930 resultados para Plasmodium Falciparum


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INTRODUÇÃO: É frequente a associação da malária com complicações como prematuridade, retardo no crescimento intrauterino, baixo peso ao nascer e mortalidade infantil, efeitos pouco estudados em áreas hipoendêmicas para malaria. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a relação da malária gestacional com estes efeitos em recém-nascidosnuma região endêmica para malária na Colômbia, entre 1993 e 2007. MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas as características em 1.716 recém-nascidos num estudo de coorte. Fez-se seguimento em 394 gestantes com malária (27% por Plasmodium falciparum e 73% por P. vivax) e 1.322 sem malária. RESULTADOS: Foi encontrada uma relação entre a exposição à malária na gestação e o risco maior de baixo peso ao nascer (RR = 1,37; 1,03-1,83), assim como estatura baixa (RR = 1,52; 1,25-1,85), retardo no crescimento intrauterino (RR = 1,29; 1,0-1,66) e prematuridade (RR = 1,68; 1,3-2,17). A frequência de nascimentos prematuros foi maior nas mães com malária por P. falciparum (77%) que aquelas com P. vivax (RR = 1,77; IC 95%: 1,2-2,6). CONCLUSÕES: O baixo peso ao nascer e o retardo no crescimento foi associado com malária na gestação na Colômbia. A infecção por P. vivax foi relacionada com efeitos adversos sobre o recém-nascido, de modo semelhante em relação ao P. falciparum.


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Described here is a case of postmalaria neurological syndrome in a patient who presented infection by Plasmodium falciparum two months earlier. The patient received empiric use of acyclovir for herpetic meningoencephalitis, but neuropsychiatric symptoms improved only after administration of methylprednisolone.


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Artemisinin-based combination therapy-resistant malaria is rare in Sub-Saharan Africa. The World Health Organization identifies monitoring and surveillance using day-3 parasitaemia post-treatment as the standard test for identifying suspected artemisinin resistance. We report three cases of early treatment failure due to possible artemisinin-based combination therapy-resistant Plasmodium falciparum malaria. All cases showed adequate clinical and parasitological responses to quinine. This study reveals a need to re-evaluate the quality and efficacy of artemisinin-based combination therapy agents in Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa.


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A malária é uma doença infecciosa complexa, que resulta do “vírus” plasmodium, e manifesta-se sob cinco tipos distintos de espécies protozoários (plasmodium vivax, plasmodium ovale, plasmodium falciparum, plasmodium malariae e plasmodium Knowlesi), atacando sobretudo os glóbulos vermelhos. Considerada a quinta maior causa de morte por doenças infecciosas em todo o mundo após doenças respiratórias, VIH/SIDA, doenças diarreicas e tuberculose, no continente africano, a malária é considerada a segunda causa do aumento da mortalidade, após VIH/SIDA. No caso particular da Guiné-Bissau, esta constitui a principal causa do incremento da morbilidade e da mortalidade naquele país, onde, em 2012 foram notificados 129.684 casos de paludismo, dos quais 370 resultaram em óbitos. Partindo da realidade acima constatada, em particular, da complexidade e o impacto global da doença associada a uma forte mortalidade e morbilidade, concluiu-se ser necessário abordar esta temática, utilizando os SIG e a DR no sentido de determinar as regiões de elevado risco. Entendeu-se serem necessárias novas abordagens e novas ferramentas de análise dos dados epidemiológicos e consequentemente novas metodologias que possibilitem a determinação de áreas de risco por malária. O presente estudo, pretende demonstrar o papel dos SIG e DR na determinação das regiões de risco por malária. A metodologia utilizada centrou-se numa abordagem quantitativa baseada na hierarquização das variáveis. Pretende-se, assim abordar os impactos da malária e simultaneamente demonstrar as potencialidades dos SIG e das ferramentas de Análise Espacial no estudo da disseminação da mesma na Guiné-Bissau.


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ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION:This study aimed to evaluate basic sanitation and socioeconomic indicators, reported cases of malaria, and risk of contracting malaria in the Ananindeua municipality, State of Pará.METHODS:Data on basic sanitation and socioeconomic dimensions were taken from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics [ Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE)] 2010 census. Epidemiological malaria information was taken from the Epidemiological Malaria Surveillance Information System [ Sistema de Informação de Vigilância Epidemiológica de Malária (SIVEP/Malaria)], between 2003 and 2013 of the Ministry of Health and from the SIVEP/Malaria forms of the municipality's Endemic Diseases Unit for 2,013 cases.RESULTS:Our data do not confirm the correlation among indicators of basic sanitation, socioeconomic conditions, and water supply with malaria cases. Of the 1,557 cases evaluated, most were caused by Plasmodium vivax , with rare cases of Plasmodium falciparum and mixed infections. There were 756 notifications in 2003. The number of reported cases was sharply reduced between 2006 and 2012, but a 142-case outbreak occurred in 2013. Ananindeua municipality's Annual Parasite Index indicated low risk in 2003 and no risk in other years, and the 2,013 cases were predominantly male individuals aged ≥40 years.CONCLUSIONS:Our data confirm the non-endemicity of malaria in the Ananindeua municipality, as the Annual Parasite Indices described for the years 2004-2013 classify it as a risk-free area. However, the 2013 outbreak indicates the need to strengthen prevention, surveillance, and control activities to reduce the risk of new outbreaks and consequent economic and social impacts on the population.


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Montrichardia linifera é uma planta aquática de amplo uso na medicina tradicional amazônica. Entretanto, muito pouco se conhece sobre a sua composição química, e sua atividade biológica ainda não foi comprovada. Na busca de substância(s) biologicamente ativa(s), este trabalho realizou um estudo fitoquímico biomonitorado no qual foram testados os extratos hexânico e etanólico obtidos do caule desta espécie, dos quais apenas o extrato etanólico foi selecionado para o fracionamento cromatográfico por ter apresentado toxicidade contra a Artemia salina e atividade contra o Plasmodium falciparum, parasita causador da malária. As atividades biológicas concentraram-se na fração diclorometânica que apresentou alta toxicidade contra A. salina (DL50<31μg mL-1) e alta atividade antiplasmódica (IC50<10 μg mL-1), mostrando promissora atividade antimalárica. Desta fração, o composto aromático p-hidroxibenzaldeído foi isolado pela primeira vez nesta planta.


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The review covers the development of synthetic peptides as vaccine candidates for Plasmodium falciparum- and Plasmodium vivax-induced malaria from its beginning up to date and the concomitant progress of solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) that enables the production of long peptides in a routine fashion. The review also stresses the development of other complementary tools and actions in order to achieve the long sought goal of an efficacious malaria vaccine.


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Blood sampling on filter paper is a current practice seroepidemiological studies by indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). There is, however, scant comparative information about the use of bloodspot eluates for detection of malarial IgG antibodies simultaneously by IFAT and enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). Here we report data obtained by both serological methods done on 219 bloodspot eluate samples collected in a rural community in Brazilian Amazon Basin (Alto Paraíso, Ariquemes municipality) where malaria is endemic. Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax thick smear antigens were used in the IFAT; a detergent-soluble P. falciparum antigen was prepared for ELISA. Substantial agreement of results (Kappa coefficient k = 0.686) was observed when P. falciparum antigen was used in both tests, and IFAT titers were found to be strongly correlated ELISA antibody units (Spearman correlation coeficient rs = 0.818, p < 0.0001). Only moderate agreement (k = 0.467) between IFAT with P. vivax antigen and ELISA with P. falciparum antigen was observed. Spearman correlation coefficient value between quantitative results (IFAT titers and ELISA antibody units) in this case was numerically lowe (rs = 0.540, p < 0.0001). Our results suggest that, with P. falciparum antigen, both IFAT and ELISA performed on bloodspot eluates are equivalent for seropidemiological purposes.


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Merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-1, also referred to as P195, PMMSA or MSA 1) is one of the most studied of all malaria proteins. The proteins. The protein is found in all malaria species investigated and structural studies on the gene indicate that parts of the molecule are well-conserved. Studies on Plasmodium falciparum have shown that the protein is in a processed form on the merozoite surface, a result of proteolytic cleavage of the large percursor molecule. Recent studies have identified some of these cleavage sites. During invasion of the new red cell most of the MSP1 molecule is shed from the parasite surface except for a small C-terminal fragment which can be detected in ring stages. Analysis of the structure of this fragment suggests that it contains two growth factor-like domains that may have a functional role.


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Recently we have shown that two hybrid proteins expressed in Escherichia coli confer protective immunity to Aotus monkeys against an experimental Plasmodium falciparum infection (Knapp et al., 1992). Both hybrid proteins carry a sequence containing amino acids 631 to 764 of the serine stretch protein SERP (Knapp et al., 1989b). We have studied the diversity of this SERP region in field isolates of P. falciparum. Genomic DNA was extracted from the blood of six donors from different endemic areas of Brazil and West Africa. The SERP region encoding amino acids 630 to 781 was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced. Only conserved amino acid substitutions in maximally two positions of the analyzed SERP fragment could be detected which supports the suitability of this SERP region as a component of anti-blood stage malaria vaccine.


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Based on the results of in vitro sensitivity of Plasmodium falciparum to chloroquine, quinine and mefloquine, and evaluation of drug consumption conducted in 1987-1988 in four areas in the noth and south-west of Cameron, two opposite situations were encountered in this country. In northern Cameron where mefloquine resistance is prevalent a close correlation was found between the responses of P. falciparum to mefloquine and to quinine, but not between mefloquine and chloroquine. In the south, where chloroquine resistance is highly prevalent, no correlation was found neither between mefloquine and chloroquine nor mefloquine and quinine, but the responses to quinine and chloroquine appear partly correlated. These lead to formulate the hypothesis of a "southern" type of P. falciparum submitted to a high chloroquine drug pressure inducing a secondary cross resistance, whilst a "northern"type submitted to a relatively high and abortive quinine drug pressure inducing a primary quinine resistance and a secondary cross resistance with mefloquine.


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The sequestration of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes to the endothelial cells of brain capillaries is believed to represent one of the determining factors in the pathogenesis of cerebral malaria. In vitro studies of cytoadherence provide an experimental approach to understand the mechanism of sequestration and the respective roles played by parasite and host components in this interaction. This paper critically reviews current studies on cytoadherence, with particular emphasis on the nature of the information provided by such studies and their limitations. The paper also describes how cytoadherence studies using the patient's own monocytes can provide original information on the level of receptor up-regulation in the course of malarial infection.


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The dysregulation of the immune response by malaria parasite has been considered as a possible constraint to the effectiveness of malaria vaccination. In spite of the important role interleukin-I (IL-1) in malaria are lacking. We found that only 2 out of 35 subjectswith acute malaria showed increased levels of serum IL-1 alpha by enzyme immunoassay. To assess whether IL-1 could interfere with T- lymphocyte responses, blood mononuclear cells from patients infected with Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, or healthy subjects were cultured with phytohemagglutinin, and lymphocyte proliferation measured 72h later by 3H-thymidine incorporation. Our data showed that T-lymphocyte responses are depressed both in P. falciparum (10,500 ñ 2,900) and P. vivax malaria (13,000 ñ 3,300), as compared to that of healthy individuals (27,000 ñ 3,000). Addition of IL-1 partially reserved depression of malaria lymphocytes, but had no effect on normal cells. On the other hand, T-lymphocytes from malaria infected-subjects presented a minimal decrease in proliferation, when cultured in the presence of exogenous PGE2. These data indicate the occurrence of two defects of immunoregulation in malaria: a deficiency of IL-1 production by monocytes/macrophages, and an increased resistance of lymphocytes to the antiproliferative effect of PGE2.


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Due to current spreading of chemoresistant strains of Plasmodium falciparum malaria control must incorporate vector control programmes. Due to well known constraints house sprayings cannot be performed as before. Personal protection can be developed and a large scale use of insecticide treated bed-nets appeared to be very useful to reduce man-vector contact in Asia, South America and West and East Africa. No trial has done is forest Central Africa where transmission is permanent. We performed such a trial in the southern part of Cameroon (using deltamethrin, at 25mg/m*) and obtained similar data to those observed in the Gambia Burkina Faso and Tanzania with a noteworthy reduction of both transmission and high parasitaemia of P. falciparum (respectively 78% and 75%) meaning a drop of malaria morbidity.


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South American Aoutus an d Saimiri monkeys, which are susceptible to infection with human malarias, have been used to develop models for the testing of huma malaria vaccines. Studies indicate that blood-stage and sporozoite vaccines can be tested in these monkeys using appropriate strains of parasites.