809 resultados para Professional master’s degree
O presente relatório tem como objetivo a descrição das atividades desenvolvidas no âmbito do estágio curricular do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária pela Universidade de Évora realizado de 15 de novembro de 2015 a 15 de maio de 2016. Na primeira parte descreve a casuística acompanhada durante o estágio na Equimuralha, com destaque para alguns casos mais relevantes de cada área da clinica e cirurgia de equinos. Posteriormente a revisão bibliográfica com o tema Parasitismo de Gasterophilus spp. em Cavalos. Culminando com um estudo retrospetivo referente aos dados de equinos que apresentaram míase oral durante o exame da cavidade oral e correção da mesa dentária de 2014 a 2016 com o tema: “Estudo do parasitismo por Gasterophilus spp. na cavidade oral de cavalos no Alentejo”; Equine Clinics and Surgery Abstract: This report describes the activities developed the integrated internship of the master’s degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Évora, which was held from 15th November 2015 to 15th May 2016. The first part describes the casuistics followed during the traineeship in Equimuralha, highlighting some cases of each area of intervention of the equine clinics and surgery. A Second part contains a literature review on the Parasitism of Gasterophilus in horses. Finally, a retrospective study is performed about horses presenting oral miasis between 2014 and 2016 during the oral examination: “Parasitism study by Gasterophilus spp. in the oral cavity of horses in Alentejo”.
O presente relatório refere-se ao estágio curricular realizado no Badoca Safari Park, no âmbito do mestrado integrado em medicina veterinária da Universidade de Évora, na área de medicina de espécies zoológicas Este encontra-se dividido em duas partes, uma relativa às atividades realizadas e casuística, acompanhada de aprofundamento teórico, e outra relacionada com a pesquisa de hemoparasitas em ungulados, através de esfregaços sanguíneos, efetuada no decorrer do estágio. As hemoparasitoses são infeções com potencial zoonótico, transmitidas por vetores, associadas a importantes perdas económicas. O controlo destas afeções tem como obstáculos fatores económicos e sociais, a heterogenicidade de hospedeiros que estes hemoparasitas e respetivos vetores apresentam, assim como o facto das espécies de animais selvagens poderem atuar como hospedeiros reservatórios. A entrada de animais exóticos e saída de autóctones, em zonas endémicas, provoca desequilíbrios na relação entre o parasita e hospedeiro que poderão despoletar episódios de doença; Abstract: Zoo and Wildlife medicine This report refers to the internship held at Badoca Safari Park, as part of the integrated master’s degree in veterinary medicine, at the University of Évora, in the clinic area of wild species and wild animals. This thesis is devided into two parts, one on the activities and cases, accompanied by theoretical studies, and the other related to hemoparasites research on ungulates through blood smears, performed during the intership. The hemoparasitoses are infections with zoonotic potential, transmited by vectors associated with significant economic losses. The control of these affections has as main obstacles the economic and social factors, the heterogeneity of hosts these hemoparasites and respective vectors present, as well as the fact that the wildlife species can act as reservoir hosts. The entry of exotic animals and the disappearance of natives, in endemic areas, causes imbalances in the relationship between parasite and host that can trigger episodes of illness.
Este relatório foi realizado no âmbito do estágio curricular do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária da Universidade de Évora, que decorreu no Centro Hospitalar Veterinário de 1 de Setembro de 2015 a 1 de Fevereiro de 2016. A primeira componente trata da casuística acompanhada durante o estágio. A área da clínica médica representada com maior frequência foi a gastroenterologia. A segunda componente consiste na revisão bibliográfica sobre a síndrome de dilatação e torção gástrica, complementada com dois casos acompanhados durante o estágio. Esta ocorre principalmente em cães de raça de grande porte, como o Dogue Alemão, o Pastor Alemão, o Poodle Médio e o Rottweiler. O diagnóstico implica uma anamnese completa, tendo como queixas timpanismo abdominal e vómito não produtivo, confirmando-se por raio x abdominal. O tratamento recomendado passa pela rehidratação, descompressão gástrica, gastrectomia parcial (em caso de necrose gástrica) e gastropexia. A gastropexia profilática está recomendada em raças predispostas; Abstract: Small Animal Practice This report was elaborated following a traineeship under the context of integrated masters degree in veterinary medicine of Universidade de Évora at the Centro Hospitalar Veterinario from September 1st, 2015 to February, 1st, 2016. The first component covers the casuistry accompanied during the mentioned traineeship. The most prevalent clinical area was the gastroenterology. The second component consists of a literature review of gastric dilatation volvulus syndrome along the report of two cases followed. This syndrome often occurs in giant dog breeds. Great Dane, German Shepherd, Standard Poodle and Rottweiler, are examples. The main complains are retching and bloat, and the diagnostic is made by abdominal radiography. The treatment consists in stabilization of the patient, gastric decompression, partial gastrectomy (if needed) and gastropexy. Prophylactic grastopexy is the recommended procedure for predisposed breeds.
O presente relatório está inserido no âmbito da unidade curricular do Estágio Curricular do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária da Universidade de Évora, sob orientação da Drª Sónia Lucena e coorientação da Drª Ângela Martins. Encontra-se dividido em duas partes, a primeira é referente à casuística acompanhada no Hospital Veterinário da Arrábida e Centro de Reabilitação Animal da Arrábida durante o período de cinco meses de estágio. Na casuística são expostos de forma breve os casos clínicos e procedimentos acompanhados durante o período de estágio. Na segunda parte é desenvolvida uma monografia intitulada “Maneio da dor crónica” acompanhada por uma descrição de um caso clínico assistido durante o estágio. A dor crónica é considerada uma dor patológica, deixando de ser um mecanismo de defesa do organismo e passando a ser considerada uma doença. É de difícil tratamento e requer um esforço multidisciplinar; ABSTRACT: Small Animal Medicine This report is conducted under the context of the curricular internship course unit of integrated master’s degree in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Évora under the supervision of Dr. Sónia Lucena and cosupervision of Dr. Ângela Martins. The first component refers to the assisted cases followed in Hospital Veterinário da Arrábida and Centro de Reabilitação Animal da Arrábida during the five months of the practice period. In the followed cases part it is explored briefly some clinical cases and procedures accompanied during that practice period. The second component consists of a monograph titled “Chronic pain management” accompanied with a description of a clinical case followed seen during the practice period. Chronic pain is considered a pathological pain, ceasing to be a defense mechanism of the body and to be considered a disease. It is difficult to treat and requires a multidisciplinary effort.
O presente relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada em Educação Pré-escolar e Ensino do 1.º ciclo do Ensino Básico pretende dar a conhecer os aspetos inerentes à dimensão investigativa que desenvolvi na instituição Núcleo de Educação Infantil Colônia Z-11, no Brasil, na cidade de Florianópolis, no ano letivo de 2015; e na instituição Escola Básica dos Canaviais, em Portugal, na cidade de Évora, no ano letivo de 2015/2016. Este relatório incide na temática Cidadania na Infância. Tive como propósito legitimar a criança como sujeito social (a criança cidadã) e contribuir para uma educação que vise a cidadania como direito na infância. Foi deste modo que me propus compreender como poderia contribuir nos espaços institucionais para uma educação na cidadania, vivida no presente, e uma educação para a cidadania, projetada para uma integração do cidadão também no futuro. Considerei que as instituições educativas devem criar uma relação com o dia-a-dia da criança nas diversas áreas, disciplinares e não disciplinares. Numa perspetiva de cidadania participativa, valorizando as instituições educativas como espaços de aquisição e de desenvolvimento de atitudes e competências do cidadão. A dimensão investigativa que desenvolvi no contexto de pré-escolar pretendeu acentuar a consciência de uma identidade cultural, coletiva e individual, valorizando os saberes que as crianças trazem do meio sociocultural de origem. A dimensão investigativa que desenvolvi no contexto de 1.ºciclo pretendeu promover espaços de diálogo, coconstrutivos para as aprendizagens do e entre o grupo. Através de uma análise reflexiva dos instrumentos de recolha de dados tentei dar resposta às questões que orientaram a investigação-ação que realizei, sendo estas: [O que é que a cidadania pode significar nos contextos educativos?]; [Como se promove a cidadania nas instituições escolares?] e [Como criar ambientes que permitam a participação cívica de todos?]; Report of the Supervised Teaching Practice to achieve the Master’s Degree in Pre-school Education and Teaching of the Primary School Abstract: The present report of Supervised Teaching Practice in Preschool Education and in Primary School aims to present the aspects inherent to the research dimension that I developed at the Núcleo de Educação Infantil Colônia Z-11, in Brazil, in the City of Florianopolis, in the academic year of 2015; And at the institution Escola Básica dos Canaviais, in Portugal, in the city of Évora, in the academic year of 2015/2016. The report focuses on the theme of Citizenship in childhood. I had the purpose to legitimize the child as a social subject (the child citizen) and contribute to an education that aims at citizenship as a right in childhood. It was in this way that I set out to understand how I could contribute in the institutional spaces for an education in citizenship, lived in the present, and an education for citizenship, projected for an integration of the citizen in the future. I considered that educational institutions should create a relationship with the child's daily life in the various areas, disciplinary and non-disciplinary. In a perspective of participatory citizenship, valuing educational institutions as spaces for acquisition and development of citizens' attitudes and skills. The research dimension that I developed in the pre-school context sought to accentuate the awareness of a collective, individual and cultural identity, valuing the knowledge that children bring from the socio-cultural environment where the child was born and lives. The investigative dimension that I developed in the context of the Primary School was intended to promote spaces for dialogue, coconstructives to the learnings of and between the group. Through a reflexive analysis of the instruments of data collection I tried to answer the questions that guide the action research that I realized, being these: [What can citizenship mean in the school contexts?]; [How citizenship could be promoted in the school institutions?] And [How to create environments which allow the civics participation of all?].
O presente relatório refere-se ao estágio curricular realizado na Estação Piloto de Piscicultura de Olhão, no período compreendido entre janeiro e julho de 2016, no âmbito do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária da Universidade de Évora. Este trabalho divide-se em duas partes. A primeira parte descreve as atividades e respetiva casuística desenvolvidas nas diferentes áreas de produção aquícola. Na segunda parte é abordado o tema “Produção Aquícola de Peixes e Ostras em regime Semi-intensivo”, onde são enquadrados os conceitos relacionados com aquacultura, sistemas de produção e pesquisa de biomarcadores na qualidade e bem-estar animal. São ainda descritas as ações de acompanhamento, durante o estágio, de um projeto de investigação em sistemas de produção em tanques de terra exteriores e um caso clínico. Este relatório atesta a importância da Medicina Preventiva em aquacultura; Abstract: Fish and bivalve aquaculture production systems: growth and quality indicators The following report was elaborated after the externship conducted at the Olhão Pilot Aquaculture Station, between January and July of 2016, in order to fulfill the requirements for a Masters degree in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Évora. This report is divided in two parts. The first part contains a description of the developed activities and the casuistic at the different aquaculture production areas. The second part will focus on the development of the theme “Fish and Oyster aquaculture production in a semi-intensive culture system”, with a theoretical framework about aquaculture concepts, production systems and identifying biomarkers in animal healthcare. At last, are presented and supported the monitoring actions taken in an investigation study case about inshore production systems and a clinic case followed during the externship. This report attests the importance of Preventive Medicine in aquaculture.
The following paper resulted from the final research project conducted for my Master’s Degree in Teacher Training for Teachers of Primary Education (1st – 6th grade of the Basic General Education). This research project was conducted under the supervision of the Rural Education Division of the Center for Research and Teaching in Education (CIDE-UNA, Spanish acronym), in coordination with the Central America Educational and Cultural Coordination (CECC). The research is qualitative with an interpretative approach. Our main objective was to analyze the process of inclusive education in the regular classroom for a person with Asperger’s Syndrome, defined as a type of social impairment. The case study method was used in this research, as it allows a deeper study. A girl was chosen from a public school in an urban area of San José, Costa Rica. Three techniques were used to obtain information: interviews, questionnaires and documentation (personal file, behavior record, and psychological assessment) related to the girl with Asperger. The triangulation of sources was used as a method of analysis. The conclusion of the project was that regular schools may have children miss-diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, and that our schools are still far from achieving inclusive education, but efforts are being made to achieve it. For a more opportune intervention, some recommendations based on this study were provided to the family and the school of the girl with Asperger.
Este trabajo presenta un estudio retrospectivo de los orígenes y evolución de la aplicación de Sistemas de Información Geográfca (SIG) y Teledetección (TD) en nuestro país. Se inicia por el rol desempeñado del Profesor Merrill Lyew dentro de la Escuela de Ciencias Geográfcas de la Universidad Nacional, pasando luego por una breve descripción del proceso de implementación de SIG y TD en los centros de enseñanza superior estatales.En esta breve descripción se analiza cómo diferentes unidades académicas han ido incorporando la tecnología SIG y TD en sus planes de estudio.Posteriormente, se presenta una aproximación de la situación actual SIG y TD en las instituciones públicas y privadas y cómo ellas han venido incorporando estas tecnologías en su quehacer diario. Se hace alusión a diferentes eventos que se han llevado en Costa Rica con el objetivo de compartir experiencias en las más diversas aplicaciones.De la misma manera se citan algunas de las principales empresas privadas que se dedican a la venta de insumos, aplicaciones, capacitaciones y software en el campo SIG y TD. En el camino óptimo se visualizan dos opciones por seguir: la consolidación ofcial de un organismo, comisión o secretaría que tenga bajo su responsabilidad la organización de la Infraestructura Nacional de Datos Geoespaciales. La segunda versa sobre el esfuerzo realizado por las Escuelas de Geografía de la Universidad de Costa Rica y Universidad Nacional para ofrecer a partir del 2008 el Programa de Maestría Profesional en Sistemas de Información Geográfca y Teledetección. Palabras claves: Sistemas de Información Geográfca (SIG), Teledetección, Evolución, Historia, Costa Rica.Abstract This work is a retrospective study of the origins and evolution of the applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing in our country. It begins with the work of Prof. Merryl Lyew of the School of Geographic Sciences at Universidad Nacional and continues with a brief description of the GIS and Remote Sensing implementation process at state centers of higher education.It also analyzes how different academic departments have incorporated GIS and Remote Sensing technology in their courses of study.Subsequently, this work presents an approximation of the actual situation regarding GIS and remote sensing in public and private institutions and how these technologies have become incorporated in their daily work. It also refers to the different events that have been carried on in Costa Rica with the objective of sharing experiences in the most diverse applications. In the same way, this work cites some of the principal private businesses dedicated to the sale of supplies, applications, training and software in the feld of GIS and remote sensing. Two options are seen as the best way to pursue the offcial consolidation of an agency, commission or administrative department to have under its responsibility organization of the National Infrastructure of Geospatial Data. The second deals with the successful effort by the School of Geographic Sciences at Universidad Nacional of Costa Rica as of 2008 to offer the Professional Master’s program in Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing.KEyWordS: Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing, Origin, Evolution, Costa Rica, Universidad Nacional
This work is part of the result of masters degree research that aims to analyze how the margarine commercials "Qualy", through television, create a particular imagery around the very concept of family. For this purpose, we raise the following question: how are the effects of meaning, concerning this concept, created in the “Qualy” margarine television advertising? To answer this question we focus on the goal of understanding Sadia discourse using a “Qualy” advertise campaign, produced in 2009, which consist of eight commercials. Our theoretical purpose is to seek the light of French Discourse Analysis of Michel Pecheux and Eni Orlandi, trying to understand the workings of these effects of sense on family which come from this advertising intent. The campaign propagation took place through open national television media between 2009 and 2010. In the course of its eight episodes it tells a little story about a particular family dynamic, composed of three members: a mother (Anne), son (Rafa) and grandmother (Theresa), plus a fourth character who does not live with his family but is often around, it is the mother's boyfriend (Beto). With the analysis process it was possible to notice that although the surface of discourse reveal an organization of contemporary family, the relationships established in this family, even if sometimes conflicting, substantially reveal that the traditional family, which has always been present in commercials, above all, the margarine ones.
Higher Degree Research (HDR) student publications are increasingly valued by students, by professional communities and by research institutions. Peer-reviewed publications form the HDR student writer's publication track record and increase competitiveness in employment and research funding opportunities. These publications also make the results of HDR student research available to the community in accessible formats. HDR student publications are also valued by universities because they provide evidence of institutional research activity within a field and attract a return on research performance. However, although publications are important to multiple stakeholders, many Education HDR students do not publish the results of their research. Hence, an investigation of Education HDR graduates who submitted work for publication during their candidacy was undertaken. This multiple, explanatory case study investigated six recent Education HDR graduates who had submitted work to peer-reviewed outlets during their candidacy. The conceptual framework supported an analysis of the development of Education HDR student writing using Alexander's (2003, 2004) Model of Domain Learning which focuses on expertise, and Lave and Wenger's (1991) situated learning within a community of practice. Within this framework, the study investigated how these graduates were able to submit or publish their research despite their relative lack of writing expertise. Case data were gathered through interviews and from graduate publication records. Contextual data were collected through graduate interviews, from Faculty and university documents, and through interviews with two Education HDR supervisors. Directed content analysis was applied to all data to ascertain the support available in the research training environment. Thematic analysis of graduate and supervisor interviews was then undertaken to reveal further information on training opportunities accessed by the HDR graduates. Pattern matching of all interview transcripts provided information on how the HDR graduates developed writing expertise. Finally, explanation building was used to determine causal links between the training accessed by the graduates and their writing expertise. The results demonstrated that Education HDR graduates developed publications and some level of expertise simultaneously within communities of practice. Students were largely supported by supervisors who played a critical role. They facilitated communities of practice and largely mediated HDR engagement in other training opportunities. However, supervisor support alone did not ensure that the HDR graduates developed writing expertise. Graduates who appeared to develop the most expertise, and produce a number of publications reported experiencing both a sustained period of engagement within one community of practice, and participation in multiple communities of practice. The implications for the MDL theory, as applied to academic writing, suggests that communities of practice can assist learners to progress from initial contact with a new domain of interest through to competence. The implications for research training include the suggestion that supervisors as potentially crucial supporters of HDR student writing for publication should themselves be active publishers. Also, Faculty or university sponsorship of communities of practice focussed on HDR student writing for publication could provide effective support for the development of HDR student writing expertise and potentially increase the number of their peer-reviewed publications.
In our complex and incongruous professional worlds, where there is no blueprint for dealing with unpredictable people and events, it is imperative that individuals develop reflexive approaches to professional identity building. Notwithstanding the importance of disciplinary knowledge and skills, higher education has a crucial role to play in guiding students to examine and mediate self in relation to context for effective decision-making and action. This paper reports on a small-scale longitudinal project that investigated the ways in which ten undergraduate students over the course of a three-year Radiation Therapy degree shaped their professional identities. Theories of reflexivity and methods of discourse analysis are utilised to understand the ways in which individuals accounted for their professional identity projects at university. The findings suggest that, across time, the participants negotiated professional ‘becoming’ through four distinct kinds of reflexive modalities. These findings have implications for teaching strategies and curriculum design in undergraduate programs.
This research asks the question: “What are the relational dynamics in Masters (MA) supervision?” It does so by focusing upon the supervisory relationship itself. It does this through dialoguing with the voices of both MA supervisors and supervisees in the Humanities using a Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) framework. In so doing, this research argues for a re-evaluation of how MA supervision is conceptualised and proposes a new theoretical framework for conceptualising MA supervision as a relational phenomenon. The research design was derived from an Activity Theory-influenced methodology. Data collection procedures included the administration of Activity Theory Logs, individual semi-structured interviews with both supervisors and supervisees and the completion of reflective journals. Grounded Theory was used to analyse the data. The sample for the study consists of three supervisor-supervisee dyads from three disciplines in the Humanities. Data was collected over the course of one academic year, 2010-2011. This research found that both individual and shared relational dynamics play an important role in MA supervision. Individual dynamics, such as supervisors’ iterative negotiation of ambiguity/clarity and supervisees’ boundary work, revealed that both parties attempt to negotiate a separation between their professional-academic identities and personal identities. However, an inherent paradox emerged when the shared relational dynamics of MA supervision were investigated. It was found that the shared space created by the supervisory relationship did not only exist in a physical setting, but was also psychoactive in nature and held strong emotional resonances for both parties involved. This served to undermine the separation between professional-academic and personal identities. As a result, this research argues that the interaction between the individual and shared relational dynamics in MA supervision enables, for both supervisors and supervisees, a disciplined improvisation of academic identity.
OBJETIVO:analisar a produção do conhecimento gerada pelos programas de mestrado profissional em enfermagem e refletir sobre suas perspectivas para a área.MÉTODO:estudo descritivo e analítico. Foram incluídos dados das dissertações de três instituições de ensino que titularam alunos em programas de mestrado profissional em enfermagem entre 2006 e 2012.RESULTADOS:a maioria dos 127 trabalhos de conclusão analisados se desenvolveu no contexto hospitalar; houve tendência de concentração nas áreas organizacional e assistencial, nas linhas de pesquisa processo de cuidar e gerenciamento e predomínio de estudos qualitativos. Há diversidade de produtos resultantes dos trabalhos de conclusão: avaliação de serviços/programas de saúde e geração de processos, protocolos assistenciais ou de ensino.CONCLUSÃO:os programas de mestrado profissional em enfermagem, em fase de consolidação, têm produção recente, em desenvolvimento, havendo lacuna na geração de tecnologias duras e inovação. São fundamentais para o desenvolvimento das práticas profissionais inovadoras que articulem o setor saúde e a educação.
On cover: Higher education.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is seen as a vital part of a professional engineer’s career, by professional engineering institutions as well as individual engineers. Factors such as ever-changing workforce requirements and rapid technological change have resulted in engineers no longer being able to rely just on the skills they learnt at university or can pick up on the job; they must undergo a structured professional development with clear objectives to develop further professional knowledge, values and skills. This paper presents a course developed for students undertaking a Master of Engineering or Master of Project Management at the University of Queensland. This course was specifically designed to help students plan their continuing professional development, while developing professional skills such as communication, ethical reasoning, critical judgement and the need for sustainable development. The course utilised a work integrated learning pedagogy applied within a formal learning environment, and followed the competency based chartered membership program of Engineers Australia, the peak professional body of engineers in Australia. The course was developed and analysed using an action learning approach. The main research question was “Can extra teaching and learning activities be developed that will simulate workplace learning?” The students continually assessed and reflected upon their current competencies, skills and abilities, and planed for the future attainment of specific competencies which they identified as important to their future careers. Various evaluation methods, including surveys before and after the course, were used to evaluate the action learning intervention. It was found that the assessment developed for the course was one of the most important factors, not only in driving student learning, as is widely accepted, but also in changing the students’ understandings and acceptance of the need for continuous professional development. The students also felt that the knowledge, values and skills they developed would be beneficial for their future careers, as they were developed within the context of their own professional development, rather than to just get through the course. © 2005, American Society for Engineering Education