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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
General practice is suffering a crisis of status, as shown by financial, power and intellectual markers. This is serious as a strong general-practice workforce is important to deliver cost-effective, high-quality healthcare. We argue that strengthening the intellectual aspects of general practice (particularly critical thinking) is essential. Most strategies to achieve this centre on research, with many initiatives in Australia and overseas to enhance research by general practitioners; there is still insufficient clinical research in general practice. Other ways to improve critical thinking include promoting use of evidence-based medicine, provided it is not implemented only via cook-book guidelines. Other innovations are desperately needed.
Current opinion contends that complex interactions between genetic and environmental factors play a role in the etiology of Parkinson's disease (PD). Cigarette smoking is thought to reduce risk of PD, and emerging evidence suggests that genetic factors may modulate smoking's effect. We used a case-only design, an approach not previously used to study gene-environment interactions in PD, specifically to study interactions between glutathione-S-transferase (GST) gene polymorphisms and smoking in relation to PD. Four-hundred PD cases (age at onset: 60.0 +/- 10.7 years) were genotyped for common polymorphisms in GSTM1, PI, T1 and Z1 using well-established methods. Smoking exposure data were collected in face-to-face interviews. The independence of the studied GST genotypes and smoking exposure was confirmed by studying 402 healthy, aged individuals. No differences were observed in the distributions of GSTM1, T1 or Z1 polymorphisms between ever-smoked and never-smoked PD cases using logistic regression (all P > 0.43). However, GSTP1 *C haplotypes were over-represented among PD cases who ever smoked (odds ratio for interaction (ORi) = 2.00 (95% Cl: 1.11-3.60, P = 0.03)). Analysis revealed that ORi between smoking and the GSTP1-114Val carrier status increased with increasing smoking dose (P = 0.02 for trend). These data suggest that one or more GSTP1 polymorphisms may interact with cigarette smoking to influence the risk for PD. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
What interactions are sufficient to simulate arbitrary quantum dynamics in a composite quantum system? It has been shown that all two-body Hamiltonian evolutions can be simulated using any fixed two-body entangling n-qubit Hamiltonian and fast local unitaries. By entangling we mean that every qubit is coupled to every other qubit, if not directly, then indirectly via intermediate qubits. We extend this study to the case where interactions may involve more than two qubits at a time. We find necessary and sufficient conditions for an arbitrary n-qubit Hamiltonian to be dynamically universal, that is, able to simulate any other Hamiltonian acting on n qubits, possibly in an inefficient manner. We prove that an entangling Hamiltonian is dynamically universal if and only if it contains at least one coupling term involving an even number of interacting qubits. For odd entangling Hamiltonians, i.e., Hamiltonians with couplings that involve only an odd number of qubits, we prove that dynamic universality is possible on an encoded set of n-1 logical qubits. We further prove that an odd entangling Hamiltonian can simulate any other odd Hamiltonian and classify the algebras that such Hamiltonians generate. Thus, our results show that up to local unitary operations, there are only two fundamentally different types of entangling Hamiltonian on n qubits. We also demonstrate that, provided the number of qubits directly coupled by the Hamiltonian is bounded above by a constant, our techniques can be made efficient.
Neutrophilic lung inflammation is an essential component of host defense against diverse eukaryotic and prokaryotic pathogens, but in chronic inflammatory lung diseases, such as chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD), severe asthma, cystic fibrosis, and bronchiolitis, it may damage the host. Glucocorticosteroids are widely used in these conditions and in their infectious exacerbations; however, the clinical efficacy of steroids is disputed. In this study, we used a proteomic approach to identify molecules contributing to neutrophilic inflammation induced by transnasal administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) that were also resistant to the potent glucocorticosteroid dexamethasone (Dex). We confirmed that Dex was biologically active at both the transcript (suppression of GM-CSF and TNFalpha transcripts) and protein levels (induction of lipocortin) and used 2D-PAGE/MALDI-TOF to generate global expression profiles, identifying six LPS-induced proteins that were Dex resistant. Of these, S100A8, a candidate neutrophil chemotactic factor, was profiled in detail. Steroid refractory S100A8 expression was highly abundant, transcriptionally regulated, secreted into lung lavage fluid and immunohistochemically localized to tissue infiltrating neutrophils. However, in marked contrast to other vascular beds, neutralizing antibodies to S100A8 had only a weak anti-neutrophil recruitment effect and antibodies against the related S100A9 were ineffective. These data highlight the need for extensive in vivo profiling of proteomically identified candidate molecules and demonstrates that S100A8, despite its abundance, resistance to steroids and known chemotactic activity, is unlikely to be an important determinant of LPS-induced neutrophilic lung inflammation in vivo.
A new bioeroding sponge belonging to the genus Cliona is described from the Australian Great Barrier Reef, Cliona minuscula, sp. nov. As the sponge lacked microscleres, comparison with existing clionaid species was difficult. We considered 15 other species of Cliona with only tylostyles: C. alderi, C. arenosa. C. caesia nov. comb., C. californiana, C. celata, C. delitrix, C. dissimilis, C. ecaudis, C. insidiosa, C. janitrix, C. kempi, C. laticavicola, C. macgeachii, C. millepunctata and C. peponaca. Characters of all species are presented in table-form to facilitate comparison during future studies. We listed additional species of Cliona that were not directly compared to the new species, because they were either invalid, insufficiently described, or they may not be obligate bioeroders. The form and dimensions of the megascleres of C. minuscula, sp. nov. indicated that it is distinct from all considered species. Its mean tylostyle dimensions were 225.3 mu m length, 4.5 mu m shaft width and 6.8 mu m tyle width, which is comparatively small. Because other morphological features were small as well ( erosion chambers, papillar diameter), this species was named C. minuscula. The species record for sponges of the genus Cliona reported from Australia is now 11.
Conventional bioimpedance spectrometers measure resistance and reactance over a range of frequencies and, by application of a mathematical model for an equivalent circuit (the Cole model), estimate resistance at zero and infinite frequencies. Fitting of the experimental data to the model is accomplished by iterative, nonlinear curve fitting. An alternative fitting method is described that uses only the magnitude of the measured impedances at four selected frequencies. The two methods showed excellent agreement when compared using data obtained both from measurements of equivalent circuits and of humans. These results suggest that operational equivalence to a technically complex, frequency-scanning, phase-sensitive BIS analyser could be achieved from a simple four-frequency, impedance-only analyser.
The hypothesis that lipid rafts exist in plasma membranes and have crucial biological functions remains controversial. The lateral heterogeneity of proteins in the plasma membrane is undisputed, but the contribution of cholesterol-dependent lipid assemblies to this complex, non-random organization promotes vigorous debate. In the light of recent studies with model membranes, computational modelling and innovative cell biology, I propose an updated model of lipid rafts that readily accommodates diverse views on plasma-membrane micro-organization.
Pyrin domain (PYD)-containing proteins are key components of pathways that regulate inflammation, apoptosis, and cytokine processing. Their importance is further evidenced by the consequences of mutations in these proteins that give rise to autoimmune and hyperinflammatory syndromes. PYDs, like other members of the death domain ( DD) superfamily, are postulated to mediate homotypic interactions that assemble and regulate the activity of signaling complexes. However, PYDs are presently the least well characterized of all four DD subfamilies. Here we report the three-dimensional structure and dynamic properties of ASC2, a PYD-only protein that functions as a modulator of multidomain PYD-containing proteins involved in NF-KB and caspase-1 activation. ASC2 adopts a six-helix bundle structure with a prominent loop, comprising 13 amino acid residues, between helices two and three. This loop represents a divergent feature of PYDs from other domains with the DD fold. Detailed analysis of backbone N-15 NMR relaxation data using both the Lipari-Szabo model-free and reduced spectral density function formalisms revealed no evidence of contiguous stretches of polypeptide chain with dramatically increased internal motion, except at the extreme N and C termini. Some mobility in the fast, picosecond to nanosecond timescale, was seen in helix 3 and the preceding alpha 2-alpha 3 loop, in stark contrast to the complete disorder seen in the corresponding region of the NALP1 PYD. Our results suggest that extensive conformational flexibility in helix 3 and the alpha 2-alpha 3 loop is not a general feature of pyrin domains. Further, a transition from complete disorder to order of the alpha 2-alpha 3 loop upon binding, as suggested for NALP1, is unlikely to be a common attribute of pyrin domain interactions.