte a la web.DESCRIPCIÓ DE L’EDIFICI: L'edifici s'implanta dintre d'un conjunt d'equipaments universitaris, al àrea de CAP PONT, a Torre Abizando, per la Universitat de Lleida. Està situat en un extrem d'aquest conjunt i recolzant-se sobre l'avinguda Jaume II, a un costat del marge del riu Segre. La forma de l'edifici es per un costat lleugerament corba, adaptant-se a un carrer en pendent, i per l'altra, donant sobre l'interior del campus, la façana es va trencant buscant la millor disposició de vistes, i provocant unes entrades de llum i, vestíbuls, que trenquin el passadís interior de distribució del conjunt d'habitacions que es disposen al llarg del conjunt.
This article details the use of photographic rectification as support for the graphic documentation of historical and archaeological heritage and specifically the southern facade of the Torre del Pretori (Praetorium Tower) in Tarragona. The Praetorium Tower is part of a larger monumental complex and one of the towers that connected different parts of the Tarraco Provincial Forum, the politic-administrative centre of the ancient capital of Hispania Citerioris. It is therefore a valuable example of the evolution of Roman urban architecture. The aim of this project is to provide accurate graphic documentation of the structure to facilitate the restoration and conservation of the tower, as well as to provide a more profound architectural and archaeological understanding of the Roman forum. The use of photographic rectification enabled us to overcome the spatial and time difficulties involved in collecting data caused by the size and location of the building. Specific software made it easier to obtain accurate two-dimensional images. For this reason, in our case, photographic rectification helped us to make a direct analysis of the monument and facilitated interpretation of the architectural stratigraphy. We currently separate the line of research into two concepts: the construction processes and the architecture of the building. The documentation collected permitted various analyses: the characterisation of the building modules, identification of the tools used to work the building materials, etc. In conclusion, the use of orthoimages is a powerful tool that permits the systematic study of a Roman building that has evolved over the centuries and is now in a modern urban context.