922 resultados para Oryza sativa
Avaliaram-se, neste trabalho, em condições de baixo e alto teor de fósforo (P) no solo, 51 linhagens de arroz provenientes do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma da Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, com o objetivo de identificar indicadores de eficiência no uso de P e linhagens com eficiência diferenciada no uso desse nutriente. O índice de eficiência do uso de fósforo mostrou ser mais adequado que a produtividade em baixo teor de fósforo no solo, na avaliação da eficiência diferenciada das linhagens no uso do P. Três linhagens, CNA 4634, CNA 4120 e CNA 3178, apresentam bom comportamento produtivo, tanto em alto como em baixo teor de P no solo e 22 mostraram bom comportamento produtivo em alto teor de P no solo; entretanto, não foram eficientes no aproveitamento de baixo P disponível no solo enquanto as demais foram desconsideradas em razão de indicarem baixo comportamento produtivo sob boa disponibilidade de P.
The study of the genetic structure of wild plant populations is essential for their management and conservation. Several DNA markers have been used in such studies, as well as isozyme markers. In order to provide a better comprehension of the results obtained and a comparison between markers which will help choose tools for future studies in natural populations of Oryza glumaepatula, a predominantly autogamous species, this study used both isozymes and microsatellites to assess the genetic diversity and genetic structure of 13 populations, pointing to similarities and divergences of each marker, and evaluating the relative importance of the results for studies of population genetics and conservation. A bulk sample for each population was obtained, by sampling two to three seeds of each plant, up to a set of 50 seeds. Amplified products of eight SSR loci were electrophoresed on non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels, and the fragments were visualized using silver staining procedure. Isozyme analyses were conducted in polyacrylamide gels, under a discontinuous system, using six enzymatic loci. SSR loci showed higher mean levels of genetic diversity (A=2.83, p=0.71, A(P)=3.17, H-o=0.081, H-e=0.351) than isozyme loci (A=1.20, p=0.20, A(P)=1.38, H-o=0.006, H-e=0.056). Interpopulation genetic differentiation detected by SSR loci (R-ST=0.631, equivalent to F-ST=0.533) was lower than that obtained with isozymes (F-ST=0.772). However, both markers showed high deviation from Hardy-Weinberg expectations (F-IS=0.744 and 0.899, respectively for SSR and isozymes). The mean apparent outcrossing rate for SSR ((t) over bar (a)=0.14) was higher than that obtained using isozymes ((t) over bar (a)=0.043), although both markers detected lower levels of outcrossing in Amazonia compared to the Pantanal. The migrant number estimation was also higher for SSR (Nm=0.219) than isozymes (Nm=0.074), although a small number for both markers was expected due to the mode of reproduction of this species, defined as mixed with predominance of self fertilization. No correlation was obtained between genetic and geographic distances with SSR, but a positive correlation was found between genetic and geographic distances with isozymes. We conclude that these markers are divergent in detecting genetic diversity parameters in O. glumaepatula and that microsatellites are powerful for detecting information at the intra-population level, while isozymes are more powerful for inter-population diversity, since clustering of populations agreed with the expectations based on the geographic distribution of the populations using this marker. Rev. Biol. Trop. 60 (4): 1463-1478. Epub 2012 December 01.
We have mapped and identified DNA markers linked to morphology, yield, and yield components of lucerne, using a backcross population derived from winter-active parents. The high-yielding and recurrent parent, D, produced individual markers that accounted for up to 18% of total yield over 6 harvests, at Gatton, south-eastern Queensland. The same marker, AC/TT8, was consistently identified at each individual harvest, and in individual harvests accounted for up to 26% of the phenotypic variation for yield. This marker was located in linkage group 2 of the D map, and several other markers positively associated with yield were consistently identified in this linkage group. Similarly, markers negatively associated with yield were consistently identified in the W116 map, W116 being the low-yielding parent. Highly significant positive correlations were observed between total yield and yield for harvests 1-6, and between total yield and stem length, tiller number, leaf yield/plant, leaf yield/5 stems, stem yield/plant, and stem yield/5 stems. Highly significant QTL were located for all these characters as well as for leaf shape and pubescence.
APSIM-ORYZA is a new functionality developed in the APSIM framework to simulate rice production while addressing management issues such as fertilisation and transplanting, which are particularly important in Korean agriculture. To validate the model for Korean rice varieties and field conditions, the measured yields and flowering times from three field experiments conducted by the Gyeonggi Agricultural Research and Extension Services (GARES) in Korea were compared against the simulated outputs for different management practices and rice varieties. Simulated yields of early-, mid- and mid-to-late-maturing varieties of rice grown in a continuous rice cropping system from 1997 to 2004 showed close agreement with the measured data. Similar results were also found for yields simulated under seven levels of nitrogen application. When different transplanting times were modelled, simulated flowering times ranged from within 3 days of the measured values for the early-maturing varieties, to up to 9 days after the measured dates for the mid- and especially mid-to-late-maturing varieties. This was associated with highly variable simulated yields which correlated poorly with the measured data. This suggests the need to accurately calibrate the photoperiod sensitivity parameters of the model for the photoperiod-sensitive rice varieties in Korea.
Flax and hemp have traditionally been used mainly for textiles, but recently interest has also been focused on non-textile applications. Microbial quality throughout the whole processing chain of bast fibres has not previously been studied. This study concentrates on the microbial quality and possible microbial risks in the production chain of hemp and flax fibres and fibrous thermal insulations. In order to be able to utilize hemp and flax fibres, the bast fibres must be separated from the rest of the plant. Non-cellulosic components can be removed with various pretreatment processes, which are associated with a certain risk of microbial contamination. In this study enzymatic retting and steam explosion (STEX) were examined as pretreatment processes. On the basis of the results obtained in this study, the microbial contents on stalks of both plants studied increased at the end of the growing season and during the winter. However, by processing and mechanical separation it is possible to produce fibres containing less moulds and bacteria than the whole stem. Enzymatic treatment encouraged the growth of moulds in fibres. Steam explosion reduced the amount of moulds in fibres. Dry thermal treatment used in this study did not markedly reduce the amount of microbes. In this project an emission measurement chamber was developed which was suitable for measurements of emissions from both mat type and loose fill type insulations, and capable of interdisciplinary sampling. In this study, the highest amounts of fungal emissions were in the range of 10^3 10^5 cfu/m^3 from the flax and hemp insulations at 90% RH of air. The fungal emissions from stone wool, glass wool and recycled paper insulations were below 10^2 cfu/m^3 even at 90% RH. Equally low values were obtained from bast fibrous materials in lower humidities (at 30% and 80% RH of air). After drying of moulded insulations at 30% RH, the amounts of emitted moulds were in all cases higher compared to the emissions at 90% RH before drying. The most common fungi in bast fibres were Penicillium and Rhizopus. The widest variety of different fungi was in the untreated hemp and linseed fibres and in the commercial loose-fill flax insulation. Penicillium, Rhizopus and Paecilomyces were the most tolerant to steam explosion. According to the literature, the most common fungi in building materials and indoor air are Penicillium, Aspergillus and Cladosporium, which were all found in some of the bast fibre materials in this study. As organic materials, hemp and flax fibres contain high levels of nutrients for microbial growth. The amount of microbes can be controlled and somewhat decreased by the processing methods presented.
Con el objeto de evaluar el comportamiento adaptativo de cuatro líneas de alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) en condiciones de campo y de vivero, se realizó un estudio en la Hacienda Las Mercedes, propiedad de la Universidad Nacional Agraria, ubicada en la ciudad de Managua Km 11 carretera norte, , entrada al CARNIC 2 km al lago. Teniendo su ubicación geográfica en un cuadrante con las siguientes coordenadas: 12°10'14"a 12"08'05" en latitud Norte y 86.10'22" a 86"09'44" longitud Oeste. El estudio se realizó en dos fuses 1) de campo y 2) en vivero. En ambos se determinó el grado de adaptación de cuatro líneas de alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), tres procedentes de Texas-EE UU (8L418, 105916 y 9818) y una de Sébaco-Nicaragua (l3-A50) donde se ha establecido por más de tres años. El ensayo de campo se estableció en un área que anteriormente fue utilizada para la siembra de sorgo forrajero y el de vivero se realizó en el vivero de la UNA, en la misma finca. Se consideró cada una de las líneas como tratamiento. El Diseño experimental usado para ambas fases fue de bloques completos al azar (BCA), con 4 repeticiones. En campo con parcelas experimentales fueron de 4 m2 (2 m x 2 m), para un área total de 120m2 Se sembraron 6 surcos a una distancia de 30 cm entre surco y 14 plantas por surcos distanciados a 15 cm. Se realizó análisis de varianza utilizando programa SAS versión 99, cuando se encontró diferencias significativas o altamente significativas para tratamientos se realizaron pruebas de medias según Duncan. El terreno se preparó de forma convencional, con una chapea inicial, un paso de arado y gradeo de forma mecanizada, posteriormente se realizó la estructuración del diseño de campo. Las variables evaluadas según las condiciones de campo fueron: germinación, altura de la plantas, daños por plaga y enfermedades y ramificación, en las condiciones de vivero fueron: germinación, sobrevivencia, altura (cm), daños por plagas y enfermedades. Como resultado se obtuvo que 3 de las líneas presentaron buena germinación en condiciones de campo y vivero siendo la de mejor comportamiento la línea 13A-50 con un promedio del 97%. Para altura la línea 9818 presentó el mejor comportamiento en condiciones de campo con rangos de 48cm - 58 cm manteniendo superioridad durante el estudio en comparación con el resto de las líneas evaluadas. En daños por plagas la línea 8L418 la de menor afectación, y la más afectada fue la línea l3A-50. En daños por enfermedades la línea 9818 obtuvo los mayores daños en los niveles de moderado a muy grave y la línea l3A-50 fue la de menor incidencia. Todas las líneas presentaron una ramificación media de 30%, siendo la línea 105916 la de mejor comportamiento. En vivero la línea l3A-50 presentó la mejor altura. La línea 9818 fue la de mejor adaptabilidad en condiciones de campo, seguida de la línea BA-50. Pero en condiciones de vivero la línea 13A-50 fue la de mejor adaptabilidad, seguida de la línea 8L418.en resumen la línea l3A-50 fue la de mejor comportamiento adaptativo.
Con el objetivo de evaluar los tratamientos Zea mays, Sorghum bicolor y Oriza sativa, para determinar su rendimiento y composición química, como alfombra forrajera hidropónico, se realizó un ensayo en el Invernadero del Departamento de Protección Vegetal y Forestal (DEPAF) - Universidad Nacional Agraria, Managua, ubicada en el km 12 ½ carretera norte. Como sustrato para la alfombra se utilizó heno del pasto Cubano CT - 115 (Pennisetum purpureum x P. tiphoydes). Se utilizó un Diseño Completo al Azar, con tres tratamientos y, tres repeticiones. Como unidad experimental se utilizó la cantidad de 1000 gr (1 kg) distribuida uniformemente en bandejas plástica de 0.2034 m2. Las variables de estudio fueron; rendimiento de alfombra en verde y seca, por bandeja y por metro cuadrado; porcentajes de; materia seca, proteína cruda, fibra cruda y cenizas. Se realizaron Análisis de Varianza y, separaciones de medias, usando Duncan (P<0.05). Para el análisis estadístico las variables codificadas en porcentajes se transformaron, según, 2 arco seno p (Dos veces Arco seno de la raíz cuadrada de la proporción). No hubo diferencias significativas (P>0,05) para el rendimiento por bandeja de alfombra en verde entre tratamientos, pero sí para el rendimiento (kg) por bandeja de materia seca (P<0.05) entre la producción del arroz (0.91) y sorgo (0.65), no así entre el arroz y maíz, ni entre el maíz y el sorgo. Resultados similares se encontraron para la producción por m2. No se encontraron diferencias significativas (P>0.05) entre los tres cultivos, oscilando la producción desde 23.59 a 28.35 kg/m2, para sorgo y maíz respectivamente. Se encontraron diferencias significativas (P<0.05) entre tratamientos para la producción de biomasa seca, la mayor producción la obtuvo el arroz y la menor el sorgo (4.48 y 3.22 kg/m2). La gramínea con el porcentaje de MS más alto fue el arroz (16.48), que mostró diferencias significativas (P<0,05) con respecto al sorgo y el maíz; el maíz presentó los porcentajes de MS más bajos (12.41). Respecto a la proteína cruda se encontraron diferencias significativas (P<0.05) entre los cultivos. El mayor contenido (%) se obtuvo en el sorgo (15.01) y el menor (9.76) en el arroz. Los contenidos de fibra cruda presentaron diferencias significativas (P< 0.05) entre el arroz con el maíz y sorgo, no así entre sorgo y maíz. El arroz presentó mayores contenidos (34.59 %), registrándose el menor tenor en el sorgo (19.71 %). Los contenidos de cenizas presentaron las mismas tendencias que la fibra cruda en cuanto a las diferencias estadísticas encontradas. El mayor contenido (%) de cenizas se obtuvo en el arroz (9.31) y el menor para el maíz (4.51). La alfombra forrajera hidropónica es una alternativa viable para la producción de forraje de alta calidad e inocuidad.