908 resultados para Mohn (The word)


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The critical and most obvious component of lobbying is the interaction an entity has with government. The executive, parliament and bureaucracy are the key players in the field. On the opposing side, to extend a sporting analogy, are the lobbyists – who are identified or labelled, singularly or plurally, by a variety of names: pressure groups, policy consultants, tariff consultants, public relations consultants, interest groups, special interest groups, industrial and professional associations, government relations managers, public affairs managers and Lloyd’s qualified term, the ‘political lobbyist’ .
All these nomenclatures require further explanation – some are used interchangeably, others are now an historical term only, some fall from the common language only to reappear at a later date. Of all, the oldest and most widely recognised is lobbyist and lobbying. Lloyd (1989) states that the term ‘lobby agent’ was first used in Westminster in the mid-17th century. In the United States Schriftgiesser (1951) writes that the famous American journalist H L Mencken, the Sage of Baltimore, traced the first use of the word lobby, as we currently understand it, to Washington DC in 1829. At that time the term lobby-agent was in use but it was shortened, by journalists, to lobbyist by 1832.
It has been suggested that the concept of lobbying – of seeking influence among the powerful – is as old as government e itself. Lloyd (1989) cites examples of lobbying from the Old and New testaments – the most famous pressure group being those who petitioned Pontius Pilate to crucify Jesus Christ!
In the US the activities of lobbying were recognised before the term was coined when, according to Schriftgeisser (1951), ‘a little gang of painted –up merchants (who) pushed British tea into the salt water of Boston harbor’ (p4).
So the pedigree of lobbying activities is long and colourful. As the western form of parliamentary democracy has evolved and expanded among nations it seems that lobbying has been ever present on this journey. It is by its activities, its parts, that we can define and recognise lobbying most clearly and view the changes.


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The main objective of this study is to test the value relevance of financial and non-financial information in high-tech industries in Australia. Ninety-one companies were selected from the sectors of Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology and Life Sciences; Technology, Hardware and Equipment; and Telecommunication Services of ASX for the analysis. Both financial and non-financial sections of annual reports were scrutinized in order to obtain data for the analysis. The unaudited sections of annual reports were particularly analysed using NVivo to obtain the word-count of intangible assets. Ohlson’s (1995) Equity Valuation Model (modified for the intangible assets disclosures) was explicitly applied to examine the value relevance of financial and non-financial information. The overall results provide evidence that book value is the most significant factor and earnings are the least significant factor in deciding share prices in high-tech industries in Australia. This finding supports the previous studies that showed value relevance declined in earnings but increased in book value. This research proved that voluntary disclosures of intangible assets are value relevant, providing support for the previous US and Australian studies and the conclusion that investors probably increasingly rely upon alternative information sources.


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 Despite the frequency with which the concept of neoliberalism is employed within academic literature, its complex and multifaceted nature makes it difficult to define and describe. Indeed, data reported in this article suggest that there is a tendency in educational research to make extensive use of the word ‘neoliberalism’ (or its variants neoliberal, neo-liberal and neo-liberalism) as a catch-all for something negative but without offering a definition or explanation. The article highlights a number of key risks associated with this approach and draws on the Bourdieuian concept of illusio to suggest the possibility that when as educational researchers we use the word ‘neoliberalism’ in this way, rather than interrupting the implementation of neoliberal policies and practices, we may, in fact, be further entrenching the neoliberal doxa. That is to say, we are both playing the neoliberal game and inadvertently demonstrating our belief that it is a game worth being played. In so doing, this article seeks to extend understandings of what illusio means within the context of educational research.


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It has been many years since Raphael Lemkin’s archival papers were donated to three institutions across the US: the American Jewish Archives (in 1965), the American Jewish Historical Society (1975) and the New York Public Library (1982). Each archive contains Lemkin’s personal letters, research notes, historical papers, essays on philosophical, anthropological and economic approaches to, and outcomes of, genocide. One archive holds Lemkin’s unfinished autobiography and another his research into historical case studies of genocide, although both have been recently published. Despite these current publications, the plethora of archival material in the three institutions, and Dominik J. Schaller and Ju¨rgen Zimmerer’s 2005 special issue of this journal on Lemkin as an historian of mass violence, there has been little engagement with Lemkin’s intellectual writing in his archival papers. In addition, a one-day international conference titled ‘Genocide and human experience: Raphael Lemkin’s thought and vision’, organized by Judith Siegel and hosted by the Center for Jewish History in New York in 2009 centred on the economic, legal and cultural aspects of genocide in relation to Lemkin’s unpublished work. Yeshiva University Museum in November 2009 opened a six-month exhibition on Lemkin, and some of his archives have been digitized at the American Jewish Historical Society. It was Siegel’s visionary decision to initiate these activities. Despite this resurgence of Lemkin scholarship, and considering that genocide studies is now a thriving area within academia, it is curious, then, why many of Lemkin’s erudite writings have been largely neglected. Tony Barta’s recent commentary on Axis rule in occupied Europe, beyond chapter nine on genocide, argues that ‘we owe [Lemkin] much more than the word “genocide”’, namely ‘both respect and a serious critique’; the former has been abundant, the latter, minimal. Implicitly, Barta is urging genocide studies scholars to seek primary source material on Lemkin’s theories, rather than reiterating truncated articles on his life and often-repeated quotations from his published work.


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Older members of the Greek community see aging and the ill health that may accompany it as an inevitable part of life. They associate illness very closely with God’s will, and largely believe their state of health is an aspect of fate and / or luck that they do not have control over and must simply accept. This paper, based on research conducted in Melbourne, Australia, describes the way in which the experience of old age is understood in the worldview of this group. The words fate and luck (τύχη = tyche; γραφτό = graphto) are often used by older Greeks to characterize their situation. Luck, to this group, is not random. The term (τύχη) was used in classical times to refer to a kind of minor deity that controlled the fortune of the Greek city states, and an element of this idea of intention remains today. In the modern context, luck comes from God, and for this group, is part of γραφτό, or destiny, something that is written. In its usual usage in Greek, γραφτό refers to something that must happen to a person because it is predetermined and cannot not occur. The meaning that these older Greek individuals give to the word luck in the modern world is manifested in their acceptance of the problems of aging and their approach to coping with their own experience.


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More than three decades of mentoring research has yet to converge on a unifying definition of mentoring; this is unsurprising given the diversity of relationships classified as mentoring. This article advances beyond a definition toward a common framework for specifying mentoring models. Sixteen design elements were identified from the literature and tested through specification of two different mentoring models from higher education contexts. This framework provides researchers and practitioners with a detailed yet concise method of communicating exactly what they mean when using the word mentoring; it may also act as a useful set of prompts for educators designing new mentoring interventions.


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Electronic Medical Record (EMR) has established itself as a valuable resource for large scale analysis of health data. A hospital EMR dataset typically consists of medical records of hospitalized patients. A medical record contains diagnostic information (diagnosis codes), procedures performed (procedure codes) and admission details. Traditional topic models, such as latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) and hierarchical Dirichlet process (HDP), can be employed to discover disease topics from EMR data by treating patients as documents and diagnosis codes as words. This topic modeling helps to understand the constitution of patient diseases and offers a tool for better planning of treatment. In this paper, we propose a novel and flexible hierarchical Bayesian nonparametric model, the word distance dependent Chinese restaurant franchise (wddCRF), which incorporates word-to-word distances to discover semantically-coherent disease topics. We are motivated by the fact that diagnosis codes are connected in the form of ICD-10 tree structure which presents semantic relationships between codes. We exploit a decay function to incorporate distances between words at the bottom level of wddCRF. Efficient inference is derived for the wddCRF by using MCMC technique. Furthermore, since procedure codes are often correlated with diagnosis codes, we develop the correspondence wddCRF (Corr-wddCRF) to explore conditional relationships of procedure codes for a given disease pattern. Efficient collapsed Gibbs sampling is derived for the Corr-wddCRF. We evaluate the proposed models on two real-world medical datasets - PolyVascular disease and Acute Myocardial Infarction disease. We demonstrate that the Corr-wddCRF model discovers more coherent topics than the Corr-HDP. We also use disease topic proportions as new features and show that using features from the Corr-wddCRF outperforms the baselines on 14-days readmission prediction. Beside these, the prediction for procedure codes based on the Corr-wddCRF also shows considerable accuracy.


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It is a well known fact that librarians, as professionals go, are not among the world's most demonstrative people. I can say that with impunity because I am one. It's one thing for a man to slight his own profession; quite another when someone else presumes to do it. But given that librarians are a placid sort, just mention the phrase "intellectual freedom," or utter the word "censorship," and the usually calm demeanor of the librarian becomes as agitated as the water between Charybdis and Scylla! This article addresses three aspects of the issue of intellectual freedom and attempts to define the difference between the phrases "free speech" and "free expression." First to be explored will be the nature of intellectual freedom as defined by the American Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Manual; second, the underlying philosophy implicit in that expression; and third, an alternative to both the manual, and its philosophical presuppositions.


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Existem algumas diferenças vitais entre os líderes e os administradores. Torna-se crucial diferenciar esses dois tipos de comportamentos. De acordo com alguns autores como Bennis, Gardner, Hickman e Porter por exemplo, é importante ter em mente que: A palavra Administrador costuma indicar que o indivíduo assim rotulado, ocupa um posto de direção numa organização, decidindo sobre os processos através dos quais uma organização funciona, alocando recursos com prudência, utilizando seu pessoal da melhor maneira possível. Líder é usado para indicar alguém que usa o processo de persuasão porque preocupa-se com aquilo que as coisas significam para as pessoas. Os líderes se orientam na direção da inovação desafiando o status quo e inspirando confiança. É capaz de intensificar o comprometimento e o entusiasmo dos empregados. Esse processo significa pessoas rumo a novas direções e inspirá-las a fazerem com que as coisas aconteçam. A maior parte dos administradores exibe algumas habilidades de liderança, e a maior parte dos líderes ocasionalmente se vê administrando. O projeto de pesquisa deverá apontar essas diferenças, embora liderança e administração não sejam a mesma coisa, mas podem se sobrepor. Esta pesquisa tenta demonstrar que líderes e administradores podem harmonizar suas diferentes orientações comportamentais quando trabalham juntos. Isto habilita as organizações a tirar maior proveito dos pontos fortes que eles têm.


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Atualmente, a palavra "mudança" está na ordem do dia e tornou-se o novo paradigma empresarial. Todos querem mudar, transformar, preparar-se para o futuro. Por um lado, a mudança representa a oportunidade de crescimento, inovação, resposta à criatividade, mas, por outro lado, significa também o medo, a desorientação, o conflito e árduas negociações. O foco central do trabalho ora proposto para apreciação, diz respeito aos papéis desempenhados pelos gerentes de plataformas de perfuração marítima da Petrobras, numa análise de suas ações e quais os papéis gerenciais que melhor favorecem a enfrentar os novos cenários de mudança. O estudo abrange também os aspectos relevantes de uma mudança organizacional e os fatores condicionantes em uma reestruturação de forma a alcançar o desenvolvimento das pessoas, dos processos e da organização como um todo.


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The theme of this dissertation is the quality in assistance and services rendered: a study on the satisfaction of the students from the Social Studies school. In a school, leader are supposed to always believe that the best form of attaining success derives from their performance in decentralizing activities, do away with barriers and help in the front line. This is the participative management. Students satisfaction is the goal. When the whole school community feels emotionally involved, success is assured, since all the educational segments are supposed to get together for achieving school success. When investment is made in the continued education of the school staff, such as the establishing a teaching of quality is sedimented. To have a school of quality in assistance and services rendered and, thereafter, to obtain favorable results, it is necessary for everyone to be aware of their roles, which is only possible through a cooperative effort on the part of the people forming the institution, with a commitment of the whole team: teaching, technical and administrative staff, as well as its external and internal clients, with values of excellence and relevance, which ought to be present in the whole of the educational effort. The four fundamental dimensions for a program of quality are: Planning to change; organizing to act; Acting to transform; Assessing to improve. In planning the institution establishes its objectives. In organizing it defines the structure for a more flexible action. In acting what has been established is implemented. In assessing it constantly improves the program of quality. To look for the students quality and satisfaction is the virtue of persistence is the doing right from the word go. To have a zeal and care in everything one does e for whom it is intended to, since to achieve the maximum in result with the least effort, reaching goal, objectives and finalities are everything the target population wishes.


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É indiscutível, nos dias atuais, que o turismo deva ser encarado como importante motor de desenvolvimento com base local, contemplando as potencialidades endógenas, já que produz mutações no ambiente fisico e social onde se instala .. O município de Bento Gonçalves - RS, abarca inúmeros fatores que podem ser considerados potencialmente atrativos turísticos, como clima, relevo, gastronomia, cultura, eventos, produção agrícola e industrial, etc. Com base nestes fatores, a presente dissertação - que surgiu da detecção de que o mercado do turismo está em franco crescimento em todo mundo e da possibilidade de encontrar uma forma de impulsionar cada vez mais a economia do município - terá como meta estudar cientificamente o fenômeno turístico (prioritariamente receptivo) desta cidade, tendo em vista detectar ações e atividades que ensejem incremento e que possam contribuir para alavancar economicamente a economia local. Embora a palavra "turismo" tenha surgido no século XIX, algumas de suas formas já existiam desde as mais antigas civilizações e a sua participação, até recentemente, estava restrita a uma elite que dispunha de tempo e dinheiro para realizar suas viagens. Atualmente, porém, a maioria das pessoas dos países desenvolvidos, e um número significativo daquelas dos países subdesenvolvidos, têm realizado viagens turísticas uma ou mais vezes por ano, de modo que o turismo já não é uma prerrogativa de alguns cidadãos privilegiados; sua existência é aceita e constitui parte integrante do estilo de vida para um número crescente de pessoas em todo mundo. Por isso, o planejamento é fundamental e indispensável para o desenvolvimento turístico equilibrado e em harmonia com os recursos fisicos, culturais e sociais das regiões receptoras. Num ramo de negócios como o do turismo, sujeito a rápidas mudanças no comportamento da demanda, a pesquisa caracteriza-se como instrumento valioso que permite posteriores previsões e projeções de tendências sobre a evolução futura do setor. Com base nos dados levantados (que deverão espelhar a maior aproximação possível da realidade), a presente dissertação, intitulada Perspectivas de Incremento Econômico Alavancado Pelo Turúmo no Município de Bento Gonçalves - RS, pretende dimensionar equipamentos e serviços que serão necessários para atender as expectarivas da clientela turística que visitar o município de Bento Gonçalves - RS, nos próximos anos. Por último, as informações obtidas neste trabalho auxiliarão nas escolhas de estratégias que poderão ser utilizadas pelas organizações públicas e privadas, que disputarão os cliente-turistas no mercado.


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Lets imagine how should be fine to disclose a new measure form to investigate the businessman performance as if the job done is bringing back to the stockholder, the best results. Also, would be better to exists an executive compensation, by his add value created to the stockholder.The word ¿add value¿ is at the summit point on the financial world, all the companies are involved on creating add value" into the assets.So, the EVA (Economic Value Added) has come, a patented trade mark by a consulting corporation company, the Stern & Stewart Co. as a new indicator of companies performances.This assignment has motivated to running out na empirical research in order to find out the right methodology its qualitys and its differentials."


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o estudo pretende contribuir para o entendimento do problema da evasao de funcionários do Banco Central do Brasil. Partindo da idéia de que a permanência de funcionário na organização alicerça-se no tripé: satisfação no trabalho, satisfação com o sistema de recompensas e influência do ambiente externo, procurou-se determinar os fatores desses eI lementos capazes de influenciar a decisâo de permanência ou evasão. Utilizaram-se dois tipos de análise:~ descritiva e de contingência. A primeira visou a apresentar ~s caracteristicas da amostra e os fatores do ambiente externo associados ã permanência ou evasão do Banco. A segunda visou a determinar os fatores que melhor explicam satisfação no trabalho e satisfaçao com osiétema de recompensas. Uma das conclusões do estudo: há um grande anseio por parte do funcionalismo na efetiva pa~ ticipação na vida organizacional, o que significa não so ouvir e ser ouvido na definição de metas e diretrizes organizacionais, como também poder planejar e implementar a carreira. Espera-se que as análises realizadas possam servir para repe~ sar os anseios, dGvidas, frustrações e realizações do funcionário no contexto da organização em que, no sentido amplo do termo, ele vive.


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Este estudo foi desenvolvido com o fim de analisar as perspectivas para o empreendedorismo sustentável na Amazônia, a partir de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema. Para tanto, foram analisadas as ações, públicas e privadas, que podem ser adotadas para incentivar tal empreendedorismo. Ademais, foi feito um estudo da Agenda 21, Protocolo de Quioto e núcleos de empreendedorismo sustentável. Com base nessas fontes de consulta pode-se concluir que intervenções endógenas não irão promover este desenvolvimento, pois é fundamental que os setores públicos e privados sejam agentes de ação para que o empreendedorismo sustentável seja fomentado na Amazônia. É preciso criar condições para se desenvolver o espírito empreendedor do “povo da floresta” no intuito de que eles sejam cidadãos, no mais amplo sentido que esta palavra possa ter. Isto é, que as comunidades que vivem na Floresta possuam emprego e renda, e que esta fonte econômica venha de forma sustentável com origem na floresta, de modo a mostrar às comunidades que a floresta é muito mais valiosa viva do que morta. A preservação da Floresta Amazônica pelos que lá habitam, certamente será garantida, já que não há ninguém melhor para protegê-la do que seus próprios núcleos vivos.