1000 resultados para Pessoas com Deficiência Visual


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As pessoas com deficiências são excluídas da sociedade devido à marca negativa de descrédito recebida pelo meio social - por sua aparência ou seu modo de ser diferentes - que os coloca fora da norma classificando-os como seres desviantes. No cotidiano escolar essas marcas se afirmam e se reproduzem, não promovendo às pessoas com deficiências uma superação desse estigma. A pesquisa visa analisar como o estigma incorporado pelos alunos com deficiências influencia no processo de interação e inclusão escolar, de forma a estudar indícios de como se desenvolve o processo de estigmatização no cotidiano escolar sob a luz dos pensamentos de Erving Goffman. O presente estudo utiliza-se uma revisão de literatura especifica do tema, fundamentada nos estudos de Erving Goffman, conjuntamente à pesquisa empírica baseada na etnografia vivenciada pelo autor em seus estudos de comunidade, foram utilizadas como estratégias de pesquisa, entrevistas com três professores e observações registradas por meio de de observação de cenas do cotidiano escolar de ´duas escolas públicas do estado de SPSão Paulo . No capítulo 1 buscamos entender os constructos de Goffman principalmente por meio de sua trajetória acadêmica, no capítulo 2 o trabalho centrou-se na compreensão da interação social e principalmente na questão definida pelo autor como ordem da interação, em queentende-se que as pessoas são autores dentro de um palco social, no capítulo 3. a pesquisa aborda o termo estigma e explica sua influência na interação e no avanço das pessoas com deficiência. Por fim, o trabalho se encerra no capítulo .4 apresentando a análise das entrevistas e dos registros das cenas do cotidiano escolar. As cenas selecionadas apresentam os atores envolvidos, o cenário, e o enredo das interações, identificando as estratégias do estigma incorporado pelos alunos com deficiência e buscando ligações com as políticas inclusivas e as escolas brasileira. A pesquisa identificou que a escola, como meio de socialização e criação de saberes, possui um papel importante neste processo de mudança, apesar de muitas vezes reproduzir o estigma social. Observamos então que a escola pode auxiliar na mudança do olhar que exclui, à maneira que mostra algumas máscaras do social e da própria inclusão; no entanto é importante salientar que sua renovação e de seus agentes sociais deve valorizar as diferenças para construção de novos conhecimentos.(AU)


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O tema inclusão escolar está em pauta nas discussões na atualidade, em especial no meio educacional. Convivendo com familiares de pessoas com deficiência, este assunto é recorrente, sempre cercado de desconfiança e insegurança. Neste trabalho proponho-me a discutir o tema na perspectiva da família. Como tenho minha vida marcada por esta realidade, busquei o referencial teórico da Bricolagem e História de Vida que possibilitam uma aproximação do pesquisador com o objeto da pesquisa, para a feitura do trabalho. No primeiro capítulo, procuro fazer uma reflexão sobre este referencial e a instituição da pesquisadora. No segundo capítulo, a partir de minha história de vida, considerando os temas família, deficiência e inclusão como imbricados nesta discussão, apresento: a família a partir de uma leitura de gênero e sua implicação quando da presença de um filho/filha com deficiência; algumas considerações sobre a deficiência e as pessoas acometidas por elas e ainda uma reflexão sobre a inclusão. No terceiro, procuro explicitar o que os familiares do Projeto Vida, desenvolvido na Universidade Metodista de são Paulo, pensam sobre a inclusão escolar, seus benefícios e preocupações e ainda considerações sobre os resultados da pesquisa. Concluo fazendo considerações sobre o procedimento metodológico e salientando alguns aspectos considerados relevantes na pesquisa.(AU)


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Planejar o espaço urbano pensando na inclusão social de pessoas com deficiência significa considerar a acessibilidade como fator essencial para uma mobilidade urbana completa e segura. Esse ideal reflete-se no espaço comercial que, para ser convidativo e livre de barreiras (sejam elas físicas, tecnológicas ou atitudinais), precisa promover o direito de livre acesso a todos os cidadãos. Partindo deste entendimento, esse estudo tem como objetivo geral analisar as condições de acessibilidade da região denominada “Coração do Alecrim”, área de tradicional comércio popular em Natal. A pesquisa recorreu à abordagem multimétodos e aconteceu em três momentos: (i) avaliação técnica da área por meio da aplicação de check-list, elaborado com base na legislação específica e validado por painel de experts; (ii) elaboração de mapas com uso de Sistema de Informação Geográfica (S.I.G.), tendo como base o resultado da análise realizada na primeira etapa; (iii) aplicação de questionários e realização de entrevistas informais com usuários (visitantes, proprietários e comerciários), para coletar dados sobre sua percepção sobre o lugar, complementando a análise técnica efetuada. Resumindo as informações coletadas, foram elaboradas matrizes de descobertas, como uma junção de todas as etapas de análise. Na conclusão são apresentados pontos críticos de acessibilidade (detectados pela pesquisadora ou apontados pelos usuários) e indicadas algumas diretrizes para a intervenção no local, de modo a colaborar para futuros processos de planejamento urbano do bairro do Alecrim.


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Equality as a principle and as a legal rule, integrates brazilian constitutional order since the Constitution of 1891, constituting the target always be sought, built and promoted by the state and society as a whole. Also e xs urgem for protection of equality and non - discrimination, declarations and international treaties, mostly ratified by Brazil. The international protection of human beings with intrinsic value began in the UN Declaration of 1948, which declared the equality of all men in rights and dignity, followed by more specific international documents, in a growing movement of ratification of international standards protection of human rights occurs after the atrocities during the Second World War. Within the Internation al Labour Organisation (ILO), the theme of equality and non - discrimination in employment relationships integrates one of its main conventions, to No. 111, ratified by Brazil since 1965, which aims to eliminate discrimination in respect of employment and oc cupation. In this context, lies the collective bargaining work, with her normative instruments arising from the collective agreement and the agreement recognized constitutionally and with full ability to create and establish standards and conditions for de tails of suitable work for each occupational category and economic having the unions the power and duty to use them as a means of effecting the postulates of equality and non - discrimination in employment relationships, filling gaps in state law and / or su pplementing it, molding them to existing events in the capital - job. Driven by greater freedom contained in the Constitution of 1988, trading, and with it, the private collective autonomy, in fact, have included the issue of equality and the right to differ ence between clauses created, scheduled to affirmative action and sealing exclusionary conduct, and reported some positive outcomes, such as greater diversity in work and training followed by admission of persons with disabilities environment. These attitu des of union entities and employers should be broadened because corroborate the fulfillment of constitutional requirements for compliance with the international declarations, adapting them to the reality of labor relations and contributing to the construct ion of equality in the pursuit of social justice with the recognition of the right to be different with respect to the inherent dignity of the human condition.


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The democratization of Brazilian education and discussion about the educational rights of persons with disabilities in refer to reflection on the conceptions of teaching and learning and the folding of these concepts in practice and in the formation of professional identity of the teacher educator. Thus, the proposed research in this dissertation aimed to describe educational processes developed by educators in classrooms in which they are enrolled students with disabilities a view to considering how these processes affect the construction of their professional identity of the pedagogue. As the methodology used to research is classified as Case Study. This methodological approach enables the analysis of singularities of educational contexts. In this work, the case investigated consisted of the analytical study of the pedagogical practices developed in classrooms where there are students with disabilities and their relation to the establishment of the professional identity of the teacher in a school linked to a non-governmental organization supporting people with disabilities in the city of Natal / RN. The Data were collected through the use of the following instruments: exploratory questionnaires, observation and respective registration in the field diary of research and interviews with educators in different professional cycles proposed by Huberman. The data reveal didactic and pedagogical aspects common in educational processes in the observed classes and differences concerning the specifics of pedagogues in the teaching profession in different moments of their professional careers. The analysis of the conceptions tell us the nuances of meanings constructed on teaching and learning and its interface with the reflection on teaching practice. As to the meaning assigned to be pedagogue research highlights the professional identification related to the meanings of teaching and learning in school. The experiences in the teaching profession according to the survey data point to changes in teachers conceptions about teaching and learning disabled people in the perspective of inclusion. Therefore, the study concludes that the pedagogical practices with students with disabilities the different experiences add up and can transform conceptions of teachers about teaching and learning interfering with constant reflection on practices and the construction of professional identities of pedagogues.


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The configuration assumed by the institutional governance arrangement established in the cities of Fortaleza and Natal, and its influence on the implementation of the National Public Policy of Professional Learning that promotes the formation and integration into the labor market of teens and young people aged 14 to 24 years old and people with disabilities is the aim of this thesis. The interactive governance approach, proposed by Kooiman (2003.2008) was the mainstay of the epistemological construction of the investigative process, also supported by contributions from Draibe (2001) concerning the stages of implementation of public policies. In methodological terms, the approach used was qualitative, being performed descriptive bibliographical and documentary research, applying semi-structured interviews with 44 subjects. Data were based on Bardin (2011), having been pre-established two categories of analysis: governance and implementation. The results pointed, among other things, to greater diversity and dynamics of the arrangement in Fortaleza, highlighting the much larger number of accessions of Nonprofit Entities (ESFLs) to politics, more frequent interactions between stakeholders from different organizational levels of governance, better alignment between guiding governance images and spaces designed to encourage interactions among actors and also greater local government involvement. In both cities studied, on the other hand, the study indicated that the failure of institutional capacities adversely affect the interactions stimulation and the exercise of meta-governance. The thesis concluded that the shape and intensity of the interactions between the actors involved in the implementation of the National Public Policy of Professional Learning and the way images are shared results in greater understanding and dissemination of the policy and create a favorable environment for cooperation and dialogue needed to collective work and favors the modeling of a governance structure able to handle the demands and characteristics of organizations and their participants in order to accommodate the divergent interests, make room for the creation of innovations and convergence of actions to achieve the objectives of the policy. Thus, the results of the Professional Learning Policy in the cities of Natal and Fortaleza, in terms of levels of entering the labor market, can be understood from the differences found in the governance structure of the institutional arrangement used for its implementation.


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The objective of this study was to understand the relationship between people with disabilities and their labor. Senses and meanings related to work were specifically identified; also describing the impediments of concrete activities, as well the strategies developed for overcoming them. This objective is inspired on the social historic cultural theoretical perspective as well as on the activity's theory. The research has been made possible through the interview of 16 workers from a IES, it categorizes as a multi-method sequential and transversal study of qualitative orientation, making use the technics of narrative interviews and photographic creation. The results indicate that work was described as a necessity, a source of pleasure, recognition and socialization; with emphasis on the importance of working in pairs in order to accomplish good quality work. Senses were obtained from each participant, identified by the way that each of them expressed themselves. Impediments were more deeply related to the physical conditions of the work environment than to the person's disabilities. Conclusion points out that the access to work, acts as a social inclusion tool for peoples with disabilities, and showing that, the laws regarding quota reservations fulfill their objective.


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The use of access technologies for communication, based on scanning methods, enables new communication opportunities for individuals with severe motor dysfunction. One of the most commom examples of this type of technology is the single switch scanning. Single switch scanning keyboards are often used as augmentative and alternative communication devices for inidividuals with severe mobility restrictions and with compromised speech and writing. They consist of a matrix of keys and simulate the operation of a physical keyboard to write messages. One of the limitations of these systems is their low performance. Low communication rates and considerable errors ocurrence are some of the few problems that users of these devices suffers during daily use. The development and evaluation of new strategies in augmentative and alternative communication are essential to improve the communication opportunities of user who make use of such technology. Thus, this work explores different strategies to increase communication rate and reduce user’s mistakes. Computational and practical analysis were performed for the evaluation of proposed strategies.


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O presente estudo analisa uma experiência de desinstitucionalização de pacientes que se encontravam internadas na Casa de Saúde Rainha Santa Isabel, em Condeixa-a- Nova, visando a sua inserção socio-comunitária, através da integração num projecto, que tem por nome “Quinta Pedagógica das Romãzeiras” apoiado num programa de reabilitação psicossocial (THS – Treino de Habilidades Sociais) e de Actividades de Vida Diária (AVDs). O universo do estudo compreendeu um grupo de vinte pacientes que foram acompanhados na sua trajectória de desinstitucionalização e avaliados em dois momentos com um intervalo de oito meses. A primeira avaliação foi feita antes da desinstitucionalização de modo a obter os valores relativos ao estado psicológico e psicopatológico das utentes internadas. A segunda avaliação foi feita após a desinstitucionalização e a intervenção da equipa técnica através do respectivo projecto de reabilitação psicossocial. As duas áreas avaliadas foram: O índice Geral de Sintomas Psicopatológicos (Sintomatologia Psiquiátrica) e o nível de Bem-Estar Psicológico. Os resultados deste estudo apontam no sentido, globalmente, existirem mudanças positivas consideradas estatisticamente significativas nos índices de sintomatologia, entre os dois momentos de avaliação. No que diz respeito à área de Bem-Estar Psicológico, os resultados revelam igualmente diferenças consideradas muito significativas entre os dois momentos de avaliação. O factor que se destacou mais foi o factor da Felicidade e da Auto-estima. O factor que menos se destacou foi o da sociabilidade. Estes resultados traduzem o impacto importante do processo de desinstitucionalização no aumento do Bem-estar Psicológico das pessoas com deficiência e/ou doença mental, institucionalizadas em internamento de longo termo. Os resultados também perspectivam uma mudança na qualidade de vida assim como na redução da sintomatologia, influenciando positivamente e de forma indirecta os resultados do impacto do processo de desinstitucionalização.


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Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar los avances y límites de las políticas de accesibilidad en la ciudad de Natal. Se investigan las políticas publicas municipales de accesibilidad implantadas en los diez años subsecuentes, a partir de la sanción de la Ley Municipal de Accesibilidad Nº 4.090 del 03 de junio de 1992, que torna obligatorio la eliminación de las barreras arquitectónicas para personas con discapacidades en los lugares de circulación de peatones y edificios de uso público de la ciudad. Accesibilidad, en los proyectos de arquitectura y urbanismo es la condición esencial para asegurar a cualquier ciudadano su derecho a ir y venir con seguridad, dignidad y autonomía. Esta investigación se concentra en los barrios de: ciudad alta, Petrópolis y Ribeira, ya que esta área, en el período ya mencionado, fue la que tuvo una mayor concentración del presupuesto de inversiones públicas municipales de la ciudad de Natal, en la eliminación de barreras arquitectónicas en vías urbanas. El método adoptado fue el hipotético deductivo, a partir de la formulación de dos hipótesis de trabajo: la primera, una divergencia entre los objetivos propuestos por la Ley Nº 4.090 y sus aplicaciones prácticas y, la segunda, de las diferencias que existen en el grado de entendimiento del concepto de accesibilidad, para eso, se realizó una colecta y análisis de datos tanto empíricos como teóricos. Este estudio también retrata en el año de 2004, con el uso de la técnica de la fotografía, la realidad actual de la ciudad sirviendo como un parámetro comparativo con los proyectos asociados a la Coordinación para integración de las personas con discapacidades. Se utiliza la técnica de entrevista con especialistas en accesibilidad envueltos a lo largo del proceso de implantación de las políticas públicas en la ciudad de Natal, durante los años mencionados, obteniendo así un testimonio sobre las directrices adoptadas en ese período, con base en la legislación vigente. En la investigación documental y fotográfica se realiza una evaluación de la dimensión real de lo propuesto y ejecutado en un periodo de diez años, y se concluye sobre todos los avances y retrocesos de las políticas de gestiones públicas adoptadas con relación a la accesibilidad en la ciudad de Natal


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The objective of the Assistives Technologies is provide to disable people a better quality of life, more independence and a social inclusion with more mobility, more communication, better learning and familiar and social integration. This paper presents some specific actions that try to help these people, using as tool the education and technologies.


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Intervenção precoce porque existem cerca de 1 milhão e 500 mil crianças cegas e 19 milhões com algum tipo de deficiência visual, abrangendo a faixa etária dos 0 aos 14 anos e porque os erros refrativos são a principal causa de deficiência visual nas crianças, sendo a miopia e o astigmatismo os principais responsáveis, representando um importante problema de saúde pública. O diagnóstico, a referenciação e o encaminhamento precoces são fundamentais na prevenção das deficiências visuais de causas evitáveis.


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Acompanha: Gamificação como prática pedagógica docente no processo ensino e aprendizagem na temática da inclusão social


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This work was originated through the results of the analysis of the services for the needs of people with disabilities that were permitted by the physical space of two schools of the municipality of Natal/RN. The general objective/goal was to subsidize the elaboration of alternatives for the planning of environments that could be used by any person. The study used the empirical research through the adoption of a multimethod approach including: (i) technical visits oriented by the NBR 9050, (ii) contact with users that have reduced mobility (visually impaired and wheelchair or crutch users) through escorted travels and interviews, and (iii) interview with school managers. The evidence from the research, even though with significant development of laws that guarantee people with disabilities their right to citizenship, the physical environment of our schools still present with many obstacles that prevent the mobility of people with disabilities which proves their lack of readiness to accommodate them. Therefore, the actions taken to address the accessibility has been the adoption of temporary solutions that makes the adaptation more difficult, adds obstacles and reinforces the undesirable segregation, however still very present in our society. Finally, there is the indication that in order to achieve the spatial configuration that promotes social contact and integration in between the persons with different physical status, it is necessary to completely comprehend the activities developed in each space, from the conception of the equipment to the individual learning needs, having in mind creating environments that stimulates the execution of the tasks in an independent manner without the assistance of others. The inclusion regarding attention to accessibility in the decision making process, directed to the arquitectural and urban project, would decrease the constant need to redevelop and adapt spaces, and should be definitely incorporated as an important component in the production of space


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Objective: To evaluate the nutritional counseling offered to children and adolescents with disabilities in the municipality of Santa Cruz, RN, Brazil. Methods: Observational, crosssectional, population-based study, developed from May to December 2013, with 102 children and adolescents attending a Children’s Rehabilitation Center. We conducted socioeconomic, demographic, health and lifestyle assessments, and evaluated the received nutritional assistance (whether they had received nutritional counseling from any health professional in relation to food and nutrition, how often it occurred and which professional conducted such counseling). Results: Only 37% (n=37) of parents had received some nutritional guidance. Regarding the frequency of counseling, only 11.8% (n=4) of the youngsters received it 7 or more times/year; 23.5% (n=8) received it 2 to 6 times/year; and most (64.7 %, n=22) received it 1 time/year or less. The length of the nutritional counseling was short: the majority (64.7%, n=22) received only one guidance session throughout the whole period attending the institution, and less than 15% (n=5) received counseling for more than six consecutive months. For the majority (73.5%, n=25), the amount of time receiving nutritional guidance has not reached half of the monitoring period. Nutritional counseling was carried out mainly by nutritionists (89.2%, n=33). Conclusion: There was a low frequency of nutritional counseling directed specifically to the disabilities presented by the participants. When such activity was conducted, it occurred irregularly during the participant´s follow-up, only during a short period of time, and lacking connection with the monitoring by the multidisciplinary team.