476 resultados para Napier


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This report presents an evaluation of Phase 1 of the Working for Families Fund (WFF) covering 2004-06. WFF was established to invest in new initiatives to improve the employability of parents who have difficulties in participating in the labour market, specifically in employment, education or training. The Fund supported these parents through helping them find sustainable childcare solutions and through providing or accessing other relevant employability-related services. In rural areas, barriers created by poor transport, limited services and the lack of a critical mass of clients were also particularly important. WFF contributes to the Scottish Executive’s Closing the Opportunity Gap approach to tackling poverty and disadvantage, by improving rates of employment and economic activity, and to its commitment to eradicating child poverty within a generation.


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This paper explores ethnic and religious minority youth perspectives of security and nationalism in Scotland during the independence campaign in 2014.  We discuss how young people co-construct narratives of Scottish nationalism alongside minority ethnic and faith identities in order to feel secure. By critically combining literatures from feminist geopolitics, international relations (IR) and children’s emotional geographies, we employ the concept of ‘ontological security’. The paper departs from state-centric approaches to security to explore the relational entanglements between geopolitical discourses and the ontological security of young people living through a moment of political change. We examine how everyday encounters with difference can reflect broader geopolitical narratives of security and insecurity, which subsequently trouble notions of ‘multicultural nationalism’ in Scotland and demonstrate ways that youth ‘securitize the self’ (Kinnvall, 2004). The paper responds to calls for empirical analyses of youth perspectives on nationalism and security (Benwell, 2016) and on the nexus between security and emotional subjectivity in critical geopolitics (Pain, 2009; Shaw et al., 2014). Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), this paper draws on focus group and interview data from 382 ethnic and religious minority young people in Scotland collected over the 12-month period of the campaign. Keywords: nationalism, young people, race and ethnicity, ontological security, everyday geopolitics


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This paper provides an exploratory study of how rewards-based crowdfunding affects business model development for music industry artists, labels and live sector companies. The empirical methodology incorporated a qualitative, semi-structured, three-stage interview design with fifty seven senior executives from industry crowdfunding platforms and three stakeholder groups. The results and analysis cover new research ground and provide conceptual models to develop theoretical foundations for further research in this field. The findings indicate that the financial model benefits of crowdfunding for independent artists are dependent on fan base demographic variables relating to age group and genre due to sustained apprehension from younger audiences. Furthermore, major labels are now considering a more user-centric financial model as an innovation strategy, and the impact of crowdfunding on their marketing model may already be initiating its development in terms of creativity, strength and artist relations.


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Choosing a single similarity threshold for cutting dendrograms is not sufficient for performing hierarchical clustering analysis of heterogeneous data sets. In addition, alternative automated or semi-automated methods that cut dendrograms in multiple levels make assumptions about the data in hand. In an attempt to help the user to find patterns in the data and resolve ambiguities in cluster assignments, we developed MLCut: a tool that provides visual support for exploring dendrograms of heterogeneous data sets in different levels of detail. The interactive exploration of the dendrogram is coordinated with a representation of the original data, shown as parallel coordinates. The tool supports three analysis steps. Firstly, a single-height similarity threshold can be applied using a dynamic slider to identify the main clusters. Secondly, a distinctiveness threshold can be applied using a second dynamic slider to identify “weak-edges” that indicate heterogeneity within clusters. Thirdly, the user can drill-down to further explore the dendrogram structure - always in relation to the original data - and cut the branches of the tree at multiple levels. Interactive drill-down is supported using mouse events such as hovering, pointing and clicking on elements of the dendrogram. Two prototypes of this tool have been developed in collaboration with a group of biologists for analysing their own data sets. We found that enabling the users to cut the tree at multiple levels, while viewing the effect in the original data, is a promising method for clustering which could lead to scientific discoveries.


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Inadequate quantity and quality of livestock feed is a persistent constraint to productivity for mixed crop-livestock farming in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. To assess on-farm niches of improved forages, demonstration trials and participatory on-farm research were conducted in four different sites. Forage legumes included Canavalia brasiliensis (CIAT 17009), Stylosanthes guianensis (CIAT 11995) and Desmodium uncinatum (cv. Silverleaf), while grasses were Guatemala grass (Tripsacum andersonii), Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) French Cameroon, and a local Napier line. Within the first six months, forage legumes adapted differently to the four sites with little differences among varieties, while forage grasses displayed higher variability in biomass production among varieties than among sites. Farmers’ ranking largely corresponded to herbage yield from the first cut, preferring Canavalia, Silverleaf desmodium and Napier French Cameroon. Choice of forages and integration into farming systems depended on land availability, soil erosion prevalence and livestock husbandry system. In erosion prone sites, 55–60% of farmers planted grasses on field edges and 16–30% as hedgerows for erosion control. 43% of farmers grew forages as intercrop with food crops such as maize and cassava, pointing to land scarcity. Only in the site with lower land pressure, 71% of farmers grew legumes as pure stand. When land tenure was not secured and livestock freely roaming, 75% of farmers preferred to grow annual forage legumes instead of perennial grasses. Future research should develop robust decision support for spatial and temporal integration of forage technologies into diverse smallholder cropping systems and agro-ecologies.


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El direccionamiento estratégico está destinado para que las organizaciones cumplan con sus metas y tengan perdurabilidad en el tiempo; es una forma metodológica en la cual se establecen La formulación y el planteamiento estratégicos, se identifican las brechas entre el sueño de la empresa y su realidad, para desplegar la plata forma estratégica. Kathmandu es un restaurante conocido por su diversidad cultural gastronómica, ubicado en Usaquén al Norte de Bogotá. Su serviespacio reúne los sabores, aromas, decoración y elixires del oriente, su música incluye una fusión de sonidos que permite materializar la experiencia que quiere brindar para satisfacer las expectativas de sus comensales y brindarles una experiencia diferente. Los fines de semana presentan shows de danza de vientre, para acompañar la comida y el rato que dispongan disfrutar en este lugar. Este restaurante tiene un diferenciador en su servicio, que le ofrece una ventaja competitiva, Kathmandu brinda la posibilidad de que además del deleite de sus platos, los clientes puedan adquirir toda la decoración de este lugar, estas son artesanías originales traídas de Nepal, India, Tailandia, Indonesia y sus alrededores. Otro atrayente de este restaurante son los cocteles alusivos a las regiones del oriente, y la narguile que ofrece a sus clientes. Al pasar de los años, ciertos inconvenientes presentados en el negocio, con los clientes, el personal y las utilidades, han hecho que los gerentes se preocupen por encontrar la raíz del problema y buscar la solución óptima para perdurar en el tiempo con los mejores beneficios posibles, pues las estrategias que estaban implementando no van acorde a su misión y visión, por lo que es necesario realizar una restructuración de ciertos procesos enfocados al direccionamiento estratégico. Se realizó un análisis en una reunión junto a las directivas sobre cada área de la organización donde se evidenciaron problemas que deben ser tratados para hacer de Kathmandu una empresa más eficiente, eficaz y productiva. Y prepararla para afrontar los cambios que el tiempo le presente, en cuanto a preferencias de los clientes, competencia, entre otras, bien sean a corto, mediano o largo plazo. Algunos de los principales problemas encontrados son: el servicio al cliente, la selección adecuada de personal y capacitación de este, la falta de manejo de un conducto jerárquico y repartición de funciones entre los colaboradores, el informe adecuado sobre la inconformidad de los clientes con su solución, el manual de funciones, el manejo de inventarios y su rotación, verificación de calidad de los productos, manejo de proveedores, entre otros. Kathmandu, a pesar de tener problemas evidentes, es una empresa que por los servicios y productos que ofrece sigue generando buenas utilidades, por esto los gerentes no le habían prestado la debida atención a estos inconvenientes que están poniendo en juego la perdurabilidad de la empresa y que afecta la optimización de las utilidades y minimización de costes sin afectar la calidad brindada al cliente. El objetivo de este restaurante es que el área de recursos humanos sea restructurada en cada uno de los procesos para articularla al direccionamiento estratégico de Kathmandu; pues en esta área se generan la mayoría de los problemas presentados anteriormente. El presente proyecto pretende diseñar el direccionamiento estratégico del área recursos humanos del restaurante Kathmandu para superar la problemática identificada y garantizar la efectividad de sus procesos y adicionalmente evidenciar la creencia de éxito sostenido que se manejaba en este lugar. Este proyecto se realizara con una metodología mixta, para tener aspectos de la investigación cuantitativa y cualitativa y poder realizar una investigación más completa que lleve a una óptima solución del problema abarcado. Se utilizara el direccionamiento estratégico como herramienta para replantear el área de recursos humanos de la organización y alcanzar la efectividad en sus procesos.


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The outcome of the inductive decision -making process of the leading project management group (PMG) was the proposal to develop three modules, Human Resource Management and Knowledge Management, Quality Management and Intercultural management, each for 10 ECTS credits. As a result of the theoretical and organisational framework and analytical phase of the project, four strategies informed the development and implemen- tation of the modules: 1. Collaboration as a principle stemming from EU collaborative policy and receiving it’s expression on all implementation levels (designing the modules, modes of learning, delivering the modules, evaluation process). 2. Building on the Bologna process masters level framework to assure ap- propriate academic level of outputs. 3. Development of value -based leadership of students through transforma- tional learning in a cross -cultural setting and continual reflection of theory in practice. 4. Continual evaluation and feedback among teachers and students as a strategy to achieve a high quality programme. In the first phase of designing the modules the collaborative strategy in particular was applied, as each module was led by one university, but members from all other universities participated in the discussions and development of the mod- ules. The Bologna process masters level framework and related standards and guidelines informed the form and method of designing the modules.


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This monograph outlines the process and results of development of a common educational programme at masters level in health and social care management, which was supported by the Erasmus Life Long Education project CareMan (Cul- ture and Care Management). The CareMan project brought together university partners actively involved in educating social and health care professionals in leadership and management at master’s level in Europe. The five partners of the consortium were Lahti University of Applied Sciences – Lahti UAS (administra- tive and academic coordinator, Finland), Charles University – CU (the Czech Republic), Edinburgh Napier University – ENU (Scotland), Hammeline University of Applied Sciences – HAMK (Finland), and University of Évora – UoE (Portugal). The objectives of the project were to achieve lower -level educational goals that included the development through education cultural and value -driven leadership, quality of care and quality management to effectively manage an integrated health and social care service. Through mapping the situation in the field and comparing curricula of all participating universities the overall aim was to develop a joint masters programme in social and healthcare management. After the detailed understanding of national and institutional specifics of each of the individual academic entities it was recognised that, due to a number of regulation issues, the original aim was not achievable. Following subsequent analytical work, it was decided to develop a set of three master’s level modules. At the end of the project it was intended that all created modules would be available virtually to the participating programmes and would contribute some added value to existing curricula. In the future these ready -to -use modules are intended to be taught in cooperation with the participating universities or as a separate module in each university. The chosen theoretical framework of the project that underpinned the devel- opment, management and evaluation of the inter -cultural educational provision relied on the combination of two learning theories – ‘cooperative collaborative and social learning’ and ’transformational’ (Mezirow, 2009). This theoretical framework helped to align with European collaborative policy and its application on all levels of implementation of the project.


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A compostagem constitui-se importante alternativa para obtenção de fertilizantes orgânicos, que são utilizados como condicionadores de solo e fornecedores de nutrientes, principalmente do nitrogênio (N), em diversos sistemas de produção agrícola. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a capacidade de recuperação biológica do N contido em diferentes formulações de compostos obtidos a partir da mistura de palhada de capim Napier e de Crotalaria juncea. Avaliou-se também a capacidade de recuperação do N de outros adubos. O bioensaio foi realizado em casa de vegetação, utilizando-se vasos plásticos de 650 ml com coletores de água lixiviada. Como planta indicadora, foi utilizado o Milheto Pérola (Pennisetum glaucum). Compostos orgânicos com maiores teores de N e menores relações C:N proporcionaram maiores taxas de recuperação de N pelo Milheto Pérola.