933 resultados para Process of conversion


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The principal methods of compression and different types of non-encrypted objects are described. An analysis is made of the results obtained from examinations of the speed of compression for objects when using passwords with different length. The size of the new file obtained after compression is also analyzed. Some evaluations are made with regard to the methods and the objects used in the examinations. In conclusion some deductions are drawn as well as recommendations for future work.


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Our object was to describe the process of coping in King-Kopetzky syndrome and hypothesise how the process is mediated. We used a qualitative study using open-ended interviews. The data were gathered purposefully from 19 cases in the first phase of the study. Accounts were then compared deductively with six accounts from a previous interview-based study. Maximum contrast was sought in cases and in experience of clinical interventions. Participants were recruited from Hearing Therapy services in Bath and North East Somerset Primary Care Trust and The Welsh Hearing Institute. Interviews were conducted in participants’ homes or clinic setting. Coping was determined by the concept that the individual developed about their hearing difficulties. The process of conceptualizing involves reconciling the symptoms experienced with the information obtained from clinicians. The process is mediated by the context in which hearing difficulties occur and the interventions that are received. Forming a coherent concept of hearing difficulties facilitates coping. Clinicians can assist this process by giving patients with King-Kopetzky Syndrome an explanation of the condition.


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The article presents the software written in Builder C++ that monitors the process of processor impulse charger. Protocol, interface, components used and the future research are presented.


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In the given work by authors new approach to the exposure of degree of influencing of medications of vegetable origin in a time of renewal of broken equilibrium of man organism is offered. During realization of the given approach it is suggested to use the mathematical vehicle of.


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This paper is dedicated to modelling of network maintaining based on live example – maintaining ATM banking network, where any problems are mean money loss. A full analysis is made in order to estimate valuable and not-valuable parameters based on complex analysis of available data. Correlation analysis helps to estimate provided data and to produce a complex solution of increasing network maintaining effectiveness.


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Given in the report conceptual presentation of the main principles of fractal-complexity Ration of the media and thinking processes of the human was formulated on the bases of the cybernetic interpretation of scientific information (basically from neurophysiology and neuropsychology, containing the interpretation giving the best fit to the authors point of view) and plausible hypothesis's, filling the lack of knowledge.


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In this paper we present the beginning of a partnership between the students in the upper classes and those in the beginner classes in 21st Secondary School “Hristo Botev”, Sofia. We examine deeply two of the used types of cooperative activity. The work shows the main steps in the organization of the project. We have included the motives for work both of the teachers and the students. The present work shows the concrete advantages for the different age groups and the reflection on the parents, as well.


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How same-sex couples manage the process of seeking help for their relationships is an under-researched area. Twelve semi-structured interviews were conducted with 16 people who had engaged in same-sex couple counselling, and were analysed using discourse analysis. The ways in which the couples positioned themselves as part of a 'minority group', or part of a generic group of couples struggling with relationship issues, impacted on how they discussed seeking help. We conclude that counsellors and psychotherapists need to be aware of the ways in which couples construct their relationships, and mindful of the tricky navigations around similarity to, and difference from, different-sex relationships. The impact of this on couples seeking therapeutic help is considered. © 2013 Taylor & Francis.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60G18, 60E07


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2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60E05, 62P05.


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A vállalatok nemzetköziesedése egy széles körben vizsgált szakterület, különösképpen olyan vállalatok esetében (az ún. tradicionális multik), amelyek hagyományosan nemzetközi orientációjú országokból (Triád) származnak. A nemzetközi piacokon viszonylag újnak számító közép-kelet-európai cégek terjeszkedése az üzleti kontextus változásával párhuzamosan zajlott. Következésképpen ahhoz, hogy megértsük a nemzetköziesedés időben zajló folyamatát, a vállalatok nemzetközi evolúcióját a kontextussal összefüggésben kell vizsgálni. A vállalatok nemzetköziesedésének legelterjedtebb kutatási módszerei a nagymintás keresztmetszeti vizsgálatok, amelyek nem adnak lehetőséget a nemzetközi fejlődés időbeni alakulásának megfigyelésére és a mintázat mögött rejlő valós okok feltárására. A jelen tanulmány egy longitudinális kutatási modell mentén vizsgálja egy nem tradicionális multi, a hazai OTP nemzetköziesedésének időbeni alakulását, feltárva a nemzetközivé válás folyamata során kialakuló komplex kapcsolatrendszert. _______ The purpose of the present paper is to describe the internationalisation process of a non-traditional multinational, the Hungarian OTP Bank and to understand the dynamic linkages between the spatial and temporal context and the content of firm internationalization using a phenomenon oriented longitudinal research design. The paper contributes to the time-based processual view of firm internationalization arguing that in order to understand firm internationalization along time one should observe organizations and their contextual environments as complex interacting processes. By analysing the interaction between the multi-level processes that shape internationalization, one can explore the reasons behind the dynamic profile of firm internationalization. The paper applies an interpretative approach focusing on local causality.


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The political and economic changes in countries of the Central and Eastern European region during the recent two decades had significant implications on their participation in international environmental policy-making. These changes were motivated by the changing international political priorities and economic interests, realization of their part in the "common but differentiated responsibility" for the global environmental processes and the relatively modest capacities for international development cooperation. The situation of these countries was acknowledged by the international community by granting specific provisions to these "economies in transition" in international environmental policy mechanisms. In spite of the rapidly diverging external relations of the various groups of these countries, to some extent and in different forms the transition phase is still prevailing and has its effect on the ongoing international environmental negotiations. The paper describes the background of these changes, demonstrates the specific provisions for these countries that made possible their participation in the common efforts to tackle the emerging global and regional environmental problems by acceding to the relevant international mechanisms.


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Venture capitalists can be regarded as financers of young, high-risk enterprises, seeking investments with a high growth potential and offering professional support above and beyond their capital investment. The aim of this study is to analyse the occurrence of information asymmetry between venture capital investors and entrepreneurs, with special regard to the problem of adverse selection. In the course of my empirical research, I conducted in-depth interviews with 10 venture capital investors. The aim of the research was to elicit their opinions about the situation regarding information asymmetry, how they deal with problems arising from adverse selection, and what measures they take to manage these within the investment process. In the interviews we also touched upon how investors evaluate state intervention, and how much they believe company managers are influenced by state support.


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The purpose of this study was to document and critically analyze the lived experience of selected nursing staff developers in the process of moving toward a new model for hospital nursing education. Eleven respondents were drawn from a nation-wide population of about two hundred individuals involved in nursing staff development. These subjects were responsible for the implementation of the Performance Based Development System (PBDS) in their institutions.^ A purposive, criterion-based sampling technique was used with respondents being selected according to size of hospital, primary responsibility for orchestration of the change, influence over budgetary factors and managerial responsibility for PBDS. Data were gathered by the researcher through both in-person and telephone interviews. A semi-structured interview guide, designed by the researcher was used, and respondents were encouraged to amplify on their recollections as desired. Audiotapes were transcribed and resulting computer files were analyzed using the program "Martin". Answers to interview questions were compiled and reported across cases. The data was then reviewed a second time and interpreted for emerging themes and patterns.^ Two types of verification were used in the study. Internal verification was done through interview transcript review and feedback by respondents. External verification was done through review and feedback on data analysis by readers who were experienced in management of staff development departments.^ All respondents were female, so Gilligan's concept of the "ethic of care" was examined as a decision making strategy. Three levels of caring which influenced decision making were found. They were caring: (a) for the organization, (b) for the employee, and (c) for the patient. The four existentials of the lived experience, relationality, corporeality, temporality and spatiality were also examined to reveal the everydayness of making change. ^