887 resultados para New Information and Communication technology


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Las centrales nucleares necesitan de personal altamente especializado y formado. Es por ello por lo que el sector de la formación especializada en centrales nucleares necesita incorporar los últimos avances en métodos formativos. Existe una gran cantidad de cursos de formación presenciales y es necesario transformar dichos cursos para utilizarlos con las nuevas tecnologías de la información. Para ello se necesitan equipos multidisciplinares, en los que se incluyen ingenieros, que deben identificar los objetivos formativos, competencias, contenidos y el control de calidad del propio curso. En este proyecto se utilizan técnicas de ingeniería del conocimiento como eje metodológico para transformar un curso de formación presencial en formación on-line a través de tecnologías de la información. En la actualidad, las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación están en constante evolución. De esta forma se han sumergido en el mundo transformando la visión que teníamos de éste para dar lugar a nuevas oportunidades. Es por ello que este proyecto busca la unión entre el e-learning y el mundo empresarial. El objetivo es el diseño, en plataforma e-learning, de un curso técnico que instruya a operadores de sala de control de una central nuclear. El trabajo realizado en este proyecto ha sido, además de transformar un curso presencial en on-line, en obtener una metodología para que otros cursos se puedan transformar. Para conseguir este cometido, debemos preocuparnos tanto por el contenido de los cursos como por su gestión. Por este motivo, el proyecto comienza con definiciones básicas de terminología propia de e-learning. Continúa con la generación de una metodología que aplique la gestión de conocimiento para transformar cualquier curso presencial a esta plataforma. Definida la metodología, se aplicará para el diseño del curso específico de Coeficientes Inherentes de Reactividad. Finaliza con un estudio económico que dé viabilidad al proyecto y con la creación de un modelo económico que estime el precio para cualquier curso futuro. Abstract Nuclear power plants need highly specialized and trained personnel. Thus, nuclear power plant Specialized Training Sector requires the incorporation of the latest advances in training methods. A large array of face-to-face training courses exist and it has become necessary to transform said courses in order to apply them with the new information systems available. For this, multidisciplinary equipment is needed where the engineering workforce must identify educational objectives, competences and abilities, contents and quality control of the different courses. In this project, knowledge engineering techniques are employed as the methodological axis in order to transform a face-to-face training course into on-line training through the use of new information technologies. Nowadays, new information and communication technologies are in constant evolution. They have introduced themselves into our world, transforming our previous vision of them, leading to new opportunities. For this reason, the present Project seeks to unite the use of e-learning and the Business and Corporate world. The main objective is the design, in an e-learning platform, of a technical course that will train nuclear power plant control-room operators. The work carried out in this Project has been, in addition to the transformation of a face-to-face course into an online one, the obtainment of a methodology to employ in the future transformation of other courses. In order to achieve this mission, our interest must focus on the content as well as on the management of the various courses. Hence, the Project starts with basic definitions of e-learning terminology. Next, a methodology that applies knowledge management for the transformation of any face-to-face course into e-learning has been generated. Once this methodology is defined, it has been applied for the design process of the Inherent Coefficients of Reactivity course. Finally, an economic study has been developed in order to determine the viability of the Project and an economic model has been created to estimate the price of any given course


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Las redes sociales son tan antiguas como las relaciones entre los humanos, ya que las labores de cooperación siempre fueron imprescindibles en los procesos de asociación, tanto los formados por simples células hasta los constituidos por seres vivos. La sociedad está formada por una gran cantidad de situaciones que fomentan dicha colaboración. Desde la creación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior se ha promovido la utilización de entornos virtuales de aprendizaje que favorezcan una evaluación más transparente y objetiva. Las redes sociales online son las interfaces digitales más utilizadas por los estudiantes universitarios, por lo que son muchos los expertos que recomiendan analizar la utilidad educativa de este tipo de aplicaciones. Siguiendo estas recomendaciones se implementó una red social online, llamada Formatio, que se utilizó para apoyar el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en la educación superior. El objetivo general de esta tesis doctoral fue valorar el nivel de aceptación de este entorno virtual de aprendizaje para los estudiantes universitarios que participaron en este estudio. Para evaluar el uso de la plataforma se analizaron las actividades generadas por los 172 estudiantes, seleccionados aleatoriamente, matriculados en la asignatura de Estadística y TIC en el curso 2010/2011, del Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte. Con el objetivo de estimar la utilidad educativa de las redes sociales online se diseñó y validó el instrumento de Valoración de Recursos Educativos Online (VREO), que fue aplicado a otra muestra aleatoria de 452 estudiantes de la misma facultad durante el curso 2011/2012. Los resultados confirman el éxito de este tipo de espacios virtuales gracias a la alta frecuencia de uso conseguida y a las buenas puntuaciones obtenidas por los alumnos, quienes tienen una buena opinión sobre las ventajas de usar las redes sociales online en la educación superior. De todos los recursos analizados la red social online Formatio ha sido la opción mejor valorada, seguida de Moodle y Facebook en segundo y tercer lugar, y de Twitter y YouTube, en cuarta y en quinta posición. Este estudio establece un punto de partida para futuras investigaciones encaminadas a obtener ciertos indicadores cualitativos y cuantitativos que faciliten una evaluación más justa de los actores integrantes de los sistemas educativos, que ayude a abrir las puertas de nuestra sociedad a la responsabilidad, la eficiencia, la transparencia y la objetividad. ABSTRACT Social networks are as old as human relations, since cooperative work has always been indispensable in all processes of association, from those composed of simple cells to those formed by living beings. Society is shaped by a large amount of situations that stimulate this cooperation. Since the creation of the European Higher Education Area, the use of virtual learning environments that favor more transparent and objective evaluation has been promoted. On-line social networks are the digital interfaces most widely used by university students, which is the reason why many experts recommend an analysis of the educational utility of this type of applications. Following these recommendations, an on-line social network called Formatio was created, which was used in order to support the teaching and learning process in higher education. The general objective of this doctoral dissertation was to evaluate the level of acceptance of this virtual learning environment by the university students who participated in this study. In order to evaluate the use of the platform, the activity created by 172 students chosen at random was analyzed; they were registered in the course on Statistics and Information and Communication Technology of the degree program in Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport during the academic year 2010/2011. With the goal of appraising the educational utility of on-line social networks, a tool for Evaluation of On-line Educational Resources (EOER) was designed, validated, and applied to another random sample of 452 students from the same department during the academic year 2011/2012. The results confirm the success of this type of virtual spaces, thanks to the high frequency of use achieved and the good grades obtained by the students who had a favorable opinion of the advantages of using on-line social networks in higher education. Out of all the resources analyzed, the Formatio on-line social network was the option that received the best evaluation, followed by Moodle and Facebook, which were second and third, and Twitter and YouTube, in fourth and fifth place respectively. This study establishes a starting point for future research that aims to obtain certain qualitative and quantitative indicators that will make it easier to engage in a fairer evaluation of the parties involved in education systems, which will help open the doors of our society to responsibility, efficiency, transparency, and objectivity.


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The energy demand for operating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems has been growing, implying in high operational costs and consequent increase of carbon emissions. Both in datacenters and telecom infrastructures, the networks represent a significant amount of energy spending. Given that, there is an increased demand for energy eficiency solutions, and several capabilities to save energy have been proposed. However, it is very dificult to orchestrate such energy eficiency capabilities, i.e., coordinate or combine them in the same network, ensuring a conflict-free operation and choosing the best one for a given scenario, ensuring that a capability not suited to the current bandwidth utilization will not be applied and lead to congestion or packet loss. Also, there is no way in the literature to do this taking business directives into account. In this regard, a method able to orchestrate diferent energy eficiency capabilities is proposed considering the possible combinations and conflicts among them, as well as the best option for a given bandwidth utilization and network characteristics. In the proposed method, the business policies specified in a high-level interface are refined down to the network level in order to bring highlevel directives into the operation, and a Utility Function is used to combine energy eficiency and performance requirements. A Decision Tree able to determine what to do in each scenario is deployed in a Software Defined Network environment. The proposed method was validated with diferent experiments, testing the Utility Function, checking the extra savings when combining several capabilities, the decision tree interpolation and dynamicity aspects. The orchestration proved to be valid to solve the problem of finding the best combination for a given scenario, achieving additional savings due to the combination, besides ensuring a conflict-free operation.


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Neste trabalho fazemos uma revisão das novas tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TIC), definindo o que são Objetos de Aprendizagem (OA) e como eles têm sido utilizados no ensino de Física. Revisamos ainda o trabalho de Vigotski buscando indicações de sua teoria educacional para investigar a aplicabilidade de atividades didáticas em ensino de Física que lancem mão de OA no ensino médio. Elaboramos um instrumento de pesquisa voltado para professores do ensino médio para avaliar seu efetivo uso nas escolas públicas e privadas brasileiras e as limitações funcionais por eles identificadas ao utilizarem esses recursos computacionais. Com base na literatura, e sob uma ótica vigotskiana, aplicamos algumas atividades com OA pré-selecionados e avaliamos com outro instrumento de pesquisa a opinião dos alunos quanto ao seu uso para o ensino de Física. Nosso trabalho pôde corroborar a boa aceitação por parte dos alunos com relação ao seu uso, já divulgada na literatura e também por parte dos professores, mas mostrou que para além das limitações de uso dos OA, especialmente das simulações computacionais, destacadas na literatura e relacionadas às limitações cognitivas que elas podem trazer quando utilizadas de maneira indiscriminada, existem problemas mais profundos de natureza funcional que têm limitado a disseminação de seu uso efetivo pelo corpo docente.


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In this paper the model of an Innovative Monitoring Network involving properly connected nodes to develop an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solution for preventive maintenance of historical centres from early warnings is proposed. It is well known that the protection of historical centres generally goes from a large-scale monitoring to a local one and it could be supported by a unique ICT solution. More in detail, the models of a virtually organized monitoring system could enable the implementation of automated analyses by presenting various alert levels. An adequate ICT solution tool would allow to define a monitoring network for a shared processing of data and results. Thus, a possible retrofit solution could be planned for pilot cases shared among the nodes of the network on the basis of a suitable procedure utilizing a retrofit catalogue. The final objective would consist in providing a model of an innovative tool to identify hazards, damages and possible retrofit solutions for historical centres, assuring an easy early warning support for stakeholders. The action could proactively target the needs and requirements of users, such as decision makers responsible for damage mitigation and safeguarding of cultural heritage assets.


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The objective of this thesis is to understand the impact of satisfaction with innovative benefits on the intention to stay of the information and communications technology industry (ICT) workers. In order to investigate this question, a general research hypothesis was presented based on a literature review and on Blau’s social exchange theory (1964) and Maslow’s theory of needs (1943). The general research hypothesis states that satisfaction with innovative benefits increases intention to stay through time. The data used in this thesis were collected as part of a larger research on the relationships between compensation, training and skills development and attracting and retaining key employees. The longitudinal data come from an office located in Montreal of a major international company from the ICT sector. The study population consists of workers newly hired between April 1st, 2009 and September 30th, 2010. The results confirm the research hypothesis showing that satisfaction with innovative benefits increase intention to stay through time. Among the various innovative benefits studied, the results indicate that it is the satisfaction with the gym at work that best predicts intention to stay of workers. Other innovative benefits significantly related to intention to stay are the games library, the lounge, the medical clinic and the library in the workplace. Also, longitudinal analyses reveal that it is mainly the differences between the individual characteristics of the employees who best explain intention to stay than the differences across time of the same worker. This thesis concludes by discussing the best way for industrial relations managers to use the results in order to retain their employees. Then, the limits of the study and some directions for further research are also presented.


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The objective of this thesis is to understand the impact of satisfaction with innovative benefits on the intention to stay of the information and communications technology industry (ICT) workers. In order to investigate this question, a general research hypothesis was presented based on a literature review and on Blau’s social exchange theory (1964) and Maslow’s theory of needs (1943). The general research hypothesis states that satisfaction with innovative benefits increases intention to stay through time. The data used in this thesis were collected as part of a larger research on the relationships between compensation, training and skills development and attracting and retaining key employees. The longitudinal data come from an office located in Montreal of a major international company from the ICT sector. The study population consists of workers newly hired between April 1st, 2009 and September 30th, 2010. The results confirm the research hypothesis showing that satisfaction with innovative benefits increase intention to stay through time. Among the various innovative benefits studied, the results indicate that it is the satisfaction with the gym at work that best predicts intention to stay of workers. Other innovative benefits significantly related to intention to stay are the games library, the lounge, the medical clinic and the library in the workplace. Also, longitudinal analyses reveal that it is mainly the differences between the individual characteristics of the employees who best explain intention to stay than the differences across time of the same worker. This thesis concludes by discussing the best way for industrial relations managers to use the results in order to retain their employees. Then, the limits of the study and some directions for further research are also presented.


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Estudo sobre as experiências vividas por mulheres negras que participam do movimento cultural hip-hop. Em particular, buscou-se discutir sobre a organização dos arranjos interativos e as relações de pertencimento, presença e empoderamento, tendo como elo a produção musical e as Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs).Desvendar as implicações que as TICs têm com as práticas culturais juvenis contemporâneas de periferia, que funcionam como referência no combate às desigualdades de gênero e do racismo. Investigar as conexões entre as interações sociais, a cultura e ação política na esfera pública. A experiência de identidade, gênero e participação no universo on-line foi construída a partir de leituras sobre as políticas identitárias, teorias feministas e das interações sociais proporcionadas pelas TICs. Os procedimentos metodológicos incluem a pesquisa bibliográfica, entrevistas semi-estruturadas, aplicação de formulários, observação a partir da participação em eventos, além de estudo de sites dos grupos estudados e participação nas redes sociais. Entre os resultados, destaca-se que há o fortalecimento das ações e de ícones na disseminação da cultura hip-hop e que a proposição sobre o ativismo político e social das jovens envolvidas no hip-hop.


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Estudo sobre as experiências vividas por mulheres negras que participam do movimento cultural hip-hop. Em particular, buscou-se discutir sobre a organização dos arranjos interativos e as relações de pertencimento, presença e empoderamento, tendo como elo a produção musical e as Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs).Desvendar as implicações que as TICs têm com as práticas culturais juvenis contemporâneas de periferia, que funcionam como referência no combate às desigualdades de gênero e do racismo. Investigar as conexões entre as interações sociais, a cultura e ação política na esfera pública. A experiência de identidade, gênero e participação no universo on-line foi construída a partir de leituras sobre as políticas identitárias, teorias feministas e das interações sociais proporcionadas pelas TICs. Os procedimentos metodológicos incluem a pesquisa bibliográfica, entrevistas semi-estruturadas, aplicação de formulários, observação a partir da participação em eventos, além de estudo de sites dos grupos estudados e participação nas redes sociais. Entre os resultados, destaca-se que há o fortalecimento das ações e de ícones na disseminação da cultura hip-hop e que a proposição sobre o ativismo político e social das jovens envolvidas no hip-hop.


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As redes sociais pela internet ganham destaque nos processos comunicacionais atuais ao permitirem uma maior interação entre os conectados. Entretanto, o conceito de rede, ao contrário do senso comum e do que se convencionou no meio acadêmico, de fato não propõe uma organização simétrica, estática e homogênea. A rede é, por natureza, dinâmica e heterogênea, assim como a sociedade é. As redes sociais e as redes digitais demonstram isso. Elas aumentam e diminuem seus nós e possuem diferentes graus de conexões, e mesmo nestes graus de conexões são diversas. O presente estudo está dividido em duas partes fundamentais. A primeira visa compreender o conceito de rede, e para isso baseia-se em Milton Santos, Pierre Musso e Albert-Lásló Barabási. Na segunda parte, a partir de uma pesquisa com estudantes universitários, há a preocupação de identificar as heterogeneidades existentes nas suas presenças nas redes e suas práticas de uso, a partir de seis categorias de análise e atividades relacionadas: relações pessoais, estudo, trabalho, ativismo, entretenimento e lazer, e informações e notícias. A questão de fundo, a respeito das possibilidades das redes, é sobre os diferentes níveis de participação, ou seja, a heterogeneidade em rede. O resultado do estudo constata a heterogeneidade, na qual os estudantes, por mais que possuam semelhanças em função da idade aproximada, da condição social e pelo fato de estudarem em uma universidade particular, são diferentes entre si, em especial, se comparados pelas áreas de formação. Não só a presença nas redes sociais se dá em níveis diferentes, quanto suas práticas também são. Portanto, o conceito de redes heterogêneas contido no pensamento de Milton Santos, Pierre Musso e Albert-Lásló Barabási, é confirmado com a pesquisa aplicada aos estudantes universitários dos cursos de graduação presencial da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, a partir da análise de suas presenças e práticas de uso.  


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Analisa-se, neste trabalho, como e com quais características ocorre a comunicação pedagógica nos sistemas que atuam na modalidade Educação a Distância (EAD), modalidade esta caracterizada pela mediação de tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC). O corpus desta pesquisa é composto pelo recorte da regulamentação específica e dos debates que envolvem o Ministério da Educação (MEC) e a Secretaria de Educação a Distância (SEED), a Associação Brasileira de Educação a Distância (ABED) e os profissionais da área, abordando o período do início da vigência do Decreto n.º 5622/05, que regulamentou a EAD no Brasil, em 2005, até 2009, momento em que ocorrem, pela polifonia dos modelos existentes, a supervisão e consolidação das ofertas desta modalidade no Brasil. O objetivo maior desta investigação foi analisar e avaliar como e com quais características a comunicação pedagógica apresenta o discurso educativo nesta modalidade, enquanto categoria educacional e comunicativa, caracterizada pelo uso de TIC dentro da perspectiva social. Este estudo utilizou a metodologia da pesquisa descritiva e documental, de natureza qualitativa, num percurso em que a pesquisadora procura descobrir, com a maior precisão possível, a frequência com que o fenômeno ocorre, sua relação e conexão com outros, sua natureza e suas características. Como fonte de informação e da pesquisa documental, utilizaram-se as categorias analíticas, o aspecto histórico, legal, versus a realidade da oferta desta modalidade. Buscou-se ainda entender como e com quais características as relações entre a comunicação e a educação se materializam no discurso pedagógico, nos sistemas de Ensino Superior que ofertam a modalidade EAD. Em relação aos envolvidos SEED/MEC e ABED, existem questões ainda implicativas entre as concepções de comunicação, educação e tecnologia. Pautou-se a pesquisa na análise dos caminhos e descaminhos desta modalidade e assim pôdese verificar uma oscilação entre os atores envolvidos e a consistência teórica que dá suporte de investigação ao MEC e à SEED para a realização do acompanhamento e supervisão, na perspectiva de garantir as bases conceituais que determinam e (ou) determinarão a oferta da modalidade EAD no Ensino Superior. Em relação à Comunicação Pedagógica, percebeu-se uma fragilidade nos debates, cuja ênfase ainda é de cunho quantitativo e não qualitativo. Pela análise feita, considera-se que, em razão da polifonia dos modelos, existem muitas iniciativas, mas o discurso predominante ainda é o da democratização da expansão, o que prejudica sensivelmente o avanço da valorização humana em detrimento do uso da tecnologia, e isso impede avanços na construção dos espaços possíveis e essenciais na modalidade EAD.(AU)


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The impact and use of information and communication technology on learning outcomes for accounting students is not well understood. This study investigates the impact of design features of Blackboard 1 used as aWeb-based Learning Environment (WBLE) in teaching undergraduate accounting students. Specifically, this investigation reports on a number of Blackboard design features (e.g. delivery of lecture notes, announcements, online assessment and model answers) used to deliver learning materials regarded as necessary to enhance learning outcomes. Responses from 369 on-campus students provided data to develop a regression model that seeks to explain enhanced participation and mental effort. The final regression shows that student satisfaction with the use of a WBLE is associated with five design features or variables. These include usefulness and availability of lecture notes, online assessment, model answers, and online chat.


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Using panel data for 52 developed and developing countries over the period 1998-2006, this article examines the links between information and communication technology diffusion and human development. We conducted a panel regression analysis of the investments per capita in healthcare, education and information and communication technology against human development index scores. Using a quantile regression approach, our findings suggest that changes in healthcare, education and information and communication technology provision have a stronger impact on human development index scores for less developed than for highly developed countries. Furthermore, at lower levels of development education fosters development directly and also indirectly through their enhanced effects on ICT. At higher levels of development education has only an indirect effect on development through the return to ICT.


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Culture defines collective behavior and interactions among people in groups. In organizations, it shapes group identity, work pattern, communication schemes, and interpersonal relations. Any change in organizational culture will lead to changes in these elements of organizational factors, and vice versa. From a managerial standpoint, how to cultivate an organizational culture that would enhance these aforementioned elements in organizational workplace should thus be taken into serious consideration. Based on cases studies in two hospitals, this paper investigates how organizational culture is shaped by a particular type of information and communication technology, wireless networks, a topic that is generally overlooked by the mainstream research community, and in turn implicates how such cultural changes in organizations renovate their competitiveness in the marketplace. Lessons learned from these cases provide valuable insights to emerging IT management and culture studies in general and in wireless network management in the healthcare sector in particular.


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This article examines current career thinking and employability management practices within the Polish Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector. The aim of this contribution is to identify career management problems and to determine obstacles for implementing employability management practices at a company level. Semi-structured interviews aimed at establishing company needs were conducted with 18 managers of small and medium-sized ICT enterprises in Poland. These firms appear to apply various developmental approaches to stimulate competitive advantage. Faced with a more demanding environment, firms aim for versatility rather than adopting simplified solutions. Managing the careers and employability of ICT professionals is acknowledged as vitally important for the survival and development of ICT companies.