891 resultados para Paracelsus, 1493-1541
La ricerca approfondisce le modalità di applicazione degli standard di qualità nell'ambito del servizio sportivo, qualità certificata attraverso sistemi convenzionali o auto verificata attraverso strumenti quali carte di servizio. L'applicazione e verifica dei sistemi di qualità ad un servizio, seppur non considerato pubblico ma comunque di interesse generale, deve essere messa in relazione con i risultati che il servizio stesso si prefigge sia dal punto di vista del privato (o pubblico) che gestisce ed esercita l'attività sportiva, sia dal punto di vista del cittadino che lo utilizza. Pertanto la ricerca è stata dedicata all'incidenza della qualità nei miglioramenti del benessere psico-fisico dell'utente e all'eventuale efficacia della stessa come strumento di marketing per la diffusione del servizio. Sono state prese in esame tre diverse realtà sportive, tre piscine. Due delle quali, dopo una prima rilevazione esplorativa, si sono dotate di una Carta dei Servizi. La terza piscina è invece gestita da una società certificata ISO 9001. Sono stati proposti ed elaborati oltre 800 questionari dai quali sono emerse interessanti indicazioni su quanto e come la qualità del servizio sia stato percepito dall'utente sotto forma di miglioramento del proprio stato psico-fisico ma anche di come sia ritenuta indispensabile una attenzione del gestore verso l'utente affinchè egli possa considerare utile l'attività motoria dal punto di vista del miglioramento del proprio benessere. Più in particolare, attraverso l'utilizzo dell'analisi fattoriale prima e di modelli Lisrel poi, si è ottenuta una riduzione della complessità del numero di fattori che spiegano il fenomeno. Questi fattori sono stati messi in correlazione con il livello di soddisfazione complessiva degli utenti e, dalle due rilevazioni per le quali il modello Lisrel ha restituito dati attendibili, è emerso come il fattore "servizi per gli utenti", comprendente aspetti quali lo spazio in acqua e la comodità degli spogliatoi, sia quello che ha una maggior correlazione con la soddisfazione complessiva. La Carta dei Servizi, pur ritenuta utile dagli utenti che la conoscono, risulta uno strumento poco conosciuto ed in generale privo di appeal anche dal punto di vista del marketing. Nella percezione dell'utente questo strumento non contribuisce al miglioramento del proprio stato psico-fisico. E' interessante rilevare, invece, che gli utenti che conoscono la Certificazione di qualità hanno una miglior percezione del servizio. In generale i molteplici interessi commerciali legati alle certificazioni o "autocertificazioni" hanno generato, in questi ultimi anni, confusione nelle società sportive e negli enti che gestiscono impianti sportivi tra il concetto di qualità (come cultura e occasione di miglioramento) e quello di "certificazione di qualità". In tale contesto "l'apparire" è divenuto più importante dell'"essere" perchè, la maggiore attenzione all'uso di tecniche piuttosto che all'approfondimento dei principi manageriali grazie ai quali è possibile fare qualità , ha finito per banalizzarne il concetto. Ma se il cliente/utente (interno o esterno) è insoddisfatto nonostante il rispetto di standard e specifiche da parte dell'azienda si può ancora parlare di qualità ?
Polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK) sind ubiquitäre Verschmutzungen der Umwelt und entstehen während der unvollständigen Verbrennung organischen Materials wie Holz, Kohle und Erdöl. Werden diese chemisch nicht reaktiven PAK in den Körper aufgenommen, durchlaufen sie eine Reihe von enzymatischen Umsetzungen, die unter der Bezeichnung Fremdstoffmetabolismus zusammengefasst werden. Die chemische Umsetzung des PAK und Prokarzinogens Benzo[a]pyren (B[a]P) führt u.a. zur Bildung des reaktiven Metaboliten B[a]P-7,8-dihydrodiol-9,10-epoxid (BPDE). BPDE ist stark elektrophil und kann auf Grund dieser Eigenschaft an nukleophile Makromoleküle wie Proteine und DNA binden. Die Bildung von BPDE-DNA-Addukten resultiert in der Entstehung von Mutationen und kann zur Tumorbildung führen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte die Wirkung von BPDE als Modellsubstanz für gentoxische Agenzien auf intrazelluläre Signalkaskaden und die Konsequenzen der BPDE-Exposition bezüglich der Zellaktivität untersucht werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass BPDE-Behandlung von Mausfibroblasten eine intrazelluläre Signalkaskade induziert, welche zur Aktivierung der Stressaktivierten Proteinkinasen (SAPK) JNK und p38 führt. An dieser Signalkaskade sind Src-ähnliche Kinasen beteiligt. BPDE-Behandlung führt in den untersuchten Mausfibroblasten zur Induktion von DNA-Einzelstrangbrüchen, deren Auftreten zeitlich mit der SAPK-Aktivierung korreliert. Die BPDEinduzierten DNA-Strangbrüche sind die Folge der Entfernung dieser Läsionen aus dem Genom durch die Nukleotidexzisionsreparatur (NER). Erkannt werden BPDE-DNA-Addukte durch die NERProteine XPA und XPC (Xeroderma Pigmentosum Komplementationsgruppe A und C). Nach der Erkennung von BPDE-DNA-Addukten kommt es zur Rekrutierung von Nukleasen, welche die vorliegende Läsion und umliegende Nukleotide aus dem Genom entfernen. In XPA- und XPCdefizienten Mausfibroblasten induziert BPDE daher keine DNA-Strangbrüche. Jedoch ist nur in XPCdefizienten Zellen, aber nicht in XPA-defizienten Zellen, die SAPK-Aktivierung drastisch reduziert. Behandlung von Mausfibroblasten mit Benzo[c]phenanthren-3,4-Diol-1,2-Epoxid, einem PAK, dessen DNA-Addukte schlecht durch NER-Faktoren erkannt und repariert werden, führt zu keiner SAPKAktivierung. Die Aktivierung von p38 und JNK scheint demnach abhängig zu sein von der Erkennung des primären DNA-Schadens. Die XPC-abhängige SAPK-Aktivierung schützt die Zellen vor BPDEabhängiger Toxizität, da sowohl XPC- als auch p38-defiziente Mausfibroblasten eine höhere Sensitivität gegenüber BPDE zeigen als korrespondierende Wildtypzellen. Zusamenfassend konnte in dieser Arbeit ein neuer Signalweg beschrieben werden, in dem DNASchäden, verursacht durch BPDE, über die XPC-abhängige DNA-Schadenserkennung, die Aktivierung der SAPK induziert. Diese Aktivierung der SAPK schützt vor BPDE-induzierter Toxizität.
Suture materials in orthopaedic surgery are used for closure of wounds, repair of fascia, muscles, tendons, ligaments, joint capsules, and cerclage or tension band of certain fractures. The purpose of this study was to compare the biomechanical properties of eleven commonly used sutures in orthopaedic surgery. Three types of braided non-absorbable and one type of braided absorbable suture material with different calibers (n=77) underwent biomechanical testing for maximum load to failure, strain, and stiffness. All samples were tied by one surgeon with a single SMC (Seoul Medical Center) knot and three square knots. The maximum load to failure and strain were highest for #5 FiberWire and lowest for #0 Ethibond Excel (p<0.001). The stiffness was highest for #5 FiberWire and lowest for #2-0 Vicryl (p<0.001). In all samples, the failure of the suture material occurred at the knot There was no slippage of the knot in any of the samples tested. This data will assist the orthopaedic surgeon in selection and application of appropriate suture materials and calibers to specific tasks.
In Crohn's disease (CD) the deficiency of mannan-binding lectin (MBL) is associated with an increased prevalence of anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies (ASCA) and with complicated phenotypes of the disease. However, the role of MBL in intestinal inflammation is currently unclear. A study was undertaken to analyse local MBL expression in human intestine and the consequences of MBL deficiency in experimental colitis and yeast infection.
The delicate anatomy of the ear require surgeons to use great care when operating on its internal structures. One example for such an intervention is the stapedectomy, where a small crook shaped piston is placed in the oval window of the cochlea and connected to the incus through crimping thus bypassing the diseased stapes. Performing the crimp process with the correct force is necessary since loose crimps poorly transmit sound whereas tight crimps will eventually result in necrosis of the incus. Clinically, demand is high to reproducibly conduct the crimp process through a precise force measurement. For this reason, we have developed a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) integrated microforceps for use in such interventions. This device was calibrated, and tested in cadaver preparations. With this instrument we were able to measure for the first time forces involved in crimping a stapes prosthesis to the incus. We also discuss a method of attaching and actuating such forceps in conjunction with a robot currently under development in our group. Each component of this system can be used separately or combined to improve surgical accuracy, confidence and outcome.
Adverse events in utero may predispose to cardiovascular disease in adulthood. The underlying mechanisms are unknown. During preeclampsia, vasculotoxic factors are released into the maternal circulation by the diseased placenta. We speculated that these factors pass the placental barrier and leave a defect in the circulation of the offspring that predisposes to a pathological response later in life. The hypoxia associated with high-altitude exposure is expected to facilitate the detection of this problem.
Bacteria, yeasts, and viruses are rapidly killed on metallic copper surfaces, and the term "contact killing" has been coined for this process. While the phenomenon was already known in ancient times, it is currently receiving renewed attention. This is due to the potential use of copper as an antibacterial material in health care settings. Contact killing was observed to take place at a rate of at least 7 to 8 logs per hour, and no live microorganisms were generally recovered from copper surfaces after prolonged incubation. The antimicrobial activity of copper and copper alloys is now well established, and copper has recently been registered at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as the first solid antimicrobial material. In several clinical studies, copper has been evaluated for use on touch surfaces, such as door handles, bathroom fixtures, or bed rails, in attempts to curb nosocomial infections. In connection to these new applications of copper, it is important to understand the mechanism of contact killing since it may bear on central issues, such as the possibility of the emergence and spread of resistant organisms, cleaning procedures, and questions of material and object engineering. Recent work has shed light on mechanistic aspects of contact killing. These findings will be reviewed here and juxtaposed with the toxicity mechanisms of ionic copper. The merit of copper as a hygienic material in hospitals and related settings will also be discussed.
Cerebral vasospasm after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) is a frequent but unpredictable complication associated with poor outcome. Current vasospasm therapies are suboptimal; new therapies are needed. Clazosentan, an endothelin receptor antagonist, has shown promise in phase 2 studies, and two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trials (CONSCIOUS-2 and CONSCIOUS-3) are underway to further investigate its impact on vasospasm-related outcome after aSAH. Here, we describe the design of these studies, which was challenging with respect to defining endpoints and standardizing endpoint interpretation and patient care. Main inclusion criteria are: age 18-75 years; SAH due to ruptured saccular aneurysm secured by surgical clipping (CONSCIOUS-2) or endovascular coiling (CONSCIOUS-3); substantial subarachnoid clot; and World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies grades I-IV prior to aneurysm-securing procedure. In CONSCIOUS-2, patients are randomized 2:1 to clazosentan (5 mg/h) or placebo. In CONSCIOUS-3, patients are randomized 1:1:1 to clazosentan 5, 15 mg/h, or placebo. Treatment is initiated within 56 h of aSAH and continued until 14 days after aSAH. Primary endpoint is a composite of mortality and vasospasm-related morbidity within 6 weeks of aSAH (all-cause mortality, vasospasm-related new cerebral infarction, vasospasm-related delayed ischemic neurological deficit, neurological signs or symptoms in the presence of angiographic vasospasm leading to rescue therapy initiation). Main secondary endpoint is extended Glasgow Outcome Scale at week 12. A critical events committee assesses all data centrally to ensure consistency in interpretation, and patient management guidelines are used to standardize care. Results are expected at the end of 2010 and 2011 for CONSCIOUS-2 and CONSCIOUS-3, respectively.
Induced hypertension is an established therapy to treat cerebral vasospasm (CVS) following subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) to prevent delayed ischemic deficits. Currently, there is minimal evidence available assessing the risk of induced hypertension in the presence of unsecured aneurysms. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of induced hypertension on the rupturing of unsecured aneurysms in treating CVS.
Medulloblastoma is the most common malignant brain tumor in children and is associated with a poor outcome. We were interested in gaining further insight into the potential of targeting the human kinome as a novel approach to sensitize medulloblastoma to chemotherapeutic agents. A library of small interfering RNA (siRNA) was used to downregulate the known human protein and lipid kinases in medulloblastoma cell lines. The analysis of cell proliferation, in the presence or absence of a low dose of cisplatin after siRNA transfection, identified new protein and lipid kinases involved in medulloblastoma chemoresistance. PLK1 (polo-like kinase 1) was identified as a kinase involved in proliferation in medulloblastoma cell lines. Moreover, a set of 6 genes comprising ATR, LYK5, MPP2, PIK3CG, PIK4CA, and WNK4 were identified as contributing to both cell proliferation and resistance to cisplatin treatment in medulloblastoma cells. An analysis of the expression of the 6 target genes in primary medulloblastoma tumor samples and cell lines revealed overexpression of LYK5 and PIK3CG. The results of the siRNA screen were validated by target inhibition with specific pharmacological inhibitors. A pharmacological inhibitor of p110γ (encoded by PIK3CG) impaired cell proliferation in medulloblastoma cell lines and sensitized the cells to cisplatin treatment. Together, our data show that the p110γ phosphoinositide 3-kinase isoform is a novel target for combinatorial therapies in medulloblastoma.
Network Structures within Policy Processes: Coalitions, Power, and Brokerage in Swiss Climate Policy
Refractory status epilepticus (RSE) has a mortality of 16-39%; coma induction is advocated for its management, but no comparative study has been performed. We aimed to assess the effectiveness (RSE control, adverse events) of the first course of propofol versus barbiturates in the treatment of RSE.
Epidural blood patch (EBP) is one therapeutic measure for patients suffering from spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) or post-lumbar puncture headaches. It has been proposed that an EBP may directly seal a spinal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fistula or result in an increase in intracranial pressure (ICP) by a shift of CSF from the spinal to the intracranial compartment. To the best of our knowledge this is the first case of a patient with SIH and neurological deterioration in whom ICP was measured before, during, and after spinal EBP.