967 resultados para McLaren and Co.


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The findings of this thesis suggest that a subset of socially anxious individuals are characterised by a paradoxical symptom profile, including elevated levels of impulsivity and co-occurring substance use problems. These findings enhance knowledge regarding the co-occurrence of social anxiety and substance misuse and may inform prevention and treatment practices.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The erbium-based manganite ErMnO3 has been partially substituted at the manganese site by the transition-metal elements Ni and Co. The perovskite orthorhombic structure is found from x(Ni) = 0.2-0.5 in the nickel-based solid solution ErNixMn1-xO3, while it can be extended up to x(Co) = 0.7 in the case of cobalt, provided that the synthesis is performed under oxygenation conditions to favor the presence of Co3+. Presence of different magnetic entities (i.e., Er3+, Ni2+, Co2+, Co3+, Mn3+, and Mn4+) leads to quite unusual magnetic properties, characterized by the coexistence of antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic interactions. In ErNixMn1-xO3, a critical concentration x(crit)(Ni) = 1/3 separates two regimes: spin-canted AF interactions predominate at x < x(crit), while the ferromagnetic behavior is enhanced for x > x(crit). Spin reversal phenomena are present both in the nickel- and cobalt-based compounds. A phenomenological model based on two interacting sublattices, coupled by an antiferromagnetic exchange interaction, explains the inversion of the overall magnetic moment at low temperatures. In this model, the ferromagnetic transition-metal lattice, which orders at T-c, creates a strong local field at the erbium site, polarizing the Er moments in a direction opposite to the applied field. At low temperatures, when the contribution of the paramagnetic erbium sublattice, which varies as T-1, gets larger than the ferromagnetic contribution, the total magnetic moment changes its sign, leading to an overall ferrimagnetic state. The half-substituted compound ErCo0.50Mn0.50O3 was studied in detail, since the magnetization loops present two well-identified anomalies: an intersection of the magnetization branches at low fields, and magnetization jumps at high fields. The influence of the oxidizing conditions was studied in other compositions close to the 50/50 = Mn/Co substitution rate. These anomalies are clearly connected to the spin inversion phenomena and to the simultaneous presence of Co2+ and Co3+ magnetic moments. Dynamical aspects should be considered to well identify the high-field anomaly, since it depends on the magnetic field sweep rate. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A method was developed using the multi-element graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry technique for the direct and simultaneous determination of As, Cu, and Pb in Brazilian sugar cane spirit (cachaqa) samples. Also employed was the end-capped transversely heated graphite atomizer (THGA) with platforms pre-treated with W permanent modifier and co-injection of Pd/Mg(NO3)(2). Pyrolysis and atomization temperature curves were established in a cachaqa medium (1+1; v/v) containing 0.2% (v/v) HNO3 and spiked with 20 mu g L-1 As and Pb and 200 mu g L-1 Cu. The effect of the concentration of major elements usually present in cachaqa matrices (Ca, Mg, Na, and K) and ethanol on the absorbance of As, Cu, and Pb was investigated. Analytical working solutions of As, Cu, and Pb were prepared in 10% (v/v) ethanol plus 5.0 mg L-1 Ca, Mg, Na, and K. Acidified to 0.2% (v/v) HNO3, these solutions were suitable to build calibration curves by matrix matching. The proposed method was applied to the simultaneous determination of As, Cu, and Pb in commercial sugar cane spirits. The characteristic mass for the simultaneous determination was 16 pg As, 119 pg Cu, and 28 pg Pb. The pretreated tube lifetime was about 450 firings. The limit of detection (LOD) was 0.6 mu g L-1 As, 9.2 mu g L-1 Cu, and 0.3 pig L-1 Pb. The found concentrations varied from 0.81 to 4.28 mu g L-1 As, 0.28 to 3.82 mg L-1 Cu and 0.82 to 518 mu g L-1 Pb. The recoveries of the spiked samples varied from 94-112% (As), 97-111% (Cu), and 95-101% (Pb). The relative standard deviation (n=12) was 6.9%, 7.4%, and 7.7% for As, Cu, and Pb, respectively, present in a sample at 0.87 mu g L-1, 0.81 mg L-1, and 38.9 mu g L-1 concentrations.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Different kinds of modifiers and coatings on the integrated platform of transversely heated graphite atomizer (THGA) have been tested for the simultaneous determination of two group of elements: the first, the more volatile, formed by arsenic, bismuth, lead, antimony and selenium; the second, the less volatile, formed by cobalt, chromium, cupper, iron and manganese in milk by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Different Rh-modifiers were studied, such as Rh-coated platforms (Rh), carbide plus rhodium coated platforms (W-Rh, Zr-Rh), carbide-coated platforms (W and Zr) with co-injection of RhCl3, solutions and uncoated platforms with injection of solutions of Pd(NO3)(2), Mg(NO3)(2), and RhCl3. Milk samples were diluted 1:10 in 1.0% HNO3 and injected into the tube. The mass of modifier deposited and co-injected in the tube and the use of end capped tubes were also evaluated in order to improve the electrothermal behavior of analytes. Integrated platform pretreated with W plus co-injection RhCl3 for first group and pretreated with W-Rh for second group were elected. For 20 mu L injected samples the analytical curves in the 5.0-20.0 mu g L-1 concentration range have good linear correlation coefficients (r > 0.998). Relative standard deviations (n = 12) are < 6% and the calculated characteristic masses are between 5 pg and 62 pg.


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A method was developed using the multi-element graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry technique for the direct and simultaneous determination of As, Cu, and Pb in Brazilian sugar cane spirit (cachaça) samples. Also employed was the end-capped transversely heated graphite atomizer (THGA) with platforms pre-treated with W permanent modifier and co-injection of Pd/Mg(N03)2. Pyrolysis and atomization temperature curves were established in a cachaça medium (1+1; v/v) containing 0.2% (v/v) HN03 and spiked with 20 μg L-1 As and Pb and 200 μg L-1Cu. The effect of the concentration of major elements usually present in cachaça matrices (Ca, Mg, Na, and K) and ethanol on the absorbance of As, Cu, and Pb was investigated. Analytical working solutions of As, Cu, and Pb were prepared in 10% (v/v) ethanol plus 5.0 mg L-1 Ca, Mg, Na, and K. Acidified to 0.2% (v/v) HNO3, these solutions were suitable to build calibration curves by matrix matching. The proposed method was applied to the simultaneous determination of As, Cu, and Pb in commercial sugar cane spirits. The characteristic mass for the simultaneous determination was 16 pg As, 119 pg Cu, and 28 pg Pb. The pretreated tube lifetime was about 450 firings. The limit of detection (LOD) was 0.6 μg L-1As, 9.2 μg L-1 Cu, and 0.3 μg L-1Pb. The found concentrations varied from 0.81 to 4.28 μg L-1As, 0.28 to 382 mg L-1 Cu and 0.82 to 518 μg L-1 Pb. The recoveries of the spiked samples varied from 94-112% (As), 97-111% (Cu), and 95-101% (Pb). The relative standard deviation (n=12) was 6.9%, 7.4%, and 7.7% for As, Cu, and Pb, respectively, present in a sample at 0.87 μgL-1, 0.81 mgL-1, and 38.9 μgL-1concentrations.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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ZnO and doped M:ZnO (M = V, Fe and Co) nanostructures were synthesized by microwave hydrothermal synthesis using a low temperature route without addition of any surfactant. The transition metal ions were successfully doped in small amount (3% mol) into ZnO structure. Analysis by X-ray diffraction reveals the formation of ZnO with the hexagonal (wurtzite-type) crystal structure for all the samples. The as-obtained samples showed a similar flower-like morphology except for Fe:ZnO samples, which presented a plate-like morphology. The photocatalytic performance for Rhodamine B (RhB) degradation confirmed that the photoactivity of M:ZnO nanostructures decreased for all dopants in structure, according to their eletronegativity. Photoluminescence spectroscopy was employed to correlate M:ZnO structure with its photocatalytical properties. It was suggested that transition metal ions in ZnO lattice introduce defects that act as trapping or recombination centers for photogenerated electrons and holes, making it impossible for them reach the surface and promote the photocatalytical process.


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Abstract Background Tobacco and cannabis use are strongly interrelated, but current national and international cessation programs typically focus on one substance, and address the other substance either only marginally or not at all. This study aimed to identify the demand for, and describe the development and content of, the first integrative group cessation program for co-smokers of cigarettes and cannabis. Methods First, a preliminary study using expert interviews, user focus groups with (ex-)smokers, and an online survey was conducted to investigate the demand for, and potential content of, an integrative smoking cessation program (ISCP) for tobacco and cannabis co-smokers. This study revealed that both experts and co-smokers considered an ISCP to be useful but expected only modest levels of readiness for participation.Based on the findings of the preliminary study, an interdisciplinary expert team developed a course concept and a recruitment strategy. The developed group cessation program is based on current treatment techniques (such as motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioural therapy, and self-control training) and structured into six course sessions.The program was evaluated regarding its acceptability among participants and course instructors. Results Both the participants and course instructors evaluated the course positively. Participants and instructors especially appreciated the group discussions and the modules that were aimed at developing personal strategies that could be applied during simultaneous cessation of tobacco and cannabis, such as dealing with craving, withdrawal, and high-risk situations. Conclusions There is a clear demand for a double cessation program for co-users of cigarettes and cannabis, and the first group cessation program tailored for these users has been developed and evaluated for acceptability. In the near future, the feasibility of the program will be evaluated. Trial registration Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN15248397


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This doctorate was funded by the Regione Emilia Romagna, within a Spinner PhD project coordinated by the University of Parma, and involving the universities of Bologna, Ferrara and Modena. The aim of the project was: - Production of polymorphs, solvates, hydrates and co-crystals of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and agrochemicals with green chemistry methods; - Optimization of molecular and crystalline forms of APIs and pesticides in relation to activity, bioavailability and patentability. In the last decades, a growing interest in the solid-state properties of drugs in addition to their solution chemistry has blossomed. The achievement of the desired and/or the more stable polymorph during the production process can be a challenge for the industry. The study of crystalline forms could be a valuable step to produce new polymorphs and/or co-crystals with better physical-chemical properties such as solubility, permeability, thermal stability, habit, bulk density, compressibility, friability, hygroscopicity and dissolution rate in order to have potential industrial applications. Selected APIs (active pharmaceutical ingredients) were studied and their relationship between crystal structure and properties investigated, both in the solid state and in solution. Polymorph screening and synthesis of solvates and molecular/ionic co-crystals were performed according to green chemistry principles. Part of this project was developed in collaboration with chemical/pharmaceutical companies such as BASF (Germany) and UCB (Belgium). We focused on on the optimization of conditions and parameters of crystallization processes (additives, concentration, temperature), and on the synthesis and characterization of ionic co-crystals. Moreover, during a four-months research period in the laboratories of Professor Nair Rodriguez-Hormedo (University of Michigan), the stability in aqueous solution at the equilibrium of ionic co-crystals (ICCs) of the API piracetam was investigated, to understand the relationship between their solid-state and solution properties, in view of future design of new crystalline drugs with predefined solid and solution properties.


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The TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) will be part of ESA's Sentinel-5 Precursor (S5P) satellite platform scheduled for launch in 2015. TROPOMI will monitor methane and carbon monoxide concentrations in the Earth's atmosphere by measuring spectra of back-scattered sunlight in the short-wave infrared (SWIR). S5P will be the first satellite mission to rely uniquely on the spectral window at 4190–4340 cm−1 (2.3 μm) to retrieve CH4 and CO. In this study, we investigated if the absorption features of the three relevant molecules CH4, CO, and H2O are adequately known. To this end, we retrieved total columns of CH4, CO, and H2O from absorption spectra measured by two ground-based Fourier transform spectrometers that are part of the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON). The retrieval results from the 4190–4340 cm−1 range at the TROPOMI resolution (0.45 cm−1) were then compared to the CH4 results obtained from the 6000 cm−1 region, and the CO results obtained from the 4190–4340 cm−1 region at the higher TCCON resolution (0.02 cm−1). For TROPOMI-like settings, we were able to reproduce the CH4 columns to an accuracy of 0.3% apart from a constant bias of 1%. The CO retrieval accuracy was, through interference, systematically influenced by the shortcomings of the CH4 and H2O spectroscopy. In contrast to CH4, the CO column error also varied significantly with atmospheric H2O content. Unaddressed, this would introduce seasonal and latitudinal biases to the CO columns retrieved from TROPOMI measurements. We therefore recommend further effort from the spectroscopic community to be directed at the H2O and CH4 spectroscopy in the 4190–4340 cm−1 region.


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BACKGROUND Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and co-morbidities of psoriasis represent a significant clinical and economic burden for patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis. Often these co-morbidities may go unrecognized or undertreated. While published data are available on the incidence and impact of some of them, practical guidance for dermatologists on detection and management of these co-morbidities is lacking. OBJECTIVE To prepare expert recommendations to improve the detection and management of common co-morbidities in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis. METHODS A systematic literature review was conducted on some common co-morbidities of psoriasis-cardiovascular (CV) diseases (including obesity, hypertension, hyperglycaemia and dyslipidaemia), psychological co-morbidities (including depression, alcohol abuse and smoking) and PsA-to establish the incidence and impact of each. Data gaps were identified and a Delphi survey was carried out to obtain consensus on the detection and management of each co-morbidity. The expert panel members for the Delphi survey comprised 10 dermatologists with substantial clinical expertise in managing moderate-to-severe psoriasis patients, as well as a cardiologist and a psychologist (see appendix) with an interest in dermatology. Agreement was defined using a Likert scale of 1-7. Consensus regarding agreement for each statement was defined as ≥75% of respondents scoring either 1 (strongly agree) or 2 (agree). RESULTS The expert panel members addressed several topics including screening, intervention, monitoring frequency, and the effects of anti-psoriatic treatment on each co-morbidity. Consensus was achieved on 12 statements out of 22 (3 relating to PsA, 4 relating to psychological factors, 5 relating to CV factors). The panel members felt that dermatologists have an important role in screening their psoriasis patients for PsA and in assessing them for psychological and CV co-morbidities. In most cases, however, patients should be referred for specialist management if other co-morbidities are detected. CONCLUSION This article provides useful and practical guidance for the detection and management of common co-morbidities in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis.