993 resultados para Mythology, Roman Mythology, Greek


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Biological/fisheries parameters (L sub(oo) M, F) are presented for four fish species (Gadiculus argenteus; Gaidropsarus mediterraneous; Symphurus ligulatus; Lepidorhombus boscii) as well as body length-weight and length-height relationships for 11 and 12 fish species, respectively, estimated from trawl samples collected using three different cod-ends (stretched mesh size: 14 mm and 20 mm diamond-shaped and 20 mm square-shaped) during 1993-1994, in the western Aegean and North Euboikos Gulf, Greece. The fisheries paramaters, estimated from length-frequency using the ELEFAN approach and software, are discussed in the light of recent information on the selectivity of the presently used trawl cod-end (14 mm diamond shaped)


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Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a imagem de Drácula ao longo de seus mais 100 anos de existência em nossa cultura, sobretudo em suas representações nos meios literários e audiovisuais. Buscamos traçar as transformações do personagem e de sua história ao longo de um grande percurso de incursões cinematográficas. Para isso iniciaremos um debate sobre a imagem do vampiro, sua origem e suas diversas evoluções desenvolvendo o que chamamos aqui de Mitologia Vampírica, aproveitando para apresentar o estudo das materialidades como um complemento metodológico às clássicas análises já existentes. Em seguida, traremos o vampiro para a literatura, destacando o livro de Stoker como o mais importante vampiro da história. Drácula, embora seja um produto literário, alcança seu ápice no meio audiovisual como um dos personagens mais representados e uma das histórias mais adaptadas como veremos através de uma pequena arqueologia de suas aparições no cinema. Para finalizar nosso estudo, nos aprofundaremos na análise de 5 filmes, que julgamos ser os mais pertinentes dentro de todas as transposições fílmicas até então feitas sobre o livro de Bram Stoker


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In western civilization, the knowledge of the elasmobranch or selachian fishes (sharks and rays) begins with Aristotle (384–322 B.C.). Two of his extant works, the “Historia Animalium” and the “Generation of Animals,” both written about 330 B.C., demonstrate knowledge of elasmobranch fishes acquired by observation. Roman writers of works on natural history, such as Aelian and Pliny, who followed Aristotle, were compilers of available information. Their contribution was that they prevented the Greek knowledge from being lost, but they added few original observations. The fall of Rome, around 476 A.D., brought a period of economic regression and political chaos. These in turn brought intellectual thought to a standstill for nearly one thousand years, the period known as the Dark Ages. It would not be until the middle of the sixteenth century, well into the Renaissance, that knowledge of elasmobranchs would advance again. The works of Belon, Salviani, Rondelet, and Steno mark the beginnings of ichthyology, including the study of sharks and rays. The knowledge of sharks and rays increased slowly during and after the Renaissance, and the introduction of the Linnaean System of Nomenclature in 1735 marks the beginning of modern ichthyology. However, the first major work on sharks would not appear until the early nineteenth century. Knowledge acquired about sea animals usually follows their economic importance and exploitation, and this was also true with sharks. The first to learn about sharks in North America were the native fishermen who learned how, when, and where to catch them for food or for their oils. The early naturalists in America studied the land animals and plants; they had little interest in sharks. When faunistic works on fishes started to appear, naturalists just enumerated the species of sharks that they could discern. Throughout the U.S. colonial period, sharks were seldom utilized for food, although their liver oil or skins were often utilized. Throughout the nineteenth century, the Spiny Dogfish, Squalus acanthias, was the only shark species utilized in a large scale on both coasts. It was fished for its liver oil, which was used as a lubricant, and for lighting and tanning, and for its skin which was used as an abrasive. During the early part of the twentieth century, the Ocean Leather Company was started to process sea animals (primarily sharks) into leather, oil, fertilizer, fins, etc. The Ocean Leather Company enjoyed a monopoly on the shark leather industry for several decades. In 1937, the liver of the Soupfin Shark, Galeorhinus galeus, was found to be a rich source of vitamin A, and because the outbreak of World War II in 1938 interrupted the shipping of vitamin A from European sources, an intensive shark fishery soon developed along the U.S. West Coast. By 1939 the American shark leather fishery had transformed into the shark liver oil fishery of the early 1940’s, encompassing both coasts. By the late 1940’s, these fisheries were depleted because of overfishing and fishing in the nursery areas. Synthetic vitamin A appeared on the market in 1950, causing the fishery to be discontinued. During World War II, shark attacks on the survivors of sunken ships and downed aviators engendered the search for a shark repellent. This led to research aimed at understanding shark behavior and the sensory biology of sharks. From the late 1950’s to the 1980’s, funding from the Office of Naval Research was responsible for most of what was learned about the sensory biology of sharks.


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This paper describes a trainable method for generating letter to sound rules for the Greek language, for producing the pronunciation of out-of-vocabulary words. Several approaches have been adopted over the years for grapheme-to-phoneme conversion, such as hand-seeded rules, finite state transducers, neural networks, HMMs etc, nevertheless it has been proved that the most reliable method is a rule-based one. Our approach is based on a semi-automatically pre-transcribed lexicon, from which we derived rules for automatic transcription. The efficiency and robustness of our method are proved by experiments on out-of-vocabulary words which resulted in over than 98% accuracy on a word-base criterion.


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We present a new online psycholinguistic resource for Greek based on analyses of written corpora combined with text processing technologies developed at the Institute for Language & Speech Processing (ILSP), Greece. The "ILSP PsychoLinguistic Resource" (IPLR) is a freely accessible service via a dedicated web page, at http://speech.ilsp.gr/iplr. IPLR provides analyses of user-submitted letter strings (words and nonwords) as well as frequency tables for important units and conditions such as syllables, bigrams, and neighbors, calculated over two word lists based on printed text corpora and their phonetic transcription. Online tools allow retrieval of words matching user-specified orthographic or phonetic patterns. All results and processing code (in the Python programming language) are freely available for noncommercial educational or research use. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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Background: ‘Birth Satisfaction’ is a term that encompasses a woman’s evaluation of her birth experience. The term includes factors such as her appraisal of the quality of care she received, a personal assessment of how she coped, and her reconstructions of what happened on that particular day. Her accounts may be accurate or skewed, yet correspond with her reality of how events unfolded. Objective: To evaluate properties of an instrument designed to measure birth satisfaction in a Greek population of postnatal women. Study design: We assessed factor structure, internal consistency, divergent validity and known-groups discriminant validity of the 30-item Greek Birth Satisfaction Scale – Long Form (30-item G-BSS-LF) and its revised version the 10-item Greek-BSS-Revised (10-item-G-BSS-R), using survey data collected in Athens. Participants: A convenience sample of healthy Greek postnatal women (n = 162) aged 22–46 years who had delivered between 34 and 42 weeks’ gestation. Results: The 30-item-G-BSS-LF performed poorly in terms of factor structure. The short-form 10-item-G-BSS-R performed well in terms of measurement replication of the English equivalent version as a multidimensional instrument. The short-form 10-item-G-BSS-R comprises three subscales which measure distinct but correlated domains of: (1) quality of care provision (4 items), (2) women’s personal attributes (2 items), and (3) stress experienced during labour (4 items). Key conclusions: The 10-item-G-BSS-R is a valid and reliable multidimensional psychometric instrument for measuring birth satisfaction in Greek postnatal women.


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Prescott, Sarah, ''What Foes more dang'rous than too strong Allies?': Anglo-Welsh relations in eighteenth-century London', The Huntington Library Quarterly (2006) 69 (4) pp.535-554 RAE2008


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Marggraf Turley, Richard, 'Johnny's in the Basement: Keats, Bob Dylan and Influence', In: 'The Monstrous Debt: Modalities of Romantic Influence in Twentieth Century Literature', (Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press), pp.181-204, 2006 RAE2008


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Raybould, Marilynne, and Sims-Williams, Patrick, The geography of Celtic personal names in the Latin inscriptions of the Roman Empire (Aberystwyth: CMCS publications, 2007) RAE2008


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Raybould, M. and Sims-Williams, P. (2007). A Corpus of Latin Inscriptions of the Roman Empire containing Celtic personal names. Aberystwyth: CMCS publications. RAE2008


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Davies, Jeffrey. 'Land Use and Military Supply in the Highland Zone of Roman Britain', In: Artefacts and Archaeology. Aspects of the Celtic and Roman World (University of Wales Press, 2002), pp.44-61 RAE2008


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Davies, Jeffrey. 'Soldiers, Peasants, Industry and Towns. The Roman Army in Britain: A Welsh Perspective', In: The Roman Army and the Economy (Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben, 2002), pp.169-203 RAE2008


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