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BACKGROUND: Survival after pancreatic head adenocarcinoma surgery is determined by tumor characteristics, resection margins, and adjuvant chemotherapy. Few studies have analyzed the long-term impact of postoperative morbidity. The aim of the present study was to assess the impact of postoperative complications on long-term survival after pancreaticoduodenectomy for cancer. METHODS: Of 294 consecutive pancreatectomies performed between January 2000 and July 2011, a total of 101 pancreatic head resections for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma were retrospectively analyzed. Postoperative complications were classified on a five-grade validated scale and were correlated with long-term survival. Grade IIIb to IVb complications were defined as severe. RESULTS: Postoperative mortality and morbidity were 5 and 57 %, respectively. Severe postoperative complications occurred in 16 patients (16 %). Median overall survival was 1.4 years. Significant prognostic factors of survival were the N-stage of the tumor (median survival 3.4 years for N0 vs. 1.3 years for N1, p = 0.018) and R status of the resection (median survival 1.6 years for R0 vs. 1.2 years for R1, p = 0.038). Median survival after severe postoperative complications was decreased from 1.9 to 1.2 years (p = 0.06). Median survival for N0 or N1 tumor or after R0 resection was not influenced by the occurrence and severity of complications, but patients with a R1 resection and severe complications showed a worsened median survival of 0.6 vs. 2.0 years without severe complications (p = 0.0005). CONCLUSIONS: Postoperative severe morbidity per se had no impact on long-term survival except in patients with R1 tumor resection. These results suggest that severe complications after R1 resection predict poor outcome.


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PURPOSE: Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a leading cause of blindness, yet pertinent animal models are uncommon. The sand rat (Psammomys obesus), exhibiting diet-induced metabolic syndrome, might constitute a relevant model. METHODS: Adult P. obesus (n = 39) were maintained in captivity for 4 to 7 months and fed either vegetation-based diets (n = 13) or standard rat chow (n = 26). Although plant-fed animals exhibited uniform body weight and blood glucose levels over time, nearly 60% of rat chow-raised animals developed diabetes-like symptoms (test group). Animals were killed, and their eyes and vitreous were processed for immunochemistry. RESULTS: Compared with plant-fed animals, diabetic animals showed many abnormal vascular features, including vasodilation, tortuosity, and pericyte loss within the blood vessels, hyperproteinemia and elevated ratios of proangiogenic and antiangiogenic growth factors in the vitreous, and blood-retinal barrier breakdown. Furthermore, there were statistically significant decreases in retinal cell layer thicknesses and densities, accompanied by profound alterations in glia (downregulation of glutamine synthetase, glutamate-aspartate transporter, upregulation of glial fibrillar acidic protein) and many neurons (reduced expression of protein kinase Cα and Cξ in bipolar cells, axonal degeneration in ganglion cells). Cone photoreceptors were particularly affected, with reduced expression of short- and mid-/long-wavelength opsins. Hypercaloric diet nondiabetic animals showed intermediate values. CONCLUSIONS: Simple dietary modulation of P. obesus induces a rapid and severe phenotype closely resembling human type 2 DR. This species presents a valuable novel experimental model for probing the neural (especially cone photoreceptor) pathogenic modifications that are difficult to study in humans and for screening therapeutic strategies.


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Delirium presents clinically with differing subtypes ranging from hyperactive to hypoactive. The clinical presentation is not clearly linked to specific pathophysiological mechanisms. Nevertheless, there seem to be different mechanisms that lead to delirium; for example the mechanisms leading to alcohol-withdrawal delirium are different from those responsible for postoperative delirium. In many forms of delirium, the brain's reaction to a peripheral inflammatory process is considered to be a pathophysiological key element and the aged brain seems to react more markedly to a peripheral inflammatory stimulus than a younger brain. The effects of inflammatory mediators on the brain include changes in neurotransmission and apoptosis. On a neurotransmitter level, impaired cholinergic transmission and disturbances of the intricate interactions between dopamine, serotonin and acetylcholine seem to play an important role in the development of delirium. The risk factors for delirium are categorised as predisposing or precipitating factors. In the presence of many predisposing factors, even trivial precipitating factors may trigger delirium, whereas in patients without or with only a few predisposing factors, a major precipitating insult is necessary to trigger delirium. Well documented predisposing factors are age, medical comorbidities, cognitive, functional, visual and hearing impairment and institutional residence. Important precipitating factors apart from surgery are admission to an ICU, anticholinergic drugs, alcohol or drug withdrawal, infections, iatrogenic complications, metabolic derangements and pain. Scores to predict the risk of delirium based on four or five risk factors have been validated in surgical patients.


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Forty-eight measurements of energy expenditure were performed in 15 very low-birth-weight infants during the first 6 wk of life. Their mean birth weight and gestation age was 1223 g and 31 wk respectively. Their mean weight gain was 11.2 g/kg . d (range: -6.6 to +15.9 g/kg . d.). The mean energy expenditure increased from 170 kJ/kg . d (wk 1) to 252 kJ/kg . d (wk 6). There was a significant relationship between weight gain and energy expenditure (r = 0.58, P less than 0.001) and also between the net increase in body weight gain and the net increase in energy expenditure (r = 0.80, P less than 0.001). From the slopes of these regression lines, the metabolic cost of growth was found to be approximately 2.3 kJ/g of weight gain. Carbohydrate oxidation represented 80% of energy expenditure at the second wk and decreased to 65% the 6th wk, whereas lipid oxidation during the same period increased from 14 to 30% and the relative protein oxidation remained unchanged, covering 5-6% of the energy expended.


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Rapport de synthèse : Les maladies cardio-vasculaires constituent les causes principales causes de morbidité et de mortalité dans les pays industrialisés. Des études épidémiologiques ont démontré l'implication de facteurs de risques comme l'hypertension, l'hypercholestérolémie, l'obésité abdominale, le diabète et le tabagisme dans le développement des affections cardiovasculaires comme l'infarctus du myocarde ou l'accident vasculaire cérébral. De larges études génétiques cas-contrôle ont contribué modestement à l'identification de gènes de susceptibilité au développement de ces FRCV. Une étude populationnelle offre par contre l'avantage d'effectuer des études associatives pour des traits phénotypiques continus correctement mesurés et aussi pour des traits de catégories utilisant des protocoles d'étude cas-contrôle très discordants. ~ Elle permet l'exploration des déterminants génétiques comme par exemple le syndrome métabolique. Cette approche permet également de procéder à des analyses de séquençage sur l'ADN des participants chez qui un trait phénotypique spécifique est étudié mais distribué de manière opposée. A titre d'exemple, le séquençage de l'ADN de participants à taux très élevé d'HDL-cholestérol versus très bas de ce marqueur lipidique permet d'identifier des variants génétiques rares localisés sur les parties codantes de gènes spécifiques associés aux dyslipidémies. Pour ce faire, nous avons recruté 6'188 personnes âgées de 35 à 75 ans, d'origine caucasienne et résidant en ville de Lausanne (3251 femmes et 2937 hommes). L'obtention d'un tel collectif a nécessité l'échantillonnage aléatoire de quelque 19'830 personnes de cette tranche d'âge. Les participants ont fait l'objet d'une anamnèse approfondie et d'un examen clinique. Le bilan était complété par une prise de sang pour le dosage de paramètres biologiques ainsi qu'une analyse .génétique. Cette dernière a été effectuée après extraction d'ADN au moyen d'une puce Affimetrix qui évalue la présence de quelques 500'000 SNPs. Les données récoltées lors de cette étude dévoilent que l'obésité (index de masse corporelle > 30 kg/m2), le tabagisme, l'hypertension (pression artérielle >_ 140/90 mmHg et/ou hypertension traitée), une dyslipidémie (LDL cholestérol élevé et/ou HDL cholestérol bas et/ou triglycéride élevé) et le diabète (glucose à jeun >_ 7 mmol/l et/ou traitement) affectent respectivement 947 (15,7%), 1673 (27%), 2268 (36,7%), 2113 (34,2%) et 407 (6,6%) participants. La prévalence de ces FRCV est plus marquée chez les hommes que chez les femmes. Dans les deux genres les prévalences de l'obésité, de l'hypertension et du diabète augmentent drastiquement avec l'âge. En conclusion la prévalence des FRCV est élevée au sein d'une population représentative de Lausanne âgée de 35 à 75 ans. A l'avenir, l'étude CoLaus constituera par la richesse de ses données phénotypiques et génétiques, une source unique pour investiguer l'épidémiologie et l'identification de gènes associés à ces FRCV.


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Uric acid is the metabolic end product of purine metabolism in humans. It has antioxidant properties that may be protective but can also be pro-oxidant, depending on its chemical microenvironment. Hyperuricemia predisposes to disease through the formation of urate crystals that cause gout, but hyperuricemia, independent of crystal formation, has also been linked with hypertension, atherosclerosis, insulin resistance, and diabetes. We discuss here the biology of urate metabolism and its role in disease. We also cover the genetics of urate transport, including URAT1, and recent studies identifying SLC2A9, which encodes the glucose transporter family isoform Glut9, as a major determinant of plasma uric acid levels and of gout development.


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While virtually absent in our diet a few hundred years ago, fructose has now become a major constituent of our modern diet. Our main sources of fructose are sucrose from beet or cane, high fructose corn syrup, fruits, and honey. Fructose has the same chemical formula as glucose (C(6)H(12)O(6)), but its metabolism differs markedly from that of glucose due to its almost complete hepatic extraction and rapid hepatic conversion into glucose, glycogen, lactate, and fat. Fructose was initially thought to be advisable for patients with diabetes due to its low glycemic index. However, chronically high consumption of fructose in rodents leads to hepatic and extrahepatic insulin resistance, obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and high blood pressure. The evidence is less compelling in humans, but high fructose intake has indeed been shown to cause dyslipidemia and to impair hepatic insulin sensitivity. Hepatic de novo lipogenesis and lipotoxicity, oxidative stress, and hyperuricemia have all been proposed as mechanisms responsible for these adverse metabolic effects of fructose. Although there is compelling evidence that very high fructose intake can have deleterious metabolic effects in humans as in rodents, the role of fructose in the development of the current epidemic of metabolic disorders remains controversial. Epidemiological studies show growing evidence that consumption of sweetened beverages (containing either sucrose or a mixture of glucose and fructose) is associated with a high energy intake, increased body weight, and the occurrence of metabolic and cardiovascular disorders. There is, however, no unequivocal evidence that fructose intake at moderate doses is directly related with adverse metabolic effects. There has also been much concern that consumption of free fructose, as provided in high fructose corn syrup, may cause more adverse effects than consumption of fructose consumed with sucrose. There is, however, no direct evidence for more serious metabolic consequences of high fructose corn syrup versus sucrose consumption.


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Abstract Purpose: To test the hypothesis that simultaneous closure of at least 2 independent vascular territories supplying the spinal cord and/or prolonged hypotension may be associated with symptomatic spinal cord ischemia (SCI) after thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR). Methods: A pattern matching algorithm was used to develop a risk model for symptomatic SCI using a prospective 63-patient single-center cohort to test the positive predictive value (PPV) of prolonged intraoperative hypotension and/or simultaneous closure of at least 2 of 4 the vascular territories supplying the spinal cord (left subclavian, intercostal, lumbar, and hypogastric arteries). This risk model was then applied to data extracted from the multicenter European Registry on Endovascular Aortic Repair Complications (EuREC). Between 2002 and 2010, the 19 centers participating in EuREC reported 38 (1.7%) cases of symptomatic spinal cord ischemia among the 2235 patients in the database. Results: In the single-center cohort, direct correlations were seen between the occurrence of symptomatic SCI and both prolonged intraoperative hypotension (PPV 1.00, 95% CI 0.22 to 1.00, p = 0.04) and simultaneous closure of at least 2 independent spinal cord vascular territories (PPV 0.67, 95% CI 0.24 to 0.91, p = 0.005). Previous closure of a single vascular territory was not associated with an increased risk of symptomatic spinal cord ischemia (PPV 0.07, 95% CI 0.01 to 0.16, p = 0.56). The combination of prolonged hypotension and simultaneous closure of at least 2 territories exhibited the strongest association (PPV 0.75, 95% CI 0.38 to 0.75, p<0.0001). Applying the model to the entire EuREC cohort found an almost perfect agreement between the predicted and observed risk factors (kappa 0.77, 95% CI 0.65 to 0.90). Conclusion: Extensive coverage of intercostal arteries alone by a thoracic stent-graft is not associated with symptomatic SCI; however, simultaneous closure of at least 2 vascular territories supplying the spinal cord is highly relevant, especially in combination with prolonged intraoperative hypotension. As such, these results further emphasize the need to preserve the left subclavian artery during TEVAR.


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The resting metabolic rate (RMR) and body composition of 130 obese and nonobese prepubertal children, aged 6 to 10 years, were assessed by indirect calorimetry and skin-fold thickness, respectively. The mean (+/- SD) RMR was 4619 +/- 449 kJ.day-1 (164 +/- 31 kJ.kg body weight-1 x day-1) in the 62 boys and 4449 +/- 520 kJ.day-1 (147 +/- 32 kJ.kg body weight-1 x day-1) in the 68 girls. Fat-free mass was the best single predictor of RMR (R2 = 0.64; p < 0.001). Step-down multiple regression analysis, with independent variables such as age, gender, weight, and height, allowed several RMR predictive equations to be developed. An equation for boys is as follows: RMR (kJ.day-1) = 1287 + 28.6 x Weight(kg) + 23.6 x Height(cm) - 69.1 x Age(yr) (R2 = 0.58; p < 0.001). An equation for girls is as follows: RMR (kJ.day-1 = 1552 + 35.8 x Weight (kg) + 15.6 x Height (cm) - 36.3 x Age (yr) (R2 = 0.69; p < 0.001). Comparison between the measured RMR and that predicted by currently used formulas showed that most of these equations tended to overestimate the RMR of both genders, especially in overweight children.


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AIM: Intensified insulin therapy has evolved to be the standard treatment of type 1 diabetes. However, it has been reported to increase significantly the risk of hypoglycaemia. We studied the effect of structured group teaching courses in flexible insulin therapy (FIT) on psychological and metabolic parameters in patients with type 1 diabetes. METHODS: We prospectively followed 45 type 1 diabetic patients of our outpatient clinic participating in 5 consecutive FIT teaching courses at the University Hospital of Basel. These courses consist of 7 weekly ambulatory evening group sessions. Patients were studied before and 1, 6, and 18 months after the course. Main outcome measures were glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), severe hypoglycaemic events, quality of life (DQoL), diabetes self-control (IPC-9) and diabetes knowledge (DWT). RESULTS: Quality of life, self-control and diabetes knowledge improved after the FIT courses (all p<0.001). The frequency of severe hypoglycaemic events decreased ten-fold from 0.33 episodes/6 months at baseline to 0.03 episodes/6 months after 18 months (p<0.05). Baseline HbA1c was 7.2+/-1.1% and decreased in the subgroup with HbA1c > or = 8% from 8.4% to 7.8% (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: In an unselected, but relatively well-controlled population of type 1 diabetes, a structured, but not very time consuming FIT teaching programme in the outpatient setting improves psychological well-being and metabolic parameters.


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BACKGROUND: Totally implanted vascular access devices are frequently used in children for repeated blood samples or intravenous treatments. This prospective study aims at identifying the risk factors associated with infections, obstructions and surgical complications of these devices in pediatric patients. METHODS: From January 2006 to January 2008, all children older than one year of age with a diagnosis of solid or blood cell malignancy were included in the study. Insertion was performed by the surgeon according to a standardized protocol after landmark-guided puncture of the subclavian or internal jugular vein by a senior anesthesiologist. Dressing and post-operative care were standardized. Every manipulation was prospectively recorded by specialized dedicated nurses, and all patients were screened for complications one month post-surgery. RESULTS: 45 consecutive patients 1 to 16 years old were enrolled in the study. Mean age at the time of procedure was 8.5 years (range 1.3-15.6; SD +/- 4.88). There were 12 peroperative adverse events in 45 procedures (27%), detailed as follows: 3 pneumothoraces (7%), 3 hematomas (7%), 6 arterial punctures (13%). Among these events, intervention was necessary for two pneumothorax and one arterial puncture. There was no air embolism. At one month, we recorded 5 post-operative complications (11%): 2 thrombotic obstructions, one unsightly scar, and one scapular pain of unknown etiology. One patient needed repositioning of the catheter. There was no catheter-related infection. CONCLUSION: Prospective recording of TIVA insertion in children reveals a significant number of early incidents and complications, mainly associated with the percutaneous puncture technique. We found no infection in this series. Results of a longer follow-up in the same population are pending.


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The jointly voluntary and involuntary control of respiration, unique among essential physiological processes, the interconnection of breathing with and its influence on the autonomic nervous system, and disease states associated with the interface between psychology and respiration (e.g., anxiety disorders, hyperventilation syndrome, asthma) make the study of the relationship between respiration and emotion both theoretically and clinically of great relevance. However, the respiratory behavior during affective states is not yet completely understood. We studied breathing pattern responses to 13 picture series varying widely in their affective tone in 37 adults (18 men, 19 women, mean age 26). Time and volume parameters were recorded with the LifeShirt system (VivoMetrics Inc., Ventura, California, USA, see image). We also measured end-tidal pCO2 (EtCO2) with a Microcap Handheld Capnograph (Oridion Medical 1987 Ltd., Jerusalem, Israel) to determine if ventilation is in balance with metabolic demands and spontaneous eye-blinking to investigate the link between respiration and attention. At the end of each picture series, the participants reported their subjective feeling in the affective dimensions of pleasantness and arousal. Increasing self-rated arousal was associated with increasing minute ventilation but not with decreases in EtCO2, suggesting that ventilatory changes during picture viewing paralleled variations in metabolic activity. EtCO2 correlated with pleasantness, and eye-blink rate decreased with increasing unpleasantness in line with a negativity bias in attention. Like MV, inspiratory drive (i.e., mean inspiratory flow) increased with arousal. This relationship reflected increases in inspiratory volume rather than shortening of the time parameters. This study confirms that respiratory responses to affective stimuli are organized to a certain degree along the dimensions of pleasantness and arousal. It shows, for the first time, that during picture viewing, ventilatory increases with increasing arousal are in balance with metabolic activity and that inspiratory volume is modulated by arousal. MV emerges as the most reliable respiratory index of self-perceived arousal. Finally, end-tidal pCO2 is slightly lower during processing of negative as compared to positive picture contents, which is proposed to enhance sensory perception and reflect a negativity bias in attention.


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The monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1 or SLC16A1) is a carrier of short-chain fatty acids, ketone bodies, and lactate in several tissues. Genetically modified C57BL/6J mice were produced by targeted disruption of the mct1 gene in order to understand the role of this transporter in energy homeostasis. Null mutation was embryonically lethal, but MCT1 (+/-) mice developed normally. However, when fed high fat diet (HFD), MCT1 (+/-) mice displayed resistance to development of diet-induced obesity (24.8% lower body weight after 16 weeks of HFD), as well as less insulin resistance and no hepatic steatosis as compared to littermate MCT1 (+/+) mice used as controls. Body composition analysis revealed that reduced weight gain in MCT1 (+/-) mice was due to decreased fat accumulation (50.0% less after 9 months of HFD) notably in liver and white adipose tissue. This phenotype was associated with reduced food intake under HFD (12.3% less over 10 weeks) and decreased intestinal energy absorption (9.6% higher stool energy content). Indirect calorimetry measurements showed ∼ 15% increase in O2 consumption and CO2 production during the resting phase, without any changes in physical activity. Determination of plasma concentrations for various metabolites and hormones did not reveal significant changes in lactate and ketone bodies levels between the two genotypes, but both insulin and leptin levels, which were elevated in MCT1 (+/+) mice when fed HFD, were reduced in MCT1 (+/-) mice under HFD. Interestingly, the enhancement in expression of several genes involved in lipid metabolism in the liver of MCT1 (+/+) mice under high fat diet was prevented in the liver of MCT1 (+/-) mice under the same diet, thus likely contributing to the observed phenotype. These findings uncover the critical role of MCT1 in the regulation of energy balance when animals are exposed to an obesogenic diet.


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Recent years have seen a surge in mathematical modeling of the various aspects of neuron-astrocyte interactions, and the field of brain energy metabolism is no exception in that regard. Despite the advent of biophysical models in the field, the long-lasting debate on the role of lactate in brain energy metabolism is still unresolved. Quite the contrary, it has been ported to the world of differential equations. Here, we summarize the present state of this discussion from the modeler's point of view and bring some crucial points to the attention of the non-mathematically proficient reader.