999 resultados para Processo de construção
In Mathematics literature some records highlight the difficulties encountered in the teaching-learning process of integers. In the past, and for a long time, many mathematicians have experienced and overcome such difficulties, which become epistemological obstacles imposed on the students and teachers nowadays. The present work comprises the results of a research conducted in the city of Natal, Brazil, in the first half of 2010, at a state school and at a federal university. It involved a total of 45 students: 20 middle high, 9 high school and 16 university students. The central aim of this study was to identify, on the one hand, which approach used for the justification of the multiplication between integers is better understood by the students and, on the other hand, the elements present in the justifications which contribute to surmount the epistemological obstacles in the processes of teaching and learning of integers. To that end, we tried to detect to which extent the epistemological obstacles faced by the students in the learning of integers get closer to the difficulties experienced by mathematicians throughout human history. Given the nature of our object of study, we have based the theoretical foundation of our research on works related to the daily life of Mathematics teaching, as well as on theorists who analyze the process of knowledge building. We conceived two research tools with the purpose of apprehending the following information about our subjects: school life; the diagnosis on the knowledge of integers and their operations, particularly the multiplication of two negative integers; the understanding of four different justifications, as elaborated by mathematicians, for the rule of signs in multiplication. Regarding the types of approach used to explain the rule of signs arithmetic, geometric, algebraic and axiomatic , we have identified in the fieldwork that, when multiplying two negative numbers, the students could better understand the arithmetic approach. Our findings indicate that the approach of the rule of signs which is considered by the majority of students to be the easiest one can be used to help understand the notion of unification of the number line, an obstacle widely known nowadays in the process of teaching-learning
At this investigation it was analyzed the content and the organization of the social representation on the object teachers education, built by teachers of degree courses from Universidade Federal do Piauí(Ufpi), understanding such representation articulated to the teaching habitus of these educators of teachers, what takes under consideration the position that they hold in the structure of the national field and in the subfield of teachers education. For that, it is searched: a) to emphasize the properties of the place in which the trainers act Ufpi as the office of those field and subfield; b) to understand who are the trainers, that is, to grasp the teaching habitus of the trainers with a view of its origin, social trajectory and the specifics of their position in the analyzed field and the subfield and c) to know what they think about their work object, that is, identify and articulate the content and the organization of the social representation analyzed with their properties of field and subfield agents. The research includes the specific degree courses of the Campus Ministro Petrônio Portella , from Teresina(PI), and it was applied to 134 professors of degree courses from this Campus. The data collect joined to the participants happened on the second period of 2008 and on the first semester of 2009. The starting point of the study is the corroboration that the reform of Ufpi degree courses, determined by the legislation and stablished at this Institution in 2005, altered a little the previous situation. It is comprehended that Ufpi and its structures of teachers education as a trainer institution, is limited by the national academic field and by the subfield of teachers education. From this last one, it was listed some of its properties, to show that it is about an academic subfield in construction process. It is emphasized division of the subfield, that separates the trainers into two subgroups the ones who dedicate themselves to the specific education on the contents and those ones who are specialized on pedagogical education placed in antagonistic position and competing by the symbolic power of imposing the meaning and the sense of the teachers education in the degree courses. To understand the comprehension of the problem, it is searched for the models that are in the root of the construction of the University and its project of teachers education in the degree courses, to clarify the matrixes in which the social representation searched is stablished. The theoretical referential articulates the contributions of Moscovici, the theory of social representations, and of Bourdieu, with the concepts that compose its praxeology, as habitus, social field, capital, symbolic power and others, as well as their interpreters and continuators, as Domingos Sobrinho. From the literature about the university and teachers education, it was used Dermeval Saviani, Luiz Antônio Cunha, Maria Isabel da Cunha and Mirian Jorge Warde, besides others. Plurimethodological procedures were adopted, combining associative techniques adjusted to the access to the social representations, and a classic technique, a questionnaire about teaching habitus. The condition is that the teachers build different social representation of the object teachers education because of the distinct positions that they occupy in the structure of the academic field and the subfield of the teachers education. The reached positions in the field and subfield are due to the differences in the origin and social trajectory of these agents, who, therefore, have different teaching habitus from which they build their social representation about their work object. It is highlighted that the teaching habitus and the social representation of two subfields, identified by the belongings to different dimensions of the teachers education in the degree courses, they have similarities and, also, differences. These ones permit to support that the subjects are holders of distinct teaching habitus that conceive different practices, struggles, tensions and conflicts around the sense of teachers education
The study investigated the possibility of organizing a didactics unit for formation of hability of identifying and explaining the popular traditional games in the process of licensed formation in physical education. Had basic premised, the thesis formulated by Piorte Yakovleviche Galperin that the fundamental condition that mode determines the student s way of thinking and the theoretical structures thought. Is given by the method of organization activity that form the basis of guiding skills assimilates from this assumption the study defended the thesis that the contents of popular traditional games can be organizeds according the systemic functional-structural focus. As a method to plan a didactics unit that contributes to development of theoretical thought and the professional development of graduates in physical education. In this sense the general goal was studied and develop a training proposal of ability to identify and explain the popular traditional games for physical education teachers oriented to contribute to the development of theoretical thought. In the construction process of the thesis in a first moment was determined the invariant conceptual of popular traditional games from the method of analysis of activity, after was organized the content of popular traditional games according to the structural-functional systems revealing the essential properties elements and levels of relationship.These procedures provided to the construction elements of the concept popular traditional games, and was the basis for planning a didactical unit to the formation of ability to study. These strategies enable to build a set of prepositions to argue, as a result of the increases in the knowledge of the professional formation in physical education. The study was introduced the fallowing contributions; formulated a teaching proposal to develop the ability to identify popular traditional games, as a cultural and historical contribution and the development of an individual, in initial formation of physical education teacher, attuned to the demands of training and use of knowledge that requires this level of education, defined and organized the knowledge of popular traditional games , this enables a teaching able to raise the cognitive abilities and the theoretical concept of personality of graduated in physical education
The study investigated the possibility of organizing a didactics unit for formation of hability of identifying and explaining the popular traditional games in the process of licensed formation in physical education. Had basic premised, the thesis formulated by Piorte Yakovleviche Galperin that the fundamental condition that mode determines the student s way of thinking and the theoretical structures thought. Is given by the method of organization activity that form the basis of guiding skills assimilates from this assumption the study defended the thesis that the contents of popular traditional games can be organizeds according the systemic functional-structural focus. As a method to plan a didactics unit that contributes to development of theoretical thought and the professional development of graduates in physical education. In this sense the general goal was studied and develop a training proposal of ability to identify and explain the popular traditional games for physical education teachers oriented to contribute to the development of theoretical thought. In the construction process of the thesis in a first moment was determined the invariant conceptual of popular traditional games from the method of analysis of activity, after was organized the content of popular traditional games according to the structural-functional systems revealing the essential properties elements and levels of relationship.These procedures provided to the construction elements of the concept popular traditional games, and was the basis for planning a didactical unit to the formation of ability to study. These strategies enable to build a set of prepositions to argue, as a result of the increases in the knowledge of the professional formation in physical education. The study was introduced the fallowing contributions; formulated a teaching proposal to develop the ability to identify popular traditional games, as a cultural and historical contribution and the development of an individual, in initial formation of physical education teacher, attuned to the demands of training and use of knowledge that requires this level of education, defined and organized the knowledge of popular traditional games , this enables a teaching able to raise the cognitive abilities and the theoretical concept of personality of graduated in physical education
This study deals with Sociology teacher identity issues. This is done considering daily routines of Sociology grade school teachers in the city of Picos in the state of Piauí-Brazil. Thus, the research aims to acknowledge the manner the inter-relations between the teacher s know-how and the process of construction of the professional identity of these teachers occur. It is seen that the discipline of Sociology in this context brings out processes related to inclusion and exclusion once the subject of Sociology is distinguished as unstable in relation to other disciplines. However, in June 2008, the law included the Sociology as a discipline 11,684 mandatory on all high school series.The theoretical and methodological procedures of this research were based on an ethnographic qualitative nature research and enabled a documental analysis. In order to collect data, a semi-structured questionnaire was applied in collective and individual in four state schools in the city of Picos in Piauí. The analysis of the information was based in content analysis from the proposals made by Bardin (1997), and Franco (2008). The information was then organized in knowledge matrixes that allowed the identification of themes divided into two thematic axes: teacher education: the search for sense making in experience and the exercise of teaching as well as the Sociology grade school teacher s daily routine. The research enables the understanding of the senses the subjects have on their own activity since the work deals with concrete situations and experiences in the scholar context. These senses are considered relevant in order to enable a comprehension of the inter-relations that are established between the know-how and the construction of the identity on behalf of these teachers. Almost all of the interviewed subjects did not have a degree in Social Sciences and came from other backgrounds especially ones related to Education. Sociology teachers investigated almost in its entirety, do not have specific training in the social sciences, becoming teachers of Sociology by lack of school and to complete the work load. But, in spite of the difficulties experienced in the practice of the discipline all are in favour of its inclusion in high school. They have a clear vision, that through the work of the theoretical content of the discipline with the daily life of the students by using teaching strategies that add value to the relationship of knowledge that are prepared in society at large, to Sociology provides a critical analysis of the reality in which they are inserted
Cuando consideramos los procesos de formación del profesorado pensamos en los nuevos conocimientos que podrían ser aprendidos por los estudiantes involucrados, centrándose en el debate de cuales contenidos y conocimientos deben estar presentes en la formación que se desea para estos profesionales. El propósito de esta investigación es analizar el tema desde un ángulo diferente, invertido, desde la perspectiva de los estudiantes de pedagogía en la formación inicial, mirando cómo utilizan los conocimientos adquiridos durante la licenciatura, en un proceso de construcción y reconstrucción de los conocimientos que empiezan a permear a sus prácticas pedagógicas. Dado este marco, nuestro propósito ha sido estudiar los elementos de construcción de la identidad de los futuros licenciados en Pedagogía por la UFRN, intentando caracterizar las representaciones sociales expresadas por estos estudiantes acerca del trabajo del maestro, a través de la identificación de los elementos definidores de las dichas representaciones (conocimiento del contenido de estas) y la comprensión de la forma dinámica de organización de tales elementos. Tomamos como referencia la teoría de las representaciones sociales (MOSCOVICI, 1978), que proporciona una idea de cómo los futuros docentes construyen sus representaciones acerca de los objetos de conocimiento que rodean la formación docente. Participaron del estudio 120 estudiantes de la graduación en Pedagogía, cuándo nos acercamos a los contenidos simbólicos traídos por ellos utilizando el Procedimiento de Múltiples Clasificaciones (PMC) como el enfoque metodológico. El material incautado por tal procedimiento se sometió a análisis multidimensional (Smallest Space Analysis (SSA) y Multidimensional Scalogram Analysis (MAS)) y de contenido, con la intención de un entendimiento más amplio de las dimensiones simbólicas. Los resultados de la investigación mostraron las siguientes dimensiones: la afectiva, con el nombramiento de las características necesarias a construcción simbólica del maestro; la formativa, que resalta los elementos necesarios para una enseñanza profesional; el aspecto ético y profesional, que aborda los elementos necesarios para el desempeño docente, en la perspectiva de transformación social mediante la educación; y la dimensión conflictiva, poniendo de relieve las dificultades del trabajo docente. Por lo tanto, estos aspectos muestran que la representación de ser maestro, construida por los estudiantes en la formación, parece constar de diferentes matices, articuladas y complementares, que dan sentido a la profesión, lo que justificará la práctica diaria de los futuros profesionales
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo comprender los sentidos dados a la relación entre el planeamiento y el proceso de formación continuada por profesores de una escuela pública municipal de la ciudad de Natal (RN). La conjetura guía es la percepción de que los profesores parecen no concebir el planeamiento escolar como espacio de formación colectiva y continuada. Así, esta conjetura es motivo de reflexión a medida que el planeamiento puede ser visto como un proceso cargado por tensiones y conflictos estructurales reprimidos en la escuela. Nuestro principio teórico metodológico es una interpretación de múltiples referencias que parte de conceptos en diferentes modelos de análisis en la comprensión de una realidad en que diferenciadas dimensiones están entremezcladas. Adoptamos como metodología de investigación la Entrevista Comprensiva, en que el objeto de la investigación se construye por medio de la elaboración teórica de las hipótesis surgidas en el campo de la investigación. El investigador busca dominar y personaliza los instrumentos y teoría a un proyecto concreto de investigación, cuya imagen más cercana es lo que se denomina de artesanía intelectual . En el proceso de construcción comprendemos la necesidad de entender el registro de un saber social incorporado por los individuos a su historicidad, a sus orientaciones y definiciones de su acción en relación al conjunto de la sociedad. En este sentido, los profesores entrevistados comentan su entendimiento revelando sentidos sobre cómo hacer efectivo un planeamiento que atienda las realidades del cotidiano de los alumnos. Observamos en nuestros análisis que parte del grupo de profesores tiene consciencia de hacer del planeamiento como base del trabajo docente no apenas dirigido al aspecto práctico elaboración y ejecución -, sino relacionado a un proceso de otros aspectos simultáneos como la reflexión acción-reflexión sobre la acción. De este modo, existe la posibilidad de mejorar el planeamiento transformándolo en más dinámico y participativo a través de los proyectos de trabajo como alternativa de enseñanza y de acercar la práctica pedagógica a la realidad de los alumnos, por ese motivo el planeamiento diario es de fundamental relevancia, ya que el espacio escolar es complejo y dinámico. Sin embargo, percibimos que existe incomprensión del planeamiento como espacio de formación continuada en la escuela en consecuencia de prácticas sin reflexión, y por eso, el proceso de planeamiento tiende a ser visto apenas como técnico y no un proceso político que apunta hacia la acción reflexiva. Por estas razones surgen tensiones externas e internas, unidas a las incertidumbres del trabajo docente en el cotidiano escolar, asociada a los sentimientos antagónicos que pueden ser elementos que dificultan y limitan el trabajo profesional de los docentes, llevándolos a la improvisación. Los profesores sugieren la construcción de la propuesta pedagógica dirigida a la formación continuada, coligada a la introducción de una práctica reflexiva que considere a la colectividad, siendo incluidas la autonomía, la flexibilidad y la abertura del planeamiento, y resaltan la actuación mediadora del coordinador pedagógico como de fundamental importancia para fortalecer el trabajo colectivo en la escuela y de enfatizar practicas reflexivas
This work aims to discuss and analyze the process of school inclusion of a blind person in the Bachelor's Degree in Music, at the School of Music at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, as well as reflect on the importance of establishing systems of support and to ensure university inclusive process of people with visual impairments. In pursuit to achieve these objectives, this research chose a qualitative methodological approach, the case study, using as procedures for data construction an interview, observation, analysis of documents and photographs. Joined the group of participants in this study, a blind student in the class of 2009.1of the EMUFRN Bachelor's Degree in Music, teachers from two disciplines complied by the student, two classmates, a monitor support in music theory, the course coordinator and school principal, and two other individuals who contributed to the inclusion process in actions not formalized institutionally. The results indicate UFRN proposed initiatives that contribute to inclusion of students with disabilities in this institution, the main one is the creation of the Standing Committee of Support for Students with Special Educational Needs (CAENE), a group that guides administrative sectors, teachers, principals, coordinators and students on the measures needed to enter and remain in quality education for all. Physical accessibility is still under construction at UFRN, and many access and sectors see it being adapted for students with physical or visual disabilities, and those with mobility impairments, have access to various parts of the university, however, as shown in this study, some points need to be reconsidered, as there are several places where the installation of tactile floor does not fully follow the guidelines proposed in the legislation. The proposals for access to the curriculum, mediated by EMUFRN, are actions that propose the inclusion of the blind student, as the existence of an educational monitor to help in the study of music theory, however, we need to rethink these proposals to not became actions of reactive intervention. Assuming a more proactive posture, the EMUFRN will be prepared to receive the diversity of students that expects. The study also points out that the blind student is part of a group of students that are practical musicians, who must work in events and evening shows, and who have little knowledge in music theory, leading, respectively, in low frequency classes and learning difficulties in certain curricular components, which may cause the closing of such components. In this case, the challenge of EMUFRN, considering the inclusive perspective, it is not specifically fit for the academic host a blind student, but to develop an accessibility project curriculum to consider effectively the diversity of all its students, taking into account mainly the economic and cultural conditions. This implies a process of resizing academic practices that be guided for collaborative and coordinated actions involving the various educational actors at EMUFRN and UFRN
This thesis entitled, Attention, Consciousness and Practice of Teaching: A Study of its Interconnects, argues about a relationship between development of attention and consciousness and its connection to the pedagogical practice developed in a public elementary school in Natal city, Rio Grande do Norte state. The research school is located in the south of the city. School activities are developed according with the political pedagogical project. The group investigated was 25 students aged between 8-12 years of the fourth grade. The students of the research are residents of Ponta Negra village, Pirangi and Neópolis districts. The research was effected by three teachers however, the purpose of this thesis was to investigate the relationship between the development of attention and awareness and the pedagogical practice of one of the teachers who participated in the research, and more specifically understand the psychic procedures involved in the development of attention and awareness; enabling conditions for the realization of an educational action that enables the development in terms of focused attention and states of consciousness of students, analyzing their interrelations. Therefore, it was used as methodology the collaborative research by providing elements for research as strategy of formation and development, the coproduction of knowledge, and the change of educational practice through reflective processes effected through the collaboration and critical reflection among participants. For empirical construction, it was used the following procedural elements: meeting, planning, diagnosis of attention and awareness, reflective period studies, collaborative observation and reflection sessions with the participant teachers and the students. The diagnosis of attention was effected through a game and its elaboration was based on the study proposed by Luria (1991). The purpose of the game was to apprehend the stage where students were in relation of a development attention. Concerning the diagnosis of consciousness, it was taken as reference studies by Burlatski (1987), Pinto (1960a, 1960b), Rubinstien (1973), Leontiev (1978) and others studies discussing this topic. As a method of analysis, it was resorted to the dialectical historical materialism, the ability to identify, analyze and explain those contradictions generated in the process. In the analysis procedures were prepared some categories as well as, were used categories by other authors with the purpose of understanding the critical reflective process collaborative evidencing the formation of concepts and pedagogical practice of the participants, and the analysis of a practical pedagogical of a teacher and her relationships with the development of the psychic process and functions of students, in other words, attention and awareness. Regarding the reflective process were used the categories: technical reflection, critical reflection and practical reflection (LIBERALI, 2008). Concerning the analysis of the concepts were used the categories: description, characterization, definition and conceptualization (FERREIRA, 2003). And for critical collaboration were the categories: critical collaboration, uncritical, technique and practice. In pedagogical practice, were used categories: repetitive practice teaching, heterogeneous and reflexive critical (SOUZA, 2010). During the collaborative observation was evident predominance of heterogeneous practice, because the main participant teacher searches for immediate solution to the situations problem, as well as reflection moments, is the technical arrangement, practice, critical, as well as concern in interacting with students, the qualitative changes, deep knowledge, renewal and transformation of the teaching activity. In this process, the collaborative reflection proved to be an effective strategy for developing awareness of students, because through reflection sessions, the students were able to understand that learning is a building process and that it necessary to be careful for their development
In recent years, in Brazil, researches in the area of education have been focused on the study of the necessities of formation, by the practice of necessity analysis, to subside the continued teacher formation programs. This research on the necessity of the formation of literacy teachers in the initial years of primary education originated in our discussions in academia, regarding the issues of retention and evasion related to basic literacy teaching in Brazilian public schools. We defined as a goal: to know the necessities of the formation of literacy teachers from Odila Leite Municipal Elementary School, Natal/RN, which focuses on the literacy teaching on that level of education and in Adult and Youth Education. The object is the necessities in these teachers formation. The thesis is that the literacy teacher reveals/constructs formation necessities when speaking of her practice, when exerting said practice or even when producing teaching materials which subside that practice; in other words, when making the theoretical/practical relation related to literacy teaching. The approach is qualitative, according to which the natural environment is the source for data collection; the focus of interest is the process of knowledge construction, and fundamental importance is given to the meanings constructed by the subjects. We comprehended that necessity is a socially constructed subjective phenomenon, and that necessity analysis allows the revelation of formation objectives. We used the case study as a methodological strategy which permits: studying a well-defined entity, [ ] as well as an academic institution; the global comprehension of the phenomenon of interest; discovering what is most essential and characteristic in the object. We counted with 17 teachers, 3 of which had their teaching practices observed. We observed the school routine, analyzed the main class documents and plans and interviewed the 17 teachers. We triangulated the data obtained by the routine observation, the observation of the three teachers practices and by the document analysis, next, we triangulated this data with the data from the analyzing the interviews with the 17 teachers. Such procedures reveal formation necessities in those teachers , such as: studying child cognitive development; reviewing the concepts of literacy teaching; reviewing fundaments of written language psychogenesis; reflecting on reading practices and literature; reflecting on the practice of daily planning; reflecting on the school s material conditions and the family/school relation. We concluded that researches of this nature contribute to the orientation of teacher formation programs
The study examines the process of Knowledge Management and Technological Innovation in Small and Micro Enterprises (SME) in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, and proposes actions that can contribute to regional development and competitiveness of SME. Presents as technological innovation can help to make the SME entrepreneurial activities with innovative and competitive. Defines the phases and activities of the construction of knowledge in small organizations. Examines the process of Innovation, Research and Development (R & D) in SME. Identifies the use of knowledge management and technological innovation in management practices and social interaction to influence the competitiveness of SME. Covers the communities of practice as a diffuser of knowledge and learning. To obtain the data were used questionnaires with closed questions with multiple choice, direct observations and interviews with companies. The questionnaires and interviews covered the topics of Innovation, Knowledge Management and Competitive Intelligence on SME. The sample consisted of a total of 13 Small and Micro Enterprises Award winning MPE Brazil Competitiveness, sponsored by SEBRAE in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The assessment questionnaires dealing with the Knowledge Management (KM Diagnostics - Model Bukowitz and Williams, 2002) and the process of Technological Innovation (Adaptation of ANPEI - National Association for Research, Development and Engineering of Innovative Companies). With the analysis, we concluded that the SME perceive knowledge management, but not formalized management practices so as to facilitate the dissemination of information. Soon, these companies need additional supports to direct them to the innovative activities that generate added value and competitiveness in the market
The bobbin lace, a secular art in the process of extinction in the Village Ponta Negra in Natal, Brazil, was one of the main means of income generation for some families in town, but over time, there was growing disaffection of the younger generation to learn and practice this art, due to the high demand of time for production and insufficient and not guaranteed financial return . This project aims to promote the recovery of control over the product in the production of bobbin lace in the village of Ponta Negra, by design and implementation of a workshop for the transfer of drawing techniques in the Production Center of Craft in Village of Ponta Negra. This design was based on the methodology of Ergonomic Work Analysis and in the concepts of anthropotechnology and technology social. The ergonomic analysis, by advocating and enforcing the social and technical building, was essential for the modeling of this workshop, as allowed the construction of a social participative device , with the participation of the community groups and the external group of researchers, in a process of social construction technique. As a result, it was observed that the transfer of technical design of bobbin lace molds came to complement the learning of art office, providing solutions to promote the sustainable development of the group of tenants, in an attempt to reduce the risk of extinction eminent, and also contributed to reactivate a network of economic activities interconnected to the craft, such as the production of cushions, lace and easels
The jangadeiros in the work activity are exposed to diverse and constant variability, which are extremely important to know in order to understand this activity and the risks they are exposed. The current study aims to analyze the work activity raftsmen of Ponta Negra beach in Natal, focusing on handling and quality of the fish sold by them to propose through the social construction recommendations for improving its product. To achieve this purpose was used a methodology inspired by the ergonomic work analysis using techniques observational and interactional. He was also made an assessment of fish sold by jangadeiros Ponta Negra, this evaluation was a sensory evaluation using the method "Torry Research" adapted by Vieira (2004) in order to assess the level of quality fish. In general it was observed that the fish originated from the fishing that rafts in Ponta Negra, have a good degree of freshness. But it was found that some ways of handling and storage can be improved
This dissertation presents and discusses the results of an applied research on the accessibility of residents in a Long Term Care Institution (LTCIs) in the city of Natal- RN. The main objective of this research is to suggest projectual improvements that maximize the accessibility in a LTCIs of Natal-RN, considering the aspects of mobility, safety, comfort and independence of elderly residents. Moreover, one should consider the specific characteristics of the user population, capabilities and limitations of the biological process of aging, which causes damage to the neurological system, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular and progressively affects on visual acuity, balance and locomotion of elderly people. This research has a qualitative approach and divided into four phases: exploratory, bibliographical and documentary research, mapping of the LTCIs of Natal-RN, case study. The phase of the mapping presented an overview of accessibility on LTCIs of Natal-RN. The institution of the case study was defined based on the overall assessment of accessibility and ergonomics criteria, preceded by an application of an Ergonomic Work Analysis to understand the accessibility of the elderly people. Interactional and observational methods were used to collect field data. To this end, an intense process of social construction was conducted, involving the elderly residents, caregivers, health professionals and general servants and LTCIs´ managers. It was found that the NBR 9050 is not comprehensive to solve the diversity of accessibility problems found in LTCIs. All LTCIs investigated were in disconformity to the NBR 9050. In the case study, it was found that the inappropriate design hinders the daily activities of the elderly people and is a source of risk of accidents. The environment, facilities and lack of assistive technologies hinder the autonomy of the elderly people, and this LTCI requires ergonomic intervention to improve the accessibility, autonomy and security of the elderly people
Small businesses are experiencing growth scenario in emerging countries by the prospect of economic development, these countries, including Brazil, have a booming economy before the world crisis in the last five years, especially with the participation of small and medium enterprises. These factors generate increased competition and the need to expand market share through management actions in the quest for acquiring new customers. Moreover, these changes increase the need to properly use the information and organizational performance. Some national and international studies show the existence of peculiarities in small organizations, especially in environments of family management. Such particularities raise a scenario with several organizational deficiencies regarding the evaluation of their performance. In some cases, when there are static systems, traditional and focused only on the financial perspective, especially short term. Alternatively, the tools encourage strategic planning and observance of medium and long term, in many ways, whether financial, internal processes, customers, suppliers, and innovation, among others. Therefore, this study aims to identify and analyze the applicability of the system performance evaluation with emphasis on strategic and BSC - Balanced Scorecard. Regarding the research method, is classified as exploratory, with the participation of 25 companies, whose research was conducted between 2012 and 2013. Therefore, the research included the construction process and a structured questionnaire on practices and interest for the use of strategic tools, with emphasis on the Balanced Scorecard. Whose main result presented a high degree of interest in the applicability of the BSC by most of the participating institutions. Furthermore, It was observed the growing interest in using the Balanced Scorecard when it increases the company size, regardless of the area of market action. Participating companies have shown an outline of the strategic objectives and the establishment of indicators for assessing the performance due to their correlations with the BSC