741 resultados para Pacific infants


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The sequential banding patterns of the larval salivary gland polytene chromosomes of seven species of Inseliellum (Diptera: Simuliidae) were mapped. This was completed through the comparison with the standard maps of an eighth species of Inseliellum, Simulium cataractarum. During chromosomal analysis, both fixed and floating inversions were identified. A floating inversion (IIL-l ex,2ex) revealed a cytotype within Simulium exasperans that is distributed between two islands, Moorea and Tahiti. Inversion data revealed three shared fixed inversions that could be used as phylogenetic characters. In addition, the placement of a chromosomal landmark (the nucleolar organizer, or NO) was used as a phylogenetic character. The result of a cytophylogenetic (transformational) analysis showed two groups: the NO-IL group, and the NO-IS group. A combined phylogeny was created using the published morphological data and the cytological data of the eight species. The combined tree did not differ from the morphological data only tree. Possible routes of dispersal are hypothesized using geological, chromosomal, and phylogenetic data. These data showed a general pattern of dispersal and colonization from older islands to younger islands, with one possible instance of dispersal from younger to older islands. It is postulated that inter-island speciation has allowed this dispersal and colonization, but intra-island speciation has created the diversity seen in Inseliellum.


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Longitudinal studies of the development of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) provide an understanding of which variables may be important predictors of an ASD. The objective of the current study is to apply the reliable change index (RCI) statistic to examine whether the Parent Observation of Early Markers Scale (POEMS) is sensitive to developmental change, and whether these changes can be quantified along a child’s developmental trajectory. Ninety-six children with older siblings with autism were followed from 1-36 months of age. Group-based RCI analysis confirms that the POEMS is capable of detecting significant changes within pre-defined diagnostic groups. Within-subject analysis suggests that ongoing monitoring of a child at-risk for an ASD requires interpretation of both significant intervals identified by the RCI statistic, as well as the presence of repeated high (i.e., >70) scores. This study provides preliminary evidence for a reasonably sensitive and specific means by which individual change can be clinically monitored via parent report.


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By identifying early signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder, early intervention or parent training could be implemented and assist in increasing the developmental trajectory for these infants. This cross sectional study used the Parent Observation of Early Markers Scale (POEMS) to identify early signs of ASD in 69 high-risk (older sibling diagnosed with ASD) and 69 matched low-risk infants' families (no family history of ASD) between 6 and 36 months of age. The preliminary results showed the high-risk children had significantly more elevated POEMS items than the low-risk children at 12, 18,24,30 and 36 months of age. The results suggest that at-risk infants may show signs of ASD as early as 12 months of age, and that the POEMS could be used to guide early intervention or parent training for children 12 months or older.


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A photograph from the album put together by Wine Advisor Peter J. Morrell with pictures from the Vinexpo Asia-Pacific of 2001. The photograph appears to be of several chefs holding Inniskillin wine with Donald Ziraldo in the centre. The date stamp on the photograph is 4/27/01


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Later-born siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are considered at biological risk for ASD and the broader autism phenotype. Early screening may detect early signs of ASD and facilitate intervention as soon as possible. This follow-up study revisits and re-examines a second-degree autism screener for children at biological risk of autism, the Parent Observation Early Markers Scale (POEMS, Feldman et al., 2012). Using available follow-up information, 110 children (the original 108 infants plus 2 infants recruited after the completion of the original study) were divided into three groups: diagnosed group (n = 13), lost diagnosis group (n = 5), and undiagnosed group (n = 92). The POEMS continued to show acceptable predictive validity. The POEMS total scores and mean number of elevated items were significantly higher in the diagnosed group than the undiagnosed group. The lost diagnosis group did not differ from the undiagnosed group on POEMS total scores and elevated items at any age, but the lost diagnosis group had significantly lower total scores and number of elevated items than the diagnosed group starting at 18 months. Both ASD core and subsidiary behaviours differentiated the diagnosed and undiagnosed groups from 9−36 months of age. Using 70 as a cut-off score, sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value (PPV) were .69, .84, and .38, respectively. The study provides further evidence that the POEMS may serve as a low-cost early screener for ASD in at risk children and pinpoint specific developmental and behavioural problems that may be amenable to very early intervention.


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Union Pacific Railway from Kansas City , Omaha, St. Joseph to Denver, San Francisco, Portland, Helena, Butte, Boise, Leadville, Durango, Deadwood and all cities and mining camps in the west schedule, Jan. 15, 1882.


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Wabash St. Louis and Pacific Railway schedule, 1882.


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Union Pacific Railway: the Kansas and Nebraska route schedule, 1882.


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The new California Line via Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad and Southern Pacific Railroad. This schedule is torn. This does not affect text, n.d.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


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Introduction: Le supplément d’oxygène et la nutrition parentérale (NP) sont les deux sources majeures de stress oxydant chez le nouveau-né. Lors de la détoxification des oxydants, le potentiel redox du glutathion s’oxyde. Notre hypothèse est que le supplément d’oxygène et la durée de la NP sont associés à un potentiel redox plus oxydé et à une augmentation de la sévérité de la dysplasie bronchopulmonaire (DBP). Patients et Méthodes: Une étude observationnelle prospective incluant des enfants de moins de 29 semaines d’âge gestationnel. Les concentrations sanguines de GSH et GSSG à jour 6-7 et à 36 semaines d’âge corrigé étaient mesurées par électrophorèse capillaire et le potentiel redox était calculé selon l’équation de Nernst. La sévérité de la DBP correspondait à la définition du NICHD. Résultats: Une FiO2≥ 25% au 7ième jour de vie ainsi que plus de 14 jours de NP sont significativement associés à un potentiel redox plus oxydé et à une DBP plus sévère. Ces relations sont indépendantes de l’âge de gestation et de la gravité de la maladie initiale. La corrélation entre le potentiel redox et la sévérité de la DBP n’est pas significative. La durée de la NP était responsable de 15% de la variation du potentiel redox ainsi que de 42% de la variation de la sévérité de la DPB. Conclusion: Ces résultats suggèrent que l’oxygène et la NP induisent un stress oxydant et que les stratégies visant une utilisation plus judicieuse de l’oxygène et de la NP devraient diminuer la sévérité de la DBP.


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The rapid growth of the populous Asian economies provokes profound economic changes and a shift in the balance of power. On the economic front, Asian leaders are confronted with the need to preserve the stability that has underpinned their prosperity, maintain an environment conducive to trade and investments and encourage domestic consumption while avoiding ecological disasters. Internationally, business competition will intensify with the strong presence of Asian manufacturers in global supply chains, growing price competition from Asian firms in domestic markets and global competition for energy, food, minerals and other commodities. Geopolitical concerns stem, in part, from Asia’s global quest for critical resources, conflicting territorial and maritime disputes and increasing military expenditures which affect security dynamics. China’s assertiveness over its periphery prompts an arm’s race in the region and concerns about Sino-American relations even though U.S.-Chinese relations may be less risky than China’s relations with its neighbours. The United States remains a key player in the Asia-Pacific region, with the capacity to alter balances and affect outcomes. Globally, the United States capacity to lead is now diminished and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future. Since no rising power is capable of exercising global leadership, a return to the "old normal" where no one power in geopolitical or economic terms dominates the world is to be expected.


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We have studied sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies over the Indian and Pacific Oceans (domain 25 °S to 25°N and 40 °E to 160 °W) during the three seasons following the Indian summer monsoon for wet monsoons and also for dry monsoons accompanied or not by El Ni˜no. A dry monsoon is followed by positive SST anomalies in the longitude belt 40 to 120 °E, negative anomalies in 120 to 160 °E and again positive anomalies east of 160 °E. In dry monsoons accompanied by El Ni˜no the anomalies have the same sign, but are much stronger. Wet monsoons have weak anomalies of opposite sign in all three of the longitude belts. Thus El Ni˜no and a dry monsoon have the same types of association with the Indian and Pacific Ocean SSTs. In the sector 40 to 120 °E SST anomalies first appear over the western part of the Indian Ocean (June to September) followed by the same sign of anomalies over its eastern part and China Sea (October to March). By March after a dry monsoon or El Ni˜no the Indian Ocean between 10 °N and 10 °S has a spatially large warm SST anomaly. Anomalies in deep convection tend to follow the SST anomalies, with warm SST anomalies producing positive convection anomalies around the seasonal location of the intertropical convergence zone