978 resultados para Miriam Colwell


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Investigation of the bioactive crude extract from the sponge Plakortis angulospiculatus from Brazil led to the isolation of plakortenone (1) as a new polyketide, along with five known polyketides (2-6) previously isolated from other Plakortis sponges. The known polyketides were tested in antileishmanial, antitrypanosomal, antineuroinflammatory, and cytotoxicity assays. The results show that plakortide P (3) is a potent antiparasitic compound, against both Leishmania chagasi and Trypanosona cruzi, and exhibited antineuroinflammatory activity. The known polyketides 2-6 were tested for cytotoxicity against four human cancer cell lines, but displayed only moderate cytotoxic activity.


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Syftet med mitt arbete är att få inblick i hur slöjdlärare arbetar med den Lokala pedagogiska planeringen (LPP) och vilken funktion den fyller. Studiens fokus ligger i hur slöjdlärana använder den lokala pedagogiska planeringen under lektioner och hur de arbetar fram den. För att få svar på mina frågeställningar genomförde jag intervjuer med slöjdlärare. Mitt resultat visar att slöjdlärana inte får mycket tid till att skriva sin LPP vilket leder till att de ofta får sitta hemma på sin fritid och skriva. De anser att den är ett bra stöd för dem själva och även för eleverna under lektionerna. Undersökningen visar även att lärarna har nytta av den lokala pedagogiska planeringen, som de menar är ett uppdrag som påförts dem "uppifrån". Genom undersökningen har jag fått större förståelse för vilken nytta den lokala pedagogiska planeringen kan ha för lärare och elever i undervisningen.


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Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskor har i sitt dagliga arbete till uppgift att ge och ta emot rapport om patienterna hen vårdar. En god kommunikation krävs för att säkerställa att relevant information förmedlas och inte patientsäkerheten hotas. Syfte: Att beskriva strategier för hur kommunikationen kan förbättras vid överrapportering mellan sjuksköterskor inom den somatiska slutenvården. Metod: Litteraturöversikten är baserad på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ, kvantitativ och mixad ansats. Artiklarna identifierades via sökningar i databaserna Cinahl, PubMed och Web of Science. Resultat: Tre strategier framkom: personlig överrapportering, användandet av standardiserade formulär och överrapportering vid patientens säng. Strategierna gav en effektivare, säkrare och mer tidssparande överrapportering. Slutsats: En god kommunikation mellan sjuksköterskorna är oerhört viktigt för att bibehålla en trygg och säker vård för patienterna. För att få en förbättrad kommunikation mellan sjuksköterskor vid överrapportering kan olika strategier användas. Då sjuksköterskorna ofta har en hög arbetsbelastning så krävs det att överrapporteringarna är strukturerade för att inte tappa bort viktig information.


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Background: Ugandan law prohibits abortion under all circumstances except where there is a risk for the woman's life. However, it has been estimated that over 250 000 illegal abortions are being performed in the country yearly. Many of these abortions are carried out under unsafe conditions, being one of the most common reasons behind the nearly 5000 maternal deaths per year in Uganda. Little research has been conducted in relation to societal views on abortion within the Ugandan society. This study aims to analyze the discourse on abortion as expressed in the two main daily Ugandan newspapers. Method: The conceptual content of 59 articles on abortion between years 2006-2012, from the two main daily English-speaking newspapers in Uganda, was studied using principles from critical discourse analysis. Results: A religious discourse and a human rights discourse, together with medical and legal sub discourses frame the subject of abortion in Uganda, with consequences for who is portrayed as a victim and who is to blame for abortions taking place. It shows the strong presence of the Catholic Church within the medial debate on abortion. The results also demonstrate the absence of medial statements related to abortion made by political stakeholders. Conclusions: The Catholic Church has a strong position within the Ugandan society and their stance on abortion tends to have great influence on the way other actors and their activities are presented within the media, as well as how stakeholders choose to convey their message, or choose not to publicly debate the issue in question at all. To decrease the number of maternal deaths, we highlight the need for a more inclusive and varied debate that problematizes the current situation, especially from a gender perspective.


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Women's roles in religious history have been traditionally described in terms of their relation and value to men. The normative religious texts provide an androcentric perspective on the gender relationships within the early community, the growth of Judaism in "Jacob's House" and the monotheistic worship of God. Yet these literary representations omit an entire half of the experience of the Jewish community: the perspective and participation of women. As Judith Plaskow argues extensively in Standing Again at Sinai, women are defined not in her own terms or in her own voice, but by her relationship and value to men through the androcentric vocabulary of the Torah. This statement is textually illustrated by the authorial and editorial presentation of women and their place in ancient Israelite society in the Torah. As Judaism grew increasingly androcentric in its leadership, women were increasingly reduced to marginal figures in the community by authorial and editorial revisions. Yet the participation of women of ancient Israel is not lost. Instead, the presence of women is buried beneath the androcentric presentation of the early Judaic community, waiting to be excavated by historical and scriptural examination. The retelling of the past is influenced by the present; memory is not static but takes on different shapes depending on the focus of concentration. However, tradition greatly influences the interpretation of religious history as well. In the book of Genesis, the literature emphasizes the divine appointment of male figures such as Abraham the father of the covenant and Jacob who is renamed and claimed by God as "Israel," placing them at the center of Jewish history. As a result, the other figures in these biblical narratives are described in relation to the patriarchs, those male bearers of the covenant, by their service or their value to him. Women are at the bottom of this hierarchy. Although female figures of exceptional quality are noted in later chronicles, such as Ruth, Deborah and Miriam, it is the very nature of their exception that highlights the androcentric editorial focus of the Torah. I agree with Peggy Day, whose own scriptural examination in Gender and Difference in Ancient Israel, makes the important distinction between the literary representation and the reality of ancient Israelite culture: they are not coextensive nor equivalent. Although the text represents the culture of ancient Israel as male dominated from the time of Abraham, this presentation omits the perspective of half of the population-the women. By beginning at the point of realization that women did exist and were active in their culture, and placing aside the androcentric perspective of the text and its editors, the reality of women's place in ancient Israel may be determined. Through this new perspective, the women of the Torah will emerge as the archetypes of strength, leadership and spiritual insight to provide Jewish women of the present with female, ancestral role models and a foundation for their gender's heritage, a more complete understanding of the partial record of Jewish history recorded in the Torah. Those stories that appear as the exception of women's presence will unveil an exceptional presence. As Tamar Frankiel eloquently states in The Voice of Sarah, "the women we call our 'Mothers'-Sarah, Rivkah (Rebekah), Rachel, and Leah-are not merely mothers, any more than the 'Fathers'-Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-are merely fathers "(Frankiel 5).


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artigo publicado nas anais da Intercom 2015


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Este estudo é de cunho qualitativo, em nível exploratório, descritivo e interpretativo, e teve como objetivo analisar as concepções de discentes e docentes sobre competências e sua relação com o processo ensino-aprendizagem do diagnóstico de enfermagem. O Referencial Teórico norteador contemplou os três focos que constituem a Área Temática da investigação: o diagnóstico de enfermagem, as competências e o processo ensino-aprendizagem. A investigação foi realizada na Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul cujo hospital universitário introduziu o diagnóstico de enfermagem informatizado na sistematização da assistência aos pacientes. Participaram do estudo onze discentes do último ano do curso de graduação e dez docentes que orientavam alunos, ambos em atividades de ensino teórico-prático no hospital com a utilização do diagnóstico de enfermagem informatizado. As informações foram coletadas em duas etapas, primeiramente através de oito entrevistas individuais semi-estruturadas. Num segundo momento, foram realizados dois grupos focais, um de docentes e outro de discentes, cada um com quatro sessões para a coleta de informações e uma para validação dos resultados. Utilizei Análise de Conteúdo proposta por Moraes (1999) como metodologia de análise. Na identificação e contextualização das concepções dos discentes e docentes sobre competências na enfermagem, emergiram três categorias: significações (função própria de um profissional e capacidade para desempenhar uma tarefa com qualidade, envolvendo conhecimento, experiência e valores pessoais), atributos (do profissional enfermeiro e do docente de enfermagem. Os atributos da competência coincidem com as características do pensador crítico) e dimensões (técnicocientífica; humanística – ética, estética e cultural -; de relacionamento interpessoal; comunicativa – verbal, escrita e computacional -; sociopolítica; educacional) de competência. Ao relacionar as concepções que os participantes possuem sobre competências com o processo ensino-aprendizagem do diagnóstico de enfermagem, as categorias foram: relação com os saberes/conhecimentos (ênfase do ensino ainda saber técnico, ambigüidade diante do conhecimento específico do diagnóstico de enfermagem, importância do desenvolvimento da dimensão humanística para a elaboração de diagnósticos individualizados), estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem (trabalhar com estudos de caso, desenvolver postura metacognitiva, enfatizar o processo diagnóstico e não só sua denominação, desenvolver acurácia diagnóstica, exercitar o processo diagnóstico previamente ao uso da informática, realizar pesquisas visando propor novos diagnósticos adequados à nossa realidade sociocultural), e contexto institucional do curso (implicações curriculares - o diagnóstico de enfermagem é complexo e exige conhecimentos pouco trabalhados no currículo, e política institucional da Escola de Enfermagem - trabalhar com os diagnósticos de enfermagem no ensino implica decisão institucional, e não só individual ou das disciplinas). Os resultados apontaram para a necessidade de formação de professores acerca dos diagnósticos de enfermagem com vistas à construção de competência do discente e do docente, da competência coletiva, com a partilha de