870 resultados para Modulus of Smoothness
Cada vez que se realice un nuevo estudio anfórico se publique el porcentaje de borde conservado de cada ejemplar o el porcentaje medio por tipo. De esa forma se podrán incorporar dichos datos ampliando el grado de fiabilidad de los diferentes tipos. La tabla se denominará “MR Anfórico (MR-A)” seguido de la fecha de actualización que indicará la versión en la que nos encontramos. La tabla actualizada se irá publicando en el Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Alicante (RUA) y habrá de ser buscada mediante el término “MR Anfórico (MR-A)”.
O concreto, de um modo geral, apresenta um bom comportamento em situação de incêndio quando comparado com o aço, todavia em função da temperatura ocorrem algumas transformações químicas e físicas que podem comprometer esse desempenho. Apesar das alterações das propriedades mecânicas e térmicas do concreto quando sujeito a temperaturas elevadas e após situação de incêndio já terem sido avaliadas em vários estudos, ainda é um campo aberto onde é necessário muita investigação. O presente artigo apresenta os resultados de um estudo experimental sobre a avaliação das propriedades mecânicas residuais de concretos normais após incêndio. Para o efeito foram selecionados agregados graníticos e agregados calcários, dado serem os agregados mais utilizados na construção civil em Portugal e em muitos outros países. Os parâmetros testados foram: o nível de carregamento (0,3fcd e 0,7fcd); o processo de arrefecimento (arrefecimento ao ar e arrefecimento por jato de água) e o nível máximo de temperatura atingida (20, 300, 500 e 700ºC). As propriedades mecânicas estudadas foram a resistência à compressão residual, resistência à tração direta e resistência à tração por compressão diametral, resistência à flexão, módulo de elasticidade e coeficiente de Poisson. As temperaturas atingidas e o arrefecimento rápido do concreto apresentaram um efeito negativo sobre as propriedades mecânicas residuais. Este efeito foi mais notório na resistência à compressão residual do que nas restantes propriedades mecânicas estudadas.
L’électrofilage est une technique de mise en œuvre efficace et versatile qui permet la production de fibres continues d’un diamètre typique de quelques centaines de nanomètres à partir de l’application d’un haut voltage sur une solution concentrée de polymères enchevêtrés. L’évaporation extrêmement rapide du solvant et les forces d’élongation impliquées dans la formation de ces fibres leur confèrent des propriétés hors du commun et très intéressantes pour plusieurs types d’applications, mais dont on commence seulement à effleurer la surface. À cause de leur petite taille, ces matériaux ont longtemps été étudiés uniquement sous forme d’amas de milliers de fibres avec les techniques conventionnelles telles que la spectroscopie infrarouge ou la diffraction des rayons X. Nos connaissances de leur comportement proviennent donc toujours de la convolution des propriétés de l’amas de fibres et des caractéristiques spécifiques de chacune des fibres qui le compose. Les études récentes à l’échelle de la fibre individuelle ont mis en lumière des comportements inhabituels, particulièrement l’augmentation exponentielle du module avec la réduction du diamètre. L’orientation et, de manière plus générale, la structure moléculaire des fibres sont susceptibles d’être à l'origine de ces propriétés, mais d’une manière encore incomprise. L’établissement de relations structure/propriétés claires et l’identification des paramètres qui les influencent représentent des défis d’importance capitale en vue de tirer profit des caractéristiques très particulières des fibres électrofilées. Pour ce faire, il est nécessaire de développer des méthodes plus accessibles et permettant des analyses structurales rapides et approfondies sur une grande quantité de fibres individuelles présentant une large gamme de diamètre. Dans cette thèse, la spectroscopie Raman confocale est utilisée pour l’étude des caractéristiques structurales, telles que l’orientation moléculaire, la cristallinité et le désenchevêtrement, de fibres électrofilées individuelles. En premier lieu, une nouvelle méthodologie de quantification de l’orientation moléculaire par spectroscopie Raman est développée théoriquement dans le but de réduire la complexité expérimentale de la mesure, d’étendre la gamme de matériaux pour lesquels ces analyses sont possibles et d’éliminer les risques d’erreurs par rapport à la méthode conventionnelle. La validité et la portée de cette nouvelle méthode, appelée MPD, est ensuite démontrée expérimentalement. Par la suite, une méthodologie efficace permettant l’étude de caractéristiques structurales à l’échelle de la fibre individuelle par spectroscopie Raman est présentée en utilisant le poly(éthylène téréphtalate) comme système modèle. Les limites de la technique sont exposées et des stratégies expérimentales pour les contourner sont mises de l’avant. Les résultats révèlent une grande variabilité de l'orientation et de la conformation d'une fibre à l'autre, alors que le taux de cristallinité demeure systématiquement faible, démontrant l'importance et la pertinence des études statistiques de fibres individuelles. La présence de chaînes montrant un degré d’enchevêtrement plus faible dans les fibres électrofilées que dans la masse est ensuite démontrée expérimentalement pour la première fois par spectroscopie infrarouge sur des amas de fibres de polystyrène. Les conditions d'électrofilage favorisant ce phénomène structural, qui est soupçonné d’influencer grandement les propriétés des fibres, sont identifiées. Finalement, l’ensemble des méthodologies développées sont appliquées sur des fibres individuelles de polystyrène pour l’étude approfondie de l’orientation et du désenchevêtrement sur une large gamme de diamètres et pour une grande quantité de fibres. Cette dernière étude permet l’établissement de la première relation structure/propriétés de ces matériaux, à l’échelle individuelle, en montrant clairement le lien entre l’orientation moléculaire, le désenchevêtrement et le module d'élasticité des fibres.
L’électrofilage est une technique de mise en œuvre efficace et versatile qui permet la production de fibres continues d’un diamètre typique de quelques centaines de nanomètres à partir de l’application d’un haut voltage sur une solution concentrée de polymères enchevêtrés. L’évaporation extrêmement rapide du solvant et les forces d’élongation impliquées dans la formation de ces fibres leur confèrent des propriétés hors du commun et très intéressantes pour plusieurs types d’applications, mais dont on commence seulement à effleurer la surface. À cause de leur petite taille, ces matériaux ont longtemps été étudiés uniquement sous forme d’amas de milliers de fibres avec les techniques conventionnelles telles que la spectroscopie infrarouge ou la diffraction des rayons X. Nos connaissances de leur comportement proviennent donc toujours de la convolution des propriétés de l’amas de fibres et des caractéristiques spécifiques de chacune des fibres qui le compose. Les études récentes à l’échelle de la fibre individuelle ont mis en lumière des comportements inhabituels, particulièrement l’augmentation exponentielle du module avec la réduction du diamètre. L’orientation et, de manière plus générale, la structure moléculaire des fibres sont susceptibles d’être à l'origine de ces propriétés, mais d’une manière encore incomprise. L’établissement de relations structure/propriétés claires et l’identification des paramètres qui les influencent représentent des défis d’importance capitale en vue de tirer profit des caractéristiques très particulières des fibres électrofilées. Pour ce faire, il est nécessaire de développer des méthodes plus accessibles et permettant des analyses structurales rapides et approfondies sur une grande quantité de fibres individuelles présentant une large gamme de diamètre. Dans cette thèse, la spectroscopie Raman confocale est utilisée pour l’étude des caractéristiques structurales, telles que l’orientation moléculaire, la cristallinité et le désenchevêtrement, de fibres électrofilées individuelles. En premier lieu, une nouvelle méthodologie de quantification de l’orientation moléculaire par spectroscopie Raman est développée théoriquement dans le but de réduire la complexité expérimentale de la mesure, d’étendre la gamme de matériaux pour lesquels ces analyses sont possibles et d’éliminer les risques d’erreurs par rapport à la méthode conventionnelle. La validité et la portée de cette nouvelle méthode, appelée MPD, est ensuite démontrée expérimentalement. Par la suite, une méthodologie efficace permettant l’étude de caractéristiques structurales à l’échelle de la fibre individuelle par spectroscopie Raman est présentée en utilisant le poly(éthylène téréphtalate) comme système modèle. Les limites de la technique sont exposées et des stratégies expérimentales pour les contourner sont mises de l’avant. Les résultats révèlent une grande variabilité de l'orientation et de la conformation d'une fibre à l'autre, alors que le taux de cristallinité demeure systématiquement faible, démontrant l'importance et la pertinence des études statistiques de fibres individuelles. La présence de chaînes montrant un degré d’enchevêtrement plus faible dans les fibres électrofilées que dans la masse est ensuite démontrée expérimentalement pour la première fois par spectroscopie infrarouge sur des amas de fibres de polystyrène. Les conditions d'électrofilage favorisant ce phénomène structural, qui est soupçonné d’influencer grandement les propriétés des fibres, sont identifiées. Finalement, l’ensemble des méthodologies développées sont appliquées sur des fibres individuelles de polystyrène pour l’étude approfondie de l’orientation et du désenchevêtrement sur une large gamme de diamètres et pour une grande quantité de fibres. Cette dernière étude permet l’établissement de la première relation structure/propriétés de ces matériaux, à l’échelle individuelle, en montrant clairement le lien entre l’orientation moléculaire, le désenchevêtrement et le module d'élasticité des fibres.
The primary aim of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive investigation of the osmotic dehydration processes in plant tissue. Effort has been concentrated on the modelling for simulating the processes. Two mathematical models for simulating the mass transfer during osmotic dehydration processes in plant tissues are developed and verified using existing experimental data. Both models are based on the mechanism of diffusion and convection of any mobile material that can transport in plant tissues. The mass balance equation for the transport of each constituent is established separately for intracellular and extra-cellular volumes with taking into account the mass transfer across the cell membrane the intracellular and extra-cellular volumes and the shrinkage of the whole tissue. The contribution from turgor pressure is considered in both models. Model two uses Darcy’s law to build the relation between shrinkage velocity and hydrostatic pressure in each volume because the plant tissue can be considered as the porous medium. Moreover, it has been extended to solve the multi-dimensional problems. A lot of efforts have been made to the parameter study and the sensitivity analyses. The parameters investigated including the concentration of the osmotic solution, diffusion coefficient, permeability of the cell membrane, elastic modulus of the cell wall, critical cell volume etc. The models allow us to quantitatively simulate the time evolution of intracellular and extra-cellular volumes as well as the time evolution of concentrations in each cross-section.
The thesis investigates the ocular response to silicone-hydrogel (SiH) contact lens wear, a relatively new contact lens material that has a higher modulus of rigidity and different surface coating than used in conventional hydrogel materials. The properties of SiH materials differ significantly from conventional hydrogels and, using subjective and objective means of assessment, the thesis examines how these properties affect reflection and biometry, ocular physiology, tear film characteristics, symptomatology, adverse events and complications. A range of standard and newly designed investigative techniques were employed, and latter involving novel imaging techniques, for the objective assessment of physiological changes which occur with contact lens wear. The study is the first to combine these techniques with biochemical analyses of the tear film composition. Forty-seven subjects were fitted with SiH lenses and randomly allocated to one of the two materials currently on the market (Lotrafilcon A or Balafilcon A) on an either daily or continuous wear basis. An additional control group of 14 age-matched non-contact lens wearers were monitored over the same period. Measurements were taken before and 1, 3, 6, 12 and 18 months after initial fitting. The findings reported in this thesis will enable contact lens practitioners and manufacturers to understand further the optical, physiological and biochemical nature of the ocular response to SiH contact lenses and hence facilitate the development of this important generation of contact lens material.
The successful development of biomaterials is increasingly influenced by biomimesis essentially the use of biological structures as design templates. This approach has been used here in the design of injectable systems for the nucleus of the intervertebral disc, corneal inlays and intraocular lenses (IOLs). The strategy is based on the use of C-linked sulphonates to mimic the O-linked sulphate groups that are the hydration drivers in proteoglycans. The elastic modulus of the materials can be tailored for specific applications.
In this paper, we report on the strain and pressure testing of highly flexible skins embedded with Bragg grating sensors recorded in either silica or polymer optical fibre. The photonic skins, with a size of 10cm x 10cm and thickness of 1mm, were fabricated by embedding the polymer fibre or silica fibre containing Bragg gratings in Sylgard 184 from Dow Corning. Pressure sensing was studied using a cylindrical metal post placed on an array of points across the skin. The polymer fibre grating exhibits approximately 10 times the pressure sensitivity of the silica fibre and responds to the post even when it is placed a few centimetres away from the sensing fibre. Although the intrinsic strain sensitivities of gratings in the two fibre types are very similar, when embedded in the skin the polymer grating displayed a strain sensitivity approximately 45 times greater than the silica device, which also suffered from considerable hysteresis. The polymer grating displayed a near linear response over wavelength shifts of 9nm for 1% strain. The difference in behaviour we attribute to the much greater Young's modulus of the silica fibre (70 GPa) compared to the polymer fibre (3 GPa).
Step-index polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings (POFBGs) and microstructured polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings (mPOFBGs) present several attractive features, especially for sensing purposes. In comparison to FBGs written in silica fibers, they are more sensitive to temperature and pressure because of the larger thermo-optic coefficient and smaller Young's modulus of polymer materials. (M)POFBGs are most often photowritten in poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) materials using a continuous-wave 325 nm HeCd laser. For the first time to the best of our knowledge, we study photoinduced birefringence effects in (m)POFBGs. To achieve this, highly reflective gratings were inscribed with the phase mask technique. They were then monitored in transmission with polarized light. For this, (m)POF sections a few cm in length containing the gratings were glued to angled silica fibers. Polarization dependent loss (PDL) and differential group delay (DGD) were computed from the Jones matrix eigenanalysis using an optical vector analyser. Maximum values exceeding several dB and a few picoseconds were obtained for the PDL and DGD, respectively. The response to lateral force was finally investigated. As it induces birefringence in addition to the photo-induced one, an increase of the PDL and DGD values were noticed. © 2014 Copyright SPIE.
Polycrystalline zirconium nitride (ZrN) samples were irradiated with He +, Kr ++, and Xe ++ ions to high (>1·10 16 ions/cm 2) fluences at ∼100 K. Following ion irradiation, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD) were used to analyze the microstructure and crystal structure of the post-irradiated material. For ion doses equivalent to approximately 200 displacements per atom (dpa), ZrN was found to resist any amorphization transformation, based on TEM observations. At very high displacement damage doses, GIXRD measurements revealed tetragonal splitting of some of the diffraction maxima (maxima which are associated with cubic ZrN prior to irradiation). In addition to TEM and GIXRD, mechanical property changes were characterized using nanoindentation. Nanoindentation revealed no change in elastic modulus of ZrN with increasing ion dose, while the hardness of the irradiated ZrN was found to increase significantly with ion dose. Finally, He + ion implanted ZrN samples were annealed to examine He gas retention properties of ZrN as a function of annealing temperature. He gas release was measured using a residual gas analysis (RGA) spectrometer. RGA measurements were performed on He-implanted ZrN samples and on ZrN samples that had also been irradiated with Xe ++ ions, in order to introduce high levels of displacive radiation damage into the matrix. He evolution studies revealed that ZrN samples with high levels of displacement damage due to Xe implantation, show a lower temperature threshold for He release than do pristine ZrN samples.
* This work has been supported by the Office of Naval Research Contract Nr. N0014-91-J1343, the Army Research Office Contract Nr. DAAD 19-02-1-0028, the National Science Foundation grants DMS-0221642 and DMS-0200665, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft grant SFB 401, the IHP Network “Breaking Complexity” funded by the European Commission and the Alexan- der von Humboldt Foundation.
Liquid-level sensing technologies have attracted great prominence, because such measurements are essential to industrial applications, such as fuel storage, flood warning and in the biochemical industry. Traditional liquid level sensors are based on electromechanical techniques; however they suffer from intrinsic safety concerns in explosive environments. In recent years, given that optical fiber sensors have lots of well-established advantages such as high accuracy, costeffectiveness, compact size, and ease of multiplexing, several optical fiber liquid level sensors have been investigated which are based on different operating principles such as side-polishing the cladding and a portion of core, using a spiral side-emitting optical fiber or using silica fiber gratings. The present work proposes a novel and highly sensitive liquid level sensor making use of polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings (POFBGs). The key elements of the system are a set of POFBGs embedded in silicone rubber diaphragms. This is a new development building on the idea of determining liquid level by measuring the pressure at the bottom of a liquid container, however it has a number of critical advantages. The system features several FBG-based pressure sensors as described above placed at different depths. Any sensor above the surface of the liquid will read the same ambient pressure. Sensors below the surface of the liquid will read pressures that increase linearly with depth. The position of the liquid surface can therefore be approximately identified as lying between the first sensor to read an above-ambient pressure and the next higher sensor. This level of precision would not in general be sufficient for most liquid level monitoring applications; however a much more precise determination of liquid level can be made by linear regression to the pressure readings from the sub-surface sensors. There are numerous advantages to this multi-sensor approach. First, the use of linear regression using multiple sensors is inherently more accurate than using a single pressure reading to estimate depth. Second, common mode temperature induced wavelength shifts in the individual sensors are automatically compensated. Thirdly, temperature induced changes in the sensor pressure sensitivity are also compensated. Fourthly, the approach provides the possibility to detect and compensate for malfunctioning sensors. Finally, the system is immune to changes in the density of the monitored fluid and even to changes in the effective force of gravity, as might be obtained in an aerospace application. The performance of an individual sensor was characterized and displays a sensitivity (54 pm/cm), enhanced by more than a factor of 2 when compared to a sensor head configuration based on a silica FBG published in the literature, resulting from the much lower elastic modulus of POF. Furthermore, the temperature/humidity behavior and measurement resolution were also studied in detail. The proposed configuration also displays a highly linear response, high resolution and good repeatability. The results suggest the new configuration can be a useful tool in many different applications, such as aircraft fuel monitoring, and biochemical and environmental sensing, where accuracy and stability are fundamental. © (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
MSC 2010: 30C45, 30C55
Compared to conventional composites, polymer matrix nanocomposites typically exhibit enhanced properties at a significantly lower filler volume fraction. Studies published in the literature indicate t hat the addition of nanosilicate s can increase the resistance to flame propagation in polymers. In this work, a treatment of montmorillonite (MMT) nano clay and the effect of its ad dition o n flame propagation characteristics of vinyl ester were studied. The resea rch was conducted in two stages. The first stage focused on the purification and activation of the MMT clay collected from a natural deposit to improve compatibility with the polymer matrix . Clay modification with sodium acetate was also studied to improve particle dispersion in the polymer. The second step was focused on the effect of the addition of the treated clay on nanocomposites ’ properties. Nanocomposites with clay con tents of 1, 2, 4 wt. % were processed. T he techniques for the characterization of the clay included X - ray fluorescence (XRF), X - r ay d iffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric a nalysis (TGA), d ifferential scanning c alorimetry (DSC) , s urface area (BET) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). For t he characterization of the nanocomposites , the techniques used were thermogravimetric a nalysis (TGA) , differential scanning c alorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) , scanning electron mi croscopy (SEM), transmission electron m icroscopy (TEM), and the determination of tensile strength, modulus of elasticity and resistance to flame propagation. According to the results, the purification and activation treatment with freeze - drying used in thi s work for the montmorillonite clay was efficient to promote compatibility and dispersion in the polymer matrix as evidenced by the characterization of the nanocomposite s . It was also observed that the clay modifica tion using sodium acetate did not produce any significant effect to improve compatibilization of the clay with the polymer. The addition of the treated MMT resulted in a reduction of up to 53% in the polymer flame propagation speed and did not affect the mechanical tensile strength and modulus o f elas ticity of the polymer, indicating compatibility between the clay and polymer. The effectiveness in reducing flame propagation speed peaked for nanocomposites with 2 wt. % clay, indicating that this is the optimum clay concentration for this property. T he clay treatment used in this work enables the production of vinylester matrix nanocomposites with flame - retardancy properties .
A significant observational effort has been directed to investigate the nature of the so-called dark energy. In this dissertation we derive constraints on dark energy models using three different observable: measurements of the Hubble rate H(z) (compiled by Meng et al. in 2015.); distance modulus of 580 Supernovae Type Ia (Union catalog Compilation 2.1, 2011); and the observations of baryon acoustic oscilations (BAO) and the cosmic microwave background (CMB) by using the so-called CMB/BAO of six peaks of BAO (a peak determined through the Survey 6dFGS data, two through the SDSS and three through WiggleZ). The statistical analysis used was the method of the χ2 minimum (marginalized or minimized over h whenever possible) to link the cosmological parameter: m, ω and δω0. These tests were applied in two parameterization of the parameter ω of the equation of state of dark energy, p = ωρ (here, p is the pressure and ρ is the component of energy density). In one, ω is considered constant and less than -1/3, known as XCDM model; in the other the parameter of state equantion varies with the redshift, where we the call model GS. This last model is based on arguments that arise from the theory of cosmological inflation. For comparison it was also made the analysis of model CDM. Comparison of cosmological models with different observations lead to different optimal settings. Thus, to classify the observational viability of different theoretical models we use two criteria information, the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) and the Akaike information criteria (AIC). The Fisher matrix tool was incorporated into our testing to provide us with the uncertainty of the parameters of each theoretical model. We found that the complementarity of tests is necessary inorder we do not have degenerate parametric spaces. Making the minimization process we found (68%), for the Model XCDM the best fit parameters are m = 0.28 ± 0, 012 and ωX = −1.01 ± 0, 052. While for Model GS the best settings are m = 0.28 ± 0, 011 and δω0 = 0.00 ± 0, 059. Performing a marginalization we found (68%), for the Model XCDM the best fit parameters are m = 0.28 ± 0, 012 and ωX = −1.01 ± 0, 052. While for Model GS the best settings are M = 0.28 ± 0, 011 and δω0 = 0.00 ± 0, 059.