939 resultados para Primal Joints
Structural settings and lithological characteristics are traditionally assumed to influence the development of erosional landforms, such as gully networks and rock couloirs, in steep mountain rock basins. The structural control of erosion of two small alpine catchments of distinctive rock types is evaluated by comparing the correspondences between the orientations of their gullies and rock couloirs with (1) the sliding orientations of potential slope failures mechanisms, and (2) the orientation of the maximum joint frequency, this latter being considered as the direction exploited primarily by erosion and mass wasting processes. These characteristic orientations can be interpreted as structural weaknesses contributing to the initiation and propagation of erosion. The morphostructural analysis was performed using digital elevation models and field observations. The catchment comprised of magmatic intrusive rocks shows a clear structural control, mostly expressed through potential wedges failure. Such joint configurations have a particular geometry that encourages the development of gullies in hard rock, e.g. through enhanced gravitational and hydrological erosional processes. In the catchment underlain by sedimentary rocks, penetrative joints that act as structural weaknesses seem to be exploited by gullies and rock couloirs. However, the lithological setting and bedding configuration prominently control the development of erosional landforms, and influence not only the local pattern of geomorphic features, but the general morphology of the catchment. The orientations of the maximum joint frequency are clearly associated with the gully network, suggesting that its development is governed by anisotropy in rock strength. These two catchments are typical of bedrock-dominated basins prone to intense processes of debris supply. This study suggests a quantitative approach for describing the relationship between bedrock jointing and geomorphic features geometry. Incorporation of bedrock structure can be relevant when studying processes governing the transfer of clastic material, for the assessment of sediment yields and in landforms evolution models.
BACKGROUND: Interleukin-1 is pivotal in the pathogenesis of systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). We assessed the efficacy and safety of canakinumab, a selective, fully human, anti-interleukin-1β monoclonal antibody, in two trials. METHODS: In trial 1, we randomly assigned patients, 2 to 19 years of age, with systemic JIA and active systemic features (fever; ≥2 active joints; C-reactive protein, >30 mg per liter; and glucocorticoid dose, ≤1.0 mg per kilogram of body weight per day), in a double-blind fashion, to a single subcutaneous dose of canakinumab (4 mg per kilogram) or placebo. The primary outcome, termed adapted JIA ACR 30 response, was defined as improvement of 30% or more in at least three of the six core criteria for JIA, worsening of more than 30% in no more than one of the criteria, and resolution of fever. In trial 2, after 32 weeks of open-label treatment with canakinumab, patients who had a response and underwent glucocorticoid tapering were randomly assigned to continued treatment with canakinumab or to placebo. The primary outcome was time to flare of systemic JIA. RESULTS: At day 15 in trial 1, more patients in the canakinumab group had an adapted JIA ACR 30 response (36 of 43 [84%], vs. 4 of 41 [10%] in the placebo group; P<0.001). In trial 2, among the 100 patients (of 177 in the open-label phase) who underwent randomization in the withdrawal phase, the risk of flare was lower among patients who continued to receive canakinumab than among those who were switched to placebo (74% of patients in the canakinumab group had no flare, vs. 25% in the placebo group, according to Kaplan-Meier estimates; hazard ratio, 0.36; P=0.003). The average glucocorticoid dose was reduced from 0.34 to 0.05 mg per kilogram per day, and glucocorticoids were discontinued in 42 of 128 patients (33%). The macrophage activation syndrome occurred in 7 patients; infections were more frequent with canakinumab than with placebo. CONCLUSIONS: These two phase 3 studies show the efficacy of canakinumab in systemic JIA with active systemic features. (Funded by Novartis Pharma; ClinicalTrials.gov numbers, NCT00889863 and NCT00886769.).
Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT), also known as visfatin, is the rate-limiting enzyme in the salvage pathway of NAD biosynthesis from nicotinamide. Since its expression is upregulated during inflammation, NAMPT represents a novel clinical biomarker in acute lung injury, rheumatoid arthritis, and Crohn's disease. However, its role in disease progression remains unknown. We report here that NAMPT is a key player in inflammatory arthritis. Increased expression of NAMPT was confirmed in mice with collagen-induced arthritis, both in serum and in the arthritic paw. Importantly, a specific competitive inhibitor of NAMPT effectively reduced arthritis severity with comparable activity to etanercept, and decreased pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion in affected joints. Moreover, NAMPT inhibition reduced intracellular NAD concentration in inflammatory cells and circulating TNFalpha levels during endotoxemia in mice. In vitro pharmacological inhibition of NAMPT reduced the intracellular concentration of NAD and pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion by inflammatory cells. Thus, NAMPT links NAD metabolism to inflammatory cytokine secretion by leukocytes, and its inhibition might therefore have therapeutic efficacy in immune-mediated inflammatory disorders.
This guide specification and commentary for concrete pavements presents current state-of-the art thinking with respect to materials and mixture selection, proportioning, and acceptance. This document takes into account the different environments, practices, and materials in use across the United States and allows optional inputs for local application. The following concrete pavement types are considered: jointed plain concrete pavement, the most commonly used pavement type and may be doweled or non-doweled at transverse joints; and continuously reinforced concrete pavement, typically constructed without any transverse joints, typically used for locations with high truck traffic loads and/or poor support conditions.
Weathering steel is commonly used as a cost-effective alternative for bridge superstructures, as the costs and environmental impacts associated with the maintenance/replacement of paint coatings are theoretically eliminated. The performance of weathering steel depends on the proper formation of a surface patina, which consists of a dense layer of corrosion product used to protect the steel from further atmospheric corrosion. The development of the weathering steel patina may be hindered by environmental factors such as humid environments, wetting/drying cycles, sheltering, exposure to de-icing chlorides, and design details that permit water to pond on steel surfaces. Weathering steel bridges constructed over or adjacent to other roadways could be subjected to sufficient salt spray that would impede the development of an adequate patina. Addressing areas of corrosion on a weathering steel bridge superstructure where a protective patina has not formed is often costly and negates the anticipated cost savings for this type of steel superstructure. Early detection of weathering steel corrosion is important to extending the service life of the bridge structure; however, written inspection procedures are not available for inspectors to evaluate the performance or quality of the patina. This project focused on the evaluation of weathering steel bridge structures, including possible methods to assess the quality of the weathering steel patina and to properly maintain the quality of the patina. The objectives of this project are summarized as follows: Identify weathering steel bridge structures that would be most vulnerable to chloride contamination, based on location, exposure, environment, and other factors. Identify locations on an individual weathering steel bridge structure that would be most susceptible to chloride contamination, such as below joints, splash/spray zones, and areas of ponding water or debris. Identify possible testing methods and/or inspection techniques for inspectors to evaluate the quality of the weathering steel patina at locations discussed above. Identify possible methods to measure and evaluate the level of chloride contamination at the locations discussed above. Evaluate the effectiveness of water washing on removing chlorides from the weathering steel patina. Develop a general prioritization for the washing of bridge structures based on the structure’s location, environment, inspection observations, patina evaluation findings, and chloride test results.
The US Highway 6 Bridge over Keg Creek outside of Council Bluffs, Iowa is a demonstration bridge site chosen to put into practice newly-developed Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) concepts. One of these new concepts is the use of prefabricated high performance concrete (HPC) bridge elements that are connected, in place, utilizing advanced material closure-pours and quick-to-install connection details. The Keg Creek Bridge is the first bridge in the US to utilize moment-resisting ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) joints in negative moment regions over piers. Through laboratory and live load field testing, performance of these transverse joints as well as global bridge behavior is quantified and examined. The effectiveness of the structural performance of the bridge is evaluated to provide guidance for future designs of similar bridges throughout the US.
Background: Cannabis use has a negative impact on psychosis. Studies are needed to explore the efficacy of psychological interventions to reduce cannabis use in psychosis. Our aim is to study the efficacy of a specific motivational intervention on young cannabis users suffering from psychosis. Methods: Participants (aged less than 35 years) were randomly assigned to treatment as usual (TAU) alone, or treatment as usual plus motivational intervention (MI + TAU). TAU was comprehensive and included case management, early intervention and mobile team when needed. Assessments were completed at baseline and at 3, 6 and12 months follow-up. Results: Sixty-two participants (32 TAU and 30 MI + TAU) were included in the study. Cannabis use decreased in both groups at follow-up. Participants who received MI in addition to TAU displayed both a greater reduction in number of joints smoked per week and greater confidence to change cannabis use at 3 and 6 months follow-up, but differences between groups were nonsignificant at 12 months. Conclusions: MI is well accepted by patients suffering from psychosis and has a short-term impact on cannabis use when added to standard care. However, the differential effect was not maintained at 1-year follow-up. MI appears to be a useful active component to reduce cannabis use which should be integrated in routine clinical practice.
BACKGROUND: Interleukin-1 is pivotal in the pathogenesis of systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). We assessed the efficacy and safety of canakinumab, a selective, fully human, anti-interleukin-1β monoclonal antibody, in two trials. METHODS: In trial 1, we randomly assigned patients, 2 to 19 years of age, with systemic JIA and active systemic features (fever; ≥2 active joints; C-reactive protein, >30 mg per liter; and glucocorticoid dose, ≤1.0 mg per kilogram of body weight per day), in a double-blind fashion, to a single subcutaneous dose of canakinumab (4 mg per kilogram) or placebo. The primary outcome, termed adapted JIA ACR 30 response, was defined as improvement of 30% or more in at least three of the six core criteria for JIA, worsening of more than 30% in no more than one of the criteria, and resolution of fever. In trial 2, after 32 weeks of open-label treatment with canakinumab, patients who had a response and underwent glucocorticoid tapering were randomly assigned to continued treatment with canakinumab or to placebo. The primary outcome was time to flare of systemic JIA. RESULTS: At day 15 in trial 1, more patients in the canakinumab group had an adapted JIA ACR 30 response (36 of 43 [84%], vs. 4 of 41 [10%] in the placebo group; P<0.001). In trial 2, among the 100 patients (of 177 in the open-label phase) who underwent randomization in the withdrawal phase, the risk of flare was lower among patients who continued to receive canakinumab than among those who were switched to placebo (74% of patients in the canakinumab group had no flare, vs. 25% in the placebo group, according to Kaplan-Meier estimates; hazard ratio, 0.36; P=0.003). The average glucocorticoid dose was reduced from 0.34 to 0.05 mg per kilogram per day, and glucocorticoids were discontinued in 42 of 128 patients (33%). The macrophage activation syndrome occurred in 7 patients; infections were more frequent with canakinumab than with placebo. CONCLUSIONS: These two phase 3 studies show the efficacy of canakinumab in systemic JIA with active systemic features. (Funded by Novartis Pharma; ClinicalTrials.gov numbers, NCT00889863 and NCT00886769.).
Usually the measurement of multi-segment foot and ankle complex kinematics is done with stationary motion capture devices which are limited to use in a gait laboratory. This study aimed to propose and validate a wearable system to measure the foot and ankle complex joint angles during gait in daily conditions, and then to investigate its suitability for clinical evaluations. The foot and ankle complex consisted of four segments (shank, hindfoot, forefoot, and toes), with an inertial measurement unit (3D gyroscopes and 3D accelerometers) attached to each segment. The angles between the four segments were calculated in the sagittal, coronal, and transverse planes using a new algorithm combining strap-down integration and detection of low-acceleration instants. To validate the joint angles measured by the wearable system, three subjects walked on a treadmill for five minutes at three different speeds. A camera-based stationary system that used a cluster of markers on each segment was used as a reference. To test the suitability of the system for clinical evaluation, the joint angle ranges were compared between a group of 10 healthy subjects and a group of 12 patients with ankle osteoarthritis, during two 50-m walking trials where the wearable system was attached to each subject. On average, over all joints and walking speeds, the RMS differences and correlation coefficients between the angular curves obtained using the wearable system and the stationary system were 1 deg and 0.93, respectively. Moreover, this system was able to detect significant alteration of foot and ankle function between the group of patients with ankle osteoarthritis and the group of healthy subjects. In conclusion, this wearable system was accurate and suitable for clinical evaluation when used to measure the multi-segment foot and ankle complex kinematics during long-distance walks in daily life conditions.
We have developed a thrombin-sensitive polymeric photosensitizer prodrug (T-PS) to selectively image and eradicate inflammatory lesions in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Thrombin is a serine protease up-regulated in synovial tissues of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. T-PS consists of a polymeric backbone, to which multiple photosensitizer (PS) units are tethered via short thrombin-cleavable peptide linkers. Fluorescence emission and phototoxicity of the prodrug are efficiently quenched due to the interaction of neighboring photosensitizer units. The prodrug is passively delivered to the inflammation site via the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect. Subsequent site-selective proteolytic cleavage of the peptide linkers restores its photoactivity by increasing the mutual distance between PS. Whole animal imaging in murine collagen-induced arthritis, an experimental model of RA revealed a dose-dependent fluorescence increase in arthritic paws after systemic prodrug injection. In addition, administration of T-PS resulted in much higher fluorescence selectivity for arthritic joints as compared to the free PS. Irradiation of the arthritic joints induced light dose dependent phototoxic effects such as apoptosis, vascular damage and local hemorrhage. Long-term observations showed complete regression of the latter. Irradiated non-arthritic tissues or non-irradiated arthritic tissues showed no histological effects after photodynamic therapy with T-PS. This illustrates that T-PS can localize inflammatory lesions with excellent selectivity and induce apoptosis and vascular shut down after irradiation.
Experiments with early entry light sawing of Portland cement concrete (PCC) contraction joints began in Iowa in 1989. Since that time, changes in early sawing equipment have occurred as well as changes in specifications for sawing. The option to use early sawing for transverse contraction joints was specified in 1992. A problem happening occasionally with early sawing was the break out of some of the concrete around the end of the joint as the saw blade approached the edge of the slab. To prevent this, it was proposed that the sawing would terminate approximately 1/2" to 3/4" before the edge of the slab, creating a "short joint". This procedure would also leave a concrete "dam" to prevent the run-out and waste of the hot liquid joint sealant onto the shoulder. It would also eliminate the need for the labor and material for applying a duct tape dam at the open ends of each sawed joint to stop hot liquid sealant run-out Agreements were made with the contractor to apply the "short joint" technique for 1 day of paving. The evaluation and results are compared with an adjoining control section. The research found no negative aspects from sawing the "short joint". Three specific findings were noted. They are the following: 1) No joint end "blow-out" spalls of concrete occurred. 2) The need for the duct tape dam to stop liquid sealant overflow was eliminated. 3) Joint end corner spalls appear to be caused mainly by construction shouldering operations equipment. The "short joint" sawing technique can be routinely applied to early entry sawed transverse contraction joints with expectations of only positive results.
The use of non-metallic load transfer and reinforcement devices for concrete highway pavements is a possible alternative to avoid corrosion problems related to the current practice of steel materials. Laboratory and field testing of highway pavement dowel bars, made of both steel and fiber composite materials, and fiber composite tie rods were carried out in this research investigation. Fatigue, static, and dynamic testing was performed on full-scale concrete pavement slabs which were supported by a simulated subgrade and which included a single transverse joint. The bahavior of the full-scale specimens with both steel and fiber composite dowels placed in the test joints was monitored during several million load cycles which simulated truck traffic at a transverse joint. Static bond tests were conducted on fiber composite tie rods to determine the required embedment length. These tests took the form of bending tests which included curvature and shear in the embedment zone and pullout tests which subjected the test specimen to axial tension only. Fiber composite dowel bars were placed at two transverse joints during construction of a new concrete highway pavement in order to evaluate their performance under actual field conditions. Fiber composite tie rods were also placed in the longitudinal joint between the two fiber composite doweled transverse joints.
Most pavement contraction joint seals in Iowa, in general, have been performing in less than a satisfactory manner. The effective life of the seals, in maintaining a watertight joint, has been only from two to five years. In search of improvements, research was proposed to evaluate preformed neoprene joint seals. The performance of those seals was to be compared mainly with the hot poured rubberized asphalt sealants and cold applied silicone sealants or other sealants commonly used at the time this research began. Joint designs and methods of sawing were also investigated. All evaluations were done in new portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements. Three projects were initially selected and each included a research section of joint sealing. Some additional sites were later added for evaluation. Several joint sealants were evaluated at each research site. The various sites included high, medium and low levels of traffic. Evaluations were done over a five-year period. Neoprene joint seals provided better performance than hot or cold field formed joints.
Iowa has more than 13,000 miles of portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement. Some pavements have performed well for over 50 years, while others have been removed or overlaid due to the premature deterioration of joints and cracks. Some of the premature deterioration is classical D-cracking, which is attributed to a critically saturated aggregate pore system (freeze-thaw damage). However, some of the premature deterioration is related to adverse chemical reactivity involving carbonate coarse aggregate. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the value of a chemical analysis of carbonate aggregate using X-ray equipment to identify good or poor quality. At least 1.5% dolomite is necessary in a carbonate aggregate to produce a discernible dolomite peak. The shift of the maximum-intensity X-ray diffraction dolomite d-spacing can be used to predict poor performance of a carbonate aggregate in PCC. A limestone aggregate with a low percentage of strontium (less than 0.013) and phosphorus (less than 0.010) would be expected to give good performance in PCC pavement. Poor performance in PCC pavement is expected from limestone aggregates with higher percentages (above 0.05) of strontium.