971 resultados para Propulsione aerospaziale, Motori ibridi, CFD, Fluidodinamica, Termodinamica


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A recent study conducted by Blocken et al. (Numerical study on the existence of the Venturi effect in passages between perpendicular buildings. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2008,134: 1021-1028) challenged the popular view of the existence of the ‘Venturi effect’ in building passages as the wind is exposed to an open boundary. The present research extends the work of Blocken et al. (2008a) into a more general setup with the building orientation varying from 0° to 180° using CFD simulations. Our results reveal that the passage flow is mainly determined by the combination of corner streams. It is also shown that converging passages have a higher wind-blocking effect compared to diverging passages, explained by a lower wind speed and higher drag coefficient. Fluxes on the top plane of the passage volume reverse from outflow to inflow in the cases of α=135°, 150° and 165°. A simple mathematical expression to explain the relationship between the flux ratio and the geometric parameters has been developed to aid wind design in an urban neighborhood. In addition, a converging passage with α=15° is recommended for urban wind design in cold and temperate climates since the passage flow changes smoothly and a relatively lower wind speed is expected compared with that where there are no buildings. While for the high-density urban area in (sub)tropical climates such as Hong Kong where there is a desire for more wind, a diverging passage with α=150° is a better choice to promote ventilation at the pedestrian level.


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In this paper we describe and evaluate a geometric mass-preserving redistancing procedure for the level set function on general structured grids. The proposed algorithm is adapted from a recent finite element-based method and preserves the mass by means of a localized mass correction. A salient feature of the scheme is the absence of adjustable parameters. The algorithm is tested in two and three spatial dimensions and compared with the widely used partial differential equation (PDE)-based redistancing method using structured Cartesian grids. Through the use of quantitative error measures of interest in level set methods, we show that the overall performance of the proposed geometric procedure is better than PDE-based reinitialization schemes, since it is more robust with comparable accuracy. We also show that the algorithm is well-suited for the highly stretched curvilinear grids used in CFD simulations. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The ever-increasing robustness and reliability of flow-simulation methods have consolidated CFD as a major tool in virtually all branches of fluid mechanics. Traditionally, those methods have played a crucial role in the analysis of flow physics. In more recent years, though, the subject has broadened considerably, with the development of optimization and inverse design applications. Since then, the search for efficient ways to evaluate flow-sensitivity gradients has received the attention of numerous researchers. In this scenario, the adjoint method has emerged as, quite possibly, the most powerful tool for the job, which heightens the need for a clear understanding of its conceptual basis. Yet, some of its underlying aspects are still subject to debate in the literature, despite all the research that has been carried out on the method. Such is the case with the adjoint boundary and internal conditions, in particular. The present work aims to shed more light on that topic, with emphasis on the need for an internal shock condition. By following the path of previous authors, the quasi-1D Euler problem is used as a vehicle to explore those concepts. The results clearly indicate that the behavior of the adjoint solution through a shock wave ultimately depends upon the nature of the objective functional.


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A ventilation radiator is a combined ventilation and heat emission unit currently of interest due to its potential for increasing energy efficiency in exhaust ventilated buildings with warm water heating. This paper presents results of performance tests of several ventilation radiator models conducted under controlled laboratory conditions.   The purpose of the study was to validate results achieved by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in an earlier study and indentify possible improvements in the performance of such systems. The main focus was on heat transfer from internal convection fins, but comfort and health aspects related to ventilation rates and air temperatures were also considered.   The general results from the CFD simulations were confirmed; the heat output of ventilation radiators may be improved by at least 20 % without sacrificing ventilation efficiency or thermal comfort.   Improved thermal efficiency of ventilation radiators allows a lower supply water temperature and energy savings both for heating up and distribution of warm water in heat pumps or district heating systems. A secondary benefit is that a high ventilation rate can be maintained all year around without risk for cold draught.


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Recent studies have shown that the optical properties of building exterior surfaces are important in terms of energy use and thermal comfort. While the majority of the studies are related to exterior surfaces, the radiation properties of interior surfaces are less thoroughly investigated. Development in the coil-coating industries has now made it possible to allocate different optical properties for both exterior and interior surfaces of steel-clad buildings. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the influence of surface radiation properties with the focus on the thermal emittance of the interior surfaces, the modeling approaches and their consequences in the context of the building energy performance and indoor thermal environment. The study consists of both numerical and experimental investigations. The experimental investigations include parallel field measurements on three similar test cabins with different interior and exterior surface radiation properties in Borlänge, Sweden, and two ice rink arenas with normal and low emissive ceiling in Luleå, Sweden. The numerical methods include comparative simulations by the use of dynamic heat flux models, Building Energy Simulation (BES), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and a coupled model for BES and CFD. Several parametric studies and thermal performance analyses were carried out in combination with the different numerical methods. The parallel field measurements on the test cabins include the air, surface and radiation temperatures and energy use during passive and active (heating and cooling) measurements. Both measurement and comparative simulation results indicate an improvement in the indoor thermal environment when the interior surfaces have low emittance. In the ice rink arenas, surface and radiation temperature measurements indicate a considerable reduction in the ceiling-to-ice radiation by the use of low emittance surfaces, in agreement with a ceiling-toice radiation model using schematic dynamic heat flux calculations. The measurements in the test cabins indicate that the use of low emittance surfaces can increase the vertical indoor air temperature gradients depending on the time of day and outdoor conditions. This is in agreement with the transient CFD simulations having the boundary condition assigned on the exterior surfaces. The sensitivity analyses have been performed under different outdoor conditions and surface thermal radiation properties. The spatially resolved simulations indicate an increase in the air and surface temperature gradients by the use of low emittance coatings. This can allow for lower air temperature at the occupied zone during the summer. The combined effect of interior and exterior reflective coatings in terms of energy use has been investigated by the use of building energy simulation for different climates and internal heat loads. The results indicate possible energy savings by the smart choice of optical properties on interior and exterior surfaces of the building. Overall, it is concluded that the interior reflective coatings can contribute to building energy savings and improvement of the indoor thermal environment. This can be numerically investigated by the choice of appropriate models with respect to the level of detail and computational load. This thesis includes comparative simulations at different levels of detail.


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Scour around hydraulic structures is a critical problem in hydraulic engineering. Under prediction of scour depth may lead to costly failures of the structure, while over prediction might result in unnecessary costs. Unfortunately, up-to-date empirical scour prediction formulas are based on laboratory experiments that are not always able to reproduce field conditions due to complicated geometry of rivers and temporal and spatial scales of a physical model. However, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools can perform using real field dimensions and operating conditions to predict sediment scour around hydraulic structures. In Korea, after completing the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project, several new weirs have been built across Han, Nakdong, Geum and Yeongsan Rivers. Consequently, sediment deposition and bed erosion around such structures have became a major issue in these four rivers. In this study, an application of an open source CFD software package, the TELEMAC-MASCARET, to simulate sediment transport and bed morphology around Gangjeong weir, which is the largest multipurpose weir built on Nakdong River. A real bathymetry of the river and a geometry of the weir have been implemented into the numerical model. The numerical simulation is carried out with a real hydrograph at the upstream boundary. The bedmorphology obtained from the numerical results has been validated against field observation data, and a maximum of simulated scour depth is compared with the results obtained by empirical formulas of Hoffmans. Agreement between numerical computations, observed data and empirical formulas is judged to be satisfactory on all major comparisons. The outcome of this study does not only point out the locations where deposition and erosion might take place depending on the weir gate operation, but also analyzes the mechanism of formation and evolution of scour holes after the weir gates.


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A three-dimensional time-dependent hydrodynamic and heat transport model of Lake Binaba, a shallow and small dam reservoir in Ghana, emphasizing the simulation of dynamics and thermal structure has been developed. Most numerical studies of temperature dynamics in reservoirs are based on one- or two-dimensional models. These models are not applicable for reservoirs characterized with complex flow pattern and unsteady heat exchange between the atmosphere and water surface. Continuity, momentum and temperature transport equations have been solved. Proper assignment of boundary conditions, especially surface heat fluxes, has been found crucial in simulating the lake’s hydrothermal dynamics. This model is based on the Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes equations, using a Boussinesq approach, with a standard k − ε turbulence closure to solve the flow field. The thermal model includes a heat source term, which takes into account the short wave radiation and also heat convection at the free surface, which is function of air temperatures, wind velocity and stability conditions of atmospheric boundary layer over the water surface. The governing equations of the model have been solved by OpenFOAM; an open source, freely available CFD toolbox. As its core, OpenFOAM has a set of efficient C++ modules that are used to build solvers. It uses collocated, polyhedral numerics that can be applied on unstructured meshes and can be easily extended to run in parallel. A new solver has been developed to solve the hydrothermal model of lake. The simulated temperature was compared against a 15 days field data set. Simulated and measured temperature profiles in the probe locations show reasonable agreement. The model might be able to compute total heat storage of water bodies to estimate evaporation from water surface.


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O objetivo principal deste estudo é contribuir para o entendimento das relações de suprimento estabelecidas entre as grandes empresas industriais do Brasil e seus fornecedores. A pesquisa parte do princípio que existem algumas variáveis que afetam as políticas de suprimento e procura verificar as correlações existentes entre estas variáveis e as políticas. Baseia-se em um conjunto de teorias, entre as quais, a teoria geral das organizações, a teoria dos jogos, a economia dos custos das transações, os estudos sobre a importância da confiança nas relações de negócios teoria da confiança e a teoria de compras. Através de um questionário, construído com baseado em escalas de Likert e de diferenc ial semântico, procurou-se validar um modelo de relacionamento que coloca em extremos as relações chamadas de CFD (Contratos de fornecimento discretos) e CFP (Contratos de fornecimento de parcerias). Foram remetidos questionários a 300 empresas e se obteve o retorno de 238. A amostra contém empresas de 14 estados brasileiros e 11 setores. O estudo em sua parte descritiva concluiu que existem diferenças significativas nas ações das empresas de acordo com o ramo no qual atuam. Não existem, no entanto, diferenças significativas entre os diversos estados brasileiros nos quais se situam suas matrizes, o que indica uma homogeneização de práticas em todo o território nacional, ao menos entre as grandes empresas. Foram encontradas correlações significativas entre algumas variáveis independentes e as estratégias de suprimento. Isto pode fornecer subsídios tanto para a definição de posturas para as empresas fornecedores de insumos industriais, quanto para as empresas que estão montando estratégias de suprimento e querem utilizar o estudo como “benchmark” dos seus processos em relação às maiores empresas brasileiras.


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Este estudo foi motivado pela possibilidade de se empregar os conhecimentos da engenharia mecânica na solução de problemas de engenharia de alimentos por métodos numéricos, assim como pela utilização da dinâmica dos fluidos computacional (CFD) em mais um campo de pesquisa. A idéia básica foi a aplicação do método de elementos finitos na solução de problemas de escoamentos envolvendo mistura de diferentes componentes. Muitos alimentos apresentam-se como fluidos, e seu comportamento material pode ser newtoniano ou não newtoniano, às vezes descrito por relações constitutivas bastante complexas. Utilizou-se uma teoria de misturas apoiada nos conceitos de mecânica do contínuo para a modelagem mecânica do que se passou a considerar como um sistema multicomponente. Necessitou-se de uma detalhada revisão sobre os postulados clássicos da mecânica para que se pudesse recolocá-los, com alguma segurança e embasamento teórico, para sistemas multicomponentes. Tendo em mãos a modelagem do balanço de momentum e massa em sistemas multicomponentes, pôde-se aproximar estas equações através do método de elementos finitos. A literatura aponta que o método clássico de Galerkin não possui a eficiência necessária para a solução das equações de escoamento, que envolvem uma formulação mista onde se faz necessário tomar compatíveis os subespaços de velocidade e pressão, e também devido à natureza assimétrica da aceleração advectiva, o que também aparece como uma dificuldade na solução de problemas de advecçãodifusão, nos casos de advecção dominante. Assim, fez-se uso do método estabilizado tipo GLS, o qual supera as dificuldades enftentadas pelo método de Galerkin clássico em altos números de Reynolds, adicionando termos dependentes da malha, construídos de forma a aumentar a estabilidade da formulação de Galerkin original sem prejudicar sua consistência. Os resultados numéricos dividem-se em três categorias: problemas de transferência de quantidade de movimento para fluidos newtonianos, problemas de transferência de quantidade de movimento para fluidos com não linearidade material e problemas de advecção e difusão de massa em misturas. A comparação de algumas aproximações obtidas com as de outros autores se mostraram concordantes. A aproximação de problemas de fluidos segundo os modelos Carreau e Casson geraram os resultados esperados. A aproximação de um problema de injeção axial com mistura de dois fluidos produziu resultados coerentes, motivando a aplicação prática da aproximação por métodos estabilizados de problemas de misturas.


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Dados volumétricos temporais são usados na representação de fenômenos físicos em várias aplicações de visualização científica, pois tais fenômenos são complexos, alteram-se com o tempo e não possuem uma forma de representação definida. Uma solução é usar amostragens sobre um espaço de forma geométrica simples que contém o fenômeno (um cubo, por exemplo), discretizado ao longo de uma grade em células de mesmo formato e usualmente chamado de volume de amostragem. Este volume de amostragem representa um instante da representação do fenômeno e, para representar dados temporais, simplesmente enumera-se tantos volumes quanto forem as diferentes instâncias de tempo. Esta abordagem faz com que a representação seja extremamente custosa, necessitando de técnicas de representação de dados para comprimir e descomprimir os mesmos. Este trabalho apresenta uma nova abordagem para compressão de volumes de dados temporais que permite a visualização em tempo real destes dados usando hardware gráfico. O método de compressão usa uma representação hierárquica dos vários volumes de dados dentro da memória do hardware gráfico, referenciados pelo hardware como texturas 3D. O método de compressão tem melhor desempenho para dados volumétricos esparsos e com alto grau de coerência (espacial e temporal). A descompressão destes dados é feita por programas especiais que são executados no próprio hardware gráfico. Um estudo de caso usando o método de compressão/descompressão proposto é apresentado com dados provenientes do Projeto MAPEM (Monitoramento Ambiental em Atividades de Perfuração Exploratória Marítima). O objetivo do projeto é propor uma metodologia para o monitoramento dos efeitos das descargas de materiais no ecossistema marinho durante a perfuração de um poço de petróleo. Para estimar certos descarregamentos de fluidos, o projeto usa um simulador CFD que permite mostrar tais descarregamentos, gerando grades planares e uniformes 2D ou 3D em qualquer instante de tempo durante a simulação.