1000 resultados para Miró, Joan, 1893-1983 Crítica e interpretação
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
O Trabalho de Concluso de Curso na rea de Arte e Educao ter por objetivo refletir sobre a temtica da Arte-educao tendo como problemtica central A importncia da arte-educao na educao infantil. A importncia arte no desenvolvimento infantil indiscutvel, pois a experincia artstica um fator humanizador, cultural, que cria inmeras significaes e produz em cada um a percepo da prpria capacidade de transformao, alm de proporcionar a oportunidade de desenvolvimentos de potenciais, comunicao e interao. Portanto, a arte-educao, uma abordagem, influenciada pelo psmodernismo, que tem como objetivo fundamental o desenvolvimento da habilidade crítica de interpretação das obras de arte, assim como dos elementos visuais que compem a vida contempornea, levando em conta o contexto social e cultural, faz com que as crianas tenham, alm do encorajamento de sua originalidade, liberdade e espontaneidade, um ensino que se sustenta na inter-relao entre histria da arte, leitura da obra e o fazer artstico. Para tal estudo ser tratada a histria da arte no Brasil, a arte na escola brasileira desde os seus primrdios, a importncia desta para a formao do ser social infantil. A metodologia utilizada para a elaborao e desenvolvimento deste trabalho se realizar atravs da abordagem qualitativa, feita por pesquisa bibliogrfica para justificar a problemtica em questo.
The corpus of this study is the novel Mrs. Dalloway, by Virginia Woolf, published in 1925. According to the writer Harold Bloom, while writing Mrs. Dalloway, Woolf thought of an order structure such that each scene would establish the idea of the character of Clarissa. The heroine's subjective universe is constructed scene by scene through the hours that run in London one day apparently common. The day that begins at ten am and ends at 3 am the other, involves not only personal and important findings deepen the understanding of his own human condition. The objective of this paper is to show how, in Mrs. Dalloway, the progression of hours in the space of one day, get through the poetic narrative and the use of psychological and chronological time, clearing the mind of the characters - focusing on single Clarissa Dalloway's character - culminating in his personal growth and social, is to understand the reason for their existence or, after all, considered a key and important in the world, finding motivations for why they live
Le conte Villa Aurore montre bien la mobilit et la duplicit qui caractrisent loeuvre de Le Clzio: en mme temps que le titre de cet ouvrage, La ronde et autres faits divers, annonce la reprsentation de la ralit partir des faits divers, la prsence du mythe donne au rcit un fort potentiel potique, qui peut tre constat surtout dans le lyrisme du langage et dans les procds potiques que lauteur utilise dans la cration de ses rcits. Tel que dans dautres textes de La ronde et autres faits divers, le conte Villa Aurore montre la force dun rcit raliste, attach la banalit quotidienne, mais qui se tourne vers le mythe, en configurant une structure circulaire, dont relve le doublement des catgories narratives du temps, de l'espace et du narrateur. Ainsi, ce travail a lobjectif de montrer comment les reprsentations du narrateur, du temps et de lespace, doubles et opposes, contribuent-elles dterminer cette structure et aussi comment semblent-elles converger pour lexpression du dsir de lvocation dune qute sur les origines dans le corpus tudi
Le champ littraire est plein doeuvres qui remettent des mythes. Lensemble de rcits Mujeres, de Eduardo Galeano, a comme thmatique la femme et il est compos par des micro-contes, genre narratif qui promeut une condensation maximale delments thmatiques et structuraux. Il sagit des descriptions littraires o la synthse est place ou mme niveau que le lyrisme. Ayant pour objectif danaliser la nature archtypique des mythes sur la fminit, nous avons travaill spcifiquement les contes de Mujeres o se reconstruisent potiquement des mythes de la fminit. Mthodologiquement, notre notre tude a pour base la mythocritique et la thorie des structures anthropologiques de limaginaire dalises par Gilbert Durand. En partant de ces bases, nous avons ralis lanalyse des rcits qui sarticulent en notre corpus, ayant pour but, celui didentifier les divers artifices narratifs spcifiques qui y oprent. Par le moyen des mythmes prsents dans les rcits, nous avons rvl les structures archtypiques du texte et nous avons constat comment elles sdifient littrairement. En outre, nous avons lucid la teneur de la reprsentativit archtypique de la feminit inhrente aux rcits et finalement, nous avons rassembl les situations et les combinatoires qui existent dans lensemble de microrcits, traant les connexions possibles qui y existent. Ainsi, nous avons fait une tude proprement dite, danalyse mythocritique
The American author Jack London wrote the books The Sea-Wolf and White Fang in 1904 and 1906, respectively. The former portrays the life of a literary critic, Humphrey Van Weyden, who after the wreckage of the ship in which he was is rescued by a seal-hunting schooner, where he is obliged to work and to live with the brutal captain Wolf Larsen, and in doing so he develops a more primitive profile. The latter work portrays the life of the eponymous character, a wolf that leaves the wild world in which it was born to follow its last master in the city, thus developing features of the modern world. This paper aims to conduct an analysis of the aspects that allow the transition between the primitive and the modern world in those works
The aim of this work is to analyze the short-story The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe, and two of its versions into Portuguese: A Queda da Casa de Uhser, a translation by Brenno Silveira, published in 1959 by Abril, and the adaptation by Clarice Lispector, with the same title, published in 1975 by Ediouro. The original short-story was first published in 1840, in Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, translated into Portuguese as Histrias Extraordinrias. In this work, we will identify the differences between a translation and an adaptation, as well as the construction of the grotesque universe in those different texts. By means of a comparative analysis from the selected corpus, we will deploy the ways each one constructs the effect wanted by Poe, highlighting the main semantic and structural differences present in the translation and the adaptation of the short-story in relation with the original. Lastly, we will try to show the losses and gains of an adaptation
This monograph aims to analyze the work Se questo un uomo, in wich the author Primo Levi narrates his memories about the time when he used to be a prisoner of a concentration camp during World War II. The analysis will be done through theoretical interpretations upon Testimony Literature or Trauma Literature, that brings out a time of disaster, leading the reader to relive the Holocaust from questioning its relation with the commitment with the real
Este trabalho tem como objetivo traar um panorama artstico literrio presente na produo do escritor modernista Oswald de Andrade, identificando a evoluo esttica ideolgica do autor por meio do manifesto Pau-Brasil (1925) e o Antropfago (1928); de teses e artigos como Meu Testamento (1944) e A crise da filosofia Messinica (1945); de entrevistas presentes no livro Telefonema, parte integrante da coleo: Obras Completas de Oswald de Andrade (Rio de janeiro, 1974); e de sua produo teatral. Toma como ponto de partida a antropofagia como um operador cultural, de modo que a caracterstica mais marcante do escritor, a irreverncia, fomentada e trabalhada por meio da ironia, ferramenta de discurso que Oswald de Andrade utiliza com uma funo social, uma arma revolucionria e poltica. Para tal, traou-se uma linha entre a produo modernista e a produo teatral de Oswald e desse levantamento bibliogrfico, a pea que mais chamou a ateno foi O rei da vela, primeira pea escrita na fase adulta, em 1933, e publicada em 1937 e que somente teve sua primeira encenao 30 anos depois, em 1967, pelo grupo de Teatro Oficina com a direo de Jos Celso Martinez Corra. O grupo realizou um levantamento literrio e documental sobre o Oswald de Andrade, atravs de depoimentos dos atores que receberam a proposta de encenao (em 1934), aos Manifestos, at encontrar a Antropofagia oswaldiana, e dela se utilizarem para concretizar O rei da vela, retomando e usando a antropofagia, essencialmente, como um operador cultural
The translation project of some short stories of the book Piccoli equivoci senza importanza, written by the Italian writer Antonio Tabucchi, was performed during the academic years. This thesis target is to analyze grammatical and stylistic issues of the short stories; to achieve this goal, parts of the original texts and their respective translations were used. The grammar section approaches important aspects as idioms, false cognates and different verb regencies between Portuguese and Italian. The stylistic part focuses on Tabucchis choices regarding the narrator, focalization, types of speech and interior monologues in his texts; these options characterize the Italian writers style and make his stories plots intense. As a conclusion it can be noticed that this work is relevant to give a forward step in the Italian literature studies field, because it contributes to an important author style study and provides the analysis of which choices compound the text and the effects they cause
When writing Coraline, Neil Gaiman takes up some resources used by Lewis Carroll in his two major works, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, but still manages to write a unique novel, seemingly grim, filled with horror. In the 1960s, the theoretician Julia Kristeva conducted a study on the possible dialogue between the texts, concluding that every text contains parts of other texts, already written or that will be. Based on the theory of intertextuality she first proposed and which was subsequently discussed by several theoreticians, this paper aims to find points in the works in which this dialogue is present, as well as how Neil Gaiman appropriates these resources properly. It also tries to show elements where these points of intertextuality differ, proposing that this difference is because Gaiman resorted, directly, or indirectly, to insights drawn from the study of Freuds psychoanalytic theory
Cette tude se propose l'analyser la matire onirique dans les contes fantastique de Pierre Jules Thophile Gautier (1811-1872). En raison des singularits concernant la priode historique de lauteur, cest--dire lpoque romantique, la frquence thmatique du rve se montre essentielle la comprhension de l'esprit de l'auteur, licne de mouvements postrieures, bien en raison de l'volution artistique et stylistique qui lui a conduit avoir des relations polmiques avec les idaux du progrs bourgeois et avec la conception utilitariste de l'art de lpoque, contre laquelle il a oppos la thorie de LArt pour lart . On a comme lobjectif de montrer que la critique froce de Thophile Gautier lidal progressite de lpoque et aux limites de la condition humaine occupe une place importante dans ses rcits de rve, soit par la rorganisation des lments du rel travers le rve, soit comme un des moyens d'chapper aux limites de la ralit qui ntait pas toujours vu positevement par les rationalisme
Ce travail montre une tude sur loralit et linterculturalit prsentes dans louvrage Le chercheur dor, de J.-M. G. Le Clzio. Les sources des principaux mythes et lgendes introduits dans le rcit seront mis en vidence, afin de faire ressortir la faon par laquelle lauteur propose un panorama culturel avec plusieurs faces, en mlangeant, dune manire homogne, des lments diffrents par rapport ses origines. Ainsi, nous dcrirons les lments essentiels du rcit pour que nous puissions comprendre comment Le Clzio transforme son texte en une mosaque ethno-culturelle, dont laspect poliphonique a une grande importance pour que linterculturalit propose et lunit du rcit soient atteintes
O objetivo desta pesquisa fazer uma anlise da obra de Emma Perodi, Le novelle della nonna, relacionando-a a possveis aspectos maravilhosos quando estes se fizerem presentes. Busca-se encontrar o que torna essas histrias da vov fantsticas, qual o seu teor fantstico/maravilhoso em meio a seus enredos tradicionais, bastante ligados a cultura italiana da poca, considerando, portanto, seus valores ticos, religiosos, populares principalmente entre outros. Alm desse primeiro aspecto maravilhoso, busca-se expor as figuras recorrentes nas narrativas da vov Regina e analisa-las, procurando desvendar o porqu de sua recorrncia e qual o seu significado dentro da estrutura narrativa em questo. Tratando da narrativa, esta ter um estudo a parte, uma vez que possui uma estrutura, no mnimo interessante, na qual se interpenetram o mundo real, onde se encontram os membros da famlia Marcucci, e o mundo fantstico tecido, delineado, inmeras vezes pela figura matriarcal da av. Esta figura matriarcal, possui suas caractersticas em particular, uma vez que desempenha muito bem o papel da narradora munida no de histrias de alm mundo, como as possui um exmio viajante, mas as histrias que possui uma pessoa que muito sabe e experienciou em seu pas, conhecendo, portanto, cada caracterstica que possa descrev-lo. Nesta obra v-se de forma bastante clara a tradio italiana, principalmente ao trata-se da religiosidade, denominador comum em todas as histrias contadas pela vov que trazem consigo um teor moralizante. Como se pode perceber, os aspectos desta obra so vrios, mas todos culminam no ponto onde o Maravilhoso floresce e se faz notar
The present monography consists in a translation of the play Il signor Pirandello desiderato al telefono, by the Italian writer Antonio Tabucchi. This translation is still unpublished in Brazil. The introduction emphasizes the relevance of this translation in the Brazilian literary context, due to its goal of dissemination of a piece that, besides presenting the contemporary authors characteristics, shows the aspects of two important writers in the 20th century, Fernando Pessoa and Luigi Pirandello. The introduction also brings some biographical and bibliographical data about the involved authors. In the development section, before the translation itself, there is a selection of comments about the translated play, with the objective of contributing to the constitution of the Brazilian readers context. In our conclusion, there are the last comments about the translation and the importance of the monography to its writer