579 resultados para Manager teacher


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A dissertação investigou os processos educacionais e as estratégias de municipalização do ensino no Município de Breves no Arquipélago do Marajó. Assim, buscou-se identificar as dificuldades para a implementação desse processo, além de compreender as estratégias que as comunidades rurais usam para superarem os problemas político-pedagógicos das escolas. A pesquisa norteou-se pelo estudo de caso, onde se utilizou de entrevista semi-estruturada com professores, gestores, exgestores, lideranças comunitárias e sindicais; a análise documental de legislação educacional, planos, relatórios e projetos. O estudo aponta que a adesão a municipalização foi cheio de conflito entre o poder público municipal e os educadores por ter sido materializada sem nenhuma forma de diálogo com os educadores e a sociedade civil para esclarecimento sobre as condições políticas que se realizaria. Além do mais, constata-se que a municipalização foi o mecanismo utilizado pelo governo central para realizar a descentralização da gestão das políticas educacionais, no entanto, verifica-se que a estratégia de superar os problemas educacionais locais ainda não surtiu efeito, ao contrário, o município assumiu toda a responsabilidade em superar os seus baixos indicadores educacionais. Nesse sentido, é possível inferir que o gestor da época estava mais preocupado com os recursos que o município passaria a receber, através do FUNDEF hoje FUNDEB, que com a responsabilidade pela qualidade educacional. Isto se verifica ao se analisar os indicadores educacionais do município, principalmente das escolas do campo em que após a municipalização não se visualiza nenhuma estratégia dos governos locais, tendo em vista universalizar o atendimento educacional, ou políticas capazes de oferecer a qualidade educacional às populações do campo. Os prédios escolares a grande maioria funciona em locais inadequados o que tem prejudicado as condições de trabalho do professor e de estudo dos alunos. Aliado a este problema está a questão do acesso e permanência dos educandos, uma vez que o transporte escolar não atende todas as comunidades. Diante de todos esses desafios, as comunidades rurais, mesmo que de forma individual, tem buscado dialogar com o poder público municipal formas de garantir o atendimento educacional no próprio local. Isso tem levado a constituição de dezenas de escolas no campo mesmo que funcionando em situações precárias em casas de família, igrejas, barracões comunitários, salões de festas ou até mesmo construindo com seus próprios recursos. No entanto, esta é uma estratégia política e pedagógica que as comunidades visualizam para garantir a presença do Estado em seus territórios sociais, de forma silenciosa têm buscado legitimar a garantia do direito a educação no campo. Por fim, a pesquisa constitui-se em um momento de reflexão e análise a cerca das condições que a educação vem sendo ofertada aos sujeitos do campo de Breves. Foi um momento de reconhecer e problematizar as experiências educativas para fomentar elementos teóricos e práticos nas discussões de uma educação no e do campo na Amazônia Marajoara.


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Com o objetivo de contribuir para a democratização da memória escolar no Brasil, em especial, da história da formação de professores primários nas décadas finais do século XIX brasileiro (caso paulista) e francês, apresentam-se, resultados de pesquisas de doutorado, desenvolvidas mediante abordagem histórica centrada na análise da configuração textual de três documentos: 1. lista de livros da caixa nº 1 adquirida por Paulo Bourroul, Diretor da Escola Normal de São Paulo (1882-1884), quando de sua viagem à Paris em 1883; 2. lista de livros contidos no relatório de José Estacio Corrêa de Sá e Benevides, Diretor interino da Escola Normal de São Paulo em 1884; 3. Catalogue des bibliothèques des Écoles Normales (1887), publicados pelo Ministro da Instrução Pública e de Belas Artes da França, Jules Ferry. Constatou-se importantes aspectos da cultura escolar relativos ao “ensinar normalistas a ensinar” leitura e escrita decorrentes das transferências culturais e de modelos pedagógicos na relação/representação Brasil-França.


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Our conception of education is that it is the responsible action whereby man becomes human, trains and faces the challenges that life and the world present, as man enters a larger, shared cultural tradition and thus joins the world. However such sharing implies that we must not just rely on tradition, but remain open to new ideas. It is essential for schooling to preserve a field where the art of living intersects with the world for which future generations are being prepared. It is in this field of intersection that this essay seeks to discuss Michel Foucault's thought, care of the self and the role played by others in the acquisition of ethical attitudes pertaining to one's conduct in life. Through reconstructing Foucault's ideas, we elaborate on the hypothesis that, before morally shaping students, teaching them values, or aiding in their skill acquisition in the sense prevailing in schooling today, it is important to understand the notion of care of the self (and how the notion implies interaction with others for effective care of the self). Care of the self is vital for thoroughly understanding the relationships between ethics and education in school. We particularly examine how Foucault's ideas and his analysis of the teacher's role in shaping the student's life conduct can help educators rethink pedagogical action in an ethical sense and find within it a certain openness to the formation of attitudes in educators and students


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This study aims to identify, describe, and analyse strategies used by a teacher to support the mobility of students with visual impairment in various school environments. A female student with visual impairment in Brazil, aged 5 years, and her classroom teacher participated in the study. Their interactions were videotaped, and later, their dialogue and actions were transcribed. Six themes of analysis were elaborated, one for each support strategy used by the teacher. The results revealed that the strategies employed by the teacher often hampered the child’s orientation and mobility. This was probably the result of a lack of assistance by professionals specialised in Orientation and Mobility, as stipulated in Brazilian legislation.


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The practice of teaching is a complex, dynamic and challenging. Several obstacles are faced by educators, among them, excessive workload, classrooms with large numbers of students, reducing the support team manager etc. These experiences call into question the belief that such teachers have in their own ability to teach and motivate your students, including those with the greatest difficulties. Studies show that this belief, called self-efficacy, mediates the action of teachers and are related to the goals, persistence and motivation of teachers. The teacher self-efficacy is formed by direct experience, by observation, persuasion and psychophysiological states. The objective of the study is to identify aspects of the formation of self-efficacy teacher in-service teacher. This is a documentary study, after online search using the keywords memorials training and school as keywords, was found eight jobs at the State University of Campinas, two of which were dropped from the analysis due to not meeting the pre-established criteria. The data were organized into spreadsheets for analysis specifically designed for the study, considering the theoretical framework proposed by Bandura (1997) and Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk Hoy (2001). The results indicate that family support throughout schooling, the role of teachers as models from basic education and teaching experiences are widely cited in memorials analyzed. These results offer from further reflections, indicating contribute to discussions on the formation and performance of teachers regarding the ability to teach, especially in the early years of elementary school


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The present work aims to expand and contribute to the understanding of issues related to social demands urgent today as regards of teachers’ formation of kindergarten and initial series. Through a survey of the profile of students in four years (2007-2010) of Pedagogy, UNESP, Bauru, I propose to trace discussions about the student profile that seeks to train teacher in higher education. This process will reveal the profile of the student who is preparing to enter the teaching profession and who in later years will work in public and private spheres of education as a teacher, coordinator and manager in the kindergarten and elementary education. For this research will develop both qualitative approach in that it analyzes the profile to the light of the literature and studied quantitatively the extent that is based on the results


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The present study aimed to know the training and guidance for managers and teachers in sexuality, in order to ascertain whether there was a demand for a training course covering these topics. The participants of this study of the qualitative and quantitative nature were managers and teachers of a municipality in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, more precisely 40 professionals who were invited to participate in a study by answering a questionnaire with semi-enclosed 20 questions. The purpose of this instrument was to know their training and information on sexuality. In general, in various questions about the trajectory of these professionals, contained in the questionnaire, it was evident the lack of training in sexuality and related issues, denouncing the training demand in this area. Considering this, it was developed and implemented a training course on sexuality for these professionals, which was conceived to treat different subjects in order to instigate in them a rethinking about the importance of sex education in the school environment. The results obtained so far show the mobilization of them in order to implement the proposed sex education in the school where they are working. Anyway, we know that there is much to do considering contributing in training of sexuality education, but this initiative shows that it necessary to provide more opportunities for initial and continuing education for these professionals.


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This article presents some of the results of a qualitative research project about the influences of the pedagogic strategies used by a mediator (graduate student in applied linguistics) in the supervision process of a Teletandem partner (undergraduate student in languages) on her pedagogical practice. It was done within the project Teletandem Brazil: foreign language for all. Based on the reflective teaching paradigm and collaborative language learning, with special emphasis on tandem learning, we analyzed the contributions of the collaborative relationship established between the graduate student and the student-teacher in her first teaching experience. The results bring about implications for the field of language teacher education in a perspective of education within practice, evidencing the experience of collaborative learning in teletandem as an opportunity for reflective teacher education of pre-service teachers.


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This paper explores the benefits of using immersive and interactive multiprojection environments (CAVE) to visualize molecules, and how it improves users’ understanding. We have proposed and implemented a tool for teachers to manipulate molecules and another to edit molecules and assist students at home. The contribution of the present research project are these tool that allows investigating structures, properties and dynamics of a molecular system which are extremely complex and comprises millions of atoms. The experience is enriched through multimedia information associated with parts of the model; for example, videos and text can be linked to specific molecule, demonstrating some detail. This solution is based on a teaching-learning process.


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This research aimed to identify and analyze the impact of stressful events associated with the school administrators in teacher malaise. 29 managers participated in his capacity as directors or deputy directors of the municipal system, the interior of São Paulo, with responses to the Inventory IMPIL (Evaluación Psicológica Del Estrés por InestabilidadLaboral - FIGUEROA; SCHUFER, 2006). The results indicate the presence of stressors in all areas assessed at different rates. The highest ranking stressors were concerns with health, emotional Diseases and economic concerns. The degree of discomfort tends to increase with age, but since the entry into this function. The extensive powers of management, indicate the occurrence of different degrees of impact between the groups, demonstrating that subjectivity needs to be considered for proposing improvements in working conditions and health organizations. Social changes, the demands of educational reforms and lack of recognition of the profession were associated with teacher malaise.


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Handwriting is a tool for communication often untaught that has effects on learning and long-term development for students of the future. Handwriting used to be needed in order to function in society, however, today that skill is no longer needed. New technology, current teaching methods and societal needs have caused handwriting to be overlooked in many school districts. Classrooms are overwhelmed with information and many schools are simply running out of time to teach cursive, therefore no longer making it a priority. Handwriting is a perceptual motor skill requiring higher cognitive thinking, something that most primary school children find difficult, yet it is still needed in the school curriculum and provides a stable foundation for students of the future. The questions to be addressed by my research are to examine the factors that have led to the demise of cursive writing in elementary schools. I will research the complex issues that have contributed to the decline of cursive handwriting. This will include my investigation into the factors that technology has played, along with societal needs. I will interview preservice teachers, those students in college preparing to become teachers, and try to understand where the importance for teaching handwriting started and ended. By the end of my research I want to have constructed a timeline of events to explain the demise of this needed skill. My methodology for this research will be to gather information from various primary and secondary literature review sources. I want to understand when cursive started to disappear from the curriculum and why.