997 resultados para Microwave Power Amplifiers
The aim of this work was to simulate the radionuclides dispersion in the surrounding area of a coal-fired power plant, operational during the last 25 years. The dispersion of natural radionuclides (236Ra, 232Th and 40K) was simulated by a Gaussian plume dispersion model with three different stability classes estimating the radionuclides concentration at ground level. Measurements of the environmen-tal activity concentrations were carried out by γ-spectrometry and compared with results from the air dispersion and deposition model which showed that the stabil-ity class D causes the dispersion to longer distances up to 20 km from the stacks.
Hand-off (or hand-over), the process where mobile nodes select the best access point available to transfer data, has been well studied in wireless networks. The performance of a hand-off process depends on the specific characteristics of the wireless links. In the case of low-power wireless networks, hand-off decisions must be carefully taken by considering the unique properties of inexpensive low-power radios. This paper addresses the design, implementation and evaluation of smart-HOP, a hand-off mechanism tailored for low-power wireless networks. This work has three main contributions. First, it formulates the hard hand-off process for low-power networks (such as typical wireless sensor networks - WSNs) with a probabilistic model, to investigate the impact of the most relevant channel parameters through an analytical approach. Second, it confirms the probabilistic model through simulation and further elaborates on the impact of several hand-off parameters. Third, it fine-tunes the most relevant hand-off parameters via an extended set of experiments, in a realistic experimental scenario. The evaluation shows that smart-HOP performs well in the transitional region while achieving more than 98 percent relative delivery ratio and hand-off delays in the order of a few tens of a milliseconds.
The use of a solar photovoltaic (PV) panel simulator can be a valued tool for the design and evaluation of the several components of a photovoltaic system. This simulator is based on power electronic converter controlled in such a way that will behave as a PV panel. Thus, in this paper a PV panel simulator based on a two quadrant DC/DC power converter is proposed. This topology will allow to achieve fast responses, like suddenly changes in the irradiation and temperature. To control the power converter it will be used a fast and robust sliding mode controller. Therefore, with the proposed system I-V curve simulation of a PV panel is obtained. Experimental results from a laboratory prototype are presented in order to confirm the theoretical operation.
The Fast Field-Cycling Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (FFC-NMR) is a technique used to study the molecular dynamics of different types of materials. The main elements of this equipment are a magnet and its power supply. The magnet used as reference in this work is basically a ferromagnetic core with two sets of coils and an air-gap where the materials' sample is placed. The power supply should supply the magnet being the magnet current controlled in order to perform cycles. One of the technical issues of this type of solution is the compensation of the non-linearities associated to the magnetic characteristic of the magnet and to parasitic magnetic fields. To overcome this problem, this paper describes and discusses a solution for the FFC-NMR power supply based on a four quadrant DC/DC converter.
This paper presents the design and implementation of direct power controllers for three-phase matrix converters (MC) operating as Unified Power Flow Controllers (UPFC). Theoretical principles of the decoupled linear power controllers of the MC-UPFC to minimize the cross-coupling between active and reactive power control are established. From the matrix converter based UPFC model with a modified Venturini high frequency PWM modulator, decoupled controllers for the transmission line active (P) and reactive (Q) power direct control are synthesized. Simulation results, obtained from Matlab/Simulink, are presented in order to confirm the proposed approach. Results obtained show decoupled power control, zero error tracking, and fast responses with no overshoot and no steady-state error.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
This work introduces a novel idea for wireless energy transfer, proposing for the first time the unit-cell of an indoor localization and RF harvesting system embedded into the floor. The unit-cell is composed by a 5.8 GHz patch antenna surrounded by a 13.56 MHz coil. The coil locates a device and activate the patch which, connected to a power grid, radiates to wirelessly charge the localized device. The HF and RF circuits co-existence and functionality are demonstrated in this paper, the novelty of which is also in the adoption of low cost and most of all ecofriendly materials, such as wood and cork, as substrates for electronics.
Thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the subject of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation is the imprint from an early stage of the Universe and investigation of its properties is crucial for understanding the fundamental laws governing the structure and evolution of the Universe. Measurements of the CMB anisotropies are decisive to cosmology, since any cosmological model must explain it. The brightness, strongest at the microwave frequencies, is almost uniform in all directions, but tiny variations reveal a spatial pattern of small anisotropies. Active research is being developed seeking better interpretations of the phenomenon. This paper analyses the recent data in the perspective of fractional calculus. By taking advantage of the inherent memory of fractional operators some hidden properties are captured and described.
This paper is on a simulation for offshore wind systems in deep water under cloud scope. The system is equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator and a full-power three-level converter, converting the electric energy at variable frequency in one at constant frequency. The control strategies for the three-level are based on proportional integral controllers. The electric energy is injected through a HVDC transmission submarine cable into the grid. The drive train is modeled by a three-mass model taking into account the resistant stiffness torque, structure and tower in the deep water due to the moving surface elevation. Conclusions are taken on the influence of the moving surface on the energy conversion. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2015.
The reaction between 2-aminobenzenesulfonic acid and 2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde produces the acyclic Schiff base 2-[(2-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl) methylideneamino] benzenesulfonic acid (H2L center dot 3H(2)O) (1). In situ reactions of this compound with Cu(II) salts and, eventually, in the presence of pyridine (py) or 2,2'-bipyridine (2,2'-bipy) lead to the formation of the mononuclear complexes [CuL(H2O)(2)] (2) and [CuL(2,2'-bipy)]center dot DMF center dot H2O (3) and the diphenoxo-bridged dicopper compounds [CuL(py)](2) (4) and [CuL(EtOH)](2)center dot 2H(2)O (5). In 2-5 the L-2-ligand acts as a tridentate chelating species by means of one of the O-sulfonate atoms, the O-phenoxo and the N-atoms. The remaining coordination sites are then occupied by H2O (in 2), 2,2'-bipyridine (in 3), pyridine (in 4) or EtOH (in 5). Hydrogen bond interactions resulted in R-2(2) (14) and in R-4(4)(12) graph sets leading to dimeric species (in 2 and 3, respectively), 1D chain associations (in 2 and 5) or a 2D network (1). Complexes 2-5 are applied as selective catalysts for the homogeneous peroxidative (with tert-butylhydroperoxide, TBHP) oxidation of primary and secondary alcohols, under solvent-and additive-free conditions and under low power microwave (MW) irradiation. A quantitative yield of acetophenone was obtained by oxidation of 1-phenylethanol with compound 4 [TOFs up to 7.6 x 10(3) h(-1)] after 20 min of MW irradiation, whereas the oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde is less effective (TOF 992 h(-1)). The selectivity of 4 to oxidize the alcohol relative to the ene function is demonstrated when using cinnamyl alcohol as substrate.
When China launched an anti-satellite (ASAT) weapon in January 2007 to destroy one of its inactive weather satellites, most reactions from academics and U.S. space experts focused on a potential military “space race” between the United States and China. Overlooked, however, is China’s growing role as global competitor on the non-military side of space. China’s space program goes far beyond military counterspace applications and manifests manned space aspirations, including lunar exploration. Its pursuit of both commercial and scientific international space ventures constitutes a small, yet growing, percentage of the global space launch and related satellite service industry. It also highlights China’s willingness to cooperate with nations far away from Asia for political and strategic purposes. These partnerships may constitute a challenge to the United States and enhance China’s “soft power” among key American allies and even in some regions traditionally dominated by U.S. influence (e.g., Latin America and Africa). Thus, an appropriate U.S. response may not lie in a “hard power” counterspace effort but instead in a revival of U.S. space outreach of the past, as well as implementation of more business-friendly export control policies.
Demand response is assumed as an essential resource to fully achieve the smart grids operating benefits, namely in the context of competitive markets and of the increasing use of renewable-based energy sources. Some advantages of Demand Response (DR) programs and of smart grids can only be achieved through the implementation of Real Time Pricing (RTP). The integration of the expected increasing amounts of distributed energy resources, as well as new players, requires new approaches for the changing operation of power systems. The methodology proposed in this paper aims the minimization of the operation costs in a distribution network operated by a virtual power player that manages the available energy resources focusing on hour ahead re-scheduling. When facing lower wind power generation than expected from day ahead forecast, demand response is used in order to minimize the impacts of such wind availability change. In this way, consumers actively participate in regulation up and spinning reserve ancillary services through demand response programs. Real time pricing is also applied. The proposed model is especially useful when actual and day ahead wind forecast differ significantly. Its application is illustrated in this paper implementing the characteristics of a real resources conditions scenario in a 33 bus distribution network with 32 consumers and 66 distributed generators.
This paper proposes a wind speed forecasting model that contributes to the development and implementation of adequate methodologies for Energy Resource Man-agement in a distribution power network, with intensive use of wind based power generation. The proposed fore-casting methodology aims to support the operation in the scope of the intraday resources scheduling model, name-ly with a time horizon of 10 minutes. A case study using a real database from the meteoro-logical station installed in the GECAD renewable energy lab was used. A new wind speed forecasting model has been implemented and it estimated accuracy was evalu-ated and compared with a previous developed forecast-ing model. Using as input attributes the information of the wind speed concerning the previous 3 hours enables to obtain results with high accuracy for the wind short-term forecasting.
The integration of growing amounts of distributed generation in power systems, namely at distribution networks level, has been fostered by energy policies in several countries around the world, including in Europe. This intensive integration of distributed, non-dispatchable, and natural sources based generation (including wind power) has caused several changes in the operation and planning of power systems and of electricity markets. Sometimes the available non-dispatchable generation is higher than the demand. This generation must be used; otherwise it is wasted if not stored or used to supply additional demand. New policies and market rules, as well as new players, are needed in order to competitively integrate all the resources. The methodology proposed in this paper aims at the maximization of the social welfare in a distribution network operated by a virtual power player that aggregates and manages the available energy resources. When facing a situation of excessive non-dispatchable generation, including wind power, real time pricing is applied in order to induce the increase of consumption so that wind curtailment is minimized. This method is especially useful when actual and day-ahead resources forecast differ significantly. The distribution network characteristics and concerns are addressed by including the network constraints in the optimization model. The proposed methodology has been implemented in GAMS optimization tool and its application is illustrated in this paper using a real 937-bus distribution network with 20.310 consumers and 548 distributed generators, some of them non-dispatchable and with must take contracts. The implemented scenario corresponds to a real day in Portuguese power system.