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Although globular proteins are endowed with well defined three-dimensional structures, they exhibit substantial mobility within the framework of the given threedimensional structure. The different types of mobility found in proteins by and large correspond to the different levels of organisational hierarchy in protein architecture. They are of considerable structural and functional significance, and can be broadly classified into(a) thermal and conformational fluctuations, (b) segmental mobility, (c) interdomain mobility and (d) intersubunit mobility. Protein crystallographic studies has provided a wealth of information on all of them. The temperature factors derived from X-ray diffraction studies provide a measure of atomic displacements caused by thermal and conformational fluctuations. The variation of displacement along the polypeptide chain have provided functionally significant information on the flexibility of different regions of the molecule in proteins such as myoglobin, lysozyme and prealbumin. Segmental mobility often involves the movement of a region or a segment of a molecule with respect to the rest, as in the transition between the apo and the holo structures of lactate dehydrogenase. It may also involve rigidification of a disordered region of the molecule as in the activation of the zymogens of serine proteases. Transitions between the apo and the holo structures of alcohol dehydrogenase,and between the free and the sugar bound forms of hexokinase, are good examples of interdomain mobility caused by hinge-bending. The capability of different domains to move semi-independently contributes greatly to the versatility of immunoglobulin molecules. Interdomain mobility in citrate synthase appears to be more complex and its study has led to an alternative description of domain closure. The classical and the most thoroughly studied case of intersubunit mobility is that in haemoglobin. The stereochemical mechanism of the action of this allosteric protein clearly brings out the functional subtilities that could be achieved through intersubunit movements. In addition to ligand binding and activation,environmental changes also often cause structural transformations. The reversible transformation between 2 Zn insulin and 4 Zn insulin is caused by changes in the ionic strength of the medium. Adenylate Kinase provides a good example for functionally significant reversible conformational transitions induced by variation in pH. Available evidences indicate that reversible structural transformations in proteins could also be caused by changes in the aqueous environment, including those in the amount of water surrounding protein molecules.


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This paper describes a mechanism of coupling periodate-oxidized nucleosides to proteins. Each of the dialdehyde groups of a periodate-oxidized nucleoside is shown to couple to lysine residues on different protein molecules through Schiff bases, thereby cross-linking different protein molecules, forming a polymer. This is in contrast to the previous model in which nucleosides were suggested to couple to proteins through a morpholine structure. The cross-linked structure of the nucleoside-antigen, significantly different when compared to the native protein, may affect the specificity and the efficiency of antibody production.


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Administration of the antihypercholesterolaemic drug clofibrate stimulates the rates of synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins in rat liver. The biosynthesis of mitochondrial proteins also is enhanced by the drug. In drug-fed animals, the rates of incorporation in vivo of radioactive precursors into DNA, RNA and proteins are stimulated even when the liver undergoes regeneration following partial hepatectomy. The rate of synthesis of mitochondrial proteins in the regenerative phase is higher in clofibrate-fed animals. These effects are consistent with the hepatomegalic and mitochondria-proliferating property of the drug.


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The field bean (Dolichos lab lab ; Tamil name, Mochai ; Kanarese, Avarai) is a legume which is widely cultivated in South India often as a mixed crop with cereals. The kernel of the seed enters into the diet of may South Indian households, and in the Mysore State the seed are used as a delicacy when they are green for over four months in the year. The haulm, husk and pods are commonly used a fodder. As the kernel which is widely used as an article of food and considered to be very nutritious, contains about 24% of protein hitherto uninvestigated and as the quality of protein plays an important role in nutrition, the present work was undertaken.


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One of the unexplored, yet important aspects of the biology of acyl carrier proteins (ACPs) is the self-acylation and malonyl transferase activities dedicated to ACPs in polyketide synthesis. Our studies demonstrate the existence of malonyl transferase activity in ACPs involved in type II fatty acid biosynthesis from Plasmodium falciparum and Escherichia coli. We also show that the catalytic malonyl transferase activity is intrinsic to an individual ACP. Mutational analysis implicates an arginine/lysine in loop II and an arginine/glutamine in helix III as the catalytic residues for transferase function. The hydrogen bonding properties of these residues appears to be indispensable for the transferase reaction. Complementation of fabD(Ts) E. coli highlights the putative physiological role of this process. Our studies thus shed light on a key aspect of ACP biology and provide insights into the mechanism involved therein.


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The pharaoh cuttle Sepia pharaonis Ehrenberg, 1831 (Mollusca: Cephalopoda: Sepiida) is a broadly distributed species of substantial fisheries importance found from east Africa to southern Japan. Little is known about S. pharaonis phylogeography, but evidence from morphology and reproductive biology suggests that Sepia pharaonis is actually a complex of at least three species. To evaluate this possibility, we collected tissue samples from Sepia pharaonis from throughout its range. Phylogenetic analyses of partial mitochondrial 16S sequences from these samples reveal five distinct clades: a Gulf of Aden/Red Sea clade, a northern Australia clade, a Persian Gulf/Arabian Sea clade, a western Pacific clade (Gulf of Thailand and Taiwan) and an India/Andaman Sea clade. Phylogenetic analyses including several Sepia species show that S. pharaonis sensu lato may not be monophyletic. We suggest that "S. pharaonis" may consist of up to five species, but additional data will be required to fully clarify relationships within the S. pharaonis complex.


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Protein fractions that bind retinol were isolated from the cytosol, nucleosol and chromatin of the oviduct magnum of laying hens. The proteins isolated from the three sources showed similar elution profiles on chromatography through Sephadex G-75 and G-50 columns, and comparable mobility during electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide gels. Their molecular weights were calculated to be around 14500. When oviducts from vitamin A-depleted and vitamin A-repleted immature chicks given oestrogen injections for 6 consecutive days were incubated with [3H]retinyl acetate, uptake of the radioactivity in the nuclei of the vitamin A-depleted tissue was severalfold higher than that in the nuclei from the vitamin A-repleted tissue.


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This work was prompted by the need to be able to identify the invasive mussel species, Perna viridis, in tropical Australian seas using techniques that do not rely solely on morphology. DNA-based molecular methods utilizing a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) approach were developed to distinguish unambiguously between the three species in the genus Perna. Target regions were portions of two mitochondrial genes, cox1 and nad4, and the intergenic spacer between these that occurs in at least two Perna species. Based on interspecific sequence comparisons of the nad4 gene, a conserved primer has been designed that can act as a forward primer in PCRs for any Perna species. Four reverse primers have also been designed, based on nad4 and intergenic spacer sequences, which yield species-specific products of different lengths when paired with the conserved forward primer. A further pair of primers has been designed that will amplify part of the cox1 gene of any Perna species, and possibly other molluscs, as a positive control to demonstrate that the PCR is working.


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Degradation of RNA in diagnostic specimens can cause false-negative test results and potential misdiagnosis when tests rely on the detection of specific RNA sequence. Current molecular methods of checking RNA integrity tend to be host species or group specific, necessitating libraries of primers and reaction conditions. The objective here was to develop a universal (multi-species) quality assurance tool for determining the integrity of RNA in animal tissues submitted to a laboratory for analyses. Ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) transcribed from the mitochondrial 16S rDNA was used as template material for reverse transcription to cDNA and was amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). As mitochondrial DNA has a high level of conservation, the primers used were shown to reverse transcribe and amplify RNA from every animal species tested. Deliberate degradation of rRNA template through temperature abuse of samples resulted in no reverse transcription and amplification. Samples spiked with viruses showed that single-stranded viral RNA and rRNA in the same sample degraded at similar rates, hence reverse transcription and PCR amplification of 16S rRNA could be used as a test of sample integrity and suitability for analysis that required the sample's RNA, including viral RNA. This test will be an invaluable quality assurance tool for determination of RNA integrity from tissue samples, thus avoiding erroneous test results that might occur if degraded target RNA is used unknowingly as template material for reverse transcription and subsequent PCR amplification.


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Background: Crustaceans represent an attractive model to study biomineralization and cuticle matrix formation, as these events are precisely timed to occur at certain stages of the moult cycle. Moulting, the process by which crustaceans shed their exoskeleton, involves the partial breakdown of the old exoskeleton and the synthesis of a new cuticle. This cuticle is subdivided into layers, some of which become calcified while others remain uncalcified. The cuticle matrix consists of many different proteins that confer the physical properties, such as pliability, of the exoskeleton. Results: We have used a custom cDNA microarray chip, developed for the blue swimmer crab Portunus pelagicus, to generate expression profiles of genes involved in exoskeletal formation across the moult cycle. A total of 21 distinct moult-cycle related differentially expressed transcripts representing crustacean cuticular proteins were isolated. Of these, 13 contained copies of the cuticle_1 domain previously isolated from calcified regions of the crustacean exoskeleton, four transcripts contained a chitin_bind_4 domain (RR consensus sequence) associated with both the calcified and un-calcified cuticle of crustaceans, and four transcripts contained an unannotated domain (PfamB_109992) previously isolated from C. pagurus. Additionally, cryptocyanin, a hemolymph protein involved in cuticle synthesis and structural integrity, also displays differential expression related to the moult cycle. Moult stage-specific expression analysis of these transcripts revealed that differential gene expression occurs both among transcripts containing the same domain and among transcripts containing different domains. Conclusion: The large variety of genes associated with cuticle formation, and their differential expression across the crustacean moult cycle, point to the complexity of the processes associated with cuticle formation and hardening. This study provides a molecular entry path into the investigation of the gene networks associated with cuticle formation.


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Guanylyl cyclases (GCs) are enzymes that generate cyclic GMP and regulate different physiologic and developmental processes in a number of organisms. GCs possess sequence similarity to class III adenylyl cyclases (ACs) and are present as either membrane-bound receptor GCs or cytosolic soluble GCs. We sought to determine the evolution of GCs using a large-scale bioinformatic analysis and found multiple lineage-specific expansions of GC genes in the genomes of many eukaryotes. Moreover, a few GC-like proteins were identified in prokaryotes, which come fused to a number of different domains, suggesting allosteric regulation of nucleotide cyclase activity Eukaryotic receptor GCs are associated with a kinase homology domain (KHD), and phylogenetic analysis of these proteins suggest coevolution of the KHD and the associated cyclase domain as well as a conservation of the sequence and the size of the linker region between the KHD and the associated cyclase domain. Finally, we also report the existence of mimiviral proteins that contain putative active kinase domains associated with a cyclase domain, which could suggest early evolution of the fusion of these two important domains involved in signa transduction.


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Small juveniles of the nine species of scombrids in Australian waters are morphologically similar to one another and, consequently, difficult to identify to species level. We show that the sequence of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene region is a powerful tool for identification of these young fish. Using this method, we identified 50 juvenile scombrids collected from Exmouth Bay, Western Australia. Six species of scombrids were apparent in this sample of fish: narrow-barred Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson), Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta), frigate tuna (Auxis thazard), bullet tuna (Auxis rochei), leaping bonito (Cybiosarda elegans), and kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis). The presence of Indian mackerel, frigate tuna, leaping bonito, and kawakawa is the first indication that coastal waters may be an important spawning habitat for these species, although offshore spawning may also occur. The occurrence of small juvenile S. commerson was predicted from the known spawning patterns of that species, but other mackerel species (Scomberomorus munroi, Scomberomorus queenslandicus, Scomberomorus semifasiciatus) likely to be spawning during the sampling period were not detected among the 50 small juveniles analyzed here.


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Knowledge of the generation of H202 in cellular oxidations has existed for many years. It has been assumed that H202 is tOxiC tO cells and the presence of catalase is indicative of a detoxication mechanism. Other radicals of oxygen were recently recognized to be more potent destructive agents of biological material than H202. Also catalase and other peroxidases utilize H202 in some cellular oxidation processes leading to several important metabolites. Thus, the generation of H202 in cellular processes seems to be purposeful and H202 can not be dismissed as a mere undesirable byproduct. Biological formation of H202 is not limited to the previously known flavoproteins and some copper enzymes, but other redox systems, particularly heme and non-heme iron proteins, are now found to undergo auto-oxidation yielding H202. The capacity for generation of H202 is now found to be widespread in a variety of organisms and in the organdies of the cells. The reduction of oxygen to H20 by mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase being the predominant oxygen-utilizing reaction had over-shadowed the importance of the quantitatively minor pathways. Under aerobic conditions generation of H202 by a Variety of biomembranes has now been found to be a physiological event interlinked with phenomena such as phagocytosis, transport processes and thermogenesis in some as yet unidentified way. The underlying mechanisms of these processes seem to involve generation and utilization of H202 in mitochondria, microsomes, peroxisomes or plasma membranes. This review gives an account of the potential of biomembranes to generate H202 and its implication in the cellular processes.


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The river sharks (genus Glyphis) are a small group of poorly known sharks occurring in tropical rivers and estuarine waters across northern Australia, south-east Asia and the subcontinent. The taxonomy of the genus has long been unclear due to very few individuals having been caught and examined, resulting in a paucity of data regarding their distribution, biology and ecology. Only recently has attention focussed on the two Australian species, G. glyphis and G. garricki. This study is a result of a rare opportunity to collate the few samples that have been collected from these species and the bull shark Carcharhinus leucas, which shares an overlapping range. These samples were analysed using the DNA barcoding approach (cox1 mitochondrial gene), compared with six other species of carcharhinids and evaluated in light of the current taxonomic classification. Nine species-specific nucleotide differences were found between G. glyphis and G. garricki and no intra-specific variation provides strong support for the separation into distinct species. Significant differences were also observed at the inter-generic level, with Glyphis forming a distinct clade from Carcharhinus. This study provides the basis for future molecular studies required to better address conservation issues confronting G. glyphis and G. garricki in Australia.


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The antitumour antibiotic, adriamycin, inhibited oxidative phosphorylation in freshly prepared mitochondria from the heart, liver and kidney of the rat. It abolished respiratory control and stimulated ATPase activity. Sccinate oxidation by heart mitochondria was extremely sensitive to the drug when hexokinase was present in the reaction medium. The sensitive site has been identified to lie in the region between the succinate dehydrogenase flavoprotein and ubiquinone of the respiratory chain.