848 resultados para Oxygen dissociation curve


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The microenvironment within the tumor plays a central role in cellular signaling. Rapidly proliferating cancer cells need building blocks for structures as well as nutrients and oxygen for energy production. In normal tissue, the vasculature effectively transports oxygen, nutrient and waste products, and maintains physiological pH. Within a tumor however, the vasculature is rarely sufficient for the needs of tumor cells. This causes the tumor to suffer from lack of oxygen (hypoxia) and nutrients as well as acidification, as the glycolytic end product lactate is accumulated. Cancer cells harbor mutations enabling survival in the rough microenvironment. One of the best characterized mutations is the inactivation of the von Hippel-Lindau protein (pVHL) in clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC). Inactivation causes constitutive activation of hypoxia-inducible factor HIF which is an important survival factor regulating glycolysis, neovascularization and apoptosis. HIFs are normally regulated by HIF prolyl hydroxylases (PHDs), which in the presence of oxygen target HIF α-subunit to ubiquitination by pVHL and degradation by proteasomes. In my thesis work, I studied the role of PHDs in the survival of carcinoma cells in hypoxia. My work revealed an essential role of PHD1 and PHD3 in cell cycle regulation through two cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (CKIs) p21 and p27. Depletion of PHD1 or PHD3 caused a cell cycle arrest and subjected the carcinoma cells to stress and impaired the survival.


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The mechanism whereby cytochrome £ oxidase catalyses elec-. tron transfer from cytochrome £ to oxygen remains an unsolved problem. Polarographic and spectrophotometric activity measurements of purified, particulate and soluble forms of beef heart mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase presented in this thesis confirm the following characteristics of the steady-state kinetics with respect to cytochrome £: (1) oxidation of ferrocytochrome c is first order under all conditions. -(2) The relationship between sustrate concentration and velocity is of the Michaelis-Menten type over a limited range of substrate. concentrations at high ionic strength. (3) ~he reaction rate is independent from oxygen concentration until very low levels of oxygen. (4) "Biphasic" kinetic plots of enzyme activity as a function of substrate concentration are found when the range of cytochrome c concentrations is extended; the biphasicity ~ is more apparent in low ionic strength buffer. These results imply two binding sites for cytochrome £ on the oxidase; one of high affinity and one of low affinity with Km values of 1.0 pM and 3.0 pM, respectively, under low ionic strength conditions. (5) Inhibition of the enzymic rate by azide is non-c~mpetitive with respect to cytochrome £ under all conditions indicating an internal electron transfer step, and not binding or dissociation of £ from the enzyme is rate limiting. The "tight" binding of cytochrome '£ to cytochrome c oxidase is confirmed in column chromatographic experiments. The complex has a cytochrome £:oxidase ratio of 1.0 and is dissociated in media of high ionic strength. Stopped-flow spectrophotometric studies of the reduction of equimolar mixtures and complexes of cytochrome c and the oxidase were initiated in an attempt to assess the functional relevance of such a complex. Two alternative routes -for reduction of the oxidase, under conditions where the predominant species is the £ - aa3 complex, are postulated; (i) electron transfer via tightly bound cytochrome £, (ii) electron transfer via a small population of free cytochrome c interacting at the "loose" binding site implied from kinetic studies. It is impossible to conclude, based on the results obtained, which path is responsible for the reduction of cytochrome a. The rate of reduction by various reductants of free cytochrome £ in high and low ionic strength and of cytochrome £ electrostatically bound to cytochrome oxidase was investigated. Ascorbate, a negatively charged reagent, reduces free cytochrome £ with a rate constant dependent on ionic strength, whereas neutral reagents TMPD and DAD were relatively unaffected by ionic strength in their reduction of cytochrome c. The zwitterion cysteine behaved similarly to uncharged reductants DAD and TI~PD in exhibiting only a marginal response to ionic strength. Ascorbate reduces bound cytochrome £ only slowly, but DAD and TMPD reduce bound cytochrome £ rapidly. Reduction of cytochrome £ by DAD and TMPD in the £ - aa3 complex was enhanced lO-fold over DAD reduction of free £ and 4-fold over TMPD reduction of free c. Thus, the importance of ionic strength on the reactivity of cytochrome £ was observed with the general conclusion being that on the cytochrome £ molecule areas for anion (ie. phosphate) binding, ascorbate reduction and complexation to the oxidase overlap. The increased reducibility for bound cytochrome £ by reductants DAD and TMPD supports a suggested conformational change of electrostatically bound c compare.d to free .£. In addition, analysis of electron distribution between cytochromes £ and a in the complex suggest that the midpotential of cytochrome ~ changes with the redox state of the oxidase. Such evidence supports models of the oxidase which suggest interactions within the enzyme (or c - enzyme complex) result in altered midpoint potentials of the redox centers.


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With the relationship between endothelin-1 (ET-1) stimulation and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production unknown in adventitial fibroblasts, I examined the ROS response to ET-1 and angiotensin (Ang II). ET-1 -induced ROS peaked following 4 hrs of ET-1 stimulation and was inhibited by an ETA receptor antagonist (BQ 123, 1 uM) an extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 inhibitor (PD98059, 10 uM), and by both a specific, apocynin (10 uM), and non-specific, diphenyleneiodonium (10 uM), NAD(P)H oxidase inhibitor. NOX2 knockout fibroblasts did not produce an ET-1 induced change in ROS levels. Ang II treatment increased ROS levels in a biphasic manner, with the second peak occurring 6 hrs following stimulation. The secondary phase of Ang II induced ROS was inhibited by an ATi receptor antagonist, Losartan (100 uM) and BQ 123. In conclusion, ET-1 induces ROS production primarily through an ETA-ERKl/2 NOX2 pathway, additionally, Ang II-induced ROS production also involves an ETa pathway.


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The allometric scaling relationship observed between metabolic rate (MR) and species body mass can be partially explained by differences in cellular MR (Porter & Brand, 1995). Here, I studied cultured cell lines derived from ten mammalian species to determine whether cells propagated in an identical environment exhibited MR scaling. Oxidative and anaerobic metabolic parameters did not scale significantly with donor body mass in cultured cells, indicating the absence of an intrinsic MR setpoint. The rate of oxygen delivery has been proposed to limit cellular metabolic rates in larger organisms (West et al., 2002). As such cells were cultured under a variety of physiologically relevant oxygen tensions to investigate the effect of oxygen on cellular metabolic rates. Exposure to higher medium oxygen tensions resulted in increased metabolic rates in all cells. Higher MRs have the potential to produce more reactive oxygen species (ROS) which could cause genomic instability and thus reduced lifespan. Longer-lived species are more resistant to oxidative stress (Kapahi et al, 1999), which may be due to greater antioxidant and/or DNA repair capacities. This hypothesis was addressed by culturing primary dermal fibroblasts from eight mammalian species ranging in maximum lifespan from 5 to 120 years. Only the antioxidant manganese superoxide dismutases (MnSOD) positively scaled with species lifespan (p<0.01). Oxidative damage to DNA is primarily repaired by the base excision repair (BER) pathway. BER enzyme activities showed either no correlation or as in the case of polymerase p correlated, negatively with donor species (p<0.01 ). Typically, mammalian cells are cultured in a 20% O2 (atmospheric) environment, which is several-fold higher than cells experience in vivo. Therefore, the secondary aim of this study was to determine the effect of culturing mammalian cells at a more physiological oxygen tension (3%) on BER, and antioxidant, enzyme activities. Consistently, standard culture conditions induce higher antioxidant and DNA ba.se excision repair activities than are present under a more physiological oxygen concentration. Therefore, standard culture conditions are inappropriate for studies of oxidative stress-induced activities and species differences in fibroblast DNA BER repair capacities may represent differences in ability to respond to oxidative stress. An interesting outcome firom this study was that some inherent cellular properties are maintained in culture (i.e. stress responses) while others are not (i.e. MR).


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Hematological status in rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, was examined in relation to eight combinations of three environmental fa ctors; temperature (5°, 20°C), oxygen availability «35%, >70% saturation) and photoperiod (16L:8D, 8L:16D) and evaluated by 3-factor analysis of variance. Hemog l obin and hematocrit , indicators of oxygenc arrying capacity increased significantly at the higher temperature, following exposure to hypoxia and in relation to reduced light period. Significant variations in mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration were not detected. The effects of temperature and oxygen availability were more pronounced than that of photoperiod which was generally masked. Although oxygen availability and photoperiod did not interact with temperature, the interaction of the former fac tors was significant. Elec trophoresis revealed twelve hemoglobin isomorphs. Relative concentration changes were found in re lation to the factors c onsidered with temperature>hypoxia>photoperiod. Howeve r , in terms of absolute concentration, effects were hypoxia>temperature>photoperiod. Photoperiod effects were again masked by temperature and (or) hypoxia. Red cell +2 l eve ls of [CI ] and [Mg ], critical elements in the hemoglobin-oxygen affinity regulating system, were also significantly altered. Red cell CI +2 was influenced only by temperature ; Mg by temper ature and oxygen. No photoperiod influence on either ions was observed. Under nominal 'summer' conditions, these changes point to the likelihood of increases in oxygen-c arrying c apac ity coupled with low Hb-02 affinity adjustments which would be expected to increase oxygen delivery rates to their more rapidly metabolising tissues.


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A new approach to treating large Z systems by quantum Monte Carlo has been developed. It naturally leads to notion of the 'valence energy'. Possibilities of the new approach has been explored by optimizing the wave function for CuH and Cu and computing dissociation energy and dipole moment of CuH using variational Monte Carlo. The dissociation energy obtained is about 40% smaller than the experimental value; the method is comparable with SCF and simple pseudopotential calculations. The dipole moment differs from the best theoretical estimate by about 50% what is again comparable with other methods (Complete Active Space SCF and pseudopotential methods).


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It has previously been recognized that the major biochemical toxicity induced by sulphide is due to an inhibition of cytochrome ~ oxidase. Inhibition of this enzyme occurs at 30°C and pH 7.4 with a Ki of approximately 0.2 ~M, and a kon of 104 M-1 s-l, under catalytic conditions. However, the equimo1ar mixture of sulphide and the enzyme shows identical catalytic behaviour to that of the native enzyme. This cannot readily be attributed to rapid dissociation of sulphide, as both spectroscopic and plot analysis indicate the koff value is low. The addition of stoichiometric sulphide to the resting oxidized enzyme gives rise to the appearance of a low-spin ferric-type spectrum not identical with that seen on the addition of excess sulphide to the enzyme aerobically. Sulphide added to the enzyme anaerobically gives rise to another low-spin, probably largely ferric, form which upon admission of oxygen is then converted into a 607 nm species closely resembling Compound C. The 607 nm form is probably the precursor of oxyferricytochrome aa3. The addition of successive a1iquots of Na2S solution to the enzyme induces initial uptake of approximately 3 moles of oxygen per mole of the enzyme. Thus, it is concluded that: 1. the initial product of sulphide-cytochrome c oxidase interaction is not an inhibited form of the enzyme, but the low-spin (oxyferri) ~3+~+ species; 2. a subsequent step in which sulphide reduces cytochrome ~ occurs; 3. the final inhibitory step, in which a further molecule of sulphide binds to the cytochrome ~ iron centre in the cytochrome ~2+~+ species, gives the cytochrome a2+~+-H2S form which is a half-reduced fully inhibited species;4. a 607 run form of the enzyme is produced which may be converted into a catalytically active low-spin (oxyferri) state; and therefore 5. liganded sulphide may be able to reduce the cytochrome 33 -Cu centre without securing the prior reduction of the cytochrome a_ haem group or the Cud centre associated with it.


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The proce-ss ofoxygenic photosynthesis is vital to life on Earth. the central event in photosynthesis is light induced electron transfer that converts light into energy for growth. Ofparticular significance is the membrane bound multisubunit protein known as Photosystem I (PSI). PSI is a reaction centre that is responsible for the transfer of electrons across the membrane to reduce NADP+ to NADPH. The recent publication ofa high resolution X-ray structure of PSI has shown new information about the structure, in particular the electron transfer cofactors, which allows us to study it in more detail. In PSI, the secondary acceptor is crucial for forward electron transfer. In this thesis, the effect of removing the native acceptor phylloquinone and replacing it with a series of structurally related quinones was investigated via transient electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) experiments. The orientation of non native quinones in the binding site and their ability to function in the electron transfer process was determined. It was found that PSI will readily accept alkyl naphthoquinones and anthraquinone. Q band EPR experiments revealed that the non-native quinones are incorporated into the binding site with the same orientation of the headgroup as in the native system. X band EPR spectra and deuteration experiments indicate that monosubstituted naphthoquinones are bound to the Al site with their side group in the position occupied by the methyl group in native PSI (meta to the hydrogen bonded carbonyl oxygen). X band EPR experiments show that 2, 3- disubstituted methyl naphthoquinones are also incorporated into the Al site in the same orientation as phylloquinone, even with the presence of a halogen- or sulfur-containing side chain in the position normally occupied by the phytyl tail ofphylloquinone. The exception to this is 2-bromo-3-methyl --.- _. -. - -- - - 4 _._ _ _ - _ _ naphthoquinone which has a poorly resolved spectrum, making determination of the orientation difficuh. All of the non-native quinones studied act as efficient electron acceptors. However, forward electron transfer past the quinone could only be demonstrated for anthraquinone, which has a more negative midpoint potential than phylloquinone. In the case of anthraquinone, an increased rate of forward electron transfer compared to native PSI was found. From these results we can conclude that the rate ofelectron transfer from Al to Fx in native PSI lies in the normal region ofthe Marcus Curve.


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Hypoxia in plant tissue should affect animals living within. Gallmakers stimulate their plant hosts to produce the gall they inhabit and feed on, and also influence the gall phenotype for other adaptations, such as defense against predators. The potential for hypoxia in galls of Eurosta solidaginis was studied in the context of potential adaptations to gall oxygen level, using a combination of direct measurement, mathematical modelling, and respirometry on both gallmakers and hosts. Modelling results suggested mild hypoxia tolerable to the larva persists for most of the growth season, whereas more severe hypoxia may occur earlier in fully-grown young galls. Field data from one of the two years studied showed hypoxia more severe than expected, and coincided with adverse weather conditions and high larval mortality. The hypoxia may be related to host response to adverse weather. Whether hypoxia directly caused larval mortality requires further study.


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Resveratrol, a polyphenol found naturally in red wines, has attracted great interest in both the scientific community and the general public for its reported ability to protect against many of the diseases facing Western society today. While the purported health effects of resveratrol are well characterized, details of the cellular mechanisms that give rise to these observations are unclear. Here, the mitochondrial antioxidant enzyme Mn superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) was identified as a proximal target of resveratrol in vitro and in vivo. MnSOD protein and activity levels increase significantly in cultured cells treated with resveratrol, and in the brain tissue of mice given resveratrol in a high fat diet. Preventing the increase in MnSOD levels eliminates two of resveratrol’s more interesting effects in the context of human health: inhibition of proliferative cell growth and cytoprotection. Thus, the induction of MnSOD is a critical step in the molecular mechanism of resveratrol. Mitochondrial morphology is a malleable property that is capable of impeding cell cycle progression and conferring resistance against stress induced cell death. Using confocal microscopy and a novel ‘cell free’ fusion assay it was determined that concurrent with changes in MnSOD protein levels, resveratrol treatment leads to a more fused mitochondrial reticulum. This observation may be important to resveratrol’s ability to slow proliferative cell growth and confer cytoprotection. Resveratrol's biological activities, including the ability to increase MnSOD levels, are strikingly similar to what is observed with estrogen treatment. Resveratrol fails to increase MnSOD levels, slow proliferative cell growth and confer cytoprotection in the presence of an estrogen receptor antagonist. Resveratrol's effects can be replicated with the specific estrogen receptor beta agonist diarylpropionitrile, and are absent in myoblasts lacking estrogen receptor beta. Four compounds that are structurally similar to resveratrol and seven phytoestrogens predicted to bind to estrogen receptor beta were screened for their effects on MnSOD, proliferative growth rates and stress resistance in cultured mammalian cells. Several of these compounds were able to mimic the effects of resveratrol on MnSOD levels, proliferative cell growth and stress resistance in vitro. Thus, I hypothesize that resveratrol interacts with estrogen receptor beta to induce the upregulation of MnSOD, which in turn affects cell cycle progression and stress resistance. These results have important implications for the understanding of RES’s biological activities and potential applications to human health.


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For the past 20 years, researchers have applied the Kalman filter to the modeling and forecasting the term structure of interest rates. Despite its impressive performance in in-sample fitting yield curves, little research has focused on the out-of-sample forecast of yield curves using the Kalman filter. The goal of this thesis is to develop a unified dynamic model based on Diebold and Li (2006) and Nelson and Siegel’s (1987) three-factor model, and estimate this dynamic model using the Kalman filter. We compare both in-sample and out-of-sample performance of our dynamic methods with various other models in the literature. We find that our dynamic model dominates existing models in medium- and long-horizon yield curve predictions. However, the dynamic model should be used with caution when forecasting short maturity yields


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In this paper, we use identification-robust methods to assess the empirical adequacy of a New Keynesian Phillips Curve (NKPC) equation. We focus on the Gali and Gertler’s (1999) specification, on both U.S. and Canadian data. Two variants of the model are studied: one based on a rationalexpectations assumption, and a modification to the latter which consists in using survey data on inflation expectations. The results based on these two specifications exhibit sharp differences concerning: (i) identification difficulties, (ii) backward-looking behavior, and (ii) the frequency of price adjustments. Overall, we find that there is some support for the hybrid NKPC for the U.S., whereas the model is not suited to Canada. Our findings underscore the need for employing identificationrobust inference methods in the estimation of expectations-based dynamic macroeconomic relations.


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Cette étude a pour but de tester si l’ajout de variables biomécaniques, telles que celles associées à la morphologie, la posture et l’équilibre, permet d’améliorer l’efficacité à dissocier 29 sujets ayant une scoliose progressive de 45 sujets ayant une scoliose non progressive. Dans une étude rétrospective, un groupe d’apprentissage (Cobb: 27,1±10,6°) a été utilisé avec cinq modèles faisant intervenir des variables cliniques, morphologiques, posturales et d’équilibre et la progression de la scoliose. Un groupe test (Cobb: 14,2±8,3°) a ensuite servit à évaluer les modèles dans une étude prospective. Afin d’établir l’efficacité de l’ajout de variables biomécaniques, le modèle de Lonstein et Carlson (1984) a été utilisé à titre d’étalon de mesures. Le groupe d’apprentissage a été utilisé pour développer quatre modèles de classification. Le modèle sans réduction fut composé de 35 variables tirées de la littérature. Dans le modèle avec réduction, une ANCOVA a servit de méthode de réduction pour passer de 35 à 8 variables et l’analyse par composantes principales a été utilisée pour passer de 35 à 7 variables. Le modèle expert fut composé de huit variables sélectionnées d’après l’expérience clinque. L’analyse discriminante, la régression logistique et l’analyse par composantes principales ont été appliquées afin de classer les sujets comme progressifs ou non progressifs. La régression logistique utilisée avec le modèle sans réduction a présenté l’efficience la plus élevée (0,94), tandis que l’analyse discriminante utilisée avec le modèle expert a montré l’efficience la plus faible (0,87). Ces résultats montrent un lien direct entre un ensemble de paramètres cliniques et biomécaniques et la progression de la scoliose idiopathique. Le groupe test a été utilisé pour appliquer les modèles développés à partir du groupe d’apprentissage. L’efficience la plus élevée (0,89) fut obtenue en utilisant l’analyse discriminante et la régression logistique avec le modèle sans réduction, alors que la plus faible (0,78) fut obtenue en utilisant le modèle de Lonstein et Carlson (1984). Ces valeurs permettent d’avancer que l’ajout de variables biomécaniques aux données cliniques améliore l’efficacité de la dissociation entre des sujets scoliotiques progressifs et non progressifs. Afin de vérifier la précision des modèles, les aires sous les courbes ROC ont été calculées. L’aire sous la courbe ROC la plus importante (0,93) fut obtenue avec l’analyse discriminante utilisée avec le modèle sans réduction, tandis que la plus faible (0,63) fut obtenue avec le modèle de Lonstein et Carlson (1984). Le modèle de Lonstein et Carlson (1984) n’a pu séparer les cas positifs des cas négatifs avec autant de précision que les modèles biomécaniques. L’ajout de variables biomécaniques aux données cliniques a permit d’améliorer l’efficacité de la dissociation entre des sujets scoliotiques progressifs et non progressifs. Ces résultats permettent d’avancer qu’il existe d’autres facteurs que les paramètres cliniques pour identifier les patients à risque de progresser. Une approche basée sur plusieurs types de paramètres tient compte de la nature multifactorielle de la scoliose idiopathique et s’avère probablement mieux adaptée pour en prédire la progression.


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Introduction: Le supplément d’oxygène et la nutrition parentérale (NP) sont les deux sources majeures de stress oxydant chez le nouveau-né. Lors de la détoxification des oxydants, le potentiel redox du glutathion s’oxyde. Notre hypothèse est que le supplément d’oxygène et la durée de la NP sont associés à un potentiel redox plus oxydé et à une augmentation de la sévérité de la dysplasie bronchopulmonaire (DBP). Patients et Méthodes: Une étude observationnelle prospective incluant des enfants de moins de 29 semaines d’âge gestationnel. Les concentrations sanguines de GSH et GSSG à jour 6-7 et à 36 semaines d’âge corrigé étaient mesurées par électrophorèse capillaire et le potentiel redox était calculé selon l’équation de Nernst. La sévérité de la DBP correspondait à la définition du NICHD. Résultats: Une FiO2≥ 25% au 7ième jour de vie ainsi que plus de 14 jours de NP sont significativement associés à un potentiel redox plus oxydé et à une DBP plus sévère. Ces relations sont indépendantes de l’âge de gestation et de la gravité de la maladie initiale. La corrélation entre le potentiel redox et la sévérité de la DBP n’est pas significative. La durée de la NP était responsable de 15% de la variation du potentiel redox ainsi que de 42% de la variation de la sévérité de la DPB. Conclusion: Ces résultats suggèrent que l’oxygène et la NP induisent un stress oxydant et que les stratégies visant une utilisation plus judicieuse de l’oxygène et de la NP devraient diminuer la sévérité de la DBP.


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Lorsque l’anesthésie par inhalation ne peut être utilisée chez le rat, la combinaison de kétamine et de xylazine est l’alternative la plus fréquemment utilisée. Les doses administrées peuvent varier selon le protocole expérimental. En présence de fièvre, d’infections ou de processus tumoral accompagné de fièvre, la pharmacocinétique de ces drogues peut être modifiée. Ce projet porte sur l’évaluation des changements physiologiques, hématologiques, biochimiques et pharmacocinétiques chez le rat Sprague Dawley lors d’anesthésie avec le mélange kétamine-xylazine suite à l’administration de trois doses différentes de lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Après l’administration de LPS, une anesthésie à la kétamine-xylazine fut induite chez des rats Sprague Dawley. Des prélèvements sanguins périodiques ainsi que des mesures des paramètres physiologiques furent effectués afin d’évaluer l’effet du LPS sur la pharmacocinétique des deux drogues ainsi que sur les paramètres biochimiques et hématologiques. Les différentes doses de LPS ont causé certaines modifications notamment en produisant une baisse marquée de la saturation en oxygène et de l’albumine sérique, une augmentation de la durée d’anesthésie ainsi que des lésions hépatiques mineures. Les paramètres pharmacocinétiques de la kétamine furent peu altérés par l’administration de LPS tandis qu’une diminution de la clairance et une augmentation de l’aire sous la courbe (AUC) furent observées pour la xylazine dans les groupes ayant reçu les doses moyenne et élevée de LPS. Ces résultats montrent que les doses de xylazine doivent être adaptées en présence de LPS pour permettre une anesthésie de courte durée et des changements physiologiques et biochimiques moindres lorsqu’elle est administrée avec de la kétamine.