486 resultados para Pavement
Pavements tend to deteriorate with time under repeated traffic and/or environmental loading. By detecting pavement distresses and damage early enough, it is possible for transportation agencies to develop more effective pavement maintenance and rehabilitation programs and thereby achieve significant cost and time savings. The structural health monitoring (SHM) concept can be considered as a systematic method for assessing the structural state of pavement infrastructure systems and documenting their condition. Over the past several years, this process has traditionally been accomplished through the use of wired sensors embedded in bridge and highway pavement. However, the use of wired sensors has limitations for long-term SHM and presents other associated cost and safety concerns. Recently, micro-electromechanical sensors and systems (MEMS) and nano-electromechanical systems (NEMS) have emerged as advanced/smart-sensing technologies with potential for cost-effective and long-term SHM. This two-pronged study evaluated the performance of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) MEMS sensors embedded in concrete pavement (Final Report Volume I) and developed a wireless MEMS multifunctional sensor system for health monitoring of concrete pavement (Final Report Volume II).
Dans un contexte climatique rigoureux comme celui du Québec, l’interaction entre la charge et le climat a une grande influence sur la performance des structures de chaussées flexibles (Doré et Zubeck, 2009). Pendant le dégel printanier, avec la fonte de la glace, la chaussée s’affaiblit et cet affaiblissement la rend vulnérable à la sollicitation par le trafic lourd ce qui accélère divers phénomènes de dégradation, notamment l’endommagement par fatigue et l’orniérage structural (Farcette, 2010). Afin de minimiser les effets des charges lourdes sur une chaussée affaiblie lors du printemps, les administrations routières choisissent souvent de limiter les charges par essieu ou par véhicule lors du dégel. L’objectif de ce projet est de développer un outil d’aide pour la gestion des restrictions de charge en période de dégel en fonction des données recueillies par les stations de météo routière. Deux sections expérimentales composées des mêmes matériaux mais avec des épaisseurs d’enrobés bitumineux différentes situées au Site Expérimental Routier de l’Université Laval (SERUL) ont été utilisées pour ce projet. Pour bien interpréter le comportement des structures, des jauges de déformations verticales et horizontales, des jauges de contraintes, des jauges de teneur en eau et des thermistances ont été installées dans chaque couche. Pour solliciter mécaniquement la chaussée, un déflectomètre à masse tombante (FWD) a été utilisé. Les résultats obtenus ont permis de de bien comprendre les mécanismes d’affaiblissement de la chaussée durant la période de dégel. Ils ont aussi montré que l’application d’une période de restriction de charge pendant la période de dégel permettait d’avoir un gain sur la durée de vie de la chaussée, cette période de restriction est donc justifiée et efficace. Néanmoins, pour une meilleure gestion du réseau routier, de nouveaux critères pour mieux déterminer la période de restriction de charges sont proposés.
Dans le contexte où les routes non revêtues sont susceptibles de subir des charges importantes, une méthode rigoureuse pour la conception de ces chaussées basée sur des principes mécanistes-empiriques et sur le comportement mécanique des sols support est souhaitable. La conception mécaniste combinée à des lois d’endommagement permet l’optimisation des structures de chaussées non revêtues ainsi que la réduction des coûts de construction et d’entretien. Le but de ce projet est donc la mise au point d’une méthode de conception mécaniste-empirique adaptée aux chaussées non revêtues. Il a été question tout d’abord de mettre au point un code de calcul pour la détermination des contraintes et des déformations dans la chaussée. Ensuite, des lois d’endommagement empiriques pour les chaussées non revêtues ont été développées. Enfin, les méthodes de calcul ont permis la création d’abaques de conception. Le développement du code de calcul a consisté en une modélisation de la chaussée par un système élastique multi-couches. La modélisation a été faite en utilisant la transformation d’Odemark et les équations de Boussinesq pour le calcul des déformations sous la charge. L’élaboration des fonctions de transfert empiriques adaptées aux chaussées non revêtues a également été effectuée. Le développement des fonctions de transfert s’est fait en deux étapes. Tout d’abord, l’établissement de valeurs seuil d’orniérage considérant des niveaux jugés raisonnables de conditions fonctionnelle et structurale de la chaussée. Ensuite, le développement de critères de déformation admissible en associant les déformations théoriques calculées à l’aide du code de calcul à l’endommagement observé sur plusieurs routes en service. Les essais ont eu lieu sur des chaussées typiques reconstituées en laboratoire et soumises à un chargement répété par simulateur de charge. Les chaussées ont été instrumentées pour mesurer la déformation au sommet du sol d’infrastructure et les taux d’endommagements ont été mesurés au cours des essais.
En los procesos de mantenimiento y rehabilitación de pavimentos, se deben definir los objetivos, bien sea para realizar unas reparaciones superficiales sobre daños generados por el agua como consecuencia de fallas en los drenajes, o bien realizar una intervención sobre la estructura buscando recuperarla a sus condiciones de diseño originales, la cual se realiza con el proceso de reciclaje el cual tiene en cuenta las características físico-químicas de los materiales existentes los cuales se consideran sufrieron el adecuado proceso que les permitió hacer parte de la estructura. Existiendo cuatro tipos de reciclaje de los cuales se realiza una descripción general de cada proceso, el presente trabajo se concentra en el análisis técnico – económico del proceso ―In situ‖ en frio, método utilizado en la rehabilitación de la vía Sopetrán - Puente de Occidente, en el Departamento de Antioquia, en una longitud de 13 Km. El presente estudio se realiza verificando el cumplimiento de las especificaciones a nivel nacional que para estos procesos estableció el Instituto Nacional de Vías (INVIAS) y verificando el cumplimiento de las normas IDU ET-2005. El reciclaje ―in situ‖ en frio tiene ventajas ecológicas (no necesita afectar las eventuales fuentes de materiales de la zona), económico (bajos costos comparados con reconstrucción) y técnico (los equipos para este proceso han presentado importantes avances tecnológicos) lo cual permitió su aplicación en la vía mencionada, lo cual con la adición de un agente estabilizador (cemento para el presente estudio) permite recuperar las condiciones iniciales de diseño de la estructura intervenida. El árbol de decisiones es una herramienta utilizada para el análisis y selección de la mejor opción de estructura a realizar teniendo en cuenta calidad y costos. El presente trabajo termina con un análisis detallado de las condiciones existentes, revisión de las diferentes opciones de intervención y el estudio económico de las diferentes alternativas de estructura de pavimento para la rehabilitación de la vía referida.
The goal of the research was to investigate the energy performance of residential vertical buildings envelope in the hot and humid climate of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, based in the Technical Regulation of Quality for Energy Efficiency Level in Residential Buildings (RTQ -R), launched in 2010. The study pretends to contribute to the development of design strategies appropriate to the specific local climate and the increasing of energy efficiency level of the envelope. The methodological procedures included the survey in 22 (twenty two) residential buildings, the formulation of representative prototypes based on typological and constructives characters researched and the classification of the level of energy efficiency in the envelopment of these prototypes, using as a tool the prescriptive method of the RTQ-R and the parametric analyzes from assigning different values of the following variables: shape of the pavement type; distribution of housing compartments; orientation of the building; area and shading of openings; thermal transmittance, and solar absorptance of opaque materials of the frontage in order to evaluate the influence of these on the envelopment performance. The main results accomplished with this work includes the qualification of vertical residential buildings in Natal/RN; the verification of the adequacy of these buildings to local climate based from the diagnosis of the thermal energy of the envelopment performance, the identification of variables with more significant influence on the prescriptive methodology of RTQ-R and design solutions more favorable to obtain higher levels energy efficiency by this method. Finally, it was verified, that some of these solutions proved contradictory in relation to the recommendations contained in the theoretical approaches regarding environmental comfort in hot and humid weather, which indicates the need for improvement of the prescriptive method RTQ-R and further research on efficient design solutions
This study was intended to investigate how the urban form has been influencing the changes in the climate of the city and make a correlation between the climate and the thermal sensation of the users of open spaces. The research was developed in the district of Petrópolis in Natal/ RN whose occupation has been almost consolidated. Among other reasons, this district was selected because it was planned considering the environmental aspects of comfort. The methodologies used are based on KATZSCHNER (1997) and OLIVEIRA (1988) studies, which suggest the drawing and analysis of maps of the area under study, including topography, height of the buildings, land use, green areas, and types of soil pavement, as well as measurement of the environmental variables: air temperature, relative humidity, direction and wind speed for a comparative study. As part of this, study local users of the district were interviewed about their thermal sensations in open spaces. For the statistical analysis, data was collected at 10 distinct points characterized by BUSTOS ROMERO (2002), being 8 within the district and 2 at different places (outside the district), at climatologic stations, in 3 periods (August/2000, January/2002 and June/2002), for 4 consecutive days for each measurement (from Sunday to Wednesday) at the time of lower and higher temperatures in the city, 6:00 am and 1:00 pm, respectively. At the same time interviews were carried out with users of the open spaces in the area, totaling 171 valid formularies. The urban form showed a rather leveled topography, great diversity of land use and height of the buildings, with the existence of an area mostly occupied with high buildings, very little green area and soil practically impermeable. The statistical analysis showed high temperature and humidity levels. The wind direction is predominantly Southeast with extremely variable speeds. When the data from this district is compared with the data from other areas in the city and its outskirt, it was observed that this district is hotter and less ventilated than the others; besides, most users said that they felt uncomfortable in the local environmental conditions. The results of the analysis generated a zoning for the district with recommendations for soil occupation. The profile of the user was defined regarding the thermal comfort, as well as some discussion about the comfort parameters, including the proposal of limiting areas of temperature and humidity for the thermal comfort in the open spaces
In 2013 the works for the construction of the new sewerage network in Civita Castellana have allowed to find a stretch of ancient road paved in via Roma in the suburb of Falerii Veteres. The street was not yet known by archaeologists. It is characterized by a pavement with small lava stones. We know that the Roman conquest of 241 B.C. entailed the abandonment of the Faliscan city and the foundation elsewhere of a new town, called Falerii Novi. However this new discovery joins to other known archaeological evidence documenting the continuity of attendance after this date both the sanctuaries - frequented until the end of II - beginning of I century B.C.- and Falerii Veteres plateau, on which there arose a small Roman burial ground. These testimonies are certainly evidence of the frequenting of the site (although limited) even after the conquest by Rome. A subsequent earthy street with edges in tuff blocks has overlapped on the ancient street: it probably was made when the eastern access to Civita Castellana was built, under the pontificate of Pope Pius VI.
Scottish sandstone buildings are now suffering the long-term effects of salt-crystallisation damage, owing in part to the repeated deposition of de-icing salts during winter months. The use of de-icing salts is necessary in order to maintain safe road and pavement conditions during cold weather, but their use comes at a price. Sodium chloride (NaCl), which is used as the primary de-icing salt throughout the country, is a salt known to be damaging to sandstone masonry. However, there remains a range of alternative, commercially available de-icing salts. It is unknown however, what effect these salts have on porous building materials, such as sandstone. In order to protect our built heritage against salt-induced decay, it is vital to understand the effects of these different salts on the range of sandstone types that we see within the historic buildings of Scotland. Eleven common types of sandstone were characterised using a suite of methods in order to understand their mineralogy, pore structure and their response to moisture movement, which are vital properties that govern a stone’s response to weathering and decay. Sandstones were then placed through a range of durability tests designed to measure their resistance to various weathering processes. Three salt crystallisation tests were undertaken on the sandstones over a range of 16 to 50 cycles, which tested their durability to NaCl, CaCl2, MgCl2 and a chloride blend salt. Samples were primarily analysed by measuring their dry weight loss after each cycle, visually after each cycle and by other complimentary methods in order to understand their changing response to moisture uptake after salt treatment. Salt crystallisation was identified as the primary mechanism of decay across each salt, with the extent of damage in each sandstone influenced by environmental conditions and pore-grain properties of the stone. Damage recorded in salt crystallisation tests was ultimately caused by the generation of high crystallisation pressures within the confined pore networks of each stone. Stone and test-specific parameters controlled the location and magnitude of damage, with the amount of micro-pores, their spatial distribution, the water absorption coefficient and the drying efficiency of each stone being identified as the most important stone-specific properties influencing salt-induced decay. Strong correlations were found between the dry weight loss of NaCl treated samples and the proportion of pores <1µm in diameter. Crystallisation pressures are known to scale inversely with pore size, while the spatial distribution of these micro-pores is thought to influence the rate, overall extent and type of decay within the stone by concentrating crystallisation pressures in specific regions of the stone. The water absorption determines the total amount of moisture entering into the stone, which represents the total amount of void space for salt crystallisation. The drying parameters on the other hand, ultimately control the distribution of salt crystallisation. Those stones that were characterised by a combination of a high proportion of micro-pores, high water absorption values and slow drying kinetics were shown to be most vulnerable to NaCl-induced decay. CaCl2 and MgCl2 are shown to have similar crystallisation behaviour, forming thin crystalline sheets under low relative humidity and/or high temperature conditions. Distinct differences in their behaviour that are influenced by test specific criteria were identified. The location of MgCl2 crystallisation close to the stone surface, as influenced by prolonged drying under moderate temperature drying conditions, was identified as the main factor that caused substantial dry weight loss in specific stone types. CaCl2 solutions remained unaffected under these conditions and only crystallised under high temperatures. Homogeneous crystallisation of CaCl2 throughout the stone produced greater internal change, with little dry weight loss recorded. NaCl formed distinctive isometric hopper crystals that caused damage through the non-equilibrium growth of salts in trapped regions of the stone. Damage was sustained as granular decay and contour scaling across most stone types. The pore network and hydric properties of the stones continually evolve in response to salt crystallisation, creating a dynamic system whereby the initial, known properties of clean quarried stone will not continually govern the processes of salt crystallisation, nor indeed can they continually predict the behaviour of stone to salt-induced decay.
This manual explains the rules of the road in South Carolina and what the law expects of you as a driver. The purpose is to help you learn traffic control devices, signs and pavement markings, which you must know before you get on the highway.
Urban paving is of paramount importance for a city, both socioeconomic and in quality of life. The urban flooring not different so-called road surface are constituted by a set of horizontal layers, overlaid on the ground, which have the main function of supporting the actions induced by the vehicle redistributing the stresses transmitted to the ground. Soils are important materials for the execution of paving, mainly because they are part of the basic structure of the floor and mostly be available in abundance, with a very low cost, however, their properties usually do not meet the requirements necessary to perform the floor. The soil stabilization for the implementation of urban pavement bases and sub-bases is an increasingly important aspect in the current situation, because always there is the concern with the environment, and there is now the clear awareness that every effort should be made to minimize the effects caused by the exploitation of deposits and deposition of material. In this sense this work presents the effects of adding different proportions of lime to stabilize a sedimentary soil sample from the urban area of the city of Curitiba. It selected a sample quantity of soil in the region to study the stabilization insertion of hydrated lime type (CHIII) powder. The two variables in the study are related to the content of lime mixed with the soil at 0% percentages of 3%, 6%, 8% and 16%, and cure times at which these mixtures were subjected to (0, 7, 14, 28 and 56 days). The tested mixtures were prepared from dosages defined by two methods: one checking the chemical behavior of the samples by means of changes in pH values, and the second analyzing the mechanical behavior through the RCS values. It has been found that the chemical stability analyzed by addition of lime, provided an average increase of RCS in most soil samples studied, because of some physical and chemical characteristics thereof. For mixtures with 6%, 8% and 16% of lime after 28 days of curing, the average RCS was 0,57 MPa, 1,06 MPa and 2,37 MPa, respectively, for the normal proctor, and as for intermediate proctor, in the same curing time and on the same percentages RCS results were 0,54 MPa, 1,04 MPa and 2,71 MPa, respectively. In global terms, the soil-lime mixtures studied showed acceptable behavior by law to use as layers of sub-base. However, only the mixture with 16% of lime, at 28 days, is recommended for use on floors bases. Even so, the mixtures studied constitute a good alternative economic and socio-environmental.
Members of the General Assembly asked the Legislative Audit Council to conduct an audit of the S.C. Department of Transportation. The objectives were to:Identify funding levels since FY 05-06 ; Review expenditures since FY 05-06 ; Determine if the department has followed the provisions of Act 114 regarding prioritization ; Review contracting activities for fairness, percentage of out-of-state entity awards, and identify the amount awarded to contractors employing former SCDOT employees ; Report the status of problems identified in the annual audits performed as a result of S.C. Code of Laws §57-1-490 ; Perform a follow-up review of the contracted 2010 MGT, Inc. audit recommendations ; Review pavement resurfacing issues ; Conduct a limited review of certain management-related topics.
Recycled materials replacing part of virgin materials in highway applications has shown great benefits to the society and environment. Beneficial use of recycled materials can save landfill places, sparse natural resources, and energy consumed in milling and hauling virgin materials. Low price of recycled materials is favorable to cost-saving in pavement projects. Considering the availability of recycled materials in the State of Maryland (MD), four abundant recycled materials, recycled concrete aggregate (RCA), recycled asphalt pavement (RAP), foundry sand (FS), and dredged materials (DM), were studied. A survey was conducted to collect the information of current usage of the four recycled materials in States’ Department of Transportation (DOTs). Based on literature review, mechanical and environmental properties, recommendations, and suggested test standards were investigated separately for the four recycled materials in different applications. Constrains in using these materials were further studied in order to provide recommendations for the development of related MD specifications. To measure social and environmental benefits from using recycled materials, life-cycle assessment was carried out with life-cycle analysis (LCA) program, PaLATE, and green highway rating system, BEST-in-Highway. The survey results indicated the wide use of RAP and RCA in hot mix asphalt (HMA) and graded aggregate base (GAB) respectively, while FS and DM are less used in field. Environmental concerns are less, but the possibly low quality and some adverse mechanical characteristics may hinder the widely use of these recycled materials. Technical documents and current specifications provided by State DOTs are good references to the usage of these materials in MD. Literature review showed consistent results with the survey. Studies from experimental research or site tests showed satisfactory performance of these materials in highway applications, when the substitution rate, gradation, temperature, moisture, or usage of additives, etc. meet some requirements. The results from LCA revealed significant cost savings in using recycled materials. Energy and water consumption, gas emission, and hazardous waste generation generally showed reductions to some degree. Use of new recycled technologies will contribute to more sustainable highways.
Accurate estimation of road pavement geometry and layer material properties through the use of proper nondestructive testing and sensor technologies is essential for evaluating pavement’s structural condition and determining options for maintenance and rehabilitation. For these purposes, pavement deflection basins produced by the nondestructive Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) test data are commonly used. The nondestructive FWD test drops weights on the pavement to simulate traffic loads and measures the created pavement deflection basins. Backcalculation of pavement geometry and layer properties using FWD deflections is a difficult inverse problem, and the solution with conventional mathematical methods is often challenging due to the ill-posed nature of the problem. In this dissertation, a hybrid algorithm was developed to seek robust and fast solutions to this inverse problem. The algorithm is based on soft computing techniques, mainly Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Genetic Algorithms (GAs) as well as the use of numerical analysis techniques to properly simulate the geomechanical system. A widely used pavement layered analysis program ILLI-PAVE was employed in the analyses of flexible pavements of various pavement types; including full-depth asphalt and conventional flexible pavements, were built on either lime stabilized soils or untreated subgrade. Nonlinear properties of the subgrade soil and the base course aggregate as transportation geomaterials were also considered. A computer program, Soft Computing Based System Identifier or SOFTSYS, was developed. In SOFTSYS, ANNs were used as surrogate models to provide faster solutions of the nonlinear finite element program ILLI-PAVE. The deflections obtained from FWD tests in the field were matched with the predictions obtained from the numerical simulations to develop SOFTSYS models. The solution to the inverse problem for multi-layered pavements is computationally hard to achieve and is often not feasible due to field variability and quality of the collected data. The primary difficulty in the analysis arises from the substantial increase in the degree of non-uniqueness of the mapping from the pavement layer parameters to the FWD deflections. The insensitivity of some layer properties lowered SOFTSYS model performances. Still, SOFTSYS models were shown to work effectively with the synthetic data obtained from ILLI-PAVE finite element solutions. In general, SOFTSYS solutions very closely matched the ILLI-PAVE mechanistic pavement analysis results. For SOFTSYS validation, field collected FWD data were successfully used to predict pavement layer thicknesses and layer moduli of in-service flexible pavements. Some of the very promising SOFTSYS results indicated average absolute errors on the order of 2%, 7%, and 4% for the Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) thickness estimation of full-depth asphalt pavements, full-depth pavements on lime stabilized soils and conventional flexible pavements, respectively. The field validations of SOFTSYS data also produced meaningful results. The thickness data obtained from Ground Penetrating Radar testing matched reasonably well with predictions from SOFTSYS models. The differences observed in the HMA and lime stabilized soil layer thicknesses observed were attributed to deflection data variability from FWD tests. The backcalculated asphalt concrete layer thickness results matched better in the case of full-depth asphalt flexible pavements built on lime stabilized soils compared to conventional flexible pavements. Overall, SOFTSYS was capable of producing reliable thickness estimates despite the variability of field constructed asphalt layer thicknesses.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, 2016.
Cold in-place recycling (CIR) and cold central plant recycling (CCPR) of asphalt concrete (AC) and/or full-depth reclamation (FDR) of AC and aggregate base are faster and less costly rehabilitation alternatives to conventional reconstruction for structurally distressed pavements. This study examines 26 different rehabilitation projects across the USA and Canada. Field cores from these projects were tested for dynamic modulus and repeated load permanent deformation. These structural characteristics are compared to reference values for hot mix asphalt (HMA). A rutting sensitivity analysis was performed on two rehabilitation scenarios with recycled and conventional HMA structural overlays in different climatic conditions using the Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design (MEPDG). The cold-recycled scenarios exhibited performance similar to that of HMA overlays for most cases. The exceptions were the cases with thin HMA wearing courses and/or very poor cold-recycled material quality. The overall conclusion is that properly designed CIR/FDR/CCPR cold-recycled materials are a viable alternative to virgin HMA materials.