1000 resultados para Mercado de Energia Perdas na Transmissão
Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia da Energia e do Ambiente, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2016
O Relatório de Sustentabilidade é um instrumento que visa dar maior transparência às atividades empresariais e ampliar o diálogo da organização com a sociedade, tendo em vista a necessidade de comunicar aos stakeholders suas práticas socioambientais, além das econômicas. A presente pesquisa buscou compreender de que forma as empresas do segmento de energia elétrica, listadas na BM&F BOVESPA como Nível 1 e Novo Mercado de Governança Corporativa divulgam aos interessados seus Relatórios de Sustentabilidade. Realizou-se análise documental, através dos Relatórios de Sustentabilidade das empresas do setor elétrico: CEEE, Cemig, Cesp, Copel, CPFL, CTEEP, EDP, Eletrobrás, Equatorial, Light, Tractebel e MPX. Foram analisados os relatórios referentes aos anos de 2010, 2011 e 2012. Houve uma sutil evolução na divulgação dos indicadores da GRI-Global Reporting Initiative, possivelmente por serem reconhecidos internacionalmente, o que proporciona às empresas maior confiabilidade e transparência em suas informações.
The acceleration of technological change and the process of globalization has intensified competition and the need for new products (goods and services), resulting in growing concern for organizations in the development of technological, economic and social advances. This work presents an overview of the development of wind energy-related technologies and design trends. To conduct this research, it is (i) a literature review on technological innovation, technological forecasting methods and fundamentals of wind power; (ii) the analysis of patents, with the current technology landscape studied by means of finding information in patent databases; and (iii) the preparation of the map of technological development and construction of wind turbines of the future trend information from the literature and news from the sector studied. Step (ii) allowed the study of 25 644 patents between the years 2003-2012, in which the US and China lead the ranking of depositors and the American company General Electric and the Japanese Mitsubishi stand as the largest holder of wind technology. Step (iii) analyzed and identified that most of the innovations presented in the technological evolution of wind power are incremental product innovations to market. The proposed future trends shows that the future wind turbines tend to have a horizontal synchronous shaft, which with the highest diameter of 194m and 164m rotor nacelle top, the top having 7,5MW generation. The materials used for the blades are new materials with characteristics of low density and high strength. The towers are trend with hybrid materials, uniting the steel to the concrete. This work tries to cover the existing gap in the gym on the use of technological forecasting techniques for the wind energy industry, through the recognition that utilize the patent analysis, analysis of scientific articles and stories of the area, provide knowledge about the industry and influencing the quality of investment decisions in R & D and hence improves the efficiency and effectiveness of wind power generation
Actually, Brazil is one of the larger fruit producer worldwide, with most of its production being consumed in nature way or either as juice or pulp. It is important to highlig ht in the fruit productive chain there are a lot lose due mainly to climate reasons, as well as storage, transportation, season, market, etc. It is known that in the pulp and fruit processing industy a yield of 50% (in mass) is usually obtained, with the other part discarded as waste. However, since most this waste has a high nutrient content it can be used to generate added - value products. In this case, drying plays an important role as an alternative process in order to improve these wastes generated by the fruit industry. However, despite the advantage of using this technique in order to improve such wastes, issues as a higher power demand as well as the thermal efficiency limitation should be addressed. Therefore, the control of the main variables in t his drying process is quite important in order to obtain operational conditions to produce a final product with the target specification as well as with a lower power cost. M athematical models can be applied to this process as a tool in order to optimize t he best conditions. The main aim of this work was to evaluate the drying behaviour of a guava industrial pulp waste using a batch system with a convective - tray dryer both experimentally and using mathematical modeling. In the experimental study , the dryin g carried out using a group of trays as well as the power consume were assayed as response to the effects of operational conditions (temperature, drying air flow rate and solid mass). Obtained results allowed observing the most significant variables in the process. On the other hand, the phenomenological mathematical model was validated and allowed to follow the moisture profile as well as the temperature in the solid and gas phases in every tray. Simulation results showed the most favorable procedure to o btain the minimum processing time as well as the lower power demand.
Energy is a vital resource for social and economic development. In the present scenario, the search for alternative energy sources has become fundamental, especially after the oil crises between 1973 and 1979, the Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986 and the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. The demand for the development of new alternative energy sources aims to complement existing forms allows to meet the demand for energy consumption with greater security. Brazil, with the guideline of not dirtying the energy matrix by the fossil fuels exploitation and the recent energy crisis caused by the lack of rains, directs energy policies for the development of other renewable energy sources, complementing the hydric. This country is one of the countries that stand out for power generation capacity from the winds in several areas, especially Rio Grande do Norte (RN), which is one of the states with highest installed power and great potential to be explored. In this context arises the purpose of this work to identify the incentive to develop policies of wind energy in Rio Grande do Norte. The study was conducted by a qualitative methodology of data analysis called content analysis, oriented for towards message characteristics, its informational value, the words, arguments and ideas expressed in it, constituting a thematic analysis. To collect the data interviews were conducted with managers of major organizations related to wind energy in Brazil and in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The identification of incentive policies was achieved in three stages: the first seeking incentives policies in national terms, which are applied to all states, the second with the questionnaire application and the third to research and data collection for the development of the installed power of the RN as compared to other states. At the end, the results demonstrated hat in Rio Grande do Norte state there is no incentive policy for the development of wind power set and consolidated, specific actions in order to optimize the bureaucratic issues related to wind farms, especially on environmental issues. The absence of this policy hinders the development of wind energy RN, considering result in reduced competitiveness and performance in recent energy auctions. Among the perceived obstacles include the lack of hand labor sufficient to achieve the reporting and analysis of environmental licenses, the lack of updating the wind Atlas of the state, a shortfall of tax incentives. Added to these difficulties excel barriers in infrastructure and logistics, with the lack of a suitable port for large loads and the need for reform, maintenance and duplication of roads and highways that are still loss-making. It is suggested as future work the relationship of the technology park of energy and the development of wind power in the state, the influence of the technology park to attract businesses and industries in the wind sector to settle in RN and a comparison of incentive policies to development of wind energy in the Brazilian states observing wind development in the same states under study.
In the Oil industry, oil and gas pipelines are commonly utilized to perform the transportation of production fluids to longer distances. The maintenance of the pipelines passes through the analysis of several tools, in which the most currently used are the pipelines inspection cells, popularly knowing as PIG. Among the variants existing in the market, the instrumented PIG has a significant relevance; acknowledging that through the numerous sensors existing in the equipment, it can detect faults or potential failure along the inspected line. Despite its versatility, the instrumented PIG suffers from speed variations, impairing the reading of sensors embedded in it. Considering that PIG moves depending on the speed of the production fluid, a way to control his speed is to control the flow of the fluid through the pressure control, reducing the flow rate of the produced flow, resulting in reduction of overall production the fluid in the ducts own or with the use of a restrictive element (valve) installed on it. The characteristic of the flow rate/pressure drop from restrictive elements of the orifice plate is deducted usually from the ideal energy equation (Bernoulli’s equation) and later, the losses are corrected normally through experimental tests. Thus, with the objective of controlling the fluids flow passing through the PIG, a valve shutter actuated by solenoid has been developed. This configuration allows an ease control and stabilization of the flow adjustment, with a consequent response in the pressure drops between upstream and downstream of the restriction. It was assembled a test bench for better definition of flow coefficients; composed by a duct with intern diameter of four inches, one set of shutters arranged in a plate and pressure gauges for checking the pressure drop in the test. The line was pressurized and based on the pressure drop it was possible to draw a curve able to characterize the flow coefficient of the control valve prototype and simulate in mockup the functioning, resulting in PIG speed reduction of approximately 68%.
Human development requires a broad balance between ecological, social and economic factors in order to ensure its own sustainability. In this sense, the search for new sources of energy generation, with low deployment and operation costs, which cause the least possible impact to the environment, has been the focus of attention of all society segments. To do so, the reduction in exploration of fossil fuels and the encouragement of using renewable energy resources for distributed generation have proved interesting alternatives to the expansion of the energy matrix of various countries in the world. In this sense, the wind energy has acquired an increasingly significant role, presenting increasing rates of power grid penetration and highlighting technological innovations such as the use of permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSG). In Brazil, this fact has also been noted and, as a result, the impact of the inclusion of this source in the distribution and sub-transmission power grid has been a major concern of utilities and agents connected to Brazilian electrical sector. Thus, it is relevant the development of appropriate computational tools that allow detailed predictive studies about the dynamic behavior of wind farms, either operating with isolated load, either connected to the main grid, taking also into account the implementation of control strategies for active/reactive power generation and the keeping of adequate levels of voltage and frequency. This work fits in this context since it comprises mathematical and computational developments of a complete wind energy conversion system (WECS) endowed with PMSG using time domain techniques of Alternative Transients Program (ATP), which prides itself a recognized reputation by scientific and academic communities as well as by electricity professionals in Brazil and elsewhere. The modeling procedures performed allowed the elaboration of blocks representing each of the elements of a real WECS, comprising the primary source (the wind), the wind turbine, the PMSG, the frequency converter, the step up transformer, the load composition and the power grid equivalent. Special attention is also given to the implementation of wind turbine control techniques, mainly the pitch control responsible for keeping the generator under the maximum power operation point, and the vector theory that aims at adjusting the active/reactive power flow between the wind turbine and the power grid. Several simulations are performed to investigate the dynamic behavior of the wind farm when subjected to different operating conditions and/or on the occurrence of wind intensity variations. The results have shown the effectiveness of both mathematical and computational modeling developed for the wind turbine and the associated controls.
The search for mitigation solutions, with respect to the effects of overvoltages linked to the energization and reclosing maneuvers of transmission lines include a challenging subject with strong impact on the insulation coordination of electrical systems. Although the recognition of classical and commercial proposals to mitigate these phenomena, other possibilities are certainly still worthwhile highlighting and investigations. In this context, the present work is grounded in the exposure of the physical and mathematical foundations of a strategy based on controlled switchings, whose moments to the line reclosing are pre-programmed. The computational evaluation of the effectiveness of the methodology is made using the ATP simulator, which are studies in a typical electrical system subjected to the action of short-circuits fallowed by shutdowns and subsequent reclosing, under the action of technology here focused and lack thereof.
Análise de volatilidade, integração de preços e previsibilidade para o mercado brasileiro de camarão
The present paper has the purpose of investigate the dynamics of the volatility structure in the shrimp prices in the Brazilian fish market. Therefore, a description of the initial aspects of the shrimp price series was made. From this information, statistics tests were made and selected univariate models to be price predictors. Then, it was verified the existence of relationship of long-term equilibrium between the Brazilian and American imported shrimp and if, confirmed the relationship, whether or not there is a causal link between these assets, considering that the two countries had presented trade relations over the years. It is presented as an exploratory research of applied nature with quantitative approach. The database was collected through direct contact with the Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo (CEAGESP) and on the official website of American import, National Marine Fisheries Service - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NMFS- NOAA). The results showed that the great variability in the active price is directly related with the gain and loss of the market agents. The price series presents a strong seasonal and biannual effect. The average structure of price of shrimp in the last 12 years was R$ 11.58 and external factors besides the production and marketing (U.S. antidumping, floods and pathologies) strongly affected the prices. Among the tested models for predicting prices of shrimp, four were selected, which through the prediction methodologies of one step forward of horizon 12, proved to be statistically more robust. It was found that there is weak evidence of long-term equilibrium between the Brazilian and American shrimp, where equivalently, was not found a causal link between them. We concluded that the dynamic pricing of commodity shrimp is strongly influenced by external productive factors and that these phenomena cause seasonal effects in the prices. There is no relationship of long-term stability between the Brazilian and American shrimp prices, but it is known that Brazil imports USA production inputs, which somehow shows some dependence productive. To the market agents, the risk of interferences of the external prices cointegrated to Brazilian is practically inexistent. Through statistical modeling is possible to minimize the risk and uncertainty embedded in the fish market, thus, the sales and marketing strategies for the Brazilian shrimp can be consolidated and widespread
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de energia
Com este trabalho pretende-se analisar o consumo de energia na indústria de faiança e identificar medidas de poupança energética. Em 2014, o consumo específico foi de 191 kgep/t e a intensidade carbónica 2,15 tCO2e/t, tendo havido uma redução de, respectivamente, 50,2% e 1,3%, comparativamente a 2010. O consumo total correspondeu a 1108 tep, sendo 66% relativo ao consumo de gás natural. Foi utilizado um analisador de energia eléctrica nos principais equipamentos consumidores, e na desagregação de consumos térmicos, efectuaram-se leituras no contador geral de gás natural e foram utilizados dados das auditorias ambiental e energética. O processo de cozedura é responsável por 58% do consumo térmico da instalação, seguido da pintura com 24%. A conformação é o sector com maior consumo de energia eléctrica, correspondendo a 23% do consumo total. As perdas térmicas pelos gases de exaustão dos equipamentos de combustão e pela envolvente do forno, considerando os mecanismos de convecção natural e radiação, correspondem a cerca de 6% do consumo térmico total, sendo necessário tomar medidas a nível do isolamento térmico e da redução do excesso de ar. A instalação de variadores de velocidade nos ventiladores do ar de combustão do forno poderia resultar em poupanças significativas, em particular, no consumo de gás natural – redução de 4 tep/ano e cerca de 2500€/ano– tendo um tempo de retorno do investimento inferior a 1 ano. Deverá ser, no entanto, garantida a alimentação de ar combustão a todos os queimadores, bem como, a combustão completa do gás natural. O funcionamento contínuo do forno poderia resultar no aumento da sua eficiência energética, com redução de custos de operação e manutenção, sendo necessário avaliar os custos adicionais de stock e de mão de obra. Verificou-se que as medidas relacionadas com a monitorização de consumos, eliminação de fugas de ar comprimido e a instalação de variadores de velocidade nos ventiladores do ar de combustão do forno poderiam resultar em reduções de consumo de 26 tep e de emissões de 66tCO2e, num total de quase 14 000€.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2015.
Este trabajo predice la volatilidad de la rentabilidad diaria del precio del azúcar, en el período comprendido entre 1 de junio de 2011 y el 24 de octubre de 2013. Los datos diarios utilizados fueron los precios del azúcar, del etanol y la tasa de cambio de la moneda de Brasil (Real) en dólares. Se usaron modelos multivariados de volatilidad autoregresiva condicional generalizada. A partir de la predicción de los precios del azúcar se calcula la razón de cobertura de mínima varianza. Los resultados muestran, que la razón de cobertura es 0.37, esto significa que, si un productor adverso al riesgo, que tiene la intención de eliminar un porcentaje de la volatilidad de la rentabilidad diaria del mercado mundial del azúcar, y espera vender 25 contratos de azúcar, cada uno de ellos de 50,84 toneladas (1.271 toneladas), el número de contratos optimo tomando cobertura a futuro será 9 y el número de contratos sin tomar cobertura (de contado) será 16.
Brazil is internationally acknowledged for its renewable sources, most notably, hydroelectric power plant projects which correspond to 65% of electricity production supply to the National Interconnected System. The main question behind this research is: what are the weights and the relative importance of the variables which have influence on the decision making process for the expansion of hydroelectric generation projects in Parana? The main objective is to propose a multi-criteria decision procedure, in association with water sources options that take into consideration the weight and relative importance of the alternatives having influence on the decision by enterprises in the generation of electricity in the state of Paraná. As far as the approach to the problem is concerned, this research can be classified as having mixed methodologies, applying Content Analysis, Delphi technique and the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Following Delphi methodology, a group of 21 was selected for data collection, all of those linked to Paranaense hydroelectricity market. And the main result was the construction of a decision tree in which it was possible to identify the importance and relative weight of the elements associated with the four dimensions of energy. In environmental dimension, the highest relative weight was placed on the loading capacity of Parana system; the economic dimension, the amortization of investment; in social dimension, the generation of direct work places and in institutional dimension, the availability of suitable sources of financing. Policy makers and business managers make their decisions based on specific criteria related to the organization segment, market information, economic and political behavior among other indicators that guide them in dealing with the typical tradeoffs of projects in hydropower area. The results obtained in the decision tree show that the economic bias is still the main factor in making investment decisions. However, environmental impacts on the State loading capacity, income generation, providing opportunities for direct as well as indirect jobs. And at an institutional level, the absence of funding sources show that the perception of experts is focused on other issues beyond the logic behind development per se. The order of priority of variables in this study indicates that in the current environment of uncertainty in the Brazilian economy as many variables must be analyzed and compared in order to optimize the scarce resources available to expand local development in relation to Paranaense water matrix.
A actual crise social que afecta o país atingiu as PME de uma forma global, provocando uma redução drástica do volume dos seus negócios, em particular as empresas ligadas à gestão de energia, que constituem um exemplo ilustrativo de uma crise mais geral, dado que dependem muito da realização de obras de grande vulto, nomeadamente em edifícios públicos, como escolas, hospitais, universidades, ou outros organismos públicos e privados, as quais estão, de momento, paralisadas. O trabalho a desenvolver centrar-se-á no estudo de um conjunto de empresas ligadas a este sub-sector (players), com análise das atuais dificuldades, e procura de informação relevante sobre a estratégia empresarial com vista à diversificação de produtos para a sua instalação em novos segmentos de mercado ou avaliação de uma estratégia de inovação ou de internacionalização e qual o mercado a desenvolver.. Através deste estudo pretende-se: • Identificar as actuais estratégias empresariais, sobretudo como irão atuar as empresas no mercado nos próximos anos; • Analisar processos que proporcionem a diversificação do produto final, com garantia de sustentabilidade económica do modelo e ampla aceitação das entidades públicas e privadas; • Conhecer as intenções de internacionalização, e as razões de preferência por determinados mercados em detrimento de outros.