933 resultados para MAGNETIC FIELDS
1 初级视觉皮层功能,GABA系统功能在衰老过程中的变化 本章首先对衰老过程中神经形态学和神经电生理学上的研究进行了综述,然后报道了作者的博士学位论文研究工作。实验采用神经电生理的手段,探讨初级视觉皮层(primary visual cortex;V1)功能,以及GABA(gamma-aminobutyric acid)系统功能在衰老过程中的变化。 实验1和2均采用单细胞记录技术,检测了中年猴V1细胞的方位选择性、方向选择性、自发放和最大反应,并与年轻和老年猴进行对比;比较了年轻和老年猴V1细胞的感受野外周抑制能力。在实验3中,我们记录了年轻和中年大鼠在给予GABA直接或间接的激动剂,戊巴比妥钠或氯胺酮{通过拮抗NMDA(N-methyl-D-aspartate)受体}后,其皮层的EEG(electroencephalogram)活动,并分析与年龄相关的差异。结果如下: 实验1:中年猴V1细胞的方向选择性和自发放介于年轻猴和老年猴之间,而方位选择性和最大反应与年龄之间没有相关性。 实验2:感受野外周区的最优刺激明显降低了年轻和老年猴具有高方位选择性细胞的比例。同时,年轻猴所有细胞,以及老年猴高方位选择性细胞具有较高的最大抑制比,与它们相比,老年猴无明显方位偏好细胞的最大抑制比显著降低; 实验3:戊巴比妥钠注射后,在年轻和中年大鼠上,alpha (8-12 Hz) 和beta (12-20 Hz) 频段EEG功率增加,theta (4-8 Hz) 功率减少,这些变化在中年大鼠上较为明显。氯胺酮注射后,中年大鼠theta功率比年轻大鼠具有更大幅度的降低。 我们的结果表明,视觉皮层功能的下调在衰老早期就已发生,其机制可能与抑制系统功能普遍降低有关. 2 奖赏机制,极低频磁场的生物学效应研究 本章首先对自然奖赏和药物成瘾机制、极低频磁场生物学效应,以及极低频磁场对奖赏系统的影响进行了综述,然后报道了作者的博士论文研究工作。实验目的是探讨大鼠眶额叶皮质(orbitofrontal cortex;OFC)活动与食物奖赏刺激的相关性,以及极低频磁场对小鼠空间认知能力的影响。 实验1采用EEG记录技术,检测了大鼠OFC在食物奖赏和渴求过程中EEG各频段的功率变化。在实验2中,使用了一种探索型Y-迷宫实验范式,它仅依赖于啮齿类动物天生的探索欲望,避免了奖赏效应的干扰,利用此新型迷宫,我们检测了25和50 Hz磁场对小鼠空间识别记忆能力的影响。其结果如下: 实验1:大鼠OFC的delta频段(2-4 Hz)EEG活动与食物刺激显著相关,其相对功率在食物渴求时下降,在食物奖赏时升高。 实验2:与短时照射相比,长时的50 Hz磁场照射降低了小鼠对新异臂的探索能力,而25和50 Hz磁场暴露都不影响小鼠的活动力。 本研究表明,食物奖赏与OFC的delta频段EEG活动密切相关,而我们以前发现,大鼠和猴OFC的gamma(20-100 Hz)活动与吗啡成瘾相关,提示了OFC在自然奖赏和药物成瘾中具有不同的作用;另外,本实验首次证明,极低频磁场损害了小鼠不依赖于奖赏系统的空间认知能力,而我们先前发现,极低频磁场可以强化吗啡诱导的条件化位置偏好,从而说明极低频磁场对吗啡成瘾具有独特的生物学效应。
1.老年猴视皮层神经元对图形对比度的反应及潜伏期特征: 在正常衰老过程中人类的视觉功能受到严重影响,例如空间和时间对比度敏感性下降以及信息处理时间的延长。虽然部分视觉功能的退化与眼睛的光学系统老化有关,但是它并不能解释所有视觉功能的下降。此外,我们以前的研究和别人的研究结果都表明衰老过程中视觉中枢系统功能的改变可能是视觉功能下降的主要原因。因此,利用单位放电记录技术(single-unit recording technique),我们比较了年轻猕猴和老年猕猴的初级视觉皮层(primary visual cortex,又称V1)神经元对比度反应之间的差异,以及V1和内侧颞叶(medial temporal cortex,MT)视觉区神经元反应潜伏期及其变异性之间的差异。结果显示,与年轻猴相比,老年猴V1区神经元对比度敏感性降低,同时伴随着神经元活动信噪比下降;老年猴V1区和MT区神经元反应潜伏期及其变异性显著增加。然而,两个年龄组MT区神经元平均潜伏期之间差异小于V1区神经元平均潜伏期之间的差异,说明MT区神经元能够自我调整老化带来的影响。另外,两个年龄组V1区神经元潜伏期和变异性都具有正相关关系,但是MT区神经元则没有这种相关性。这些结果表明,在老化过程中皮层神经元的对比度和潜伏期反应特性发生了改变。我们推测这种改变可能与视觉皮层内抑制系统功能的降低有关,但是具体的分子机制和神经环路还不清楚。总之,本实验的研究结果为更好的理解老年人在视觉信息处理中时间和空间对比度敏感性及处理速度下降提供了新线索。2.极低频磁场对脑功能的影响及眶额叶认知功能的研究: 实验目的:(1)研究极低频磁场(20 Hz, 14 mT)照射对长期吗啡处理引起的大鼠背侧海马神经元多巴胺D2密度降低的影响;(2)小鼠青春期长期极低频磁场(50 Hz, 2 mT)照射对空间学习记忆的影响;(3)初步探讨了眶额叶在大鼠新异性探索行为中的作用。实验1,我们用免疫组化的方法检测了大鼠背侧海马神经元多巴胺D2受体密度的变化。结果显示,在长期吗啡处理后戒断早期背侧海马神经元多巴胺D2受体密度相对于对照组减少,磁场和吗啡共同作用会强化这种适应,但是这种变化很快恢复正常。这些结果表明长期吗啡处理会引起海马多巴胺系统产生适应;磁场强化了长期吗啡处理对背侧海马多巴胺系统的影响,这为我们先前发现磁场照射延缓了大鼠条件位置偏好消退的研究结果提供了一个内在神经基础。实验2,我们分别用Y-迷宫(two-trial Y-maze)和Morris水迷宫两种行为装置研究了青春期早期磁场暴露对小鼠短时空间识别记忆和长时空间参考记忆的影响。结果显示,磁场暴露并没有影响小鼠Y-迷宫作业,但是提高了水迷宫任务的学习以及记忆保持。这些结果表明磁场对空间记忆的影响是任务依赖性的。实验3,我们用旷场和Y-迷宫两种行为装置研究了眶额叶电损伤对大鼠新异性探索行为的影响。结果显示,眶额叶受损并没有影响大鼠的神经运动能力,但是降低了大鼠在旷场中的行走距离和直立次数以及降低了在Y-迷宫新异臂中的探索时间和穿梭次数。这些结果表明,眶额叶的完整性对大鼠探索新异环境行为是必要的,这可能与眶额叶参与记忆或行为决策功能有关。
C-13 and H-1 relaxation times were measured as a function of temperature in two magnetic fields for dilute solutions of phenolphthalein poly(ether sulfone) (PES-C) in deuterated chloroform. The spin-lattice relaxation times were interpreted in terms of segmental motion characterized by the sharp cutoff model of Jones and Stockmayer (J. S. model). The phenyl group rotation is treated as a stochastic diffusion by the J. S. model. The restricted butterfly motion of the phenyl group attached to the cardo ring in PES-C is mentioned but is not discussed in detail in this work. Correlation times for the segmental motion are in the picosecond range which indicates the high flexibility of PES-C chains. The correlation time for the phenyl group internal rotation is similar to that of the segmental motion. The temperature dependence of these motions is weak. The apparent activation energy of the motions considered is less than 10 kJ/mol. The simulating results for PES are also reasonable considering the differences in structure compared with PES-C. The correlation times and the apparent activation energy obtained using the J. S. model for the main chain motion of PES-C are the same as those obtained using the damped orientational diffusion model and the conformational jump model.
Magnetic storm is a kind of severe disturbances in the whole solar-earth electromagnetic space. It has significant effects on communication, electric power, oil transport pipe and human activities in space. Therefore, magnetic storms are worth for applications systems, not only being a favorable issue for scientists. In this paper, the spatial and temporal distributions of the magnetic fields produced by the magnetosphere-ionosphere current systems during storms are studied. Four parts are included in this paper decomposion of different disturbances with different origins, topological structure of the ring current, the asymmetric characteristics of the ring current, and the statistic peculiarities of the day-to-day variability (DTD) of Sq. 1 The decomposition of magnetic disturbances at mid-low latitudes and its evolutions during storms Transient variations in the geomagnetic field recorded at mid-low latitudes mainly include the storm-time variation (Dst), solar quiet daily variation (Sq) and disturbance daily variation (SD). With the data of the geomagnetic meridian chain observatories in China, 25 storms during the period of 1997 to 1999 have been analyzed. According to the features of different variations, a method of “three-steps decomposition” is developed by using the method of Natural Orthogonal Components (NOC), Correlation Analysis and Fourier Analysis to separate those three components in turn. The results show that, the first eigenmode by the MNOC clearly describing the special distribution and temporal evolution of storm-time variation, in addition, Correlation Analysis and Fourier Analysis offer a useful method to extract the Sq and SD variations. The latitudinal shift of the Sq current focus seems to be the principal reason of the day-to-day variaitons in the daily range of Sq. The magnitude of SD reaches a maximum during the main phase, and then gradually decreases. 2 The topology structure of the ring current during storms Both the mechanism of the ring current and the geomagnetic data suggest that the central plane of the ring current is declining to the geomagnetic equator plane with a tilt angle δ. Using the H and Z component data at two stations in a meridian chain, we deduce a new parameter describing the invariable peculiarity of different storms. Then the δ angle is calculated by using the data from a meridian chain and tested with the ERC model. Finally the deduced tilt angles are used to modify Dst index. 3 The asymmetric characteristics of the ring current during storms The variations of the geomagnetic field at mid-low latitudes show a significant dawn-dusk asymmetry, resulting from the superposition of the fields from the symmetric ring current and the partial ring current. On the basis of the data from the 20°E, 30°E meridian chains and 30°N latitudinal chain, the dawn-dusk asymmetry is investigated by using three methods, namely, statistic analysis, ring current model calculation and typical event analysis. This characteristic implies the asymmetry of the spatial distribution of the ring current. In addition, during the main phase after the sudden commencement (SC), H field increases and reaches maximum around noontime, implying the effect of the Chapman-Ferraro current. 4 The statistic characteristics of the day-to-day variability and its mechanism The day-to-day variability of the geomagnetic Sq field is studied by using the magnetic data from a meridian chain of magnetometers along 120° E longitude. The method of NOC is applied to separate the Sq variation from complicated disturbances. The first eigenmode with the largest eigenvalue represents fairly well the Sq variation with a conspicuous day-to-day variability in the daily range. For the stations on the same north- or south-side of the Sq current system focus, the day-to-day variations show a positive correlation. In contrast, for the stations on the different sides of the Sq focus, they show a negative correlation, suggesting an important role of latitudinal shift of the Sq current system focus to the day-to-day variability of the Sq daily range. The Sq daily range is correlated with the magnetic indices Ap and Dst in a peculiar way: on some severe disturbed days, noticeably enhancements of the Sq are observed, implying increases of the ionospheric conductivities and/or tidal wind velocities; on other severe disturbed days, however, dramatically reduced Sq variations occur, suggesting dominant effects of the ‘disturbance dynamo’ process.
A frequency domain electromagnetic (conductivity) method for near surface soundings at low frequencies is discussed in this thesis. Its elementary principle is to detect the conductivity of the earth by the secondary magnetic fields induced by a current dipole on the earth. According to the EM induction theory, a coil with alternating current on the earth will generate a magnetic field in whole space which is referred to as the primary field Hp. The primary field would induce secondary currents in the earth which go down to depth like a batch of smoking rings. These currents further produce secondary magnetic field Hs .The primary and secondary magnetic fields are collected together by a receiver coil. Generally speaking,the secondary magnetic field is a complicated function of coil spacing, transmitting frequency and earth conductivity. But at low induction numbers, the secondary field is deduced to as a simple function of frequency, spacing and conductivity. Especially the ratio of secondary to primary field shares a linear proportion to the apparent conductivity. The earth conductivity can be interpreted by proper inversions with the apparent conductivity. The method is discussed at three steps: (1)Derivation of primary and secondary magnetic fields arising from vertical and horizontal magnetic dipoles on the earth based on the basic EM induction theory. (2)Field techniques and equipment developed for the method. (3)An interpretation technique was introduced using a cumulative and relative response function. Finally a test example is presented for examining the effectiveness of the method.
Both the emission properties and the evolution of the radio jets of Active Galactic Nuclei are dependent on the magnetic (B) fields that thread them. A number of observations of AGN jets suggest that the B fields they carry have a significant helical component, at least on parsec scales. This thesis uses a model, first proposed by Laing and then developed by Papageorgiou, to explore how well the observed properties of AGN jets can be reproduced by assuming a helical B field with three parameters; pitch angle, viewing angle and degree of entanglement. This model has been applied to multifrequency Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations of the AGN jets of Markarian 501 and M87, making it possible to derive values for the helical pitch angle, the viewing angle and the degree of entanglement for these jets. Faraday rotation measurements are another important tool for investigating the B fields of AGN jets. A helical B field component should result in a systematic gradient in the observed Faraday rotation across the jet. Real observed radio images have finite resolution; typical beam sizes for cm-wavelength VLBI observations are often comparable to or larger than the intrinsic jet widths, raising questions about how well resolved a jet must be in the transverse direction in order to reliably detect transverse Faraday-rotation structure. This thesis presents results of Monte Carlo simulations of Faraday rotation images designed to directly investigate this question, together with a detailed investigation into the probabilities of observing spurious Faraday Rotation gradients as a result of random noise and finite resolution. These simulations clearly demonstrate the possibility of detecting transverse Faraday-rotation structures even when the intrinsic jet widths are appreciably smaller than the beam width.
Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) polarisation observations of the relativistic jets from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) allow the magnetic field environment around the jet to be probed. In particular, multi-wavelength observations of AGN jets allow the creation of Faraday rotation measure maps which can be used to gain an insight into the magnetic field component of the jet along the line of sight. Recent polarisation and Faraday rotation measure maps of many AGN show possible evidence for the presence of helical magnetic fields. The detection of such evidence is highly dependent both on the resolution of the images and the quality of the error analysis and statistics used in the detection. This thesis focuses on the development of new methods for high resolution radio astronomy imaging in both of these areas. An implementation of the Maximum Entropy Method (MEM) suitable for multi-wavelength VLBI polarisation observations is presented and the advantage in resolution it possesses over the CLEAN algorithm is discussed and demonstrated using Monte Carlo simulations. This new polarisation MEM code has been applied to multi-wavelength imaging of the Active Galactic Nuclei 0716+714, Mrk 501 and 1633+382, in each case providing improved polarisation imaging compared to the case of deconvolution using the standard CLEAN algorithm. The first MEM-based fractional polarisation and Faraday-rotation VLBI images are presented, using these sources as examples. Recent detections of gradients in Faraday rotation measure are presented, including an observation of a reversal in the direction of a gradient further along a jet. Simulated observations confirming the observability of such a phenomenon are conducted, and possible explanations for a reversal in the direction of the Faraday rotation measure gradient are discussed. These results were originally published in Mahmud et al. (2013). Finally, a new error model for the CLEAN algorithm is developed which takes into account correlation between neighbouring pixels. Comparison of error maps calculated using this new model and Monte Carlo maps show striking similarities when the sources considered are well resolved, indicating that the method is correctly reproducing at least some component of the overall uncertainty in the images. The calculation of many useful quantities using this model is demonstrated and the advantages it poses over traditional single pixel calculations is illustrated. The limitations of the model as revealed by Monte Carlo simulations are also discussed; unfortunately, the error model does not work well when applied to compact regions of emission.
This thesis explores the use of electromagnetics for both steering and tracking of medical instruments in minimally invasive surgeries. The end application is virtual navigation of the lung for biopsy of early stage cancer nodules. Navigation to the peripheral regions of the lung is difficult due to physical dimensions of the bronchi and current methods have low successes rates for accurate diagnosis. Firstly, the potential use of DC magnetic fields for the actuation of catheter devices with permanently magnetised distal attachments is investigated. Catheter models formed from various materials and magnetic tip formations are used to examine the usefulness of relatively low power and compact electromagnets. The force and torque that can be exerted on a small permanent magnet is shown to be extremely limited. Hence, after this initial investigation we turn our attention to electromagnetic tracking, in the development of a novel, low-cost implementation of a GPS-like system for navigating within a patient. A planar magnetic transmitter, formed on a printed circuit board for a low-profile and low cost manufacture, is used to generate a low frequency magnetic field distribution which is detected by a small induction coil sensor. The field transmitter is controlled by a novel closed-loop system that ensures a highly stable magnetic field with reduced interference from one transmitter coil to another. Efficient demodulation schemes are presented which utilise synchronous detection of each magnetic field component experienced by the sensor. The overall tracking accuracy of the system is shown to be less than 2 mm with an orientation error less than 1°. A novel demodulation implementation using a unique undersampling approach allows the use of reduced sample rates to sample the signals of interest without loss of tracking accuracy. This is advantageous for embedded microcontroller implementations of EM tracking systems. The EM tracking system is demonstrated in the pre-clinical environment of a breathing lung phantom. The airways of the phantom are successfully navigated using the system in combination with a 3D computer model rendered from CT data. Registration is achieved using both a landmark rigid registration method and a hybrid fiducial-free approach. The design of a planar magnetic shield structure for blocking the effects of metallic distortion from below the transmitter is presented which successfully blocks the impact of large ferromagnetic objects such as operating tables. A variety of shielding material are analysed with MuMetal and ferrite both providing excellent shieling performance and an increased signal to noise ratio. Finally, the effect of conductive materials and human tissue on magnetic field measurements is presented. Error due to induced eddy currents and capacitive coupling is shown to severely affect EM tracking accuracy at higher frequencies.
The role of a strong magnetic field on the neutron-drip transition in the crust of a magnetar is studied. The composition of the crust and the neutron-drip threshold are determined numerically for different magnetic field strengths using the experimental atomic mass measurements from the 2012 Atomic Mass Evaluation complemented with theoretical masses calculated from the Brussels-Montreal Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov nuclear mass model HFB-24. The equilibrium nucleus at the neutron-drip point is found to be independent of the magnetic field strength. As demonstrated analytically, the neutron-drip density and pressure increase almost linearly with the magnetic field strength in the strongly quantizing regime for which electrons lie in the lowest Landau level. For weaker magnetic fields, the neutron-drip density exhibits typical quantum oscillations. In this case, the neutron-drip density can be either increased by about 14% or decreased by 25% depending on the magnetic field strength. These variations are shown to be almost universal, independently of the nuclear mass model employed. These results may have important implications for the physical interpretation of timing irregularities and quasiperiodic oscillations detected in soft gamma-ray repeaters and anomalous x-ray pulsars, as well as for the cooling of strongly magnetized neutron stars.
Magnetic fields are used in a number of processes related to the extraction of metals, production of alloys and the shaping of metal components. Computational techniques have an increasingly important role to play in the simulation of such processes, since it is often difficult or very costly to conduct experiments in the high temperature conditions encountered and the complex interaction of fluid flow, heat transfer and magnetic fields means simple analytic models are often far removed from reality. In this paper an overview of the computational activity at the University of Greenwich is given in this area, covering the past ten years. The overview is given from the point of view of the modeller and within the space limitations imposed by the format it covers the numerical methods used, attempts at validation against experiments or analytic procedures; it highlights successes, but also some failures. A broad range of models is covered in the review (and accompanying lecture), used to simulate (a) A-C field applications: induction melting, magnetic confinement and levitation, casting and (b) D-C field applications such as: arc welding and aluminium electroloysis. Most of these processes involve phase change of the metal (melting or solidification), the presence of a dynamic free surface and turbulent flow. These issues affect accuracy and need to be address by the modeller.
This work comprises accurate computational analysis of levitated liquid droplet oscillations in AC and DC magnetic fields. The AC magnetic field interacting with the induced electric current within the liquid metal droplet generates intense fluid flow and the coupled free surface oscillations. The pseudo-spectral technique is used to solve the turbulent fluid flow equations for the continuously dynamically transformed axisymmetric fluid volume. The volume electromagnetic force distribution is updated with the shape and position change. We start with the ideal fluid test case for undamped Rayleigh frequency oscillations in the absence of gravity, and then add the viscous and the DC magnetic field damping. The oscillation frequency spectra are further analysed for droplets levitated against gravity in AC and DC magnetic fields at various combinations. In the extreme case electrically poorly conducting, diamagnetic droplet (water) levitation dynamics are simulated. Applications are aimed at pure electromagnetic material processing techniques and the material properties measurements in uncontaminated conditions.
Electromagnetic levitation of electrically conductive droplets by alternating magnetic fields is a technique used to measure the physical properties of liquid metallic alloys such as surface tension or viscosity. Experiments can be conducted under terrestrial conditions or in microgravity, to reduce electromagnetic stirring and shaping of the droplet. Under such conditions, the time-dependent behaviour of a point of the free surface is recorded. Then the signal is analysed considering the droplet as a harmonic damped oscillator. We use a spectral code, for fluid flow and free surface descriptions, to check the validity of this assumption for two cases. First when the motion inside the droplet is generated by its initial distortion only and second, when the droplet is located in a uniform magnetic field originating far from the droplet. It is found that some deviations exist which can lead to an overestimate of the value of viscosity.
Electromagnetic processing of materials (EPM) is one of the most widely practiced and fast growing applications of magnetic and electric forces to fluid flow. EPM is encountered in both industrial processes and laboratory investigations. Applications range in scale from nano-particle manipulation to tonnes of liquid metal treated in the presence of various configurations of magnetic fields. Some of these processes are specifically designed and made possible by the use of the electromagnetic force, like the magnetic levitation of liquid droplets, whilst others involve electric currents essential for electrothermal or electrochemical reasons, for instance, in electrolytic metal production and in induction melting. An insight for the range of established and novel EPM applications can be found in the review presented by Asai [1] in the EPM-2003 conference proceedings.
A novel open waveguide cavity resonator is presented for the combined variable frequency microwave curing of bumps, underfills and encapsulants, as well as the alignment of devices for fast flip-chip assembly, direct chip attach (DCA) or wafer-scale level packaging (WSLP). This technology achieves radio frequency (RF) curing of adhesives used in microelectronics, optoelectronics and medical devices with potential simultaneous micron-scale alignment accuracy and bonding of devices. In principle, the open oven cavity can be fitted directly onto a flip-chip or wafer scale bonder and, as such, will allow for the bonding of devices through localised heating thus reducing the risk to thermally sensitive devices. Variable frequency microwave (VFM) heating and curing of an idealised polymer load is numerically simulated using a multi-physics approach. Electro-magnetic fields within a novel open ended microwave oven developed for use in micro-electronics manufacturing applications are solved using a dedicated Yee scheme finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) solver. Temperature distribution, degree of cure and thermal stresses are analysed using an Unstructured Finite Volume method (UFVM) multi-physics package. The polymer load was meshed for thermophysical analysis, whilst the microwave cavity - encompassing the polymer load - was meshed for microwave irradiation. The two solution domains are linked using a cross mapping routine. The principle of heating using the evanescent fringing fields within the open-end of the cavity is demonstrated. A closed loop feedback routine is established allowing the temperature within a lossy sample to be controlled. A distribution of the temperature within the lossy sample is obtained by using a thermal imaging camera.
High- resolution UVES/ VLT spectra of B 12, an extreme pole- on Be star in the SMC cluster NGC 330, have been analysed using non-LTE model atmospheres to obtain its chemical composition relative to the SMC standard star AV304. We find a general underabundance of metals which can be understood in terms of an extra contribution to the stellar continuum due to emission from a disk which we estimate to be at the similar to 25% level. When this is corrected for, the nitrogen abundance for B12 shows no evidence of enhancement by rotational mixing as has been found in other non-Be B-type stars in NGC 330, and is inconsistent with evolutionary models which include the effects of rotational mixing. A second Be star, NGC330-B 17, is also shown to have no detectable nitrogen lines. Possible explanations for the lack of rotational mixing in these rapidly rotating stars are discussed, one promising solution being the possibility that magnetic fields might inhibit rotational mixing.