805 resultados para Mental Skills Training
Perceptual learning can occur when stimuli are only imagined, i.e., without proper stimulus presentation. For example, perceptual learning improved bisection discrimination when only the two outer lines of the bisection stimulus were presented and the central line had to be imagined. Performance improved also with other static stimuli. In non-learning imagery experiments, imagining static stimuli is different from imagining motion stimuli. We hypothesized that those differences also affect imagery perceptual learning. Here, we show that imagery training also improves motion direction discrimination. Learning occurs when no stimulus at all is presented during training, whereas no learning occurs when only noise is presented. The interference between noise and mental imagery possibly hinders learning. For static bisection stimuli, the pattern is just the opposite. Learning occurs when presented with the two outer lines of the bisection stimulus, i.e., with only a part of the visual stimulus, while no learning occurs when no stimulus at all is presented.
Aims: To examine the effect of memory strategy training on different aspects of memory in children born very preterm and to determine whether there is a generalization of the training effect to non-trained functions. The influence of individual factors such as age and performance level on the training success will be determined. Methods: In a randomized, controlled and blinded clinical trial, 46 children born very preterm (aged 7-12 years) were allocated to a memory strategy training (MEMO-Training, n=23) or a control group (n=23). Neuropsychological assessment was performed before, immediately after the training and at a 6-month follow-up. In the MEMO-Training, five different memory strategies were introduced and practiced in a one-to-one setting (4 hour-long training sessions over 4 weeks, 20 homework sessions). Results: A significant training-related improvement occurred in trained aspects of memory (verbal and visual learning and recall, verbal working memory) and in non-trained functions (inhibition, mental arithmetic). No performance increase was observed in the control group. At six months follow-up, there was a significant training-related improvement of visual working memory. Age and performance level before the training predicted the training success significantly. Conclusion: Teaching memory strategies is an effective way to improve different aspects of memory but also non-trained functions such as inhibition and mental arithmetic in children born very preterm. Age and performance level influence the success of memory strategy training. These results highlight the importance of teaching children memory strategies to reduce scholastic problems.
Our last study with regularly developed children demonstrated a positive effect of working memory training on cognitive abilities. Building upon these findings, the aim of this multidisciplinary study is to investigate the effects of training of core functions with children who are suffering from different learning disabilities, like AD/HD, developmental dyslexia or specific language impairment. In addition to working memory training (BrainTwister), we apply a perceptual training, which concentrates on auditory-visual matching (Audilex), as well as an implicit concept learning task. We expect differential improvements of mental capacities, specifically of executive functions (working memory, attention, auditory and visual processing), scholastic abilities (language and mathematical skills), as well as of problem solving. With that, we hope to find further directions regarding helpful and individually adapted interventions in educational settings. Interested parties are invited to discuss and comment the design, the research question, and the possibilities in recruiting the subjects.
The medical training model is currently immersed in a process of change. The new paradigm is intended to be more effective, more integrated within the healthcare system, and strongly oriented towards the direct application of knowledge to clinical practice. Compared with the established training system based on certification of the completion of a series or rotations and stays in certain healthcare units, the new model proposes a more structured training process based on the gradual acquisition of specific competences, in which residents must play an active role in designing their own training program. Training based on competences guarantees more transparent, updated and homogeneous learning of objective quality, and which can be homologated internationally. The tutors play a key role as the main directors of the process, and institutional commitment to their work is crucial. In this context, tutors should receive time and specific formation to allow the evaluation of training as the cornerstone of the new model. New forms of objective summative and training evaluation should be introduced to guarantee that the predefined competences and skills are effectively acquired. The free movement of specialists within Europe is very desirable and implies that training quality must be high and amenable to homologation among the different countries. The Competency Based training in Intensive Care Medicine in Europe program is our main reference for achieving this goal. Scientific societies in turn must impulse and facilitate all those initiatives destined to improve healthcare quality and therefore specialist training. They have the mission of designing strategies and processes that favor training, accreditation and advisory activities with the government authorities.
The partial shift from patient to model is a reasonable and necessary paradigm shift in surgery in order to increase patient safety and to adapt to the reduced training time periods in hospitals and increased quality demands. Since 1991 the Vascular International Foundation and School has carried out many training courses with more than 2,500 participants. The modular build training system allows to teach many open vascular and endovascular surgical techniques on lifelike models with a pulsatile circulation. The simulation courses cannot replace training in operating rooms but are suitable for supporting the cognitive and associative stages for achieving motor skills. Scientific evaluation of the courses has continually shown that the training principle established since 1991 can lead to significant learning success. They are extremely useful not only for beginners but also for experienced vascular surgeons. They can help to shorten the learning curve, to learn new techniques or to refine previously used techniques in all stages of professional development. Keywords Advanced training · Advanced training regulations · Training model · Vascular International · Certification
Video-basiertes Lernen ist besonders effektiv, wo es um Fertigkeiten und Verhalten geht. Videoaufzeichnungen von Gesprächen, Unterrichtssituationen oder der Durchführung praktischer Tätigkeiten wie dem Nähen einer Wunde erlauben es den Ausführenden, ihren Peers und ihren Tutoren, die Qualität der Leistung zu beurteilen und Anregungen zur Verbesserung zu formulieren. Wissend um den grossen didaktischen Wert von Videoaufzeichnungen haben sich vier Pädagogische Hochschulen (Zürich, Freiburg, Thurgau, Luzern) und zwei Medizinische Fakultäten (Bern, Lausanne) zusammen getan, um eine nationale Infrastruktur für Video-unterstütztes Lernen anzustossen. Ziel was es, ein System zu entwickeln, das einfach zu bedienen ist, bei dem viele Arbeitsschritte automatisiert sind und das die Videos im Internet bereit stellt. Zusammen mit SWITCH, der nationalen IT-Support-Organisation der Schweizer Hochschulen, wurde basierend auf den vorbestehenden Technologien AAI und SWITCHcast das Programm iVT (Individual Video Training) entwickelt. Die Integration des nationalen Single Logon System AAI (Authentification and Authorization Infrastructure) erlaubt es, die Videos mit dem jeweiligen User eindeutig zu verknüpfen, so dass die Videos nur für diesen User im Internet zugänglich sind. Mit dem Podcast-System SWITCHcast können Videos automatisch ins Internet hochgeladen und bereit gestellt werden. Es wurden je ein Plugin für die Learning Management Systeme ILIAS (PH Zürich, Uni Bern) und Moodle (Uni Lausanne) entwickelt. Dank dieser Plugins werden die Videos in den jeweiligen LMS verfügbar gemacht. Der Einsatz von iVT ist beim Kommunikationstraining unserer Medizinstudierenden in Bern inzwischen Standard. Das Login gilt gleichzeitig als Beleg für das Testat. Studierende, die keine Videoaufzeichnung wünschen, können diese nach dem Login stoppen. Bis anhin ist das Betrachten der Videos freiwillig. Szenarios mit Peer Feedback sind geplant. Eine entsprechende Erweiterung des Systems um gegenseitige Annotationsmöglichkeiten besteht bereits und wird fortlaufend weiterentwickelt.
Das Training im Klartraum ist eine Art von mentalem Training, wobei der Träumende wäh-rend des nächtlichen REM-Traums seine motorischen Fertigkeiten übt (Erlacher, Stumbrys & Schredl, 2011). In einer Pilotstudie konnten Erlacher und Schredl (2010) zei-gen, dass die Trefferleistung einer Zielwurfaufgabe durch ein Training im Klartraum (KTT) verbessert werden kann. In der vorliegenden Studie soll dieses Ergebnis mit einer Fingersequenzaufgabe repliziert werden. Die Resultate sollen dabei mit einer körperlich trainierenden Gruppe (KT), einer mental trainierenden Gruppe (MT) und einer Kontroll-gruppe (KG) verglichen werden
Operating room (OR) team safety training and learning in the field of dialysis access is well suited for the use of simulators, simulated case learning and root cause analysis of adverse outcomes. The objectives of OR team training are to improve communication and leadership skills, to use checklists and to prevent errors. Other objectives are to promote a change in the attitudes towards vascular access from learning through mistakes in a nonpunitive environment, to positively impact the employee performance and to increase staff retention by making the workplace safer, more efficient and user friendly.
Rapidly growing technical developments and working time constraints call for changes in trainee formation. In reality, trainees spend fewer hours in the hospital and face more difficulties in acquiring the required qualifications in order to work independently as a specialist. Simulation-based training is a potential solution. It offers the possibility to learn basic technical skills, repeatedly perform key steps in procedures and simulate challenging scenarios in team training. Patients are not at risk and learning curves can be shortened. Advanced learners are able to train rare complications. Senior faculty member's presence is key to assess and debrief effective simulation training. In the field of vascular access surgery, simulation models are available for open as well as endovascular procedures. In this narrative review, we describe the theory of simulation, present simulation models in vascular (access) surgery, discuss the possible benefits for patient safety and the difficulties of implementing simulation in training.
AIM Virtual patients (VPs) are a one-of-a-kind e-learning resource, fostering clinical reasoning skills through clinical case examples. The combination with face-to-face teaching is important for their successful integration, which is referred to as "blended learning". So far little is known about the use of VPs in the field of continuing medical education and residency training. The pilot study presented here inquired the application of VPs in the framework of a pediatric residency revision course. METHODS Around 200 participants of a pediatric nephology lecture ('nephrotic and nephritic syndrome in children') were offered two VPs as a wrap-up session at the revision course of the German Society for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (DGKJ) 2009 in Heidelberg, Germany. Using a web-based survey form, different aspects were evaluated concerning the learning experiences with VPs, the combination with the lecture, and the use of VPs for residency training in general. RESULTS N=40 evaluable survey forms were returned (approximately 21%). The return rate was impaired by a technical problem with the local Wi-Fi firewall. The participants perceived the work-up of the VPs as a worthwhile learning experience, with proper preparation for diagnosing and treating real patients with similar complaints. Case presentations, interactivity, and locally and timely independent repetitive practices were, in particular, pointed out. On being asked about the use of VPs in general for residency training, there was a distinct demand for more such offers. CONCLUSION VPs may reasonably complement existing learning activities in residency training.
BACKGROUND The few studies directly comparing the methodological approach of peer role play (RP) and standardized patients (SP) for the delivery of communication skills all suggest that both methods are effective. In this study we calculated the costs of both methods (given comparable outcomes) and are the first to generate a differential cost-effectiveness analysis of both methods. METHODS Medical students in their prefinal year were randomly assigned to one of two groups receiving communication training in Pediatrics either with RP (N = 34) or 19 individually trained SP (N = 35). In an OSCE with standardized patients using the Calgary-Cambridge Referenced Observation Guide both groups achieved comparable high scores (results published). In this study, corresponding costs were assessed as man-hours resulting from hours of work of SP and tutors. A cost-effectiveness analysis was performed. RESULTS Cost-effectiveness analysis revealed a major advantage for RP as compared to SP (112 vs. 172 man hours; cost effectiveness ratio .74 vs. .45) at comparable performance levels after training with both methods. CONCLUSIONS While both peer role play and training with standardized patients have their value in medical curricula, RP has a major advantage in terms of cost-effectiveness. This could be taken into account in future decisions.
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between various adverse childhood experiences, alexithymia, and dissociation in predicting nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) in an inpatient sample of female adolescents. Seventy-two adolescents (aged 14–18 years) with NSSI disorder (n=46) or mental disorders without NSSI (n=26) completed diagnostic interviews and self-report measures to assess NSSI disorder according to the DSM-5 criteria, childhood maltreatment, alexithymia, and dissociation. Alexithymia and dissociation were highly prevalent in both study groups. Multivariate logistic regression analyses indicated that only alexithymia was a significant predictor for NSSI, whereas childhood maltreatment and dissociation had no predictive influence. The association between alexithymia and NSSI emphasizes the significance of emotion regulation training for female adolescents with NSSI. Efforts to reduce NSSI behavior should therefore foster skills to heighten the perception and recognition of one’s own emotions.
Objective: In the past decade, variation in outcomes between therapists (i.e., therapist effects) have become increasingly recognized as an important factor in psychotherapy. Less is known, however, about what accounts for differences between therapists. The present study investigates the possibility that therapists' basic therapy-related interpersonal skills may impact outcomes. Method: To examine this, psychotherapy postgraduate trainees completed both an observer- and an expert-rated behavioral assessment: the Therapy-Related Interpersonal Behaviors (TRIB). TRIB scores were used to predict trainees' outcomes over the course of the subsequent five years. Results: Results indicate that trainees' with more positively rated interpersonal behaviors assessed in the observer-rated group format but not in a single expert-rated format showed superior outcomes over the five-year period. This effect remained controlling for therapist characteristics (therapist gender, theoretical orientation [cognitive behavioral or psychodynamic], amount of supervision, patient's order within therapist's caseload), and patient characteristics (patient age, gender, number of comorbid diagnoses, global severity, and personality disorder diagnosis). Conclusions: These findings underscore the importance of therapists' interpersonal skills as a predictor of outcome and source of therapist effects. The potential utility of assessing therapists' and therapists-in-training interpersonal skills are discussed.
Background Several indicators of heightened vulnerability to psychosis and relevant stressors have been identified. However, it has rarely been studied prospectively to what extent these vulnerability factors are in fact more frequently present in individuals with an at-risk mental state for psychosis. Moreover, it remains unknown whether any of these contribute to the prediction of psychosis onset in at-risk mental state individuals. Methods There were 28 healthy controls, 86 first-episode psychosis patients and 127 at-risk mental state individuals recruited within the Basel “Früherkennung von Psychosen” project. Relative frequencies of selected vulnerability factors for psychosis were compared between healthy controls, psychosis patients, those at-risk mental state individuals with subsequent psychosis onset (n = 31) and those without subsequent psychosis onset (n = 55). Survival analyses were applied to determine associations between time to transition to psychosis and vulnerability factors in all 127 at-risk mental state individuals. Results The vulnerability factors/indicators such as “difficulties during school education or vocational training”, “difficulties during employment”, “being single”, “difficulties with intimate relationships” and “being burdened with specific stressful situations” were more commonly found in the at-risk mental state and first-episode psychosis group than in healthy controls. Conclusions At-risk mental state and first-episode psychosis individuals more frequently present with vulnerability factors. Individual vulnerability factors appear, however, not to be predictive for an onset of psychosis.
Do apprenticeships convey mainly general or also firm- and occupation-specific human capital? Specific human capital may allow for specialization gains, but may also lead to allocative inefficiency due to mobility barriers. We analyse the case of Switzerland, which combines a comprehensive, high-quality apprenticeship system with a lightly regulated labour market. To assess human capital transferability after standardized firm-based apprenticeship training, we analyse inter-firm and occupational mobility and their effects on post-training wages. Using a longitudinal data set based on the PISA 2000 survey, we find high inter-firm and low occupational mobility within one year after graduation. Accounting for endogenous changes, we find a negative effect of occupation changes on wages, but no significant wage effect for firm changes. This indicates that occupation-specific human capital is an important component of apprenticeship training and that skills are highly transferable within an occupational field.