934 resultados para Millennium bcp
The implementation at scale of preventive measures and the use of effective treatments in populations living in endemic areas has led to a drastic reduction of the burden of malaria in all continents. The considerable investment of international agencies to support local governments in the fight against malaria allows hoping to achieve the millennium goals for malaria and child mortality in several countries. Malaria elimination, and even eradication becomes a realistic objective, especially so because a vaccine may be soon available to complement the armamentarium. For travelers, the tendency will be to reduce the number of countries where chemoprophylaxis or stand-by treatment is recommended and to insist on the rigorous use of measures to prevent mosquito bites such as repellents and insecticide-impregnated bednets.
Basic calcium phosphate (BCP) crystals are associated with severe osteoarthritis and acute periarticular inflammation. Three main forms of BCP crystals have been identified from pathological tissues: octacalcium phosphate, carbonate-substituted apatite, and hydroxyapatite. We investigated the proinflammatory effects of these BCP crystals in vitro with special regard to the involvement of the NLRP3-inflammasome in THP-1 cells, primary human monocytes and macrophages, and mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM). THP-1 cells stimulated with BCP crystals produced IL-1β in a dose-dependent manner. Similarly, primary human cells and BMDM from wild-type mice also produced high concentrations of IL-1β after crystal stimulation. THP-1 cells transfected with short hairpin RNA against the components of the NLRP3 inflammasome and mouse BMDM from mice deficient for NLRP3, apoptosis-associated speck-like protein, or caspase-1 did not produce IL-1β after BCP crystal stimulation. BCP crystals induced macrophage apoptosis/necrosis as demonstrated by MTT and flow cytometric analysis. Collectively, these results demonstrate that BCP crystals induce IL-1β secretion through activating the NLRP3 inflammasome. Furthermore, we speculate that IL-1 blockade could be a novel strategy to inhibit BCP-induced inflammation in human disease.
In the past century, public health has been credited with adding 25 years to life expectancy by contributing to the decline in illness and injury. Progress has been made, for example, in smoking reduction, infectious disease, and motor vehicle and workplace injuries. Besides its focus on traditional concerns such as clean water and safe food, public health is adapting to meet emerging health problems. Particular troublesome are health threats to youth: teenage pregnancies, violence, substance abuse, sexually transmitted diseases, and other conditions associated with high-risk behaviors. These threats add to burgeoning health care costs. A conservative estimate of $69 billion in medical spending could be averted through the impact of public health strategies aimed at heart disease, stroke, fatal and nonfatal occupational injuries, motor vehicle-related injuries, low birth weight, and violence. These strategies require the collaboration of many groups in the public and private sectors. Collaboration is the bedrock of public health and Healthy Iowans planning. At the core of Healthy Iowans 2000 and its successor, Healthy Iowans 2010, is the idea that all Iowans benefit when stakeholders decide on disease prevention and health promotion strategies and agree to work together on them. These strategies can improve the quality of life and hold down health care costs. The payoff for health promotion and disease prevention is not immediate, but it has long-lasting benefits. The Iowa plan is a companion to the national plan, Healthy People 2010. An initiative to improve the health of Americans, the national plan is the driving force for federal resource allocation for disease prevention and health promotion. The state plan is used in the same way. Both plans have received broad support from Republican and Democratic administrations. Community planners are using the state plan to help assess health needs and craft health improvement plans. Healthy Iowans 2010 was written at an unusual point in history – a new decade, a new century, a new millennium. The introduction was optimistic. “The 21st century,” it says, “promises to add life as well as years through improved health habits coupled with medical advances. Scientists have suggested that if these changes occur, the definition of adulthood will also change. An extraordinary number of people will live fuller, more active lives beyond that expected in the late 20th century.” At the same time, the country has spawned a new generation of health hazards. According to Dr. William Dietz of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it has replaced “the diseases of deficiency with diseases of excess” (Newsweek, August 2, 1999). New threats, such as childhood overweight, can reverse progress made in the last century. This demands concerted action.
Este trabalho tem por finalidade analisar a relação entre a estratégia na condução da política externa cabo-verdiana e o seu crescimento e desenvolvimento económico, de 1975 a 2008. Ou seja: “Até que ponto a estratégia seguida por Cabo Verde na condução da política externa contribuiu para o seu desenvolvimento?”. Esta é a questão fulcral à qual a presente dissertação procura responder. A análise será dividida em dois períodos, sendo que o primeiro corresponde ao período anterior à abertura político-económica – de 1975 a 1991, e o segundo ao período posterior à referida abertura – de 1991 a 2008. A investigação baseia-se nas literaturas cabo-verdiana, portuguesa e outras consideradas relevantes para o efeito pretendido, entrevistas informais a alguns membros ou ex-membros de Governo e diplomatas cabo-verdianos, legislação e documentos oficiais sobre Cabo Verde, consultas na internet, bem como na própria experiência vivida pelo autor deste trabalho, que tem acompanhado a evolução do país desde os primeiros anos após a independência. Conclui-se que, durante o período em estudo, a estratégia adoptada por sucessivos Governos na condução da política externa do país tem-se revelado determinante para o crescimento e desenvolvimento do arquipélago. A defesa do interesse nacional de Cabo Verde tem sido sempre o objectivo essencial dos governantes. Todavia, nos primeiros anos após a independência, sentiu-se, no país, alguma influência de pressupostos ideológicos, o que tornou menos objectiva a condução da política externa. Através das relações externas de cooperação, das ajudas públicas ao desenvolvimento, das parcerias, das remessas de emigrantes e de outros financiamentos, o país tem conseguido progredir em várias áreas, a saber, nos domínios económico, social, político e cultural. A abertura política e económica a partir de 1991 foi um factor determinante para a credibilização da política externa do país no contexto internacional, o que contribuiu para o seu crescimento e desenvolvimento. Finalmente, analisam-se as possíveis causas da cooperação deficitária entre África e o arquipélago, bem como os principais objectivos alcançados por Cabo Verde a partir de 2005, nomeadamente a conquista do programa norte-americano Millennium Challenge Account (MCA), a elevação do arquipélago a País de Desenvolvimento Médio (PDM), a parceria especial com a União Europeia, bem como a entrada para a Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC), entre outros desafios da política externa cabo-verdiana.
Mineral dust aerosols recently collected at the high-altitude Jungfraujoch research station (46 degrees 33'51 `' N, 7 degrees 59'06 `' E; 3580 m a.s.l.) were compared to mineral dust deposited at the Colle Gnifetti glacier (45 degrees 52'50 `' N, 7 degrees 52'33 `' E; 4455 m a.s.l.) over the last millennium. Radiogenic isotope signatures and backward trajectories analyses indicate that major dust sources are situated in the north-central to north-western part of the Saharan desert. Less radiogenic Sr isotopic compositions of PM10 aerosols and of mineral particles deposited during periods of low dust transfer likely result from the enhancement of the background chemically-weathered Saharan source. Saharan dust mobilization and transport were relatively reduced during the second part of the Little Ice Age (ca. 1690-1870) except within the greatest Saharan dust event deposited around 1770. After ca. 1870, sustained dust deposition suggests that increased mineral dust transport over the Alps during the last century could be due to stronger spring/summer North Atlantic southwesterlies and drier winters in North Africa. On the other hand, increasing carbonaceous particle emissions from fossil fuel combustion combined to a higher lead enrichment factor point to concomitant anthropogenic sources of particulate pollutants reaching high-altitude European glaciers during the last century.
O processo de desenvolvimento de Cabo Verde tem merecido a atenção do Mundo, que numa convergência pragmática tem procurado responder às demandas do país, através de profícuas relações de cooperação e de amizade com Governos e diferentes Organizações Internacionais, com efeitos directos no processo de desenvolvimento do país em todas as esferas, tocando o económico, social, etc. O Presente Trabalho de Projecto contextualiza o arquipélago de Cabo Verde nos aspectos histórico, geográfico, político e económico e aborda as parcerias internacionais para o seu desenvolvimento ancoradas, nomeadamente, na União Europeia, CEDEAO, Millennium Challenge Corporation e a Organização Mundial do Comércio, etc. No capítulo do desenvolvimento e internacionalização analisa-se o mercado de tradução, e de como estas novas parcerias estão a criar novas oportunidades neste segmento Profissional. Também se analisa as forças, fraquezas, oportunidades e ameaças que resultam dos efeitos da globalização na realidade socioeconómica de Cabo Verde e na classe socioprofissional do tradutor. Posteriormente é abordada igualmente a questão da regulação do estatuto profissional e intelectual do tradutor, visando a sua protecção e as regras orientadoras com o mercado. A Educação, e a sua evolução são também abordadas, com ênfase no sistema de Ensino Superior, pela sua importância para o desenvolvimento sustentável de Cabo Verde que exige novas competências e corresponda ao paradigma que o referido desenvolvimento assenta fundamentalmente no HOMEM. Posteriormente fala-se da Universidade Pública de Cabo Verde, a UNI-CV e o seu papel como agente de formação dos futuros quadros e empreendedores para o Cabo Verde, nomeadamente no sector de Tradução, com a abertura do Curso de Línguas Literatura e Cultura. Outro ponto considerado importante do Projecto é o do Empreendedorismo, e a sua importância na mobilização de vontades e alavancar o desenvolvimento, em particular na sua relevância dentro do processo de internacionalização de Cabo Verde. Para finalizar e dentro do tema de empreendedorismo aborda-se a criação de uma Empresa de Tradução e Gestão de Projectos de tradução dentro da dinâmica do desenvolvimento de Cabo Verde e tirando partido da internacionalização deste país para alargar o alcance dos seus serviços prestados para além do território cabo-verdiano.
How persistent are cultural traits? This paper uses data on anti-Semitism in Germany and finds continuity at the local level over more than half a millennium. When the Black Death hit Europe in 1348-50, killing between one third and one half of the population, its cause was unknown. Many contemporaries blamed the Jews. Cities all over Germany witnessed mass killings of their Jewish population. At the same time, numerous Jewish communities were spared these horrors. We use plague pogroms as an indicator for medieval anti-Semitism. Pogroms during the Black Death are a strong and robust predictor of violence against Jews in the 1920s, and of votes for the Nazi Party. In addition, cities that saw medieval anti-Semitic violence also had higher deportation rates for Jews after 1933, were more likely to see synagogues damaged or destroyed in the Night of Broken Glass in 1938, and their inhabitants wrote more anti-Jewish letters to the editor of the Nazi newspaper Der Stürmer.
A forma como os recursos são geridos e colocados à disposição dos cidadãos e o modo como estes se relacionam com o Estado, constitui uma matéria de grande interesse nos tempos actuais, não só dos investigadores, mas de forma mais permanente, dos Organismos Internacionais. Uns e outros esforçam-se no sentido de definir os critérios da Boa Governação. No essencial, parece haver consenso quanto aos principais critérios da Boa Governação: Estado de direito democrático, transparência, prestação de contas (accountability), participação, igualdade e inclusividade. Em Cabo Verde, o princípio da Boa Governação está consagrado em todos os documentos de planeamento estratégico produzidos no país e tem sido utilizado para o fortalecimento do seu prestígio e credibilidade junto dos parceiros internacionais. A Boa Governação é reconhecida por estes e é apontada como um caso de sucesso na sub-região em que o país está inserido. Este reconhecimento tem funcionado como um activo estratégico do país na mobilização de recursos financeiros e outros, para financiar as suas políticas de desenvolvimento e para atrair o Investimento Directo Externo. A entrada do país para a Organização Mundial do Comércio, a Parceria Especial com a União Europeia, o financiamento de dois pacotes do Millennium Challenge Account pelos Estados Unidos da América e a elevação de Cabo Verde à Categoria de País de Desenvolvimento Médio, são os maiores exemplos do resultado dessa estratégia.
The process of changes that have been taking place in contemporary world reaches undoubtedly to the public sector. The quest for a new public management, that seeks to provide quality and effective services to the citizens, has been the target of contemporary State. Within this framework, the study of people inside publics organizations becomes strategic. Knowledge is generated, processed, and communicated at great speed, taking society to adopt new approaches. In order to meet the challenges of the new millennium, organizations must thing more of people and, above all, they must be more concerned with creating incentives that can motivate their collaborators to achieve not only the objectives of the organization but also personal objectives of each individual, since there is no point in gaining profit and having productivity if the organization do not develop policies and practices that focus on the human being. Motivation implies accomplishment feelings and professional recognition, expressed by means of executing tasks and activities that are sufficiently challenging and meaningful to the job. The truth is that the adoption of a public management focused on quality requires changes in organization culture, requiring mainly motivation, which leads to efforts, dedication, persistence, and commitment. This work is intended to research motivation as a tool to achieve productivity and excellence in the performance of activities in Cape Verdean Public Administration. To achieve the aim of this work, a bibliographical research on Human Resources Administration as well as different theories related to work motivation in organizations was conducted. The inquisitive method was used based upon a written questionnaire aimed at obtaining data referring to motivation of Public Administration workers.
O processo de mudanças que vem acontecendo no mundo contemporâneo alcança, inevitavelmente, o sector público. A busca de uma nova gestão pública, que procure prestar serviços ao cidadão com qualidade e eficiência tem sido o alvo a ser alcançado pelo Estado contemporâneo. Dentro desse prisma o estudo das pessoas dentro das organizações públicas apresenta-se como estratégico. O conhecimento é gerado, processado e comunicado a grande velocidade, o que leva a sociedade a assumir novas posturas. Para enfrentar os desafios do novo milénio, as organizações terão que pensar mais nas pessoas e sobretudo, preocupar-se mais em criar estímulos que motivem os colaboradores para alcançarem tanto os objectivos da organização quanto os objectivos pessoais de cada um porque não adianta obter lucro e produtividade se a organização não desenvolver políticas e práticas que privilegiam o ser humano. Motivação envolve sentimentos de realização e de reconhecimento profissional, manifestado por meio de exercícios das tarefas e actividades que oferecem suficiente desafio e significado para o trabalho. A verdade é que a adopção de uma gestão pública focada na qualidade requer mudanças na cultura organizacional, exigindo principalmente motivação, que conduz ao esforço, dedicação, persistência e comprometimento. Com o presente trabalho pretende-se investigar a motivação como uma ferramenta para alcançar a produtividade e a excelência no desempenho das actividades na Administração Pública Cabo-verdiana. Para alcançar o objectivo deste trabalho, fez-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre a Administração dos Recursos Humanos e sobre as diversas teorias relacionadas com a motivação para o trabalho nas organizações. Utilizou-se o método inquisitivo baseado num interrogatório escrito para se obter dados referentes a motivação dos funcionários da Administração Pública.
The process of changes that have been taking place in contemporary world reaches undoubtedly to the public sector. The quest for a new public management, that seeks to provide quality and effective services to the citizens, has been the target of contemporary State. Within this framework, the study of people inside publics organizations becomes strategic. Knowledge is generated, processed, and communicated at great speed, taking society to adopt new approaches. In order to meet the challenges of the new millennium, organizations must thing more of people and, above all, they must be more concerned with creating incentives that can motivate their collaborators to achieve not only the objectives of the organization but also personal objectives of each individual, since there is no point in gaining profit and having productivity if the organization do not develop policies and practices that focus on the human being. Motivation implies accomplishment feelings and professional recognition, expressed by means of executing tasks and activities that are sufficiently challenging and meaningful to the job. The truth is that the adoption of a public management focused on quality requires changes in organization culture, requiring mainly motivation, which leads to efforts, dedication, persistence, and commitment. This work is intended to research motivation as a tool to achieve productivity and excellence in the performance of activities in Cape Verdean Public Administration. To achieve the aim of this work, a bibliographical research on Human Resources Administration as well as different theories related to work motivation in organizations was conducted. The inquisitive method was used based upon a written questionnaire aimed at obtaining data referring to motivation of Public Administration workers.
Para que o crescimento económico seja efetivo, importa registar de igual modo o crescimento real nas outras vertentes que sustentam o próprio crescimento, assim é cada vez mais importante introduzir variáveis ambientais e sociais quando se procede à análise efetiva do crescimento económico. O “crescimento económico é um indicador que revela o bem-estar económico de um país”, (Bürgenmeier, 2005, p.16-17). Só se pode falar da sustentabilidade ao nível do crescimento económico, se efetivamente os recursos forem devidamente racionalizados, mas é igualmente muito importante ter em conta a reutilização de recursos, sobretudo quando são escassos ou quando representam riscos sérios para o ambiente como também para a economia, entre outros. O protocolo do Quioto, a Convenção Quadro sobre as Mudanças Climáticas e os Objetivos Do Milénio (ODM), são apenas alguns exemplos de programas cujos objetivos visam essencialmente disciplinar a emissão de dióxido de carbono (CO2). Um dos objetivos é o de tentar “educar” o mundo global para os problemas que decorrem do uso abusivo e descontrolado de recursos, principalmente aqueles que podem pôr em causa a sustentabilidade do planeta terra. Cabo Verde (CV) é um dos poucos países ao nível do continente africano, e único na sua sub-região, que tem cumprido com os objetivos dos projetos acima listados. Essas conquistas têm permitido que este país conduza as suas políticas de desenvolvimento, balizadas em contextos das melhores práticas mundialmente aceites. Têm sido canalizados investimentos em infraestruturas de elevado valor acrescentado para a captação e exploração de energias verdes. A presente dissertação tem como objetivos: identificar os eventuais impactos ambientais em Cabo Verde que poderão decorrer do crescimento e desenvolvimento económico; sugerir melhorias ao nível da sustentabilidade. Conclui-se, por meio de inquéritos conduzidos por nós, que os Cabo-verdianos se mostram dispostos a colaborar financeiramente para a proteção ambiental em Cabo Verde.
Since the end of the last millennium, the focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) has progressively found use in biological research. This instrument is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an attached gallium ion column and the 2 beams, electrons and ions (FIB) are focused on one coincident point. The main application is the acquisition of three-dimensional data, FIB-SEM tomography. With the ion beam, some nanometres of the surface are removed and the remaining block-face is imaged with the electron beam in a repetitive manner. The instrument can also be used to cut open biological structures to get access to internal structures or to prepare thin lamella for imaging by (cryo-) transmission electron microscopy. Here, we will present an overview of the development of FIB-SEM and discuss a few points about sample preparation and imaging.
Few subjects have caught the attention of the entire world as much as those dealing with natural hazards. The first decade of this new millennium provides a litany of tragic examples of various hazards that turned into disasters affecting millions of individuals around the globe. The human losses (some 225,000 people) associated with the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, the economic costs (approximately 200 billion USD) of the 2011 Tohoku Japan earthquake, tsunami and reactor event, and the collective social impacts of human tragedies experienced during Hurricane Katrina in 2005 all provide repetitive reminders that we humans are temporary guests occupying a very active and angry planet. Any examples may have been cited here to stress the point that natural events on Earth may, and often do, lead to disasters and catastrophes when humans place themselves into situations of high risk. Few subjects share the true interdisciplinary dependency that characterizes the field of natural hazards. From geology and geophysics to engineering and emergency response to social psychology and economics, the study of natural hazards draws input from an impressive suite of unique and previously independent specializations. Natural hazards provide a common platform to reduce disciplinary boundaries and facilitate a beneficial synergy in the provision of timely and useful information and action on this critical subject matter. As social norms change regarding the concept of acceptable risk and human migration leads to an explosion in the number of megacities, coastal over-crowding and unmanaged habitation in precarious environments such as mountainous slopes, the vulnerability of people and their susceptibility to natural hazards increases dramatically. Coupled with the concerns of changing climates, escalating recovery costs, a growing divergence between more developed and less developed countries, the subject of natural hazards remains on the forefront of issues that affect all people, nations, and environments all the time.This treatise provides a compendium of critical, timely and very detailed information and essential facts regarding the basic attributes of natural hazards and concomitant disasters. The Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards effectively captures and integrates contributions from an international portfolio of almost 300 specialists whose range of expertise addresses over 330 topics pertinent to the field of natural hazards. Disciplinary barriers are overcome in this comprehensive treatment of the subject matter. Clear illustrations and numerous color images enhance the primary aim to communicate and educate. The inclusion of a series of unique ?classic case study? events interspersed throughout the volume provides tangible examples linking concepts, issues, outcomes and solutions. These case studies illustrate different but notable recent, historic and prehistoric events that have shaped the world as we now know it. They provide excellent focal points linking the remaining terms in the volume to the primary field of study. This Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards will remain a standard reference of choice for many years.
The inflammasome is a proteolytic complex that regulates IL1β and IL-18 secretion in macrophages and dendritic cells. Its plays a vital role in the control of the inflammatory and cellular responses to infectious and danger signals and is an essential part of the innate immune system. Four different inflammasomes have been identified so far, and the NLRP3-inflammasome has been the best-studied in relation to human disease. Activation of the NLRP3-inflammasome by microcrystals, such as monosodium urate (MSU) and basic calcium phosphate (BCP) crystals, leads to IL1β release, which in turn triggers local inflammation. Dysfunction of the NLRP3-inflammasome due to mutations of the NLRP3 gene is the cause of the auto-inflammatory syndrome CAPS. The symptoms and signs of inflammation in both conditions respond to IL1 blockade. IL1 inhibitors have also been used successfully in other idiopathic inflammatory diseases, suggesting that dysregulated inflammasome activity contributes to the pathogenesis of multiple diseases, but the precise underlying mechanisms remain to be identified.